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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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crazy statements are used for the internal agenda, first of all, they say, don't pay attention to all these negotiations, we are doing our job, look, he is, after all, the deputy chairman of the security council of the russian federation, former president, ex-prime minister, it is clear that doubnya, but for internal consumption will agree, why, because constantly all the agencies inside russia, if someone is watching, they all spread everything that medvedev says, everywhere it diverges very widely, to the russians it is... the agenda is that we are theirs independence, something that we are pretending to be some kind of negotiations, a peace process, do not interfere, we will finish them all the same, ukraine will be ours, there will be no ukrainian nation, this is a final, irreversible decision, in my opinion, they actually think so, everything is calculated for this, i , when i talk about the futility of negotiations in any format, which is currently being discussed from switzerland to the initiatives of orban on behalf of the kremlin,
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it is because the main thesis that we will not stop anyway, we will achieve the same thing that we are now let's make some kind of peace, and through some number of months or years, we will destroy it and follow the same scheme as with the minsk agreements, that is why medvedev is being released. in the west, it is no longer perceived, for some time they use it to refer some signals to the west, in the west it was put on it. full stop, few people remember, he was even offered by european politicians from brussels, almost an official statement was that he should be treated, a representative, it seems, a press secretary is there, whoever wants to find it on the internet, told him to undergo psychiatric treatment, already such an estimate given, not to mention the private assessments of those who can afford frank statements. i remember the chairman of the munich conference said how could we communicate with this moron at all, he is... an idiot, almost in such
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words i exaggerate a little, but if anyone wants, he can check my words. this suggests that in the west these statements are only perceived as such, well, they probably think so, but medvedev is an idiot who, if we pay attention to him, react to him, then this is exactly what moscow needs , in order to now all the politicians rushed to comment on medvedev, but no one comments on him in the west, you noticed, no one... understanding that he really expresses the intentions of the kremlin and putin himself, and there is no need to react to him. this is all putin needs, so that he creates different narratives in different directions, different signals, which should cause constant reflection, that is, shake the european union nervously. mental attack, in one word, you remember, people of kapeliv, you understand, in full swing, we are all ready to lie down in the ukrainian chernozems, but on the other hand, putin so... is trying to take advantage of the situation,
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i.e. this is the story about orban, i.e. what would he try to invest in reality, i.e. we understand, they launched a fake rocket, and this is the endless delusion of medvedivska, but putin tried to convey one or another of his sales through orban the offer, what is the brand really, yes, because they are trying to win what they did not capture, and this causes a completely natural irony and sending us f-16, there is all that. the same signal is being sent to us through orban: we agree on ukraine on my terms, and i will not go anywhere else, i am ready to sign it on paper, i am ready to write in the same peace agreement that there are no aggressive intentions towards eu and nato countries. i am ready, if you wish, i will sign, do it, four oblasts to the administrative borders, he also publicly announced the plan, the negotiations will be about this, the ban on entry'. ukraine to nato, its non-aligned
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status, cancel all sanctions, and we will start negotiations, at which we will also agree on the rest, demilitarization, consolidation of legal these four regions, crimea is not even discussed anymore, the issue is closed, a ban on this, that and that, refusal of reparations, it will not be possible to demand reparations from russia, that will be certain, and then i will not go to the suwalsky corridor, poland, countries the baltics and so on, but first of all, we saw how putin has already... violated similar obligations that he had imposed on himself, this has already happened, so what normal person would believe him, the minsk agreements and others, then there were agreements, which could be discussed for decades, but they gave the possibility of peace, they led to peace, from war to peace, wasn’t that the goal of putin, it turns out, no, peace was never the goal for him, and no matter what agreements he concluded, they do not pursue the main thing, they do not seek ... of peace, creation of conditions for
