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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 9:00am-9:27am EEST

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mayor artem semenikhov in his video message, in order for water to reach the city's residents, generators are used, but the mayor says that it is expensive, so water is given with restrictions. what is the situation in the city of sumy, alyona yatsyna, a correspondent of radio liberty, will tell. colleague, congratulations, i pass the floor to you, tell me, please, what is the situation with turning off the lights and water, is there a prospect that it will be resolved? a... greetings to everyone, greetings colleagues, the situation this week has literally worsened several times, if before that, what could be lived for schedules, which gave oblenergo and to predict something, to somehow adjust their lives to this, then this week is simply unbearable for the residents of sumy oblast, as they say, due to the fact that it is impossible to adjust and somehow plan their lives in relation to the schedules, because they actually do not exist. .. are operating, the outages are getting
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longer and longer in relation to water in those houses where the water supply is more on domestic networks, and it depends on electricity, then there are also problems with water supply, where it is centralized, while at least in the city of somme there are no such problems no, with the connection to the mobile internet, and in some places with the home internet, there are also problems and interruptions, when... the disconnection lasts for more than four hours, then the communication towers and the internet simply stop working. one of the big problems in sumatra during blackouts is also the turning off of traffic lights, even at major intersections, traffic is not regulated, patrol police do not come out to regulate traffic, i have seen them literally twice in the entire time, and during the last week they did not use no additional measures. the city government, nor the police,
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that's why just yesterday, for example, on my way home from work, i saw three traffic accidents exactly at the intersections that should be regulated, people say that what worries them the most is the unpredictability, they understand the outages, but if they were for schedules, it would be much better, let's listen, we talked to people, what they think about... this is how life is in sumy with a blackout, not according to the schedules at all, there is a power bank for recharging the internet, there is also a coflo, but not a general one character, and urban, of the charging type just for the refrigerator and for heating, well, that is, for the boiler to work as well, we have power banks, we have everything, so we have adapted, we are holding on, someone will not be very happy, they did not turn off the lights for six days, they are not adapted. back in the 90s, yes, no, there is
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a battery light that lights up, and when there is light, it charges, we have one or two, well, two full per apartment, we turn on one, we turn on one, the problem is, that we don't have small children and there are no old men, but we can have uncles and aunts like us at all turn it off, and where there are children, there are staiks, of course, it’s a pity and you have to twist your head, because they don’t follow the schedule, then it’s very bad here, we go out, for example, if it’s in the evening, well, in principle, the only thing is that the child at home is small , it’s inconvenient, but in principle i’ve already adapted, i have a power bank, i work at home, and i bought and use applications for myself, i haven’t adapted at all, it’s just like that, everything is boiling, not according to the schedule at all, they turn it off as they like, but not according to schedule, i'm always on... i came home, there's no light,
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there is no water, somehow, well, we adapt, but we have to live, that is, well, we also heard from people that if there were graphs, if there were at least some predictability, then people would react better to everything that actually happens with light, well, i would like, of course , more understanding and more faith in that, in those promises, when they say or launch. the reactor has not been started yet, that is, people are constantly following the news, waiting for it and also waiting for the schedules, because at least in sumy, in the sumy oblast, the shutdown schedules are updated several times a day, and they are constantly changing. what you planned for yourself in the morning is not a fact that in the evening or until the evening, it will not change three times. i would like to say a few words about the border, there are statements that the electricity is turned off in a 20-kilometer strip. they won't be, that's all fine, of course,
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but due to constant shelling in some settlements, there has been no electricity for over a year. thank you, thank you, alyona, this question is really important. which you put on the air, we will discuss them further and write about it in the comments people from different regions of ukraine, about the situation in sumy and sumy oblast, alyona yatsyna, a correspondent of radio liberty, told. write which city in the region you are from, what is the situation with power outages and, accordingly , with your water supply, how many hours a day are there lights and whether the shutdowns occur according to the schedule, share your experience in the comments under our broadcast, and before the broadcast to... valeria kholodova, radio liberty correspondent in dnipro, says. greetings colleague, please tell me what the current electricity situation is in the city. good morning, the situation with electricity in the dnipropetrovsk region and in particular in the dnipro is difficult. the schedules work around the clock, consumers
