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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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the result of these negotiations. let's go further. filling the budget through the sale of inefficient assets continues. the state property fund held an auction for the privatization of the kozatskyi hotel on maidan nezalezhnosti in kyiv. the winner of the bidding was the nadiya agricultural enterprise. the object was sold for uah 400 million. this is the message on the prozoroprodaji website. the hotel became the most expensive object of privatization in the current year. despite its location in the center. capital, well, the hotel ended in 2022 with a loss of more than uah 8 million, we hope that the new owner will be efficient and bring only profit in taxes to the budget, and also earnings for himself. but gasoline will be more expensive starting september 1. parliament adopted a bill on increasing the excise tax on fuel. it will grow to the european level within four years. now the tax rate for gasoline. the tax rate for
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gasoline is €213.5 per 1000 l, for diesel - €139.5, autogas is €52 per 1000 l. retail prices will rise gradually, experts predict, but except for the excise tax rate the price will also be affected by the increase in the price of oil on the world market, the exchange rate of the dollar within our country, well, here is serhii kuyun, the general director of the a95 consulting group. adds that there is no tragedy here, if prices will rise, then not by much, for example, in the medium, short-term, for example, perspective, the cost of gasoline will rise by 1.5 g per liter, diesel may add about 2 hryvnias per liter , gas is already becoming more expensive, but in fact fuel remains very, but gasoline remains despite everything, despite the increase in excise duty, a very profitable fuel, says let's also listen directly
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to what the deputies talked about today. this is the contribution that you and i will make to the financing of the army. look, this is all rhetoric, let's not raise taxes, because people are suffering, because we all understand the situation in the country today, and nobody in the country today wants to raise taxes, but by choosing. i am preparing a detailed analysis about taxes, information has already appeared that this is not the only excise tax and not the only levy that will have to be paid by both ordinary ukrainians and businesses, in particular the average small business, indeed, a lot has already been said about this. i
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will prepare a detailed analysis, i think, tomorrow we will put everything on the shelves, and also continue to put everything on the shelves regarding energy and the heating season, which will soon be in ukraine. roman nitsovych joins the conversation, head of programs at the dixie group research center. good evening. good evening, i greet you. mr. roman, today really interesting information appeared from the head of naftogaz of ukraine, he... analyzed in detail, in particular, the condition of underground storage facilities and enemy attacks on the ground infrastructure, in your opinion, despite this attention of the mozkovites regarding the gas infrastructure, will ukraine have gas specifically for ordinary ukrainians, for household consumers, let's start from here, well, i think that there are risks here, all the same, because we understand... who we
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are dealing with, this enemy will stop at nothing, stop only at counter force, so we cannot rule out attacks on gas infrastructure in the winter, especially after january 1st, when it will die down and stop happening transit, nevertheless, it must be understood that our gas system is extensive, there are many, let's say, routes along which we... can be supplied to the consumer, even if some section is knocked out, the situation is a little more complicated with compressor stations, which are key , which provide pressure so that the gas moves through the system, we could pump it from the storages, and raise it from the storages, and well, it is known that the passive protection strengthening project, which has been implemented since last year, concerns not only electrical substations, but also...