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a strong, safe, predictable peace in which a war started by one country as an aggressor is impossible, well, as participants in the agreement, we do not say. about the borders of europe, where there are countries no less aggressive than moscow. well, putin has already proven many times that he is for peace he does not seek, he does not need peace, and the price he can pay for the realization of his interests can be very high. through orban, he is trying to send a really false idea, a false signal, that no, i will not go, i swear, we will fix it all, give me ukraine in fact, and you will have no problems. in europe, that's all, just a slight cognitive dissonance in terms of geography, that is , we remember what they talked about plus or minus in istanbul, well, based on those sources of information and that document circulation that appeared on the internet, but not there it was about the capture of four additional regions, yes,
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that is, it was about the scenario of finlandization, demilitarization, so to speak, that is, making ukraine fully ready for the next wave of attack. yes, that is, it is very dangerous, but here he somehow opens up, this is the cognitive circle, here he talks about capturing an additional, you understand, all these fancy ipso, links of multidirectional, often densely contradictory signals, this is also part of the plan, they are all it is launched, the bell ring plan, for example, let's remind immediately to our tv viewers, what a bell is, on the one hand, it is the main russian cop, and on the other hand, it is... an emissary, possibly from the kremlin, who stepped on the fertile american soil. in my opinion, most likely there was no plan. they have other channels and sources to convey this plan. however, all this is necessary to shake up the general situation, to create the illusion that active discussion
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of negotiations is ongoing, exchanges will take place, consultations, etc. what is actually not on such a scale as there were consultations between washington and moscow through sullivan. and bjorns through naryshkin and earlier patrushev, now i don't know how it is possible, putin took on the mission, and nothing more, there are no consultations with the west. orbán is not a representative of the west, who was entrusted with this mission, as we have already discussed. orban is an initiative of the kremlin itself, which wants to have such a representative of its own. often, in his public statements, putin responds precisely to washington, not to the world, not to kyiv, precisely to washington, his plan, which he... taught on the eve of the swiss the conference with the ultimate preconditions on the four areas of sanctions and the non-aligned status of ukraine, that is how he announced it for the usa, because the usa wanted something else. at those consultations, they said: let's come up with some real, i emphasize real, options
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for the plan, which will be a compromise, will not be unilateral, receive a geopolitical dividend, in the form of the actual liquidation of ukraine as a sovereign state. and he answered publicly in order to bind himself with these words: "listen, i announced the peace plan, i can't back down from it now, but now to push him away, i am ready to move within conscious limits, well, don’t cancel the sanctions, then let’s do a little something here, well, not to the administrative borders, give us at least two oblasts, donetsk and luhansk, and i can move with zaporizhia and kherson . he can say that and abandon the plan that has already been announced, he cannot understand at all, they say, how can i now deviate from that, this is part of our general geopolitical doctrine, part of our constitution, four regions and crimea, non-aligned status is a condition of our security,
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although we are all perfectly aware that the security of ukraine's membership in nato is not ensured by russia, we must clearly understand this, because there is always something to do... sometimes some experts say that he does not understand security that way, maybe this is wrong, but on the other hand, really to the borders of russia, nato, ukraine, but sorry, nato has expanded, now it is from finland to turkey, from the baltic countries, which are also nato members, so in the very essence of this demand for non-aligned status, there are no conditions guarantees security is not provided if russia is attacked by nato, although it is impossible to believe, it has somewhere to attack. all this can be done from other territories, it will be from the territory of the baltic states, in the end finland, sweden, romania, poland, it does not matter at all, geography has lost its weight in security matters, no
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border zones, no buffers, as putin imagines, will provide security from the point of view of global, from the point of view of the possibility of attack. unsealed in the 21st century, everything is remote, there is nothing that is directly tangential, there is no point in digging trenches on the border in russia, i mean such a country as russia. not with other countries, when there are missiles behind the warheads, it doesn't make any sense, so it's a thesis that security is ensured by geography, it's a thesis from the middle of the 20th century, at best, which has long been defunct, so the conclusion is, putin he is not stupid, he understands this perfectly, he needs ukraine, he cannot allow ukraine to go west, that's all, and if this goal is precisely such that not a single piece of ukrainian land ends up in the west. range, then he will fight to the end. thanks mark for that an extremely serious warning on
