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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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which there and including fell on the swords, because, well, even here, even here, a separate factor must be added, that it is unlikely that there would be a general anywhere, even of the russian army, who would dare to conduct an operation on his own, just like that without political pressure, not having the appropriate support, and if we are talking about the fact that the russian army is the standard of inhumane treatment of its human resources, that is , it is still necessary to investigate this case and it should not only apply to it. those who performed this operation should be on attention, the military leadership, and those who planned and set, and inserted some goal, actually in this, we must start with those who set the goal, you understand, start, because we have an unhealthy thing when, let's say, when all parties are trying, let's say, to transfer the political components, political problems exclusively to the executors on the ground, because if we embroider all the dogs on kobregs, oh, you somehow planned the assault incorrectly, but we will carry out the de-occupation, without absence... equipment and
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means, then we will simply rely on what we have it will be necessary to constantly change someone, but the problem will not be solved. here are the journalists of slidstva info, they announced the number with reference to law enforcement agencies, the police. by the way, we also turned to the law enforcement officers in order to understand how true this figure is, to get this confirmation about 788 ukrainian soldiers who are wanted as officially missing in the village of krydky in the period from the 23rd to the 24th of the year. . please tell me, this is not a simple question for sure, but it is a question nonetheless. if we are talking about these 788 people, what are the options what could happen to them, that is, these people could be in captivity, right, some of them could already be those who died, or are there any other options, what could happen to these people? unfortunately, there are no special options here, except that they either died, or they were captured, or some other tragedy happened to them, but here , just for the sake of efficiency, you should, you know, have two values ​​for comparison, the first is not only our losses, but also the second losses of the russians, which were. received, because well,
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it is possible to a certain stage of the ratio of losses was still in our favor and it was there in a certain way, well, carrying out this operation could still look justified, but to a certain extent, but let's go on once again and i will emphasize that our military could not have planned this operation on its own, there there could clearly be some political component, so it's not worth focusing all attention here only on the fact that the commanders on the ground could have made mistakes, right? moreover, considering the fact that this command could have moved forward, had it not been for all the supporting forces there, but the mistakes, unfortunately, could have been unavoidable, you can judge them as much as you want, but no, if we do not fix the root causes, then we will not get far. i will only note that we are ready to give a voice on the air of radio svoboda, in particular in the svoboda live project , to all those who represent the military and political leadership of ukraine in order to understand what really happened, if there is something to talk about, something to say, we must we definitely invite you. to our conversations in order to
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find proper answers to all questions. mr. ivan, and one more question will concern donetsk region, what is happening there. please tell me whether the seizure of forces, from where, in particular, the armed forces of ukraine withdrew, in particular, if we are talking about the harvest, whether this means that there russia is somehow rapidly advancing in donetsk region, whether it can be considered so, or is it simple after all the dynamics of the battles that are constantly taking place, you know, here we will call them mediocre, it turns out that the russians are advancing, but not rapidly, but it is unlikely that this will make us... easier in two or three months, because, as far as we can understand, now, some more or less clear successes of the russians are visible there in two areas, either it is tretsk, new york, or it is sweeping in the direction of the highway, well, the pokrovsky direction there on the highway kostyantynivka-pokrovsk. if the tresyans can continue to press at this pace, it turns out, well, they will be closer to the fall, to this, you know, in the nearest optimistic schedule, they will unfortunately be able to get closer to this track, it is just strategically important for us on... for obtaining stability of the defense
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in the east, if it is possible to stop the russians, it will be well, if not, then consider that we are in the most geopolitically difficult period, we will approach and perhaps with the brewing of bigger problems on the front than now, there it is necessary to clarify separately regarding the harvest, that this is just such a complete flashback, because fruitful - this is exactly what our troops repelled during the summer counteroffensive last year, that is, well, the russian occupiers had a targeted task a year ago to repel back what our troops... took during the counteroffensive, unfortunately, they slowly , but true, you know, even with such a lag in a year, but they are gradually doing it, respectively, here by the way, why, especially against the background of what may be brewing in the east, why , especially now, we should not get excited about hanging all the dogs at the military command as direct executors , because in this way, in principle, you can demotivate the rank-and-file soldiers, junior commanders, and middle commanders to such an extent that if, in the difficult conditions that... there may not
