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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess and analyze the events them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with help.
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poll, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from from the 20th to the 22nd, we continue the live broadcast on the espresso tv channel, roman chaiko, ulyana panasyuka and sofia fedina are with us in the studio, ms. sofia, we welcome you, good day, i congratulate everyone, well, a high-profile case yesterday and the day before yesterday is new. a new page in the history of roman chervinskyi's case began, as if he had almost been released, and zhot was again taken under house arrest in the bribery case. what, you are now in lviv, will you have to go to kyiv again? well , look, a new preventive measure was already issued yesterday, and it is house arrest with the wearing of an electronic bracelet, after we made an absolutely wild scandal yesterday in the context of massive missile obs. of kyiv, and we raised
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the issue that now he cannot even set foot outside his residence, as in this case, they first told us that a policeman should come there and take him to the storage, well, of course, yes, a policeman during shelling will specially go to chervinsky, so they prescribed to him that he has permission to go to the storage during alarms, and he has the right to go to the hospital in case of any exacerbations, but i i will say this, there are two difficult... points here: the first is fantastic, unexpected, and it is a great holiday for all of us that he was released from the pre-trial detention center, well, in fact , the person was in the pre-trial detention center for a year and a half for nothing, only because the president's office decided to arrest roman chervinsky, because he exposed treason against the state, treason against ukraine during wagnergate and many other cases, i think he also has all the materials there, the situation in the courts reached such a point that when chervinsky is indicted,
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the main accusation , which he did not fulfill orders, followed orders incorrectly, and that is why a missile flew over the kanatove airfield, and he guided the missile to the kanatove airfield by his actions, well, you know, in a few moments it turns out that the first cableway airfield is familiar on all moscow maps since the 1960s in exact coordinates and that's all chervinskyi said that there is a rope rocket there, let it fly, but he did not question the second point for more than a year. commander chervinsky, he went to all the courts, he brought documents, he demanded to be interrogated, and when finally the interrogation took place so long ago, he said, all the orders were there, the entire vertical line from zaluzhnyi to chervinskyi to everyone else, that is, in essence, chervinskyi was held for nothing, but he will now be held for nothing, and also with a bracelet, i.e. this is such a pyrrhic victory, because it is important to them that he broke down and that he did not speak when it was cold, it
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was essentially torture, not only there were themes. but without windows, without fresh air, and so on, he was taken out for a walk at six in the morning, so that, god forbid, he should not be with anyone communicated, and all the guards were forbidden to talk to him at least a word, and now they want to put him at home so that he does not cross paths with anyone again, does not meet anyone, does not go to do something, but at home, and they can come to visit him, you can come to him, i'm going next week, i 'm going, we'll check everything, and maybe chervinskyi and i will talk to the stream, if the lawyers allow it, and if... we'll see, be careful with the stream, because you'll be attacked again, and what should i say again, if the case is not closed, y you with streams, you have been a victim for 5 years and cannot come to prove your victimhood at the preparatory meetings, well, excuse me, volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi is a four -time victim, a four-time defector, now
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let's see what will happen to him four more times. on the other hand, i will say that yesterday in court we had, apart from the fact that it was an absolutely disgusting decision, because poroshenko asked and... the lawyers asked for a personal commitment for him, in the end, we all guaranteed that chervinskyi could come with us to the court, he will go to all meetings, the whole faction european solidarity unanimously took him as a surety, in addition to another 51st guarantor, but it seems to me that the fact that the judge ran away yesterday, that's what i wanted to say, we don't have such conscientious and honest judges, and the reform has ended, that the judge doesn't say anything during the hearing, well let's be honest, this particular judge here, she's a good scumbag judge, the only thing is that she 's afraid of publicity, and that's why we tried to give maximum publicity yesterday, she got scared and that she grabbed the phone and ran away or something so i i think she ran away to listen to the central prosecutor's office, and clearly there were