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were divided into six groups, they turn off the light in both dark gray and light gray areas, which means that it is not there for 7 hours, and then they had to ... turn it back on, but in practice , without light, people can to stay for 15-16 hours, well, in some houses on the residential areas of the dnipro, people complain that they have not seen light at all for several days, they turn to the heating station to the energy supplier, i apologize, and also to emergency teams, however, this does not bring any results, well, in the dnipro power grids, they explain this by the fact that they are constantly happening and... from the accident, it is connected with the abnormal heat, and people are asked to be patient, well, the water situation is stable, although the day before due to the lack of electricity on the heat distribution networks, the water supply pressure was reduced in some areas of the dnipro, well, the authorities
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of the dnipropetrovsk region are urging residents to install solar panels, taking advantage of the program offered by the state regarding... indefinite and low-percentage, low-percentage compensation, well, i also want to say that people have already started going to rallies under the children's buildings, they took place in dnipro and kamiansk, today one will take place in kryvyi rih, at the same time, the weather is gradually improving, the heat is going away, and residents dnipro and the region hope that this will also affect the situation with the studio's electricity supply. thank you, valeriya kholodova, radio correspondent. svoboda talked about the situation in the dnipro, then we will talk about energy in ukraine. in ukrenergo they promise that the situation with light may improve starting tomorrow. it has become cooler in some regions of ukraine, so the shutdown schedules will become softer. and so they say that
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the power system needs time to react to a change in temperature. earlier , ukrainian prime minister denys shmyhalii also predicted an improvement in the lighting situation. he said this at the beginning of the week. experts forecast. that there will be more light after one of the units of the nuclear power plant is removed from repair, but users, in particular in the comments, in the comments under broadcasts of radio svoboda, write and complain that the blackout schedules have become even tougher these days. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center , explains on his facebook that this could have happened because, in his words, three transformers burned down at the southern ukrainian aes in three days. the transformers physically burned out due to the heat, so the cities of the left-bank part of ukraine, including sumy and the dnipro, as kharchenko writes, have experienced extremely strict power outage schedules in recent days. i let me remind you that we will also voice your questions, dear viewers, on the air, you can
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write them for the broadcast. we were joined by gennady ryabtsev, an energy expert . greetings, mr. gennadiy, thank you for joining, i would like to ask you the first question, which worries many people, how is the heat? affects electricity generation, why, when it is hot, there is less light, is it because of those air conditioners that people use there, despite the fact that they are advised not to turn them on? well, first of all, they advise to use energy equipment more rationally, no one forbids to use air conditioners, especially since we are primarily talking about industrial air conditioners, the fact is that all technological... processes are implemented at a standard temperature, i.e. at a temperature of 20°, well, plus or minus, but even the conditions are called that, standard conditions , of course , try packing oil there, for example, at
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a temperature of 35°, it simply will not be packaged, try to make some printing there, for example, on the same paper with... considering that for at temperature all materials are lengthened if it is imperceptible there on one millimeter or on... in one meter, then if we are talking about some lines several kilometers long, or even more, then it is quite clear that industrial condensation is very necessary, and the growth of electricity consumption, at the same time, speaking in general in ukraine, it is more than 5-10%, especially in case of abnormal heat, it can be more than 10% rather than 5%. in addition, if the temperature rises, and almost all
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power equipment is in the open air, under without any protective additional structures, because we know that the lines, they overhead power lines, then high temperature can lead to... less cooling of such objects and to the activation of emergency protection. sometimes there are extraordinary events, as mr. oleksandr said, even encountering accusations of fakes, in ibso and so on, but in my opinion, it is worth acknowledging certain problems in order to... protect them from their repetition in
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the future, with in view of this, during the heat, the operation of the equipment becomes difficult and the emergency protection works and some objects fail and increase energy consumption, these two reasons, or rather one reason, abnormal heat, caused the fact that... the schedules of stabilization shutdowns in them changed from two to three shifts to four, in some areas of ukraine, especially those where electricity consumption is maximum, is the largest throughout the territory of ukraine, i mention, first of all, the dnipropetrovsk region, not only stabilizing, but also emergency shutdowns were introduced in them. regarding the information, ah... about which we are talking, about the information published by mr. kharchenko, that three transformers burned down in three days
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current and this led to the deterioration of the situation on the left bank of ukraine, should an official investigation be conducted in this regard, is it possible to somehow protect these objects from such heat, or could the energy authorities really do something about this to prevent this situation? because we have a really high-profile event, it... definitely needs, well, you can't say that it's an investigation, but it needs, well, more attention in order to primarily prevent these cases from happening again in the future, if they did happen, of course, because the ministry of energy claims that nothing like this happened, given this situation, and the weather, and we understand... the loss of power facilities in ukraine due to russian shelling, but how are these
