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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 7:30am-7:55am EEST

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on ordinary people, on civilians, in the same stanislav, for example, they constantly talk about the fact that the russians see that there is a pensioner walking or riding a bicycle, and it still does not stop them, that is, although the artillery hails very they cover it up a lot, it has recently renewed again, they apparently have too much ammunition for hails, they are very often shelled from hails, and stanislav is the same. and kherson and higher up the dnieper, populated areas are constantly, in a word, from left to right, pounding, as it continues, you, such and such the heat that three transformers blew out in three days at the southern ukrainian nuclear power plant, how do you deal with the heat, what are the consequences, well, for kherson, kherson oblast, this heat is almost nothing abnormal , yes, this is normal summer weather, we are used to it, yes. well, kherson is a little bit
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lucky, yes, but in kherson there are more or less problems with electricity, water, gas there, and in kherson oblast as well, but many settlements remain without electricity, including the garden itself, i am constantly talking about i'm telling him, it's been without electricity since november 9, 22, his they are constantly shelling, but the people of antonivka continue to live there, well, there are many settlements, whole communities there, novooleksandrivska hromad, and others, well, in principle, the heat, like the heat for the south, is not quite, let's say, an anomaly. i also wanted to ask you about another topic, there was a report that a special entry-exit regime is being implemented in the kherson region, what is the reason for this, what is the security situation, well, we understand that the occupiers are shelling every day, are there any cases of infiltration by subversives groups, which this is a special entry-exit mode,
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it's not for ordinary people, it's for foreigners, after volunteers died in boryslav in the spring of last year, the defense radio was decided, it seems to be the region, i'm afraid i'm wrong now, restrictions were introduced just for foreigners, they now have to report, this.. . these volunteers and journalists have always informed others, let's say, foreign citizens, about their movements, they agree on routes, it's been a long time, it's been since spring, it was just recently, let's say, they reminded me once again, sorry, the regional authorities still someone reminded me about it once mistakenly decided that it was just now being conducted, no, this is an action since the spring, and i repeat this, not for everyone, for other citizens as well. certain
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restrictions, let's say, in the same kherson, for example, they let you in with local registration, or they ask questions, yes, such a small filtering passes, but there are almost no restrictions for people, uh, but the kherson regional military administration wrote, you know that , that the special regime applies to citizens of ukraine, as well as to foreigners and stateless people, yes, well , it applies to... the cases continue, literally the day before yesterday it seems that the kherson volunteers came under fire in antonivtsi, several people were wounded, including the headman antoni, at the end of his birth, he was hit by the vogs, it seems that they were thrown from the mavik. that is,
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they are trying to secure it more, well, even volunteers, yes, they are trying to explain to them where they can go and where they cannot go, and i understand that i am not fully aware of this, but there, how does the police do it, by order of the military administration, but this does not mean that someone is not allowed there, yes, perhaps, the information is important for volunteers, because we we know that among our viewers there are many such people who help and... including on a large scale, so if you are going to the kherson region, go to the page of the kherson regional military administration, there is a list of the necessary actions that must be taken in order to problems to inform those who need to know about their movements, the commandant's office of the kherson region. mr. serhiu, i wanted to know about this figure, just yesterday the government said through the mouth of the prime minister that it is allocating an additional, in my opinion, 16 million in order to... not fight
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with russian television and radio propaganda, and the left bank of the kherson region is first of all mentioned, as if a television radio system would actually be launched here. persuasion, which provides for the blocking of russian electronic signals, and then they will do it in donetsk, mykolaivsk and zaporizhzhia regions, do you know something, what kind of system is this and what it means that until today everywhere on the right bank of the rash tulovyevshchyna, i i heard this information yesterday, it's hard for me to say technically, and there are all these stories, although, well, it's obvious what needs to be done. it is necessary and we need to strengthen our signal, and we know that now television is also finishing radio broadcasting to certain settlements, to the same bare pier, for example, they are finishing kakhovka, the new kakhovka is not covered now, but they are promising ukrainian radio and there, this
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obviously needs to be done in terms of blocking the signals, well, the radio signal needs to be blocked, because the radio reaches kherson a little bit. russian, along the highway, well, there is the kherson-beryslav highway, who knows, along this highway last summer my colleagues and i did not fly so many fp, drove and listened, then i could catch four russian radio stations there quite well, in good quality, so i think blocking is necessary, as for the tv signal, i honestly do not know, i have never seen a russian tv signal not in kharson, no... populated areas, where i am, well, it is difficult for me to say here, but it is necessary to block, i have often thought about this, that in general, and we, ukrainian journalists, should go there as much as possible to the left bank and communicate with the audience there, because there are also a lot of people there, and from where,
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where do kherson people get information mostly, of course, these are usually telegram channels, the most popular source of information now. these social networks, electronic media, well , radio and television are probably next, it’s hard to say how much percentage there is, i think such measurements do not exist, but in kherson on the right bank there are ukrainian radios, a tv signal, well , obviously there is the internet, and it is important for us that people are both here on the right bank and there on tebsokupo. on the left bank received information from us, from the ukrainian media, and we consider it a mission for us to explain even to the residents of the left bank, what is happening in them, well, independently without the participation of the russians, well, it looks like it is inside, there was a recent survey by one of the sociological
