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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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the so-called peace mission was nothing but a peacemaking mission. it was an open peacemaking mission. two days later, putin's planes targeted a children's hospital. this blow was not a mistake, it was a signal, a signal from the kremlin, from which the blood freezes in the veins of all of us. and europe will stand with ukraine for as long as ukraine needs it to win - emphasized fonderlyen. and she added that this is our message, our european signal to putin, that was such a powerful speech today in the european parliament, and we will to hope that ursela fonberlein will fulfill her promises. well, but, but viktor orbán himself was at the meeting today, and i know that last time you tried, or approached viktor orbán, and tried to communicate with him, how he feels, that is, as a person
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who travels between world leaders, where he is received, he is probably the only european politician who was able to visit kyiv, moscow, beijing and washington to trump's ranch within two weeks, that is, does he feel like he is the king of the situation now, even more so that hungary presides over and here the question is again, what is orbán doing and... does this correspond in any way to the actions of european politicians, european leaders, and whether european leaders can bring him to his senses and say that, well, we have a single policy, otherwise you just carry out your hungarian politics and let's put an end to that. well, it can be predicted that now orbán feels a little sad, because it is really traditional for the head of the state that presides over the european union to be invited to the session. of the european parliament the first session
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after the beginning of the presidency in order to to also make a keynote speech, in order to communicate with meps, but orbán was not invited to this session, it was done specifically, it was also a signal for orbán, that he is not supported here, but so far the european parliament has plans the fact that orbán can come here in september, and this is really a very good opportunity to catch him, because if earlier here in brussels there was more... how to say, european leaders are far from the shadows, then here in the european parliament everything is more democratic, and in order to get to the session hall, they have to pass by us, we can somehow approach them there, ask, and i will hope that after all, in september, orbán will come here to strasbourg and there will be an opportunity to ask him some tricky question, and he will not have transfusions again also in the session hall, because he will be asked questions by deputies who are mostly
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against him, so here, tatiana should also be reminded that the president of the european council, charles michel, replied to prime minister orbán of hungary on his letter regarding ukraine, reminding that the chairmanship of the council does not give a mandate to act from on behalf of the european union, the rotating presidency of the council has no role in representing the eu on the international stage and has not received a mandate from the european council to speak on behalf of the union. i clearly stated this even before your visit to moscow. this was later repeated by high representative borel in a statement dated july 5, but the most interesting thing, perhaps, in the current situation, revolves around the transportation of russian oil to hungary and not to slovakia, because ukraine, whose territory this pipeline runs through, has stopped supplying of this oil, or they are talking in europe about the fact that... well, in
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the current situation, ukraine, which is going to europe, may not have a completely tolerant attitude towards hungary and slovakia, that it cannot be done like that, or is this a completely normal reaction to how hungary and slovakia relate to european progress, european progress of ukraine. by the way, ursula fondelaien spoke about russian oil and gas today, and on the contrary, she said that this is a great achievement. union in the fact that it almost completely abandoned the dirty russian ones energy carriers, this is a quote, and that is, on the contrary, in brussels, at least in strasbourg, the leadership of the european union supports ukraine in completely stopping the supply of russian gas, but there is a small but, and this is also today, at least on the sidelines of the discussion , now ukraine, has started or is going to start negotiations with... about
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allegedly transporting azerbaijani gas through its energy system, but we know that there are such, perhaps not groundless , suspicions that we may not be able to get away from azerbaijan... only azerbaijani gas, because gas, as they say, does not smell, and it may well be that now, because of these negotiations, ukraine wants to sign up for the transit of, de facto, russian gas, but under the name of azerbaijani gas, so this should be monitored, this just like what i've heard is just hearsay, i'm not an expert, i can't say 100%, but these are the kinds of conversations that are going on, so we'll also watch, follow and watch. thank you tatyana, it was tatyana vysotskaya. works on behalf of the espresso tv channel in europe structures, our special correspondent, friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook,
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please join our pages and also put like this video because it was trending on youtube, so take it: take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you feel like a european? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own flinty opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take an expensive smartphone or phone and vote, if you feel like a european, 0800 211 381, no 0800-211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. congratulations, glory to ukraine. a hero glory. let's start ours
