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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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we are starting an information day on the spresso tv channel with a news broadcast, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the russians attacked the nikopol district in the dnipropetrovsk region with drones and heavy artillery. explosions rang out in nikopol-pokrovska and mylivska communities, - reported the head of the region, serhiy lysak. private and communal enterprises, an educational institution, several power lines were damaged. there are eight private houses, two outbuildings, greenhouses and a garage in nivachchyna. three cars and a minibus were damaged. it was done without postro. 30 people
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evacuated within a week by the rescuers of the fenix ​​turetska group in donetsk region. among them , seven persons with reduced mobility were taken to safer places. people are mostly evacuated early in the morning, when there is less shelling. the situation in the koturetsky direction remains critical. the russians are constantly shelling the city and the front-line communities. so the rescuers are going around every house to persuade... the locals not to expose themselves to danger and to leave, - the state emergency service said. about 4 thousand people remain in the community, among them there are no children. and at night, russian kursk again i was awake from the explosions, the alarms of parked cars went off from the loud sound. locals heard from seven to 10 explosions in the sky, local telegram channels reported. the attack was confirmed by the local governor. allegedly, russian air defense shot down seven
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drones. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 107 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest situation remains in the pokrovsky direction. the russians attacked there 22 times. another 18 times they went on assaults in the turkish direction and 14 on kurakhivskyi. kharkiv region is also restless. the russians tried eight times to storm the vicinity of hlyboky and vovchansk without success. again in court, but now for a new case, spy roman chervinskyi was sent under 24-hour house arrest for a fraud case, the requests of lawyers and guarantors were left without consideration. let me remind you about spy roman chervinsky, who was released on bail on wednesday. in a few hours
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, new charges were brought. apparently, in 2020, he tried to get hold of $100,000, pretending to be a government official fiscal service. judge hardina did not allow chervinskyi's lawyers to speak during the session, and during the process she interrupted the session when she received a call. you see how unprofessional prosecutors are. so does the judge, he does not pay attention to any arguments, in general it is clear that this is simply the fulfillment of some slavish duty to the political power that leads our country today, so thank you all, we continue our struggle together, the judge simply stood up in the middle of the process and went to receive instructions, and but with these characteristics. i guess i should
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say yes, but we can see the result, that's why such a result with such a psychology, i would say yes to the process, is definitely a victory. without crosses and domes, but also without moscow priests, in the poltava region, in an abandoned building of an evening school, the only church of the orthodox church of ukraine was created for the entire community. in the karlov community, more and more locals refuse to visit the churches of the moscow patriarchate and come to serve father dmytro. he is the only priest of the ocu in this area. he will tell how the parish was founded anna morozova. 13 people gathered in a small room. room of the parish of saints
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peter and paul, orthodox church of ukraine. this is the only church of the ocu for the entire 20,000 karlov community, which it opened for the faithful last year. among them is elena's family, which is barely there every sunday. attends the church, my family and i started visiting this temple last summer, we have been visiting other temples for a long time, but we have come to the time when really just our family and three people from the family are fighting, so basically the heart called and we came to e father of mr. father dmytro, to the fedorivska church, but thank god we have a church of our own. abbot father dmytro is also the only... priest. as early as 2013, biryans began attending his services in ukrainian and gladly followed him to the first orthodox church in karlivshchyna. where he lived, there, he went there. uh, i just always felt, especially here, that i wanted to
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go to my church. where the service is in an understandable language. one common state, there should be one church. i think so, and not some other, but purely ukrainian. the century-old building is almost in an emergency state. holes in the floor, hanging wooden beams and a leaky roof ruin the pre-war building, both inside and out. the first services, we, we passed through the shower, the summer shower, when it rained and we passed, it was dripping directly on our heads, we entered the temple. father dmytro says that benefactors and patrons helped to repair and equip the room of the former evening school, because before that the room was unsuitable for visits. they bought us a eucharist. set, other patrons there sponsored shirts, we bought new ones, i brought these two candlesticks from federivka, they could be shared, despite this, the faithful go to the building without a cross, because all
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other religious buildings of the community still belong to the enemy church. in general , the moscow patriarchate continues to dominate the region, says metropolitan fedir of poltava and kremenchug. against 165 communities. the ocu has more than 400 uoc temples, these transitions are slowly taking place, but this is a constant process, people are constantly turning to each other, the process is such that it is people, ordinary believers, who drive the transition, it is less is happening with the priests, the priests take such a corporate position, so far the parish of the holy apostles peter and paul continues services in this building. butne hopes to build the first ocu church in the karlov community. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for espresso tv channel. 5% instead of one and a half. the government proposes to increase the military levy. the relevant draft law was registered by the cabinet of ministers, the representative
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of the cabinet of ministers in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, taras melnychuk, said. also, government officials want to oblige legal entities to pay the fee and fops of all groups, as well as. people who buy banking metals, trade in jewelry, sell real estate or buy a car, and mobile phone providers. this is the end of the episode, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join in, place a tip, welcome my colleagues ulyana panasiuk and roman chaika later on the air, don't switch, stay with...