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groups that, so that you understand colleagues, 78 percent of ukrainians receive news information from telegram, well the people of kherson are the same. every second person knows that he can be deceived there and pelted with fakes and they continue to fly, well, serhiy nikitenko, the editor-in-chief of the publication most from kherson, was in touch with us, thank you, this is what they write on the internet that chuguyev was shelled, it's on kharkiv oblast, there are victims, the first hit was just next to the house, but we will talk about kharkiv oblast further on, it will be. we have a guest from this region, so do not switch, wait, we will find out operational information. there are discounts, which are the only discounts on tolocksen strong, 10% in pharmacies,
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you need, call. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on exodoril, 15% in pharmacies travel to you and save. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on mikrolax. 20% in pharmacies of travel memories and savings. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the foreign affairs committee of the polish sejm in... as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska, every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sister au. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save him. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way from zero to
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our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv yav. good morning to all who have just joined us. the live broadcast on the spresso tv channel continues. as promised before the break, we are turning on kharkiv oblast, andriy besedyn, head of the kupyansk city of the military administration, contact us. glory to ukraine, good morning. good morning, heroes, glory. mr. andriy, russian troops shelled chuguiev there at dawn, it is 80 km from you. and what is your situation, how was the night and yesterday, how did the day pass? the situation is extremely difficult. you know, when we constantly talk about a difficult situation, at the moment it is really extremely difficult, the enemy is constantly advancing, unfortunately, he has
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local successes, along a large strip of the front line, he is getting closer to the actually central parts of the kupyan community, the the number of strikes is increasing, at night the enemy struck with an aerial bomb, it was a 1.5 ton guided aerial bomb that hit... the central part of the city of kupyansk, thankfully there were no people around, a large number of administrative buildings, private buildings, office buildings, now ours utility services are carrying out conservation, cleaning of everything that happened, but again, if we talk about mass, density, then this is fpv, which is currently very often used by the enemy in the central parts. cities, precisely by private home ownership, along the central roads where ordinary people move, so
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the situation is highlighted, i wanted to ask you, actually, if you look at the map, then to the north and south of kupyansk, they, the enemy, also manage to push through something, and they are moving , especially, it is clearly visible to the oskil river in the pišchane area, and what is the actual distance there? to a serious obstacle that will protect us between the front line and the oskil river, in this area, in this area the distance is approximately 8-9 km to the left bank, and to the oskil river itself, if we are talking about the city of kupyansk itself, then the nearest point is 6 km, it is tsinkivka, where the enemy is also constantly pressing, if we are talking about the other direction, it is petropavlivka, where the enemy is. is actively trying to push through there and has local successes there, it is 8 km, so it is getting closer and
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closer, and the enemy is approaching the central parts of the settlements of the kupyansk community, and indeed the enemy's tactics are unchanged, they are the same, this is terror, this is destruction, this is destruction of critical civil infrastructure, which showed the impact tonight, it is 1.5 tons, that is why no one is around was, no one was hurt. mr. andriy, how about the evacuation? is the number of people willing to leave increasing or vice versa, such a plus-minus is constantly the same number of people signing up for evacuation, unfortunately, it is not increasing, we are constantly informing, constantly emphasizing the fact that it is necessary to leave to safer places now, the algorithm has been worked out, these
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services work on the "yazka, but they neglect, neglect their lives, the lives of their... relatives, especially children, of whom there are currently 173 children in the community on the right bank of the skil river. i want one more time taking the opportunity to emphasize that for now it is better to leave the territory of the kupyan community for safer places, i note that there is a whole worked-out algorithm, there are created places for compact living, there is an opportunity to choose these places for compact living both in the city of kharkiv itself and in safer regions regions of our country. therefore, now it is necessary not to neglect, to really listen and leave, to give our boys and girls the opportunity to work, to restrain the enemy, and i am sure that after a short period of time we will really drive out this black spot, the unclean spirit into the country of the terrorist from our territory, well, it happens that people do not want to leave, because there, for example, they do not understand the conditions that
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are offered to them, or they do not suit them, but what is the point people who are offered evacuation, where do they then go, what opportunities are offered to them? well, first of all, if we put life and health on the scales, yes, and those conditions, although the conditions are quite good and everything has been created, because in fact , mandatory evacuation has been in effect for the second year, and the entire algorithm has been worked out, connected very there are many specialized services for this process, so conditions in hostels, if we say in cities. fully suitable for life, people are provided for, we are constantly in touch with them, we personally come every month, communicate, bring everything they need, people can learn about any humanitarian, social, etc. initiatives there through us we explain everything, so it's definitely not an argument, and when we see what the enemy is doing