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the espresso tv channel and for an excellent analysis of the current situation. our guest was mark fegin, a figure of the russian opposition in exile, a well-known video blogger, a former member of the state duma. thank you anton, thank you to all viewers and goodbye. well, the time of our program is over, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. watch yourself. and their loved ones. see you on air. we have been trying to find five-year-old maksym vasyachkin, who disappeared for more than two years terrible and tragic circumstances in mariupol. the russians shot his parents in front of the boy's eyes, he...survived the bombing and shelling, ended up in the occupied territory and
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is now considered missing. when the full-scale invasion began, maksym lived with his parents in the center of mariupol, in this building at 75b myru avenue. shells and even a bomb flew into the house. this is what happened to him in the end. and for several days little maksym and his family hid in the basement of this house. and... march 16, 2022 they are decided to evacuate in their own car, grandmother maxima told about everything that happened next. my son was driving, my husband, i was sitting in the back with my older grandchildren, and my daughter was sitting with her younger grandson. mrs. lyudmila said that they pasted the car with stickers with the words "children" on all sides. they were driving alone, that is, not in a special evacuation convoy and... almost immediately the russians opened fire on their car when i raised
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my head, because i bowed my head to the children, bowed to the elders and asked my daughters, i say, to bow down to the little one just in case i will take the head, apparently too late, because when i raised my head, i saw that the husband was not lying... i don’t know how, i only saw his back, the son-in-law was lying on him, the daughter lowered her head, the baby did not respond, then i i heard that the little grandson started whimpering in his daughter's arms. due to a strong shock , the woman does not remember how long they stayed in the car after the shooting, but came to when they were already being pulled out of the car. ukrainian military, my husband also had a serious wound in the area of ​​the heart,
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they also shot him with a musket, there were wounds very seriously, i did not see that i was with my daughter, because she was sitting on my left side, so her face was covered in blood, but where... to the nearest shelter, and the wounded maxim, his mother and father, were allegedly taken to one of
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mariupol hospitals. then, in the chaos of the war, mrs. lyudmila was never able to find her grandson. of course, all this time we did not stop searching and did everything possible to find at least some information about maksym vasyachkin, at least some clue that could inspire hope. and in the end, such information is fortunate. appeared our autumn specialists found data that in may 2022 in mariupol according to the passport of maksym vasichkin's father. humanitarian aid was received, and the information was also confirmed that little maksym and his father were indeed hospitalized in the illichiv hospital, unfortunately, no more data could be found at the moment, but this information actually inspires hope that the boy and his father survived, but maybe due to one
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reason or another they cannot get in touch and inform about themselves, so if you know anyway... something about maksym vasyachkin, please immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms... to punish the criminal. stopcraim ua. this is now our home consumption. there, by the way, now the guys are making an electric welding machine just like that generation and this little red thing on top is the network. well, it is clear that we do not take anything from there, because there is a minus. this is the control point
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of the hybrid solar power plant. this is what residents of high-rise buildings installed on the roof of their own house. in the holosiiv district of the capital, it consists of 59 solar panels, a battery that performs the function of storage and an inverter for the distribution of electricity. this station was installed here back in 2021, so people saved money, but after the start of the great war, such a source of generation began to provide light during blackouts. in the interheating period, relatively speaking, from the middle of april to the end of september, the system... had to accumulate electrical energy in the batteries during daylight hours, and it had to be sufficient, relatively speaking , from 8 pm to 80 am, so that was the first principle how was it supposed to work , such equipment cost uah 2,100 0, 70% was compensated by the city, the other part of the amount was covered by