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estoy muy bien .
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ukrainian business faced one of the biggest problems today - blackout electricity due to enemy rocket fire. ukraine has lost half of its heat generation, small businesses have started using generators, the situation is much more complicated for industrial enterprises. in order to eliminate the shortage of electricity and avoid planned... shutdowns, the government obliged large enterprises to import electricity from europe. in 2022 and 2023, the mandatory share of imports was 30% from may to september and 50% from october to april, but at the end of may 2024, the cabinet of ministers adopted a resolution according to which enterprises have buy 80% of electricity for their needs in europe. due to the high demand and the lack of sufficient supply, the exchange price for electricity has already started to crash. to become 80 and 30 are slightly different figures, we
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could somehow compensate, yes, there was an increase, there was an understanding that the production and resource will increase, but it was not fatal, yes, that is, on the analogy of household, we understand that if you come to the supermarket to buy bread that cost uah 25, and it will become uah 26, well, you won't refuse it, probably it will be... it won't be for you deadly, but if bread cost 25, and you come, it costs 75, then you will already have questions, and the price is not the only obstacle, the capacity for importing electricity at the border is three times less than the need of ukrainian industries, even if the enterprises agree to buy electricity abroad, it will not be enough for everyone, the entire business, the entire industry of ukraine, so we have somewhere a day, they consume about 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity. import of electricity, and the import of electricity that we receive, it today reaches the level of approximately 20 million
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kilohours per day, 25 - in rare periods, it is said that it can be increased to 30 million. some enterprises, in particular, the mining and metallurgical industry of ukraine, have already announced that they may completely stop their work due to decision of the cabinet. arsalorm kryvyi rih, on inguletsk', announced the difficulties that arise in connection with the resolution. enrichment plant and the interpipe company. any increase in the cost price affects production, which in turn affects the state, because our industry very integrated. most of what ukrzaliznytsia transports is transshipped in the ports, now with the opening of the ports, it is the products of the mining and metallurgical complex. and therefore, when our production decreases , transportation decreases, the funds received by ukrzaliznytsia port decrease. related industries and so on. in order not to go bankrupt, the associations of ukrainian industries call for the return of
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the previous conditions of 30 and 50% of the mandatory import of electricity. in the event that the government does not reconsider its decision, businesses will be forced to significantly reduce production and staff numbers, or to stop their activities altogether. of these 9,000, approximately 30% are ours. tives that are in nikopol, this is a combat, combat area, these are daily arrivals, daily, for the threat to life, and the stoppage, the inability to work of these companies, will lead to the fact that these are currently about 30, sorry, about 3 thousand people are not will be able to receive wages, as it is today, they receive stably without delays, meanwhile in... the cabinet of ministers are not yet ready abandon the strict norm. according to yuriy
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vlasenko, the first deputy head of the ministry of energy, this is due to a significant capacity deficit, which will remain at least until the end of the summer repair of power units at nuclear power plants. good morning, i'm glad to see you on our wave in espresso, i congratulate you, what can i give you to cheer you up? well, for example, the collapse of power grids in the south of russia continues for the second day, it's just great, in my opinion, morning coffee, that's for sure, news about something burning in russia always brings positive emotions, but what... positive emotions, you know what morning donations bring, we remind you of our traditional
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morning donation, a collection for our soldiers, now a qr code will appear on your screens, we must introduce ourselves according to the tradition of donating in the morning to the armed forces of ukraine, because we we collect on atvs, this is extremely important for saving the lives of the soldiers of the 93rd brigade. our defenders win every day and do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, and for this she needs copters, i'm sorry kwedro. we have already collected 2.5 miles of zam on the copter, thank you you for this, you see the qr codes for the next collection, you also see the cards, the qr code will be on your screens during the broadcast, so at any convenient moment for you, when you gather your thoughts and decide to donate, use it. oleksii