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certain, let's say, gas elements infrastructures, which are the most important there, so i can say that according to my observations, they are preparing, preparing for various scenarios. er and to various er, let's say so, er, blows that the enemy can deliver, but if we talk about the campaign that they conducted, tried to conduct, regarding the ground infrastructure, underground storage facilities, then we do not see any significant impact on the operation of these storage facilities , on the contrary, in april, the amount of pumping was almost twice as much as the previous year, i don't think that, well, if... these blows , something, something there could have affected the work, it rather, it was a signal to our european users, yes, who can store their gas in ukraine in a customs warehouse, that this is an additional risk for them. here is roman chernyshov,
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the head of naftogaz said that there is really no danger to the gas storages, they are located deep enough, fuel is stored there, but if you look at the current ... situation, the current situation with the energy industry, nuclear power plants do emit current, yes produce kilowatts, but distribution networks, substations, are now destroyed by the enemy mainly, such a model can essentially also be with gas, because the storages are deep, there is gas there, and if there is no infrastructure, we are without gas, well , there are indeed such risks, but again, i say that preparations are being made for this, as well how was ukrenergo preparing for such strikes, if ukrenergo had not formed a reserve fleet of spare parts, including transformers, before the war, believe me, the first blows that were delivered in october 2022 would have been more tangible for us, so i think that this
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is also happening here preparation, except when it stops transit, many of our capacities will not be used, accordingly they can be used as donors in case of damage, there is also... our own production of gas pumping units in ukraine, that is , if necessary, our enterprises will be able to do it and manufacture it, and besides that, here is the repair, well a little shorter than it can be in the electrical part, and therefore, again, this is the most radical scenario, when they attack the gts facilities. and indeed you mentioned international partners who keep, international companies who store their share of fuel in our... underground storages, and what to do, for example, to what extent it will affect further cooperation, well, i am especially interested in the completion of the contract for the transit of russian gas through ukrainian territory, or the storage of fuel by international companies -
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this is a separate story, but then what to expect from the ukrainian gts in the future from next year. this is a completely separate story, we have been providing these services for a long time. they are not connected in any way with transit, moreover, now transit is not only of russian gas, but also of european gas, which we move between, for example, hungary and poland, between hungary and slovakia, between poland and romania, that is, such transit flows occur, which indicates that our gas transportation system is needed by many, not only ukrainian users, but and foreign, and as for... the scenario without transit, this scenario has been worked out for us for a long time, it existed, if you remember, back in 2019 there were all assurances, tests were conducted that it is possible, and last summer the same tests were repeated, and the system proved its worth
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reliability even in the absence of transit, that is, it will be used by ukrainian mining companies, ukrainian gas suppliers, ukrainian... gas traders and non-residents, that is, those foreigners who will use the services of the gts and storage facilities. thank you for the thorough analysis, we really believe that they are working on protection, we believe that international companies will also continue to rent our underground storage facilities, this is additional income for the state budget. roman nitsovych, head of programs at the dixsi group research center was on connection i will continue to follow the news of the economy . but for today, i say goodbye, the big broadcast continues, watch us! thanks to oleksandr morshevka, who, as usual , spoke in detail about the world of money during the war. well
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, i have the following information for you: meetings of the verkhovna rada group on interparliamentary relations with poland are ongoing in poland. among the members of the delegation are deputies of various parties, in particular from the eastern... regions of ukraine. our correspondent maria chernyakhivska will tell you more. she is with us live from warsaw. maria, i congratulate you too. congratulations, today in warsaw, in particular, in the sejm , a number of meetings were held with the participation of ukrainian deputies, one of them was with their polish colleagues, where elected representatives had the opportunity to discuss issues of concern face to face. polish deputies asked many questions, talked about the present of ukraine, and about the country's future plans, the topic of education of ukrainian children in poland was also discussed, all these issues. we will be able to discuss with you a member of the ukrainian delegation, people's deputy of ukraine mykola