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be those who want to continue there, you know, the situation in his hands and lead defense is effective while it is now. thank you very much, mr. ivan, for your thoughts, for your analysis on our broadcast. experts of the military portal defense express, a guest of our broadcast. but the senator from the state of ohio from the republican party of the usa, james david wentz , has officially agreed to run for the position of vice president of the country. it became known at the republican national congress. wentz's candidacy for the position of vice president in case of victory in the elections was nominated by donald trump a few days ago. the media space is currently buzzing around this candidacy there are many discussions, in particular, regarding his position through russian-ukrainian relations. the war wentz has repeatedly opposed aid to ukraine. in addition, last december, as the voice of america wrote, on the eve of the visit of ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi to washington, republican senator jaydy owen said that ukraine may have to cede some territories to russia in order to end
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the war. as can be understood from the statements, vance's views are welcomed in russia as well. russian foreign minister sergey lavrov at a press conference at the un said that moscow is ready to work with any american leader, when asked about that. should wentz's proposals go forward, he replied: well, i actually heard, well, i heard the same thing as you, he's for peace, for ending the aid that's been given, and we can only welcome that, so that this is what we need, to stop pumping ukraine with weapons, and then the war will end, and then we can look for solutions, but of course, we are talking about solutions that take into account reality. situations on the ground, not only on the ground, but also reality political life. i added that during a meeting with ukrainian journalists in kyiv, a few days ago, president zelenskyi also emphasized that ukraine is ready to cooperate with any political force in the united states, in particular the republican party if it comes to power, adding that the majority in
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the republican party party supports ukraine. what should be understood from the statements of american politicians, how to treat them and the statements, in particular sergey lavrov, we will talk about this with vladyslav faraponov, who is the head of the institute. i congratulate you, i congratulate you, thank you join in, from lavrov's words it can be concluded that russia wants trump to win the presidential elections in the united states, or is that true? well, look, they can really claim that, and in principle, there i think that trump will be definitely much more profitable for them, and in principle, there, if you remember, at the beginning of this year they too, there, in particular putin about it spoke that is, this is actually such a directly public, in principle, move, and in relatively recent statements, putin also mentioned what it means trump's proposals are in principle clear to us, although there is a little lack
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of details, but in general we are ready to speak there and we welcome it, yes, that is , i think that this is actually a tactic of the russians to please the new potential trump administration and still try to flirt to a certain extent, so that, after all, on some contacts, because it must be recognized sooner or later contacts between the administration, if it will be the trump administration and the russians will be, yes, because in principle it is difficult to imagine that there for four years of the presidency term, conditionally, again, if it is trump, that there will be no... contacts at all, and in principle, i think that trump's position, in particular regarding the possible end of the russian-ukrainian war , also indicates that he is going talk to putin, what he is going to see there, hear, there, there, did i say, bush jr., is he
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going to look into the soul there, uh, and so on, yes, that is, we actually don't know that, but the election of exactly the vice -candidate of the vice president, or rather himself... of senator jaydee vance means that trump is ready to be, maybe even more uncompromising, in particular in this direction, but i don't think that the position of senator wentz was the key when he was thinking about who would be the candidate for vice president, most likely trump just needs a person who can help to win in the so-called key states, which are also called swingstates or states, that is, this decision is dictated by internal motives, but let's not forget that at the last debate with biden, trump voiced that he was not satisfied, first of all, putin's position regarding the end of the war, that is, the actual freezing of the conflict and
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the recognition of those territories temporarily occupied by russia as russian. i think it still allows you to talk about some room for maneuver, and i think that in the near future from the trump team, we ... we may hear more details about that in particular, but to say that it will be a completely clear plan there, to which we can say yes or no or there. let's think, maybe it won't be, maybe there will be certain individual details from it. vladyslav, we will dwell on those compromise decisions that may be made in the case of one administration or another, but as of now in ukraine, instead , the position of the biden administration is closer, correct in the context of the russian-ukrainian war and the resolution of this issue? look, actually , i wouldn't want us to ask the question like that, of course, and it's quite provocative, you know, because after all , the biden administration is in the white house right now. and yet, even before the start of the new invasion and now,
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the biden administration is really helping a lot to ukraine, this aid is not enough, part of it actually arrives late, and both the ukrainian side and the american side recognize this, so here, as they say, it is not a special secret, but the fact that in terms of volumes and absolute, in fact, these volumes of aid ... they are very significant and far outweigh the amount of aid the united states has given to various countries since the end of the second world war, that's for sure, that's why, in principle, i don't think we should think so very carefully, but what is the position of the administration, which is closer, because even what trump says about what he allegedly said when he was not pre when he was president. that means putin did not invade anywhere, and this thesis was picked up even by nikki haley at
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the republican convention, the one who criticized trump to the last, but now she still agreed, as they say, to accept his position and show that moderate republicans, that really , when trump was president, putin did not invade anywhere, i don't think that this conditional method there... it is so relevant in this situation, and it is definitely not and the rhetoric that will help ukraine now, well , that is, even if it is, in fact, it does not constructively solve any problem, no, it is simply necessary to say that president zelenskyi declares that the ukrainian authorities are ready to work with any, again by the american president, and in particular, that a large number of republicans support ukraine, and this is true, it can be seen from the votes that took place, in particular with the help of ukraine, but this is just an important moment in the media. spacious as it looks like, in order to explain how it is. look, all the same, regarding