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blackout schedules formed and are they formed fairly? right now, under our broadcast, viewers from sumy and odesa write to us and say that they turn off the lights for a long time, for many hours, but there are elite areas where the lights are not turned off at all, these are not elite areas, but consumers are protected, it is implied, there is the list of enterprises that... work constantly, these are enterprises of critical infrastructure, these are enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, and these are the consumers who import more than 80% of the consumed energy, all these categories of consumers are protected and do not turn them off, chatter about the fact that there is some district or some separate building, or some separate
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apartment that is not turned off, well, it is uh - stories of some rumors or something else, because neither ukrenergo nor oblenergo can turn off an individual person, they turn off queues, a set of consumers who consume a certain amount of electrical energy, if in some neighborhood there is a house that is constantly energized, then here... there can be two things here, either the condominium in this building took care of purchasing a generator that ensures the continuity of the supply of electrical energy, or this house was under turned on by the developer not to the group that
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is, well, usual for the neighborhood, but to some other group, and such... happens and happened and still happens, because unfortunately, now there is no clear distribution or clear division of all consumers from a territorial feature, that is, it connects to places where there is a possibility of connection, so sometimes it seems that there is a neighborhood, everything is completely turned off, and... it's as if there is electricity in some place, in some point or in some house. i got it, thank you for answering this, we have two minutes left, but there is a question, look, donald tusk says that poland can help ukraine to produce electricity, and prime minister denys shmyhal also said , that there will be an improvement,
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because ukraine will purchase more of electricity abroad, how many percent of this electricity can be purchased. abroad, so that the ukrainians somehow zoom in, and what are your forecasts, in fact, as no more than 15% of energy consumption, because it does not depend on the wishes of shmygal or tusk, it depends on the carrying capacity of interstate crossings, that is, on the number of power lines that connect, for example, ukraine and poland, now this number is limited, new power lines need to be built, so now we have... a maximum bandwidth of 1.7 gigabytes, the president said that before the attacks of the russian federation, we consumed a maximum of 18 gw, well, you can calculate, this is a little less than 10%, and if organizational restrictions are removed, then by the end of the year it will be possible
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to increase this throughput to 1.9, two and one, well... up to about 2 years . ukrenergo and oblenergo are currently working on this, but still, this import is not enough to cover all the needs of ukraine, and now it is very important to create and install small power plants, about combine them in small distribution systems, to be connected to the unified energy system in order to ensure the energy autonomy of each territorial community, each settlement. of each district in cities. thank you, mr. gennadiy. thank you for answering our viewers' questions. gennadiy ryabtsev is an expert on energy issues, if you still have questions, be sure to write them under our broadcast, we will put them on the next broadcasts in the future, because this topic has been with us for a long time, as we understand. and then let's talk about corrupt officials and theirs
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prospects in ukraine, the verkhovna rada supported in the first reading the draft law number 113. on an agreement with the investigation of corruption crimes, 231 people's deputies voted for it the day before. this draft law became scandalous in a few hours and caused criticism on social networks from activists, public and cultural figures, outraged reposts, bloggers and just social network users, some people's deputies who supported it, by the end of the day already started apologizing for voting and saying, that was voted for by mistake. in addition, the draft law was criticized in the committee on issues. of anti-corruption policy and the main, in the main anti-corruption bodies of the country, as acquired by sap. so, what does this bill provide and what exactly caused such outrage. the new draft law, in particular, proposes to supplement the third part of article 53 of the criminal code of ukraine with provisions providing for the imposition of a fine as an additional punishment for corruption offenses in the event
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of a plea agreement. for different degrees of severity, offenses are provided. different fines, and this is from almost 2.5 million game hryvnias to 204 million, and it is proposed that in the event that a suspect or accused of corruption agrees to a deal with the investigation, exposes another person in corruption, and this is confirmed, or, if this person fully or partially compensates for damages from of his crime, then the court can approve this plea agreement, while the exposure of such... suspect or accused by another person of committing a crime is not required, that is, the article of the law reads as either, or, or you expose another person in corruption, or in whole or in part from... indemnify . after the vote , reposts criticizing this draft law flooded the network. it was one of the first to be criticized by blogger ihor lachenko, who was also reposted by some people's