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knyazhytskyi. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. congratulations. tell me, please, what meetings were held today, what was important at them? well, first of all, now is a unique time. we do not know what will happen to the united states of america, but we know for sure that poland is our ally in europe. the polish pro-government party is the vp of the european people's party, elected today. the head of the european commission, that is, the influence of polish politicians in the european union is enormous, and the european union is a stable supporter and ally of ukraine, because of that our relations with poland is unique, now there is a unique window of opportunity to build this relationship as it has never been, everything is in our hands, because we are integrating into europe, poland is interested in its own investment, in helping us integrate. obviously, poland is interested in the security of the european union, and this kind of thing. funds for us, and we are interested in the fact that the ukrainians who are here in poland return to
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ukraine, those who cannot now, who are from the occupied territories, or from territories close to the occupied territories, so that they receive the best education, the best medicine, so that ukrainian children are not disadvantaged here, poland has now allocated additional funds for teaching assistants to work with ukrainian children to help them adapt to polish schools, and many other important, very simple, but we also discuss useful initiatives. during these meetings, these days in poland, what tasks does the ukrainian delegation set for itself? first, to actually start building new relations between ukraine and poland. our delegation is heterogeneous, we have representatives of the authorities and the opposition, and kharkiv, and lviv, and the occupied part of luhansk region, and kyiv, and chernihiv, and of course, we are establishing relations with local governments, agreeing on joint training in our european integration. we agree on lobbying our interests in the european parliament, the european commission in nato, these are our main
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tasks, our main tasks are to make poland feel that helping us is a chance for poland to preserve itself and have the best ally in the future in the european union. thank you, mr. mykola, tomorrow the ukrainian delegation continues to work in warsaw, so we will be present at these events and will report the most interesting. that's all, colleagues, i have your word. thank you to maria chernyakhivska, thank you to mykola knyazhytskyi, thank you to the entire ukrainian delegation, such relations should not be supported, and we should continue to develop them, because they are important both for us and for poland. well, the odessa film festival is going on in the capital. traditionally, many viewers gather for ukrainian premieres. and lena chechenina will tell about what was shown in this day. lena, i congratulate you, and you have a word, tell me. yura, congratulations, congratulations to ours. to you and the audience, my god, yesterday i complained about the fact that it was cold, and here it is again hot,
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but in a second, i have to remind our audience once again that the odessa film festival is being held in kyiv this year, well, because in odessa we ourselves understand, that such large-scale film festivals cannot be held now and this year. in most programs, it consists of a ukrainian retrospective, that is, of ukrainian tapes that were released a year ago, eight years ago, because even these sometimes 10 years ago, and viewers have the opportunity to watch them again on the big screen, on the one hand, this is good, on the other hand, they want to watch new ukrainian films, but the situation is that there are fewer and fewer of them, especially if we are talking about festival films films, but they still exist and are shown, today they showed one of the expected films at this festival, and in principle, it is called gray bees, it is expected, because it
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was filmed based on the novel by andriy kurkov and directed by dmytro moiseev, says a film about two the men who were left to live in the gray zone, this is the story before the full-scale invasion, and here they live, the two of them, only one military man comes to them and... such relations of ideology are interesting enough, because they have completely different , different characters, different approaches to life to war to the country, and here are the first reviews. which i heard here, of course, people started to compare the book with the movie, but as always there are very different opinions, the movie will be released, i will not say exactly when, the exact date, i will not say, but i advise you to watch it and advise go ahead and re-read the book before that, i
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would say for myself that the book seems to me more intense than the movie, maybe... it will seem different, let's watch it, and pashka is already full of joy, there's nothing to eat, i'm a humanitarian they don't drive at night, and they don't drive me either, well, who will you be, well, i'm a military man, well, i can see it, well , before the war, i already... thought they forgot about us, but no, again, a gray area there , the gray area here, that there, that here, oh, they are playing this badminton. well, the second candle is ukrainian, which one today, right now these minutes are showing, it's called "mad men". and i've already heard comparisons, you know, such that i don't like