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a conversation from volodymyr zelenskyi's participation in the summit of the european political community in great britain, because there zelenskyi stated that russian missiles are not... carriers of state sovereignty, therefore the collective will of the west is needed to shoot them down. let's listen to what the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine said. the more effective our air defense will be, the more helpless putin will be, the fewer restrictions we will have on the use of effective weapons, the more active russia will seek peace, the military airfields from which it takes off. planes with bombs against our cities, russian missile launch sites, all these must be destroyed, this will not only eliminate some targets, but also reduce russia's ability to continue the war. mr. volodymyr, zelenskyi said that
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the more, the more we press, the more actively russia will seek peace, or whether russia will ever seek peace, or in this case, the president spoke about the fact that in such a case, russia would... capitulate or concede before the world community, because it is one thing to strive for peace, and another to capitulate. well, here is a very strange couplet position, because zelensky insists on the need to supply air defense to ukraine, and air defense is not an offensive weapon, it is a defensive weapon. at the same moment, he says that the more we will hit russian airfields, what will we hit? did the ukrainian authorities set up the production of their own ammunition, they did not even in fact set up such a mass production of those weapons that were developed before the 19th year, and this is a rather significant weapon, for example,
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the groim-2 tactical missile complex, but he allowed would hit russian airfields, download the gaubs. this is bohdana after all, that is, uh, in fact, before the beginning of the massive, large-scale invasion of russia, zelensky disarmed ukraine, now he is talking about the need to strike at russian airfields, and what was the ukrainian government able to establish, well, that is, the syrian mass production of weapons? as far as i know, even the same halby bohdan, it is now financed by a danish production outfit. mr. volodymyr, over the last week we have already heard several statements, well , they were actually the development of these statements from about the fact that at the next peace summit, which will be held in qatar, obviously in qatar in
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november, russia will participate in this summit, although the russians in every possible way disavow the fact that they will agree on anything with zelensky. what can be talked about with the russians and whether it is necessary to talk with the russians at the next peace summit in qatar or allow it. and is there a need for this now? well, as far as i understood, we are not talking about the peace summit, we are talking about three stages now, consideration of zelenskyi's initiatives, in particular, qatar - this will be one platform, turkey will be a platform where freedom of navigation will be considered, and canada will be a platform where... humanitarian issues, the exchange of prisoners and the return of children exposed to russia will be considered,
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that is, it seems to me that zelensky, when he says that russia should take part in the summit, he does not emphasize that zelenskyy cannot cancel, for example, the search for her... by the international criminal court in the hague of vladimir putin, that is, now four russian officials have been issued a mandate for detention, arrest, and prosecution, and in in this sense, it would be strange if zelensky demanded the participation of putin himself, then who would represent russia and whether in... russia at all, the ukrainian government considers the russian government as
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legitimate, because russia did not hold any elections, russia, so to speak, on the contrary is biting zelensky , that he is illegitimate, although, in fact, there are special violations, well, zelenskyi is overdue, so to speak, but not due to his desire to violate the constitution, due to the impossibility of holding elections, by the way, serhiy. rov said that russia is ready for negotiations on the end war in ukraine and the security system in europe, but has no intention of participating in the second peace summit, because, as he says, the event has taken a course to push through zelensky's ultimatum at any cost, let's listen to lavrov. speaking about what they will be doing there, everyone in one way or another... formulated absolutely one-sided, absolutely unacceptable
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approaches for us and for many others who are sincerely interested in peace. only one thing is clear, that the zelensky formula, the unacceptability of which is well known to everyone for a long time, will continue to lie in the basis of all these efforts. so, mr. volodymyr, this monster speaks at the united nations at the un security council, since russia is the chairman there and... a completely logical question arises, i.e. either something needs to be done with russia, or something needs to be done with the un, as with the league of nations at one time, when the soviet union was excluded for the attack on finland, but this also looks absolutely absurd, when russia presides over the un security council, lavrov, an accomplice of the war criminal putin, is speaking and thinking. about peace, why do you think ukraine does not return to this legal
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conflict, when russia took over the membership of the un council, as the legal successor of the soviet union, that they did not go through any procedures for joining the un, let alone being admitted to the councils without the un, they simply moved to the seat of the representative of the soviet union in the un and that's all, although ukraine, like belarus, by the way, are countries that... were the founders, well, the republics of the soviet union at the time, that were the founders of the un, well, countries, because in fact , these republics of the ussr had external signs of legitimacy and statehood , this is the first, ukraine had the ministry of foreign affairs, by the way, even had a kgb school, which is not surprising, and an institute of diplomacy proper, so... but we are talking about something else, we are talking about the fact that, so