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deputies who, surprisingly, supported this draft law. people's deputy dmytro gurin from the servant of the people reported on social networks that he voted for this document by mistake. another people's deputy from slug, roman hryshchuk , wrote that he would make amendments to the second reading. i voted for 11340. which allows corrupt people to get out of criminal cases. my vote was not decisive, but it doesn't matter at all, i made a stupid mistake, what a shame, it's the first time, sorry, this is the first reading, i vote red in the second. i was one of those who supported the draft law in the first reading, and i will submit amendments to the second reading in order to remove all risks and leave only those norms necessary for european integration. the committee on anti-corruption policy recognized this bill as follows. that does not meet the requirements of anti-corruption legislation. the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office agreed with the committee's conclusion. in the national anti-corruption bureau was also
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told that exemption from serving a sentence with probation is possible only if two conditions are met at the same time, i.e. disclosure by the suspect or accused of corruption of another organizer, if the information is confirmed by evidence, and full or partial, for'. terms of indemnity for damages or damage caused. the head of the servant of the people faction , david arahamia, in response to criticism of the law , said the following that the deputies did not raise the issue of agreements with the investigation in corruption offenses at all, but these demands received from partners within the framework of the obligations of the ukraine facility plan, i.e. the requirements for the european integration of ukraine. and arahamiya says that this is only the first reading before the final vote for this bill. it will be checked by international experts, and therefore public dissatisfaction, they say, and representatives of society can present their arguments to representatives of embassies and
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international organizations, they say that all this can be fixed, you write in the comments how you reacted to the news about the adoption of such a bill, i just i will point out that there is, that we will continue to talk about it and analyze whether, let's say, there are really arguments in society. to such indignation that we saw yesterday in social networks and from other deputies who did not vote for this draft law, including from people who work in the anti-corruption field and point out such shortcomings of this draft law, and most importantly, are these shortcomings possible , if they are really justified, correct before the second reading and whether they will do it in the verkhovna rada, i will remind you that... and vadym valko joins our broadcast, lawyer of the anti-corruption center, mr. vadim, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, and right away i will ask you, as a person
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who is a specialist in this field, after all, in what way do you think this draft law will allow corrupt people to avoid responsibility ? eh, i congratulate you, well, first of all , agreements in criminal proceedings are a normal practice there, it is also in europe, in the united states of america, that is... it is normal when, even in particularly serious corruption crimes, the perpetrators, some accomplices , i.e. not key organizers such schemes, and persons who performed some ordinary role there can give incriminating statements precisely against the organizers of corruption schemes, and in exchange for the fact that they admit guilt, give statements, partially compensate for some damage there, even receive a conditional sentence, yes, conditional imprisonment. but now this project, which was voted on in the first reading, makes it possible not to give any
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incriminating testimony at all and to receive agreements in return, this is the first negative point, and the second, it allows you to conclude agreements with the organizers, which in fact there is no one to expose, well, they can expose themselves, and again give them, for example, conditional deprivation of liberty, that is, these are the two key things eh... the impossibility of this unalternative exposure, that is, exposure must always be when it is concluded an agreement in particularly serious crimes, exposing self-organizers, and the second point is, uh, well, the impossibility of concluding an agreement with the organizer with the condition of uh, exemption from punishment, that is, perhaps it is necessary to allow the presentation of agreements with such key by the defendants with the possibility of appointment, for example, punishment. lower than provided by the article, if the article there says from seven to 12 years of imprisonment, then if the person agrees to a deal, the state does not spend time on the trial, long and so on, then he can...
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years in prison, but well, imprisonment freedom here means, for example, not seven, five or three years should really be mandatory, and it is obvious that full compensation for damage, it is obvious that even an additional punishment in the form of a fine, together with imprisonment, is it can also be predicted, that is, there is still a lot to be done, and it turned out that we really have the ukraine facility plan, an anti-corruption program, which stipulates that the institution of agreements must be improved, but for some reason it will be improved in such a way that the anti-corruption committee councils, the national anti-corruption bureau, the anti-corruption prosecutor's office, most of them are specialists, experts who work in this field, say that these are the current norms, they are harmful, they are supported only by people's deputies and, well, a large part of those involved, accused of corruption cases, who obviously understand that under such a law, well, at least tomorrow after it is voted on, they will simply pay a fine, compensate even in full for these losses and will be with a criminal record, but without... monetary
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deprivation of liberty. mr. vadim, ihor friz, people's deputy of ukraine, servant of the people and chairman of the subcommittee on activities of justice bodies and penitentiary bodies joins our conversation. mr. igor.


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