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this one, but i've heard that this is, they say, the ukrainian version, zazuleninim. home of a famous film that tells about a psychiatric hospital, how the main characters are struggling there, or rather, the main character, here we see a film about laundry psychiatry in the 60s in the soviet union, i only managed to watch literally 20 minutes, and there the main character , who has a wife, but the father-in-law does not like him very much, father-in-law a psychiatrist, that's why he decides to put him in a psychiatric hospital under the diagnosis, which, i know it in russian, is sluggish current schizophrenia, which does not actually exist, it was invented precisely in the soviet union, in order to make diagnoses that do not exist for people , which in one way or another do not fit the system, let's take a look, the government, the best government in
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the world. reviews, some liked it, some didn't, but if we talk about what we liked, then for sure the biggest visual part i can really praise, it's enough interesting, and our cameramen are very good, the cameraman school, so in almost every film, very good, good picture, visual, in general, here, and from the minuses, they may have said, some characters are not well developed enough,
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i would like more, that there it was about mostefa dzhemirev, but again in... the very choice to make and your impression is your impression, don't listen to anyone, watch ukrainian cinema and draw your own conclusions, and sing it will also be in the ukrainian box office, so what , i 've told you everything so far, i'm going to check it out crazy people thanks to yulina chechenii for this information, only one thing is nice that ukrainian cinematography is not just alive, it is developing and these new premieres will have to be watched when they are in cinemas. well, that's all i have on the air, i'll meet you tomorrow, and all i have to do is give the floor to our incomparable natalka didenko, she'll tell us about what pogoda has in store for us tomorrow. before meeting! synoptic hello to all,
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our dear viewers, before we talk about what will happen tomorrow, let's take a look. in the next day meteorological, we will share with you some interesting information shared with us by the boris sereznevsky central geophysical observatory, namely, we will talk about temperature records, for example, in some places in the kyiv region, so we look at the chernobyl weather station, new records were recorded: average daily air temperature 28, 2 in contrast to 26.9 in 2001, the minimum, warmest daily temperature of 22.8 was in the same year 2001 21.8, the maximum daily air temperature was 35.7, in 2010 it was 34.8. now we go to glorious falsehood the warmest minimum temperature of 21.9 was 20.6 in 2009 and 2011, and the maximum daily air temperature
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is 36.5, this is already in vyshgorod, in contrast to 2016, when 35.5 was observed, well, now there are many such records, for we just probably don't have time for them, but i think that even without statistics here, we all understand that... this summer is certainly very hot and the air temperature exceeds historical maximums both night and day, well, we are now moving to an order of magnitude higher, yes so to speak, we are looking at the geomagnetic field the situation and there will be activation tomorrow, there will be weak magnetic storms, but nevertheless they will be, taking into account the fact that the air mass is gradually changing in ukraine, everyone... oppressive storms, please, especially people with cardiovascular diseases, listen more carefully to about my well-being, and actually the weather forecast for the next day,
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i want to say right away that the anticyclone, which was stationed over ukraine and kept the extreme heat at bay, is collapsing, and therefore tomorrow the air temperature will begin to gradually decrease, the heat will weaken, but let's not rush in advance and gradually in all regions, so tomorrow in the western... regions of ukraine , 26-28° of heat is expected, short-term rains with thunderstorms are likely only in the carpathians, possibly in the carpathian region. in the north of ukraine , the heat is already easing, and +28 +30, or even 28-29° is expected from zhytomyr oblast to sumy oblast. it will still be hot in the east, but still not so fierce... the temperature there is expected to be 33, in kharkiv oblast it may even be 32°, and luhansk oblast remains the hottest, tomorrow evening in donetsk oblast,
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closer to the azov region, there is a possibility short-term heavy rains, cheers, dry weather will prevail in the central part of ukraine, the air temperature in vinnytsia, for example, somewhere around 28° heat, finally the territory 30-34°, it is still possible up to 35 in dnipropetrovsk region, southern. remains the hottest, but there is already such a small, modest tendency to ease the heat, tomorrow it will be 33-36° above zero, in zaporizhzhia, in the azov region there is a chance of rain with a thunderstorm in the evening, in kyiv tomorrow, i can't believe it , the maximum air temperature will fluctuate close to +28°, precipitation is not expected, this is the nearest synoptic perspective with finally somewhat less, somewhere greater relaxation of heat. of course, keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. +40 from now on not only in