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far, only one representative insists on the illegitimacy of russia of ukraine at the un, serhiy tyslyitsa, but i was already expecting, to be honest, that one of the issues will arise at the peace summit at the very moment when the delegates will gather, namely the issue of un reform and the question. reform of the security council, this initiative was also started by france at one time, by the way, trump spoke about the expansion of the permanent composition of the security council, and that is. well, finally, after the peace summit of this swiss one, within the walls of the un , they talked about the illegitimacy of the russian delegation in general, about the fact that russia did not submit any application to join the un and did not go through the procedure, and not only the ukrainian delegation began to talk about this, which is important , so in this sense there is
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some kind of shift, but there is no such pressure, i thought... just that the peace summit in switzerland should become a platform where the perspective should also be discussed un reforms in general. and if zelensky is rushing now with the initiative of the second summit, why does he not introduce this initiative. i would like to remind you that at the previous peace summit , zelenskyi, well, somehow, they discussed the territorial integrity of ukraine and the restoration of the country within the framework of the 91st year. i want to remind you that in general after this swiss summit, the ukrainian authorities have not spoken about the restoration of territorial integrity within the limits of the 91st year, what is this, what is the motive, well , more and more ukrainians suspect that the authorities are ready to give part of the territory to russia in return, if they think it's going to be
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peace, we don't think it's going to be peace, but look, if that scenario... that you 're talking about right now can really be implemented, then maybe this way it is possible to explain why ukraine does not talk about the humanitarian catastrophe that russia has now arranged for ukrainians, i mean energycide, well, let's call it that, ukrainians are russians, a rather serious situation in the ukrainian energy industry, zakharova hinted at what they say could happen. .. destruction of the dam of the kyiv hessia of the kaniv reservoir and says that ukraine seems to be preparing this in order to blame russia. let's listen to what the spokeswoman of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, said. the results of the analysis showed that in case of overflowing of the kyiv reservoir , the flooded area will be up to 2,000 km.
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76 settlements, not buildings, may be under water. settlements, while the greatest damage will be caused to those located along the desna and dnipro rivers, the kyiv region. there is absolutely no doubt that zelenskyi's regime is instigating yet another cynical provocation against its own population. well, it is known, mr. volodymyr, that zakharova always lies, so in principle she has nothing to comment on, but the position of ukraine. in this situation should be much tougher, because what russia is doing, it falls under responsibility before the international community and in general before international law, because they are hitting energy facilities, they are hitting critical infrastructure and actually create conditions for
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ukrainians to simply or flee from... the country or make certain statements that it is necessary to negotiate there with russia, create conditions that are not acceptable for people's lives. well, i would pay attention to the word, this monster from russian honey, it talks about the possible spread of shit in the case of diarrhea in russian honey, and how much it will flood, what area it will flood. in fact, it is impossible to break through the dams of the kyiv and kaniv hydroelectric dams, they were built under nuclear distance, if russia threatens us with a nuclear attack, then let’s not encrypt it with an attempt by the ukrainian authorities to blow it up, well, well, it somehow looks completely stupid, that is, they lost a completely creative beginning, but we are talking about something else,
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we are talking about why the ukrainian authorities do not initiate counter-repression. because, in fact, in parallel with the attacks on the energy infrastructure , our ministry of energy hid a huge number of generators, which it transferred, for example, 100 generators were transferred by the united states agency for international development, the so-called usaid two years ago, and still these generators are not connected, that is, the ukrainian authorities themselves i messed around, i did a lot. uh, ill-conceived or even suspiciously malicious management decisions, and then ee stupidly she hides her eyes. lends brimstone to the eye, it is very important that the government is now absolutely consistent and regular with ukrainians, and this is not the case, the streams of eye-rolling that are now
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coming out of the ministry of energy, the cabinet of ministers, and the banking department, they create an even more panicky mood, and in this, the ukrainian government is really synchronizing with the russian one, with the same zakharova, because you will invite. from the academy of sciences, which clarified, for example, what is possible, how, well, what equivalent of explosives is needed to blow up kyivskous, the authorities are not at all did, but the government did something else today, the verkhovna rada increased excise duties on fuel, which is actually quite relevant now for many owners of small and large shops, enterprises, working on this fuel, according to calculations, the increase in excise duties will lead to an increase in gasoline by 1.50 kopecks per
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liter , diesel for 1.95 kopecks per liter, autogas for 5 hryvnias 80 kopecks per liter, the decision of the verkhovna rada envisages a schedule for increasing excise taxes until the 28th year in order to equalize these excise taxes on fuel with excise taxes, this was said by the head of the parliamentary committee on finance bank of finance, tax and customs policy, danylo hetmantsev, let's listen to what he says, and the contribution that you and i will make to the financing of the army, look, this is all rhetoric, let's not raise it, because people are suffering, because we all understand .