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the residents of the building even during the first blackouts in 2022, the system began to work for its own needs. of the house thanks to solar panels under during power outages, elevators, lighting, and water supply pumps work in the building. literally, on the 4th of july, i was growing from the 4th of july in the 23rd year to the 4th of july this year. so, er, the photovoltaic plant covered, roughly speaking, almost 40% of the house's consumption. in principle, the statistics of 22-23 years say that together with the leftists, the system can. work up to 12 hours without an elevator, without elevators for almost a day. after a series of massive russian attacks, the ukrainian energy industry lost 9 gw of capacity, so blackouts began already in the summer. ukrainians are preparing for the most difficult winter, however, solar panels will be less efficient during the cold season. in winter, the station produces
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10 or even 15 times less electricity in terms of power than it produces. in the summer under the direct sun, so expect that the solar power plant at least once covers the needs of your apartment, house, office, in the summer, it will not cover these needs in the winter. experts claim that there is currently a demand for green energy in the european union, especially popular own solar panels that are installed on balconies or roofs of houses. this practice also exists in our country the country experts advise to consider that in addition to the production of electricity. it is also necessary to think about its accumulation, that is, in our country, given the fact that our thermal power plants are broken, we have a shortage of electricity in general, and the boom in the construction of solar plants, it actually rests on the fact that you have the sun working during the day, in the evening there is no, then you need to install batteries, and these batteries, er, they, this market, which is developing very quickly now, it just didn’t exist 3 years ago, now
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you have a lot of designs of various there are portable, wall-mounted battery units on wheels, they are different. of various different capacities. in addition to powering critical home systems when there is no light, solar energy can be sold to the distribution grid. the hybrid inverter provides, therefore, feedback to the network, and, by the way, we are now communicating with the detector, yes, with the operator of the distribution system, so there is, well, there is such a thing as an active consumer of the network, and we are currently studying the documents there, relatively speaking, it will be necessary to spend there. some part of the money to install a meter that will count input-output, and, therefore, the price there is formed according to the market principle, the costs of installing a backup. promise to compensate, such programs are already working in kyiv, odesa and lviv. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together! congratulations! to ask the audience, i just hastened to say that russian propagandists will not be ashamed and tell about the ukrainian trail in the attempt on trump, and they really held their tongues for several days bravely, somehow, so as not to look so stupid, but this is not tolerable, and for those who are squeamish about the bathhouse, and that's why the studio in skabiev is finally resounding. why is no one talking about
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the ukrainian trail? trump is a person who causes hatred in the ruling circles of ukraine. we just said that the head of ukrainian military intelligence, kyrylo budanov, is a terrorist. i think that president trump should demand that... the secret service, when working out all the versions of a possible assassination attempt from the language, separately work out the ukrainian case. we know that there is a huge ukrainian diaspora in the usa. chicago, do you remember the movie brat-2? you will answer me for sevastopol. and in this regard , i assume that there are those who, in addition to deepstate, could have been the initiator or pulled some strings in order to initiate... this assassination attempt, the risks of repeated assassination attempts on trump are real, they can be used various formats worked out, in particular
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, by the ukrainian special services, an attack with the help of quadcopters, here i have a question for the us secret service, if it hears me, so that it does not later portray this woman director as such a confused woman, and the means countering quadcopters or are they used at pre-election meetings? well, it’s a stupid movie, and that’s why the ukrainian, whether it’s the special service or the diaspora, attempted to assassinate trump, or maybe kyrylo budanov killed president kennedy, maybe with a quadcopter, well, anything is possible, you know, especially in such disturbed cities of russian propagandists well, they continue, they have no other topic, they continue to talk non-stop about how the elections are going on in the united states, and meanwhile russia itself, you know, covered up
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energy karma, and the light disappeared in the south of russia, and it disappeared like that, well enough, and it didn’t quite appear, and now it’s somehow like that, but it’s not really like that, but it’s a momentary one, that’s a kind of ee... well, after turning off a few regions, it was really quite magical. energy workers all night and last evening eliminated the consequences of a large-scale blackout in the south of russia. in big cities, first the electricity went out, then the water, the streets stopped in traffic jams. i don't know when i will come today, because i never do i have never seen anything standing so much before, it is a nightmare, there is no end and no end. unprecedented traffic jams in krasnodar. traffic lights turned off or worked intermittently, trams stopped. the city hall reported that more than 100 transformer substations were out of order. there was no electricity in many shopping