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exchangers, but also on thermometers. abnormal heat covered ukraine. hot and dry air masses came to us from the deserts of central asia. and forecasters do not promise significant changes in air temperature or precipitation. if you think it's too hot, then it just seems to you, it is very hot now, and i want to say that in the near future this heat will hold, unfortunately, there may be some small fluctuations, but for now within the limits, well , i do not see any significant relief from the real forecast, as for ukrainians, before setting temperature records not ready, especially in the conditions of full-scale war without safe access to the seas and without cooling air conditioners, after all... the forecasts for turning on the electricity are as pessimistic as the weather. kyiv has such an abnormal heat, especially among urban buildings, mostly not
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to your liking the weather is generally a nightmare. like, well, we try to sit everywhere. this is where the sprayer was turned off, which is generally cool. the weather is summer. summer is summer, hot, of course. but we get used to it, no... it would be worse, i think, as the weather has been lately, you can see it on the face, well, all the people of kyiv, but how do we save ourselves, well, we send signals to space to make it rain, the weather is very good, and the sun is shining , pleasant, affects the mood, affects health, affects relationships, affects, and even traditional for kyiv beach areas on trukhanovo island and in the hydropark. are empty, there are vacationers, of course, but it is definitely not the crowded banks of the dnieper, as it was before, but those who did come to soak up the sun are only happy about it. the water
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is warm, there is enough space for entertainment, and they also like the weather. it happened that i was here alone, and when i used to bake, especially on weekends, there wasn't even a place here. this year is probably warmer than last year, in general, wonderful, wonderful, summer, warm, we must, we must run closer to the water, the heat is normal, but it is better near the water, it is near the water, we understand, what is more difficult for someone at this time, but... for our music, we are at least a little suffocated, this is this, this is our hydropard, no way, i love the heat, so i'm fine, the scorching sun and temperature jumps in altitude can even bother very strong ukrainians, the heat is a health hazard, especially for those with chronic diseases and older people, symptoms of overheating, or
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heat stroke, it will first of all be... dizziness, fatigue, loss of consciousness, dehydration . doctors advise to pay special attention to your well-being, as well as to be be cautious and call an ambulance in case of sunstroke or heat stroke. try to periodically go to cafes, shops, places where it is cool, take water with you, wear light clothes that are not tight-fitting. do not forget about hats, about sun protection on all exposed areas of the skin, first of all go to the shade, it is just a shade from a tree, if you are outside, and in an open area, it can be a cafe, a shop, that is, go to where there is coolness, wash yourself, and pour water on yourself, if you have water with you, when you feel that you need it it is bad, when a downpour will pass over ukraine, or when the air temperature will become more normal,
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it is not yet known. so we put on panamas, sunglasses and drink a lot of water and remember that the real heat is where our defenders are, air-conditioning dogs in armor and boots. greetings, this is svoboda live, on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analysis, lens. and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and unbiased, you draw your own conclusions. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together! greetings, i'm olga len, this is the chronicles of the war, and i immediately want to invite you to join our project from zero to life, it is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. please support the soldiers of the 93-3rd mechanized brigade with a donation. cold ravine, our defenders win every day, not leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield, therefore, quadricycles are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on the off-road, which means that you can perform combat tasks more efficiently. soldiers who have already passed more than one test, at ground zero are always ready to repulse the enemy, for our peace of mind, they continue to rotate positions, and your
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support is very ... important for us and significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return of it alive, so please join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million, you see the qr codes, you see account numbers, please support, this is a very good brigade, very efficient, and this is a really necessary thing that helps the fighters a lot, well, let's see what is happening with us now on... and then, well, as always, we will discuss. map of hostilities for the period july 10-17. the russians are in a hurry to throw in reserves, but they are not achieving what they want. active hostilities continued along the entire length of the front. however , the most dynamic and threatening for the armed forces was the turkish-pokrov direction. at the same time , kupyansky and limansky in kharkiv the directions managed to stabilize the situation, as
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in the time gap. two important things are happening simultaneously at the front:


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