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said that the goal is to equalize these excise duties on fuel with excise duties in the european union, they say we are going there, or is it time to take such a step now. taking into account the rather difficult situation in the energy industry that exists now? firstly, europe is doing it in view of the green transition, that is, the policy of the green transition provides for the maximum elimination of hydrocarbons from the energy market. what has the government done now with the aim of providing alternative technologies, for example, solar panels. i remember a couple of days ago, petro poroshenko in the verkhovna rada simply... he howled like a wolf, so to speak, that why you still haven't cleared the imports, solar panels and generators, and wind generators and
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the like, the government is not doing this, first of all , secondly, when they say that they give money for the eye, well, for the provision of the army, then they actually make the war more expensive for the ukrainian budget, because the army is the biggest consumer of fuel, now fuel is more expensive. is increasing the war for ukraine, they don't understand it, they understand it perfectly, but in fact, this is how they patch the holes they made for themselves, because their so-called hetman game industry did not bring even 10% of the expected revenues of the budget that they , when they promoted the admission of the gaming industry to ukraine, i want to remind you that as of today... the budget is 300 billion, until the end of the year, this year it will amount to 500 billion uah 500 billion, and real sources, they do not allow business
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to work honestly, in our country last year they opened 40,000 criminal cases against business, instead of giving business a normal way to replenish the budget, create jobs, they pressurize it, rob it , and now they also put it essentially. not competitive conditions, can a change of the government and the prime minister change the situation, because they are talking about this change, about a possible change, they are even reminding that yulia sveridenko can become the new prime minister, the new yulia, as journalists joke, can it somehow change, or in the conditions of the loss of subjectivity by both the verkhovna rada and the government, there is no prime minister's surname. meaning, that's right, the name of the prime minister does not matter under this system, because all decisions are made by zelensky or his
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yermak, this is the first. the situation can only be changed, well, the whole vertical change, because it is impossible to change politics, their policy, by replacing two or three managers, the same policy will continue, i want to remind you that today they came up with a law on ransom for corruption crimes, that is, in essence, you rob a billion, pay a fine of 200 million. and finally you walk for the rest of your life, they passed it in the first reading, we must tell our viewers, the anti-european law, as well as the anti-european law on the transition to moscow time, they did not vote for this law without any technical and economic justification, but why is this happening , you can explain, you were also once a people's deputy of ukraine, how is this agenda,
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how these ideas are formed? generally arise and how them push through? well, the essence of their destruction is to eat money and not generate anything, that is, an imitation of violent activity at a time when compatriots are dying, dying from completely stupid, unfounded decisions of the civilian political vertical, i want to remind you that zelenskyi... returning from washington the summit suddenly began to act rashly, he called together the heads of regional administrations and not only urged them to review the tenders for the construction of the fortification, but also forced them to start making friends with the united states, with individual by the states of individual regions of ukraine, with individual states, not even understanding that he calls for friendship with individual states of his...
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officials who have nothing to do with local self-government, instead, when he offers to be friends with the us, precisely with american local self-government , which really just exposes ukraine as a slightly mentally deficient country, that is, not a country, but a political leadership, either fraudulent or mentally deficient, we have literally a minute on the air. how do you rate what is happening in the united states of america, does that mean we already have a potential new old president trump? no, this is a dynamic situation, the fact is that firstly, the democrats simply physically have more voters, secondly, er, independents will choose the lesser evil, and ... trump is not
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perceived by independent voters today as less evil than, such a weak biden. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. friends, throughout everything we conducted a survey on our broadcast, today we asked you about the following: do you feel like europeans? so, let's look at the results of the television poll. 506... 55% said yes, 45% no, well, half is 50-50, that's it, friends, we'll put an end to it, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, see you tomorrow, goodbye.
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during his visit to great britain, president zelensky once again called on european leaders to grant permission to attack russia. but will the ukrainian president be able to convince the leaders western countries and? how will he return to ukraine? the next 15 minutes will be on the bbc. dzaferov works in the studio. volodymyr zelenskyi arrived in britain to participate in the summit of the european political community. abbreviated eps is a platform founded by french president emmanuel macron in the 22nd year after the start of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. all european countries, crimea, belarus and russia participate in the platform, and today there are almost 50
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leaders. discussed joint security challenges, and this


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