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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. in august , fewer lights will be turned off, this is evidenced by the repair schedules of power units and power plants, - said the chairman of the board of ukrenergo, volodymyr kudrytskyi. according to him, the situation with electricity is also affected by the heat, which depends on imports from europe. however, under favorable conditions, it is possible to count on the termination of blackouts earlier than in september. meanwhile, the power industry
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did not ensure an even distribution of blackouts, it came to such conclusions state energy supervision inspection. blackouts were monitored in six regions. the most violations were recorded in dnipropetrovsk region and zhytomyr region, the inspectorate reported. in these regions, many consumers were classified as critical infrastructure objects, and this led to an overestimated capacity. a global software outage has paralyzed many services around the world. ukraine is no exception. so, monobank customers cannot create a savings bank, several services are unavailable in sensbank as well. especially not electronic cards are displayed, it is not possible to pay for services. there was also a failure at the vodafone mobile operator. the new post office also had problems with work, but there they assured that one... or all services. outages are due
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to a global it failure. it affected more than 90% of computers running on the windows operating system - writes bloomberg. british, american turkish airlines, as well as banks and media around the world have reported problems. microsoft said that the services will stabilize. and to the situation in the regions: two people died, five more. were wounded as a result of the russian shelling of bilozerka in the kherson region. the enemy of frantsiv from the rszv fired about 40 projectiles at the village , hitting a residential building, - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. among the injured is a 69-year-old medical worker who was injured by a shock wave in her own apartment. a 26-year-old counterfeiter was also injured. she was hit by a russian drone while helping the victims. damaged 60
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civilian buildings, in addition, in kherson, the russian army attacked with of an ambulance crew, two medical workers were injured. the russians killed five residents of donetsk region, seven more were injured. three women aged 26, 32 and 77 died in grodivka. the enemy shelled the village with artillery, three private houses were damaged. the occupiers killed two people in the shoulders. six houses were partially destroyed, the national police reported. the russians dropped two aerial bombs on myrnograd, injuring three residents. in nivydchyna, there are seven settlements, four administrative buildings and an enterprise. the enemy shelled velika novosilka with bombs kab-250. two people, a husband and a wife, were injured. a destroyed house, one injured each in zalizny and mykolaivka. and nine wounded in chuguyev. in the kharkiv region,
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among the victims is a 14-year-old boy. at dawn, russian troops hit the city center with two iskanter m missiles. this was reported in the regional military administration. the first hit was near a residential building. nine cars burned. windows were damaged in three high-rise buildings and two shops. the consequence of the second hit on nivychchyna building admin an unfinished five-story building and a private house. a series of powerful explosions rang out in the morning in temporarily occupied luhansk. russian propaganda outlets publish photos and videos. they write that the smoke stop has risen in the area of ​​the aviation school. they write about the missile attack of the armed forces and the work of russian air defense. at least 10 explosions were heard. shooter in odessa. nato rushed to defend the violator, because they decided that they wanted to mobilize him. as
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reported by the regional police, the patrol crew stopped the delivery of a bmw car near the market. in the driver was suspected of drug intoxication. he also cursed the police officers obscenely. however, local residents blocked the way for the police. a scuffle ensued. one of the women snatched the policeman's weapon and tore his clothes. the law enforcement officer used a gas can against her and shot into the air. an administrative report was drawn up against the woman, and criminal proceedings were initiated against the driver. ukrainian military cars were set on fire. two young men from lviv, 17 and 18 years old, volunteered to sing. work with russian special services, they were recruited through the telegram messenger, for money they had to burn military cars and film it on video and photos. the attacks were needed by the enemy in order to broadcast propaganda about the alleged protests in ukraine against the armed forces in the russian media. both
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pals were detained at the hot patrol station together with the sbu. collaborators face up to eight years in prison. a representative on the social platform. the fsb offered one of the participants a quick income in exchange for cooperation. according to his instructions, the young man first had to look for the right cars and photograph them. after receiving such media files, the russian secret service authorized the destruction of potential targets. after the first arson , one more classmate was involved by order of the curator. and already during subsequent crimes, the perpetrators had to film the burning of vehicles for reporting purposes. in case of receiving such. video, the occupiers planned to use it to create a media image about the alleged existence of an anti-ukrainian underground in lviv, i found a telegram message about work, at work it was said that it was necessary to carry out tasks from the fsb, to set fire to military and civilian vehicles , civilian vehicles with large slogans,
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large tridents or humanitarian signs, i recruited my friends for the action, the first action was carried out on the eighth, after which the curator told me what was needed. .. to make an action on the 10th by setting fire to three cars, sbu officers detained them, on the instructions of an fsb agent to set fire to three civilian or military cars with a payment of $1,200 for two, we met on this very day, discussed the plan actions, after which at approximately 15:12 23:45 they started. burned and in the process of burning cars were detained, detained by sbu employees. germany will help rebuild the ahmadyt children's hospital destroyed by the russians, the country's ambassador said.