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centers and stores, somewhere the fire extinguishing systems failed. before closing the store, the fire department was activated and completely flooded the entire store. according to reviews on social networks, electricity was gradually returned to the homes of residents of the rostov region, krasnodar krai, stavropol and the republics of the north caucasus, at the same time due to voltage fluctuations and overreach... well , we will talk about how it gradually returned there, but the reason was of course also to a certain extent, well , so amazing and a little magical, the point is , it was assumed from the beginning that the entire power unit, the largest nuclear power plant in the region, was shut down. that the power system could not withstand peak loads due to abnormal heat, but, as it turned out, the main reason is the rostov as, which supplies the southern federal district. rosenergoatom reported that in the first power unit
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, the protection of the gen. are constantly trying to destroy the ukrainian as, as they constantly shout about it. my cherished wish, honestly, forgive me, there is nothing i can do about it, so that there is no electricity in ukraine at all. to do this, it is necessary to destroy the open distribution electrical systems of two nuclear power plants, yuzhnoye and khmelnytskyi, after which they will stop producing electric current, after which there will simply be no electricity in ukraine, and what is interesting, apparently not only we heard it, the locals also heard him, because after all the blackouts happened, they started writing that the same
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transformers must have damaged something there. ukrainian drones and because of that everything happened, well, since they say there how the light was restored, but if you listen to how they talk about this restoration, you know, it is not very clear whether it has been restored after all, the power supply in the south of russia has been restored, the ministry of energy reports, but a number of cities are again introducing temporary shutdowns, the fault of which is too high a load on the networks, a 40-degree heat in the height of the tourist season, air conditioners and ventilation. rostov region, in the kuban, as well as in sevastopol. this is necessary to avoid new emergency situations. the supply of energy was carried out in stages and it returned to tuapse, krasnodar, sochi, dagestan. fan outages continue in the crimea, rostov region, as was the case before the situation at the as. well, that is
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, somehow it has recovered, but the cities will not... they will still be without electricity, in general, it was like that, they told the russians that it was normal, and on the one hand, social networks say that this they hit somewhere, somewhere, and this is the result of the arrival of ukrainian drones, and let 's be honest about it, but you see, the official propaganda does not say anything about it, tries to talk about it again, that it is probably overload, heat, fans suddenly worked, but they worked before and you didn’t do anything... here they took it and worked and turned off, and all this would have been nothing, if right after this inclusion , with a more fiargic explanation, and why the light turns off at all, he did not officially speak himself president putin, and he told that it's not just that there are some fans there, no, everything is happening because some dishonest russians are engaged in mining. the factors of such
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growth are generally clear, these are relatively low electricity prices in our country, the mobility of cryptocurrency mining equipment, and so on, but what is attractive here, should attract our attention, and what should we be alarmed about? uncontrolled growth in electricity consumption for cryptocurrency mining may lead to capacity shortages in individual regions, and this is already noticeable in the irkutsk region, buryatia, trans-baikal region. the issue is actually acute and threatens serious consequences for enterprises, housing and communal services system, specific cities and towns. well, that is, no, not only the lights went out in the south, but there could also be something in buryatia, in the trans-baikal region, well, that is, you know, an announcement, expect some shutdowns there as well. and literally. all propagandists immediately
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began to talk about the terrible consequences of mining for the entire energy system. thus, after this shutdown, it, you know, somehow hints that maybe the ac crashed because of that damn cryptocurrency mining. the so-called mining or issuance of cryptocurrency requires a lot of energy. vladimir putin said: according to the estimate of the ministry of energy in russia , 16 billion rubles are spent annually on mining. due to wild mining, when private individuals filled up entire hangars and empty factory buildings with very voracious video cards and decoders, network overloads and disconnections of other consumers have already occurred in buryatia, irkutsk, and the caucasus. miners often connect to high-voltage lines illegally and do not pay for electricity.


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