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calls to her, what she should do, the second moment, and the prosecutors, apart from the fact that they uttered complete nonsense and complete nonsense, they could not... formulate why chervinskyi is dangerous, why he should be kept under house arrest, but when there was pressure from the fifth president, all the other guarantors, they actually looked like confused mice. and the third point, the court's decision is very interesting, which now gives lawyers the opportunity to appeal and further appeal to the european court of human rights. in the decision that it is written that this court, this judge, does not have the authority to dissolve. to look into this case and therefore he is sent under house arrest. these two things, they do not connect, they exclude each other, according to the lawyers this is a good pass to practice now further. and what is important for us, when we were near the kropyvnytskyi sizo under the door with mykola velichkovich, with
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mykhailo bondar, with other volunteers, journalists, the press, we were honestly afraid that he would simply not be released from sizo. we saw three cars with kyiv license plates. ugh. who are not in kropyvnytskyi, who specifically came for him, and they actually had a prior order that they would take him directly from the siso to polunboev, after all , i came for him, not for you, you understand, after all, we are in we live in a democratic country, we came for colonel roman, and not for you, who put pressure on the court there, roman, i will say something like this, someone wrote in the comments yesterday, say thank you that the fedina was not unleashed on you in public space, those escorts , i'm everyone... she pointed at the camera, i'm with everyone i talked, i lit all the numbers in the same way, well , something had to be done, and it’s good that he is no longer in siso, he is now at home with his wife and children, and the struggle continues, two very important points, if possible, simply because this first,
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the first important point, this is a question for you from andriy portnov, i'm not there, who rules the judges in my absence, yermak tatarov, huh. and you have evidence, well, just everything that the president's office wants, the judges somehow do very synchronously, well, maybe it's a coincidence, well, i don't think it's a coincidence, well, both the second and the second the question is, have prosecutors and judges finally become afraid, because before they were always fearless, they knew that they would never be punished for any crookedness or falsification of evidence, but now have they become afraid or not yet , i think. that already exists, already exists, and yesterday we saw both this particular judge and the prosecutors, but what is interesting, we understand that fear probably influenced the judges in the court of appeals in kropyvnytskyi as well, uh, but anyway, someone is responsible for it all should sit down, and surely they were thinking about who exactly should sit down,
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and when they still awarded a bail of 9 million, from which the office of the president was simply on fire, then probably these judges decided two out of three. i agree, no, two of the three judges still decided that if they were to sit down, it would be better not for them to sit down , but for someone else to sit down, but it was burning, because after the bail was announced, the whole evening and the whole... night various tools were sought, how not to release, how to cancel this decision, what else to do, at the moment when the bail was announced, two old cases were brought up, and just one by one there are already decisions of various courts that these cases are completely ruined, but they tried to at least do something, and according to this 190th article, which now seems to be incriminating chervinskyi, there is no preventive measure of detention . at least they combined house arrest, in order to bet something, of course, it is not excluded
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that they will try to come up with some more crap now, because this case is completely fiction, and mr. roman said that it is fake, that it is a falsified video for the story , which the prosecutor's office puts under her, imagine that 3 years after the meeting with chervinskyi, some turk mentions that they met somewhere and somewhere in... there it was alleged that chervinskyi demanded something from him, but the fact that other documents show that when chervinskyi was performing operational work, then there was something like this conversation, that is, there are a lot of nuances, but i will also say an interesting thing, during the court hearings, many people close to chervinsky were approached by various people who positioned themselves as volunteers, big ones, well, i will support everyone there.