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our correspondent dmytro didora knows how much money they are ready to allocate and what the current situation is at the hospital. he is with us live. dmitry, i congratulate you, so how much money is needed to restore okhmadit. greetings khrystyna, greetings to our viewers, currently some work is still going on near ukhmadit to overcome the consequences of the russian strike, which let me remind you, it happened on july 8, the russians purposefully hit here with a missile, heavy equipment is still working here, that is, they are cleaning up the construction debris that remained after the russian missile hit here, actually today at the site of the impact... the territory of the ohmandyt children's hospital to ukraine, as he noted: germany will allocate 14 million euros, 4 million for urgent needs and 10 million for the reconstruction
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of the ohmadet hospital. more details, let's hear further. as for this 4 million euros, it is about medicines that are needed now. medical materials that are urgently needed now, but it is very important that the children from okhmadyt were admitted to other hospitals and they also need to be taken care of, and therefore, from this 4 million emergency aid , funds will be provided to those hospitals as well. the ambassador also noted that ukraine ukraine needs to strengthen its anti-aircraft defense and germany, in particular, in this regard. helps, he recalled that their country has provided us with three patrio systems, several airesti systems and will continue to provide anti-air defense. general director of the children's hospital okhmadit, in turn, noted that currently the full amount of damage caused by this attack to the hospital
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is not available, but only uah 400 million, and medical equipment in the children's hospital was damaged by uah 400 million. ahmedyt, he emphasized that now there are foreign donors and ukrainian benefactors who are ready to help the hospital restore this equipment, and he also emphasized that now ... several departments, in particular the oncology department of the ohmedyt children's hospital, have partially resumed their work and can provide services for small ones patients who need this treatment. i have to remind you that two people died in the okhmadit children's hospital in the city, this is a doctor who worked at the hospital and also one of the visitors, for now, khrystyna, that's all i have time to tell. thank you, dmitry, our correspondent dmetro didor. spoke about the restoration of the hmadet hospital, which was damaged by russian shelling on july 8.
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this concludes the issue and i bid you farewell, see you tomorrow, stay tuned. today in the program is the verdict with serhii rudenko. fruit zarmy on the left bank hold on the marines continue to hold their positions on the other side of the dnieper, despite the fact that the village of krynki was completely destroyed by russian shelling. are the russians capable of intensifying pressure on the south? ursula fondern's second term. the re-elected president of the european commission called for the creation of the european defense union and criticized viktor orban. for the appeasement of putin, will it preserve the unity of the european union? courage is crucial for peace.
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zelensky called on the european political community to show collective will to destroy russian missiles and drones. is it possible should ukraine count on more active western aid? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next hour, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's also talk about the case of roman chervinska, as well as why politicians allow themselves dirty dances around the military leadership of ukraine. and of course, let's remember ursula fondern, who today... was elected for the second time as the head of the european commission, who has plans for
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formation of europe's defense strategy in the context of russian aggression. during the hour , we will have three guests: general serhiy krivonos, our correspondent in strasbourg, tetiana vysotska, and political expert volodymyr tsibulko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of how the fighters of the 100th 11th separate tro brigade stopped another russian assault on their positions in donetsk region, hitting two bmp-3s. the first car was disabled by a side shot, and the second was blown to pieces, blown up by mines. let's see how it all turned out.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout our broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether you feel like a european. so, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own answer, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers. if yes - 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all
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calls to these numbers are free. vote, at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, serhii krivonos, reserve major general, first deputy commander of the sso in 2016-19, ex-deputy secretary of the nsdc. mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. general, let's start our conversation with the situation on the front, how over the last few ... weeks, maybe even months, the situation on the front is changing, and whether is it changing, or is this the rink with which the russian federation is trying to roll our positions, they are very slowly trying to roll this rink to the west, well, accordingly , from the russian border. it is a difficult situation
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to analyze what happened in a few months ... let's still understand that the capabilities of the army will always be lowered to the level of the state's ability to provide for the needs of the army, the needs of the army are provided in three directions, these are trained and motivated people, as we call the military resource , the next is shells, ammunition of a different type, food, fuel, equipment, this is what... concerns the economic capacity of the state, and the third is the certification equipment of the territories where our armed forces are fighting, these are the three main things that would allow us to feel confident taking into account the fact that russia has so far, you know, put on a long shelf its desire for such powerful assault deep raids or