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lavov’s statement, he says that in any case they, it is the russian authorities, are not ready to make those territorial concessions that ukraine demands there, that is, to territorial concessions in plan of the occupied territories. what can this compromise between putin and trump be, that is, it is clear that we are now most likely simulating the situation there, elections in the states will take place only in november, it is not clear how everything will look, but still how can you talk with putin and does trump understand, for example, does trump's team understand that they will have to put pressure on putin in some direction, i don't know, try to build relations with him in some other way so that russia listens to that , what they want and how they will see it in the united states. i really hope that the trump administration, or the potential, let's put it that way, the trump administration, and those advisers that he will have in key positions if, again, trump becomes president. er, that's the secretary of state over there it's the national security adviser,
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we don't know the names yet, i think trump will drag it to the last one, just like he did with the vice presidential candidate, which is until the election, i don't think we'll really know , well, on the other hand, it is not trump's duty to announce these candidates earlier, but even there, i still think that the scenario about... which many western experts often talk about, and in particular those who work in the united states, is very realistic states, about the fact that, after all, most likely trump will be to insist on effectively freezing the conflict and agreeing on the demarcation line that will be there at the time of the agreements, or at the time that trump will consider it necessary to agree, that is, in fact, at least so far we ... we have not heard from him stated that he is ready to put pressure on putin there, of course, this does not mean that
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he is not ready to go for it, he just hasn't talked about it publicly yet, and we can, of course, guess and to some extent, in the good sense of the word, speculate, but that's all after all, publicly trump, well, let's say so, at first, he did not say about a full-scale invasion, that he was ready to put pressure on putin there, so that russian troops would leave the sovereign territory of ukraine, which is... recognized by the international community. so. thank you, vladyslav, for joining in and analyzing the situation. vladyslav faraponov, head of the institute of american studies, analyst of interview from ukraine. guest svoboda life. thank you for being with us. comment on what you see, share the video with your friends and subscribe to the radio liberty platforms, see you tomorrow, there are discounts, they represent the only discounts on entermin, 15% in psyllium pharmacies, you and savings. national tbngo is
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! for more than two years, we have been trying to find five-year-old maksym vasyachkin, who disappeared under terrible and tragic circumstances in mariupol. the russians were shooting in front of the boy. with his parents, he survived bombing and shelling, ended up in the occupied territory and is now considered missing. when the full-scale invasion began, maksym lived with his parents in the center of mariupol, in this building at 75b myru avenue. shells and even a bomb flew into the house.
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this is what happened to him in the end. and for several days , little maksym and his family hid in the basement. this house, and on march 16, 2022 , they decided to evacuate in their own car. grandmother maxima told about everything that happened next. my uncle was driving, my husband, i and my older grandchildren were sitting in the back, and my daughter and my younger grandson were also sitting. mrs. lyudmila said that they pasted the car with stickers with the words "children" on all sides. they drove themselves, that is, not in a special car. evacuation column and almost immediately the russians opened fire on their car, and when i raised my head, because well... i bowed my head, children, bowed to the elders and asked my daughter, i say, just in case , bend down and bow the head of the little one, apparently too late, because when i raised my head,
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i saw that my husband was lying no, i don't know, well , i only saw his back, the son-in-law was lying on him, er, the daughter moved her head. the baby did not respond, then i heard that the little grandson started whimpering in his daughter's arms. due to a strong shock , the woman does not remember how long they stayed in the car after the shooting, but came to her senses, when the ukrainian military was already pulling them out of the car. my husband also has a serious wound in the area of ​​the heart. taking too. they shot him in the neck, the wounds were very serious, i didn't see what i had with my daughter, because
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she was sitting on my left side, that's why her face was covered in blood, but i didn't see where they hit, the child seems to have been told by the soldier to touch , but where exactly, but also his face was covered in blood, where exactly it got, i don't know, he was unconscious at first. and then she began to whisper, he has not been with us at all for at least three years, but he does not speak with us, luckily, the ukrainian military, not the russians, were the first to run up to the shot car, they took mrs. lyudmila and her two older grandchildren to the nearest shelter, and the wounded maxim, his mother and father, were allegedly taken to one of the mariupol hospitals. she was never able to find her grandson. of course, all this time we did not stop searching and did everything possible to find at least some information about maksym