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i'll give it to trump, i'll give it to biden i'll pass it on, let me, and they look at them with square eyes, what are you talking about, well, he passed something to you, well, there's just all kinds of documents, well, i understand that chervinsky has information that makes the president's office ablaze that they don't know what else to do to get this information, our main task right now is to protect him... and fight for justice so that his innocence is proven, but why is it important to do this, the day before yesterday a volunteer in kropyvnytskyi told me, because chervinsky - this is a marker, by destroying chervynskyi, they destroy the entire defense capability of every military unit of ukraine, because every order can then be interpreted according to precedent as a crime against the government, against the state, etc., and everyone who follows can then be jailed, condemned and persecuted chervinska so, we stand in defense of our army, this is like a precedent law, and what else
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can ukrainian society give in order to speed up the completion of this case, in addition to public control? union of good lawyers, union of media workers, what is it everything is covered, because i was surprised when not only the fifth straight espresso arrived in kropyvnytskyi near sizo and shevchenkivsky court yesterday, but other channels also started to arrive. in particular , all this is actively covered by the public, so i think that step by step more and more people are convinced of how fabricated this case is and how much it is necessary to protect the truth, sir, you are the key to the key, well, that is, the base and the key in this case, this is exactly where to effectively suspend the clear work of the armed forces and defense forces, when it will be undermined on any level of combat performance. order, i can still sit down for it, then it's better that i don't do anything, and this is systematically dealt with
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by bezugla, but i wanted to say that it is somehow so very synchronous, and judging by the fact that maryana bezugla, she is of course, we listened to her as the head of the parliamentary commission on wagnergate, well, cicero cried, that is, she expresses her opinion very well, she is a poet, and then you read her posts and understand that someone, someone is leading the way. and very skillful, because it differs from her manner of speech, so it is something, our analysts have determined that the posts are clearly written by several different people, because even the style and positioning are different, the whole communication team works there, well, as ms. mariana recently said, well, rather than not believing that people can change , to improve, i really don't believe, because when she pushes herself into our sector in the verkhovna rada. begins to say something either to gerashchenko, or to me, or to my colleagues, well, there
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is no communication from either side, i apologize there, as gently as i can, for sure to say, there is total inadequacy, well, in this case, your children will grow up, you will save this video when you speak from the rostrum of the parliament, and there is something jumping in the form of a monkey and in the foreground , and what will you tell your child, she grown up, he will say, what did you do during the war? who is this and what do you say? well, the clowns ran away from the circus, well, i was doing the right things, i gave a very serious report there, maryana had a spring or summer or some kind of aggravation, but on... it's worse that she remains the deputy head of the committee on security, defense and intelligence, and she will continue to go there, and she has access to state secrets, and then again fedir yanoslavskyi will say, once again she disclosed the closed data of the closed meeting that we approximately , we had two or three such recorded cases, what we had in the public space, the peacemaker site, provided a huge list of files,
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photos, videos and everything else possible. where she discredits the armed forces, mocks the leadership of the armed forces, calls them last words, but also where she gives the locations, i wrote a statement about her to the law enforcement agencies, the sbu, the sbu, and they sent me that there is no evidence, and there is no evidence, and they also answered fedor vanislavsky the same way, i sent them, we are waiting , what will be his answer, but maryana is very offended by slavsky, well, she is offended by the whole committee and the whole world, but she continues to carry out parallels to the state. functions , she actually uses her whatsapp, because she writes it: call, write, i will collect it all and counteract it, that is, destruction, come on, you know, here's another very interesting point, i met yesterday with high-ranking military people, huh, and the scary thing is that some of what she writes, in particular about the problems in the armed
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forces, it's true, and that's when the post is mixed with... the truth and a piece of untruth, and then it is manipulated, it is the most difficult to counteract it then, it is the most difficult to somehow react to it later, or to say that this is the truth, it is not the truth, people will no longer accept all of this, but there there is a piece of truth, so it legitimizes all lies and slanders, and the best way would be to simply close her mouth and not let her speak at all, and in the end, i would have a direct appeal to volodymyr oleksandrovich. zelenskyi, will you remember, in the 19th year, when you were running for president, and then when your team was elected to the verkhovna rada, you said such a wise thing there that if mine gets dirty, well, maybe not literally, but yes, if mine gets dirty , then they will not be deputies, well, it seems to me that there is a large list of people who should no longer be deputies, not only left the faction as non-deputies, but also have