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such a deep offensive with the failure of the front, they... did not succeed, thanks to the capabilities of our armed forces, we also stopped coups, made zero their desire to win quickly, and the fact that the war has been going on for 10 years and a full-scale war has been going on for 2.5 years, shows that the plans of the russians are constantly changing, and the latest statements of the same medvedev that they are still planning that in 10 years they will be able to destroy ukraine, it shows. what let's take their statements, in the 22nd year, how they saw everything for themselves with rose-colored glasses, but we foiled their plans, same here, their offensive capabilities are there, they try to attack in many areas and bit by bit, you know, with such a creeping and crawling step, they bite off pieces of our territories,
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but at the same time they suffer terrible losses. as regards both people and equipment, so yes, in certain areas we lost a certain amount of territory, but it is much less than what the russians dreamed of, and for us it is necessary to understand that it is difficult for our guys at the front, they still need the resolution of these three issues that i spoke about at the beginning of our conversation, mr. general, you probably, like no one else, very ... well know the entire chronology of the decade of this war, the ten-year war, and you know very well the psychology of the russians, they have been fighting against ukraine for 10 years and are going to fight for another 10 years, you have already mentioned the statement of the deputy secretary of the security council of the russian federation, dmitry medvedev, whether
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they have enough strength and capabilities in a ten-year perspective. and as he says, to destroy ukraine and break ukraine to the state they dream of. well, they just have the desire, but the ability is much less, and the fact that due to, after all, such a gradual increase in sanctions, despite the active work of the russian special services to circumvent sanctions, the creation of front organizations, companies that... are trying to get around this through three-fourths of the country, they are trying to solve their needs for providing equipment and equipping their armed forces with this equipment, meanwhile, for 10 years at this rate, they do not have the strength enough, and this does not mean that we have to relax and already work according to the principle, as it was with coffee in yalta, we
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still have many issues that we have to solve, russians. will weaken faster if we powerfully destroy their economy, destroy their enterprises, to destroy the oil and gas industry complex and not only processing plants, but also oil pipelines, gas pipelines, and oil and gas rigs to extract gas, this is what they earn a lot of money on, exporting the same oil and the same gas, primarily oil , exporting it to china, this is what allows them to fill the budget and pay crazy, i emphasize, crazy money to their military personnel. because such a powerful impoverishment and already the brotherhood of the russian nation is precisely what pushes these people to take
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up arms, kill a ukrainian, steal him washing machine, take her lingerie hanging in the yard and kill the children. they have such, you know, a minimum of dreams that they see for themselves, and unfortunately, they are not very positive and not very human, so we... understand that they have limited opportunities, but we also have to raise our opportunities so that to destroy russia in order to reduce russia's ability to directly trade in anything, be it, they mostly trade in raw materials, and here is our task to reduce it to zero, bring it to a complete failure, trade in what they earn powerfully. let us return, mr. general, to the situation. those in the south, because over the past few days, various media outlets, referring to their sources in the general staff, have written about the critical situation in the krynks. at the same time, the spokesman
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of the tavriy operational-strategic group of troops, dmytro lykhoviy , stated on the air of the national telethon that the situation in krynk is not as critical as interpreted by some media and bloggers. let's listen to what mr. lykhova said. our key message is as follows. the defense forces of ukraine continue to carry out combat missions on the left bank of the dnieper, in particular in the area of ​​the settlement of krynka. however, in fact, most of the main positions of the ukrainian troops in this village, as a result of the intense combined and long-term fire of the enemy, were completely destroyed, and the village itself, well, simply turned into a pile of stones, it was completely destroyed by enemy shelling, it has not been inhabited for a long time, it is. .. a place in which it is practically impossible to hold a defense, but the ukrainian defenders will continue to be in designated positions and on bridgeheads, just like that
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in the plural on the left bank of the dnieper. mr. general lykhovii said that it is impossible to gain defense there, but is it possible to hold the bridgehead from which, as i understand it, the offensive on the left bank of the dnieper should begin? it is good that you have such confidence about our offensive on the left bank of the dnieper, you have such an understanding of the enemy’s diversion, perhaps the offensive will occur in a completely different place, and meanwhile, with such actions, we are drawing upon ourselves a huge number of russian troops, which the russians could with great successfully applied in other areas of the front. do you remember when they left the left bank of ukraine, from the kherson region, what a huge number of troops they... then transferred to the donbass and how much more complicated the situation there was, so for a long time, for