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vasyachkin, at least some clue that could inspire hope. and in the end such information on happiness appeared. our autumn specialists found data that humanitarian aid was received in mariupol in may 2022 according to the passport of maksym vasichkin's father. and the information was also confirmed that little maksym and his father were indeed hospitalized at the illichiv hospital. unfortunately, no more data could be found at the moment, but this information actually inspires hope that the boy and his father survived, but perhaps for one reason or another they cannot get in touch and report themselves. so if you know at least something about maksym vasyachkin, please immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630, or write
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to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we have created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and let us know, and we will launch. all possible mechanisms of punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. congratulations, the ukrainian voice of america program chas time is on the air. i am the host oleksiy kovalenko. on thursday, the final day of the congress. the republican party in milwaukee expects the first defeat of donald trump as a presidential candidate and after the assassination attempt on him. the ex-president emphasizes that in his speech he will call for new efforts to
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achieve national unity. my colleague tetyana vorozhko, who joins us from milwaukee, followed the events at the congress of the republican party. congratulations tatiana. tatiana, so what results of the congress of the republican party can we talk about at this moment and what is actually expected from you'. well, actually today the main part of this convention should take place, for which he was going, president donald trump, and will accept the nomination as the only presidential candidate from the republican party, actually, what can we expect today, and well, first of all, let's say, we expect , that donald trump, who appeared all the time with a band on his ear, after the assassination of a butler in the city'. butler pennsylvania, today, as she said, a bandage with them. here, by the way, some delegates also started wearing earmuffs as a sign of solidarity. we also expect that it will appear from more members.
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whom we have not yet seen, his other two sons and their wife and fiancee spoke during this convention, but in milan we have not seen them yet and we hope or expect to see them today. as you said, this was, this will be the first speech since the butler attack and the tone of this speech is expected to be more conciliatory. will call for unity more, well at least that's what donald trump said, that he rewrote, should have rewrote this speech, and also we hear secondly, well, what gives us reason to believe that we hear a lot of calls for unity, both from the ordinary delegates that we talk to, and during speeches and not only calls, and we also see that former competitors of donald trump here in the elections spoke, including nikki haley,
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who became known to be the most critical. donald trump and his speech became known literally right before the speech, and we also expect that, of course, he will talk about the main priorities of domestic policy, topics that we constantly, we constantly hear, this is the problem of inflation, which is blamed on the jonal administration, the biden administration, and the topic of the southern border, the unprotected southern border, and we also expect that there will be an appeal to the working class itself, there is a lot of noise and we heard a speech yesterday by jaydee vance , who actually, well, practically built this speech on the fact that donald trump, well, he is somehow also the vice president, and they will, let's say this, well, they will actually protect the interests of the working class, well, and one more point, which surely we let's hear it what they will say about god, and maybe even in such a format that god
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saved donald trump, that it was... an attempt was made, the attempt was unsuccessful, well, for the one who attacked, and at least that's what the delegates think , donald trump supporters we spoke to. let's listen, let's see. donald trump is a very funny man and he doesn't take himself too seriously. this, by the way, is golftorbinka from one of his resorts. i stuck a band-aid for relevance. recent events only increase our desire to re-elect trump. let's let president trump run this country like a company. he already did it. you don't have to marry him if you don't like everything he says. but i can see how his demeanor has become calmer. he seems calmer these past few days. i think he feels some divine protection. this whole
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assassination story, i think god. took care of it. god is revealing his plan, and it is that we are to be a land of freedom and the pursuit of happiness. and that was one of the big themes of it congress tanya, you covered the convention every day and had the opportunity to talk with its participants. what are your general impressions of this congress of the republican party? well, actually, if we start talking about the speeches, then it must be said that there are a lot of speakers, and... the speeches are mostly quite short, with the exception of the speech of je veens yesterday, also against this background the speech of donald trump will stand out more, such is the main element of this congress, which will last almost almost an hour. we also see that among the speakers there are many many ordinary people who, with their own experience, with their history, distinguish those elements of the party platform, those elements, those elements of donald trump's campaign, for example,
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and people who live on the borderlands of the territory. from mexico suffering from an influx of illegal immigrants, or a family who lost a son during the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan. what we don't hear in the speeches, or hardly hear, are, say, these claims that have been made throughout the rest of donald trump's campaign that the previous election was stolen, we don't really listen, i also did not see anyone criticizing, for example, biden for addressing the topic. the purpose, and what we hear, we paid attention to with my colleague yulia yarmolenko, that there was a lot of criticism not only directed at joe biden, but also a lot of criticism directed at kamela harris, and in fact journalists even calculated comparing it with the previous campaign, and that really this is the share of kamala harris, as a person who is criticized, she has grown up a lot, well, actually, and this is of course connected by the fact that we, the fact that...


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