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at the head of the list is maryana, and she should not be a deputy of the verkhovna rada, because she discredits the army. she discredits you as the supreme commander-in-chief, but here is one more question about the deputies who still, for example, have not signed the petition regarding the banning of the russian church, stefanchuk has already said that this bill, the bill on the banning of the russian church in ukraine, will be put on the agenda. in fact, what he will do, and only when the deputies additionally sign that they are ready to vote for... banned deputies to put their signatures, the day before yesterday one deputy came, she talked with poroshenko, they talked very nicely, he shoves her papers and says sign lesya, sign, 5 minutes later there was a call from the president's office and she was ordered to withdraw her signature, there is total control, and here the question is not even only in the deputies, but the question is that the leadership of the verkhovna rada
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and stefanchuk, as the head of the verkhovna rada, having commands from above, occupy absolutely. well, the position, justifying that oh, we want to do everything according to the procedure, it's all huge a lie, and we could have voted on all this a long time ago, collecting signatures is a new part of the procedure, outside the procedure, it was our initiative, let's maybe we collect signatures, as we did, by the way, before the first reading, they also did not tolerate this draft law, now the draft law has been worked out to such an extent that it will not be legally binding on any side, according to all international conventions, according to all. rules, religious principles are not violated there, everything is based on the protection of the national security of the ukrainian state, we dozens of times with by our deputies, the consensus of all the representatives of all, fine, but look, what is the question asked by ulyan here, as the president said, i will immediately resign as soon as the war ends, the institute for the study of war says, well, in
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the best case, putin has a calculation for 10 years, yes ? the deputies say that we will not be re-elected, because as long as martial law, the law on martial law, there will be no elections, stefanchuk says, look how many voted in the first reading, and now we cannot collect even half of their signatures, which means that 10 years will not be able to collect, it means that the never-ending story, as sung in the song, is a story without an end, that is, it will look like it, the question is that if the deputies do not vote for the moscow church now, for its ban, but will... vote for such crap, like raising excise taxes on fuel at a time when the whole state lives on generators, excises sweet water, and indulgences and atonements for corrupt people, if they continue to vote for reeds, hops, cotton, fish farms instead of military... laws and so on, so they are not something that they will not sit until the next elections,
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people from the verkhovna rada will take it forward with their feet, but this is putin's dream, god forbid, that some kind of mess would go to the rear in ukraine and there it is, it won't happen, people are wise about us, they say, no, we don't let's play into putin's hand, the question here is not whether to play into putin's hand or not to play into putin's hand, but the main decisions in the ukrainian state. is still accepted by the people, when everything is good, the people delegate their powers to specific deputies, and if the deputies do not do what the people ask, moreover, they do absolutely everything to rake in the people, well , maybe the people should talk to these deputies in their own way, mr. zadorozhny is here now, he would say that the people delegated to maryana bezugli, mykola tyshchenko, whatever you want, the people delegated, well with all due respect, at the time when they were elected, you could have put a stool there and they would have elected a stool to the verkhovna rada, it would have been more useful. i regret that i did not submit my dog ​​to this list, it would have clearly protected the interests of the ukrainian roman such intentions, so the horse is also in the senate leader, i started
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to ask what about the russian church, you are a member of the specialized committee dealing with this draft law, maybe there have been some changes in the committee recently, what are the forecasts in general, there can be no changes in the committee, because the committee has completely prepared everything, i checked 100-500 times, sent hundreds of letters in english with all... explanations, answers to all objections to various authorities, to various parliaments, congresses, international organizations, we are fully prepared, and here it is not a question of a bunch of opzzhists and aggressive muscophiles, who are in the verkhovna rada, because they are a minority, the issue in the office of the president, who controls every vote of his monomajority, and has influence on a certain cohort of deputies. they are also prohibited from signing signature letters, they will be prohibited from putting a button, but i would like to remind these deputies, if they still want to walk on ukrainian soil, they should
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still vote for the banning of the moscow church, after all, what is interesting, the security service of ukraine has already has been begging for this bill for more than a year, they have a lot of work to do, v give us one minute, do you see a mechanism to influence unknown orthodox christians? is there any influence in the president's office? well , now in the public space he suggests that everyone storm volodymyr oleksandrovich, everyone storm the deputies from the servants of the people, right on the list you can storm everyone in a row, storm stefanchuk and tell how bad they are, that they cannot stand this issue, how they work for the moscow federation, maybe this will help to reverse this absolutely shameful trend? thank you, sofia fedina, that's all about that we have time to talk, sofya fedyna, people's deputy of ukraine, was there. they discussed with us on the phone, she was with us in the studio, we are already so used to skype communication that it is unusual now, thank you for joining us, we also thank you for watching this broadcast,
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our colleagues will continue to inform you about the most important thing, we remind you about our meetings, be sure to join them, donate, important meetings, about which we will definitely report, roman chaika and i say goodbye to you, we wish you a good end to these this on friday, there will be less shelling in air raids, see you on saturday, stay tuned, attention, a good offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149 in ordinary stores light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149.
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