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more than six months, our bridgeheads in the krynyk region and not only the cossacks of the camp dragged a huge number of russians to themselves, we burned a huge amount of equipment, killed a huge number of katsaps, and this also played its positive role, gave its positive result. and where there is an attack, there will be an attack, when it comes, it is immediate the issue should not be covered on the air, those who are involved in this understand that there is still a lot of work to be done, and it is also not necessary to create a tragedy, even if we lose this bridgehead, because many people say, i also have some information, but while the general the headquarters did not clearly express its position, well, this is already the agreement and their request. that you should take your time in front of those who must officially indicate it. we already had examples when the general staff recognized the abandonment of certain
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settlements much later than that happened therefore, any settlement that we leave, it is necessary to understand that there is already such a, you know, lunar landscape, there is simply absolutely no ability for people to maintain defense, and plus understand correctly how... how difficult, not just difficult , and it is titanically difficult to hold on to these frontiers, and whose difficulty it is to supply soldiers across the dnipro river, how strained logistics are, how actively the enemy attacks any accumulation of our people near boats, near boats, in general in the area crossings, attacks with drones, attacks fpv with drones, strikes mortars with lancets. with mortars, artillery, it's very, it's hell, it's real hell, so to demand more from the guys than what they can, well
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, it would be too much, you know, risky, whoever wants to condemn them, then i guess let them be there first, and will judge later. well, here, mr. general, we once talked with you on the air about those commentators, political commentators, who try to evaluate the actions of the military leadership of ukraine, the commander-in-chief, first zaluzhnyi, and now also syrskyi, we will not mention the name of this people's deputy of ukraine, because well, in principle. she is a minor person in general in the history of ukrainian politics, but we constantly, constantly see this, this political torpedoing of mariana, and we see how she tries to sow some doubts or give some evaluations to generals, combat generals who have experience in managing the army , why do you think this is happening
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and why does the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine not put his comrades in their place, because during the war it is simply her sabotage against the ukrainian army, against the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, and open sabotage, and what people's deputy maryana bezugla is doing resembles a scenario that was successfully implemented by the german command in 1917 . when, due to the discrediting of the leadership of the russian army , the russian army was simply destroyed within six months and the germans withdrew the entire country from the first world war, they remember the moscow scenario, how it destroyed them, and they are probably trying to correct this scenario and inside our country at the expense of certain people's deputies, and this is the most terrible thing, and when certain issues
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concerning the leadership are discussed, then... because, the people's deputies are sure that the military, following this very example, will begin to discuss and ask questions of the country's political leadership, why certain simple things that are understandable for any normal citizen with a normal education are not done, where the transfer of the economy to functioning in the conditions of the saber period, where the transfer of local self-government bodies and central an executive power body for work during the war, a de...tion plan for ukrainian enterprises and much more that much much much where, so if they think that they can, and the rest is not possible, you must still think that ukrainians clearly understand, and if it is possible for someone, then it is possible for everyone, and here is the open destruction, subordination and full understanding of military discipline in the armed forces, is not beneficial, why does mr. zelenskyi
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not close the mouth of the lady... because directly these and mar' she gets all these narratives from the cave arbs, and this most understandable, and such things, when we hear accusations from the pechersk hillbillies for criticizing the government, for criticizing the leadership, and they shout that these are the kremlin's ringleaders, then maryana , who is the spearhead of the kremlin, even if you say ringleaders, it destroys systematically, ideologically. such a wonderful informational and psychological operation is collapsing, which is absolutely not for the benefit of the ukrainian armed forces and the situation inside the country in general. mr. general, but well, we see how over the past few years there have been cases that were initiated both against general marchenko and against you, after the protection of zhulyany airport, when you
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were in charge in february march. for the protection of that airfield and then you were accused of damaging that runway there. now we see the case of roman chervinsky, yesterday or the day before yesterday, he was released on bail in one case, today the shevchenkiv district court chose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest for the former intelligence officer, he is suspected of receiving a bribe of 100 thousand dollars. this is how the decision was commented. roman himself of the shevchenko court chervinskyi and his lawyer, let's hear it. you see how unprofessional both the prosecutors and the judge are, regardless of any arguments, in general it is clear that this is simply fulfilling some kind of slavish duty to the political power that leads our country today, so...


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