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maslov, a journalist, is already in touch with us, this is a traditional hour when we talk with representatives of different regions. this time we start from chernihiv oblast, mr. oleksiy, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, i greet you, how are you from the north, what news, what is the situation, or from one side, we see that in kharkiv region, on the other hand, in sumy region , there were attempts to provoke or launch a psychological attack, a large border and in chernihiv region, how about you? the enemy is shelling the border communities of the zabybs, this has been going on for a year and a half or even more, about two years, almost immediately after the enemy was expelled from the territory of chernihiv region , shelling began across the state border, and the border communities are shelled against the zabybs,
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if we talk about these the last few days, let 's say... one more aspect of such danger created, created by the heat that lasted for several days, and if we talk about chernihiv region, let's say, the thermometer rose to 35-36° and more, because of that , forest fires could and did start in some places after the shelling, that is, i i am talking about that, i mean what the enemy can count on, most likely he counts on the fact that in addition to direct, say, damage to the infrastructure from the shelling that the enemy carries out in border communities, it can also cause forest fires, which on time or fires, by the way, and residential buildings too,
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which ukrainian rescuers are simply unable to put out in time, because this is a war zone and... and let's say, they can't get to the forest in time, or to a settlement located near the border , firefighters and rescuers cannot pass, i.e. there is also such a danger from shelling, but it also applies to, say, damage to ecosystems, in particular to forest areas, but it should also be added that the problem of this safety in general, it lies also in the fact that... after some calamity happens, then rescuers and, for example, medics cannot get to these border communities, which are constantly under the threat of shelling, in time to provide assistance to the injured citizens if necessary, that is, the enemy can count on such damage as well. mr. oleksiy, also in those
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messages where there was information about the forest burning, there was... information that the russians also damaged the power line with their shelling, this is an extremely important topic, since there are already blackouts in ukraine, including the electrical infrastructure damage, as now on electricity in chernihiv oblast is very difficult, this week, in addition to planned outages, there were planned outages... outages, but this is also very often, consumers also complain that there were outages and unplanned emergencies, but well, we understand that the situation is objectively like this, i.e. it was also very difficult to disconnect, they happen in different ways, but in some cases these disconnections lasted for 6
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hours, for example, which usually adds to enormous difficulties, it turns out that it can come out of power on... not only household, let's say, and well, it is possible at some industrial facilities, this is already, this is already a matter of such monitoring, tracking the situation, in addition, it must be said that precisely in chernihiv region oblenergo reported that what for what for more for that in order for the load to be more evenly unloaded somehow , if blackouts somehow occur, they will resort to... also disconnecting those, for example, residential buildings that have not yet been turned off, because they are on the lines. with objects of critical infrastructure, well , that is, it may look somehow, you know, as
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something, something unfair from the point of view of the residents of these buildings, but here, first of all , the energy sector is emphasized, it is about reducing the load after all on those who have already from the very beginning, mr. oleksiy, but how do the people of chernihiv solve this dualism on the one hand? the enemy is pounding, power lines are falling, and on the other side is the state administration in chernihiv and they are telling it from the government, we forbid you to turn off light in the front-line zones and near the border, well, the line is lying, well, i don't understand how it is possible to make diametrically opposite orders at the same time, how they cope with it, well, what can i say, they cope with it, obviously, well, it's very, very difficult. it is very difficult, but the point is that the energy workers themselves in such conditions are forced to work in border communities, that wherever there is damage right on the border
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or near the border, it is very difficult to carry out these repair works there at all, sometimes after the damage precisely in the border communities, after shelling, local residents have to wait there for several days, not just for several hours, but for several. so, so, this is the situation, if it is in process, it is working, but it is extremely difficult, there is indeed such a certain contradiction here, thank you, mr. oleksiy, after the end of hostilities , it will be necessary to take russian prisoners to museums and churches and to chernigov, so that they understood that at the time when civilization and education existed in the chernihiv principality, frogs were afraid to crawl through the finno-ugric swamps, this 100% thank you, oleksiy maslov, a journalist from chernihiv region, was in touch with us, a small pause on the espresso broadcast, and in the afternoon we will continue to learn about the situation in