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there with the city of kupyan and the settlements of the kupyan community, where he hits, what he wants to do, we understand. that no military there were no objects on the territory of the city of kupyansk or the kupyansk community either before the war or now, so the purposeful terror was aimed at destruction, the destruction of everything that could give people a chance to live. mr. andriy, but two days ago, as it was reported that a civilian crossing was destroyed in the kupyan region, and it was used not only there for moving, but also for this as an evacuation route and... that after that, decided to rebuild in another place, to rebuild the same one, or is there still an opportunity to use it somewhere in the kupyan region, well places about which the enemy at least does not know yet, this is a constant process, this is a constant struggle, we are rebuilding, the enemy is destroying, we are rebuilding, he is destroying, the crossing was indeed destroyed,
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we are constantly engaged in reconstruction, this is not the only logistical route there... not the only logistical route , which we use, including to ensure the livelihood of the settlements of the left bank, evacuation, etc., so i want to note that people have the opportunity, it is permanent, sometimes it is difficult there with road transport, but pedestrian crossings, pedestrian bridges, they operate constantly, car crossings, they are partially destroyed, partially collapsing. but thanks to our heroic communal workers, who actually work around the clock, helping our boys and girls, we quickly fix it, and there are no problems in principle to ensure the humanitarian situation of the social sphere there, there is no left bank of kupyansk, and finally, tell me
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how you are now the construction of the correct lines of defense is not as relevant. defense is not just some anti-tank trenches, canals, it is very sensitive topic, and for you it is also very important, despite all these stories from the semi-northern regions of kharkiv region, how do you, how do you assess, as a military administration, have they built what the military needs? it is being built, it is actually being built all the time, we see it, it is not for...there cameras or for live broadcasting, but it is done very well, it is done specifically for the military, you know, not to build something and forget it, but that , what the military says, what... they demand what they ask for, the things that are needed, because the front is constantly changing, the enemy uses more and more different weapons, more
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powerful weapons, therefore the safety and protection of our boys and girls is a 100% priority, and if we talk about the local successes that the enemy has, it is really the first priority to preserve the lives and health of our personnel . mr. andriy, thank you for being with the viewers of espress this morning. andriy besyedin, head of the kupyan city military administration, thank you, mr. andriy, for your inclusion, yes, it looks like, in fact, along this front line, the rate is again the same, no less than in the temporary yar, well , listen, it’s not tough, in the pokrovsky direction too, zaporizhzhia and dnipropetrovsk region, although we started to talk about it less, well , because there is less news from there, also tough, the russians are tough and.. . we need to fight them as soon as possible, you see the qr code on the screen, with our fees we help all our defenders to fight against the russian invasion, we believe that
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we will be able to collect money for the needs of our armed forces as soon as possible. well, now let's try to find out more, and the situation again from north to south, let's move to odesa, we always turn to... we pay attention to the fact that either the service of god is very active there, or there is somehow a very specific situation, because there, for example, in the rivne region, they have already caught those, i omit the word here, because you can't talk about it on tv, these are the ones who set fire to military vehicles, and now the same thing is happening again from odesa, two, two cars, which were clearly visible, that they were military personnel, were burned, and they regularly catch some on duty and on duty. traitors, we will now ask damian hannol, a soldier, a little about it volunteer and public figure, mr. demyan, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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good morning, mr. demyan, here i will somehow start with the story where you were also at the epicenter of this story, i am talking about this scandal in the parking lot, because the videos are very interesting there, and we were most interested in the position in... the police, maybe you can tell us better, that is , you heard, you saw, you called the police, then, then there are a lot of interesting nuances, that's how she addressed me the girl who faced the fact that she was refused service in ukrainian, i was not far away, i drove up, asked my husband, he apparently speaks russian, he is not ukrainian, and that is why i decided that after all , the police are needed here, as representatives of the authorities, representatives of the state, dialed 102, and i didn't like the way the patrolman who was supposed to come to the call talked to me on the phone,
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because he doesn't know the laws well, well, i thought so, but when he came with his partner, they convinced me of this, and i was a little it's uncomfortable, because i'm in ukraine telling state representatives that this is the language law, and not only that. eloquent because when they said they don't regulate this story then i asked them to just check the legality of this parking lot because there was no consumer corner at the place to which the patrol said i had no right to check documents it was also very funny, because i am a consumer, and they are just incompetent, huh, but here we are not only interested in this representative of the national police. a fan of the russian language, but it turns out that her father is interesting, yes, that is, it is like that dynasty, the father of the patrol girl who
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compared the language law with the inscription on the fence in the video, her father is a former berkut fighter, and now he is in the main office of the national police of the odesa region, the convoy service, he is some kind of commander there, something like that, that is, the same dep ... was detained for the fact that he registered fictitious employees to his unit and received a salary for them, although in fact they were not dead, and it is not clear what is wrong with this case, but there is such a fact, do you understand?


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