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the regions, stay, her discounts represent the only discounts on europast softcaps, 10% in pharmacies for travelers and savings in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an interview with evstratius. about the challenges for the ukrainian church, the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about difficulties and challenges military medics. the country is always at the forefront . search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts representing the only discounts on enterogermin 15% in plantain pharmacies. there are discounts for you and savings . they are the only discounts on combi games . 10% entry in pharmacies for travelers and savings. fm
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galicia listen to yours. there are discounts for the only discounts for edem 2 in pharmacies for travelers and savings. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenter. that many have become like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna
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rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for on these and others. questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad: world, front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on , the verdict
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with sergey. studenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. well say that our guys are not beautiful in the north of sevastopol, this information is not for the audience, this is information for hymars and atakams, the iskander m took off tonight, it is a matter of seconds to odessa, and the missile was destroyed by air defense forces. i say, is n't it wonderful. yes, great, that's true. ukrenergo writes that it will weaken
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the disconnection. of electricity, but this information is not very verified, if you can say so, because they first write that they weaken, then people go to work, or return, then home, washing machines are included, and the restrictions are being tightened again, we promised you that you would donate well, drink coffee, and we collect information for you from all corners of the homeland, now we are south, nikitenko... the editor of the publication most from kherson to us it's already turned on, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, how did the night pass in kherson and in the kherson region, let's start with the right bank, it's obvious that nothing new happened, the russians fired again, populated areas, and in kherson it was explosions are heard, and in... others
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populated areas, well, i think that the report of the military administration will be in more detail, it is difficult to say, yesterday evening in the afternoon , kharsov residential quarters were heavily shelled, but now you see on the video, this is tavrizky microdistrict, a multi-storey residential building was fired upon, several buildings were damaged, wounded people, well, everything as usual, actually more... have now focused on these provocative and terrorist shelling during the day, because we see such a trend that they used to shell at night and in the morning, and now there are more and more shellings and bombings during the day, this is how it looks in the city now , day and night, there is no no, there is no system, although it is probably more frequent at night, uh, but in general on the right bank or at least
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a little in.. . at least part of these shellings, i ’m not talking about kherson now, as they say, south of it along the dnipro, well, it’s not even artillery anymore, so much artillery plays a role, like fpv drones, a lot of fpv drones in the russians appeared, and they immediately fired from drones and struck kamikaze drones. er, well , they happen every day, and in principle, and already in kherson, fpv drones have repeatedly flown over the suburbs, resets are constant, and the russians are hunting not only firefighters, military personnel, the police there, yes, already a long time ago ordinary people, on civilians, in the same stanislav, for example, constantly talk
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about the fact that... russians see that this is, well, there is a pensioner walking or riding a bicycle, and it still does not stop them, that is, even though artillery hails are very heavily covered, lately it has renewed again, appeared in they probably have ammunition for hails, then they are very often shelled from hails, and stanislav, the same, and kherson, and higher up the dnieper, populated areas are constantly, in a word, being pounded from left to right, and then you are so hot that at the southern ukrainian nuclear power plant, three transformers went out in three days, how are you dealing with the heat, what are the consequences? well, for kherson, kherson oblast, this heat is almost nothing abnormal, yes, it is normal summer weather, we are used to it, yes, but...


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