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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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new resolutions were issued to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live. radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life, frankly and impartially. make your own conclusions in...
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important signals came from the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. so, volodymyr oleksandrovych reacted to trump's statements regarding the end of the war in 24 hours. thus, in an interview with the bbc, the president of ukraine said: "everyone will be happy if one person in the world, whether donald trump or someone else, let it be donald trump, could stop war" in 24 hours, but the question is at what price and who will pay it, on the conviction of the ukrainian president, ukraine would have to pay for it, i quote now: i do not mean that trump's idea is to force us to pay, but if he wants to do it within 24 hours, the easy way is to make us pay, according to zelensky, he understands that this means stop fighting, give up territories and forget about sanctions, it means... just stop
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and forget , we will never go for it and there is no one in the world who can push us to this by the way, cnn reported that trump and zelensky are supposed to have a phone conversation today, we will wait for its results, but now we will add oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, to our list. mr. oleksandr, congratulations. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, and i would immediately like to start from the direction of borov, borov. tabaivka, the enemy is actively trying to advance there near pischannoy, we had a guest in front of you, we briefly talked about this topic somewhere, we understand that this is also one of the main directions now the enemy, where he is trying to develop his offensive, what do you know, what are the actual and data about what is happening there? well, you know, not only this direction is hot now, we also have it in the area of ​​the village of hlybokogo, it is a sticky direction. there are also assault
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actions in kharkiv, the russian offensive, and also in vovchansk, and even there there are reports that there are some of them insignificant, but advances, so our front line is hot enough for all, well, for all practical areas of demarcation, where our defense forces defend us from the russians aggressors, and as far as i know, the situation there... is controlled by our troops, but we still have the information that the enemy has regrouped and pulled up, pulled up additional forces on this territory, on the territory of kharkiv oblast and will try, will try to carry out and is trying to carry out assault actions, so the situation is more or less under control, but still, we have a certain certain fear, because at night... we hear how the artillery works,
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very intensively, especially, the whole kharkiv hears the direction of lypetske, because lyptsi, that's where july, it is close enough to the city of kharkiv, and we hear every, every explosion both from our side, when the artillery is working, and from their side, and also at night two iskanders flew over the city of chuguy today, almost in the center of the city, damaged. a lot of buildings, a lot of windows were knocked out, the goal of the russians is unclear, what they wanted to do, because there are no military facilities there, completely civilian, the civilian part, part of the city, a large five-meter gap, nine cars burned, 14 people wounded, and well thank god, there are no casualties, that's why we had such and such an event in the morning in kharkiv oblast, it got warmer, it
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got colder, i wanted to say that it was only by 3-4 degrees, but you know, you can feel it, now on the street 30, and it feels great in comparison. with 36-35°, which were er these days, so if, much better, regular outages are present, er, three, three queues per day, four queues at night, there have been no emergencies yet. mr. alexander, you mentioned that the enemy is raising additional forces if we we are talking about directions, where exactly, whether it concerns the northern bridgehead, or whether it concerns, concerns the eastern one. there is information that they are tightening due to the fact that our defense forces have inflicted significant losses on them there, and they have suffered very large losses, these are the lipetsk and vovchan directions and barova, these are the three very, very, very key points, where
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they are pulling up now, forced, pulling up, although look, they had a goal when they attacked kharkiv on may 10, they... it was their goal to engage our forces and to stretch the front line so that we would throw them over from the east, in fact they achieved the opposite effect, and now there is information that they are throwing their forces from the zaporozhian direction to vovchansk and lipka, because they suffered such losses there, and some battalions, the brigades are simply, simply forced to go to er... to approach in order to replenish, replenish, because they can no longer work there, look, the kupinsky direction, so we see, there is also an activation of the enemy, here we are also talking about the synkivka, here we are talking about the direction from the berry and, of course, the sandy one, as
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much as they have intensified there, now the activation has started practically since yesterday along the entire front line, and there are assault actions, i cannot comment. because this is a question of the general staff there, i would like not to take away their bread and let them tell, there is a complicated, complicated complicated situation, so i would not like to comment on it personally, mr. alexander, look, if we are talking about those events , which are currently unfolding, in particular in the kharkiv region, this or that fits into this concept of a major offensive the russians, who were also told by intelligence that there would be other special services, or about... your feelings, this is exactly the most difficult period that we expected, when there were, you know, certain horror stories that the enemy would go to kharkiv and so on, does it all now fit into this concept of a great enemy offensive? well, the essence of their offensive has not changed,
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in their thoughts and dreams, they dream of a so -called buffer zone in order to reduce the range of our artillery's work in their villages, which are the city of bilhorod, which is basically located on a small, a short distance, from kharkiv to bilhorod, from city to city, there from center to center, practically 110, 110-12 km, depending on how to go, so their goal, their goal, was to create a buffer zone specifically in kharkiv region, and they were officially informed about it by their president and their, their armed forces, but actually, actually they have. how would they like to build at the expense of their territories or at the expense of our territories? no, at our expense, exclusively at our expense. 30, 30 km, what was it for, why did they need it? in order to from to withdraw the work of our special forces, artillery, mortars and everything else, and
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in order to be able to finish the artillery to kharkiv, this is a very important point that no one talks about, if they will be able to finish the artillery to kharkiv, as they.. . finished off in the 22nd year, when they stood in circuses and beyond, then they will simply destroy the city in the same way as they destroyed a lot of our cities there, such as bakhmut, as in the time of ya vovchansk, which now practically looks just to break the muzhint the city, there is nothing there, there is nothing alive and practically not a single house is left, no matter which one is not damaged, so they planned to create such a gray a zone where they could feel free, but our defense forces did not allow it to be done and since may 10 it has been quite a long time for them,
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they are suffering colossal losses there, at the same time they are storming our military there , it is simply surprising that that the assault group can go, she dies and... after this assault group , the next assault group practically walks over the corpses, how they do it, everyone is surprised, but they just throw people en masse in large numbers and... psychologically, it, for example, works there for our military, because they don't understand how it's possible to waste so many people in this way, when you just walk on dead bodies, but they, they continue to do this and storm constantly, try to storm our positions, mr. alexander, about evacuation wanted to ask you if they are currently expanding the regions, territories from which people have to be taken forcibly, well there with children, at least so that they do not expose themselves to danger. well , this territory was not expanded, the last, the last territory, it was the tsirkunivska united
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territorial community, in which, in which it was also announced that the evacuation of the vovchan territorial community was necessary within the boundaries of the territorial community, but i think, well, the children were transported there, it is already a very long time, a very long time has passed, and everyone who could have already been evacuated. conducted, and new territories they don’t evacuate because we don’t have, we don’t have for this, well, we don’t have data for this , to carry out evacuation, and evacuation is quite difficult, difficult, in the direction of kupyan, nothing has changed from the point of view from the point of view of the front line, practically nothing has changed, and the evacuation has already been carried out in these settlements, has already been carried out. thank you, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was on the live air of the espresso tv channel,
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they talked about the situation in the kharkiv region, now in there will be a break, after it antin and i will continue to work for you live on the espresso tv channel, don't switch, these blackouts again, and you didn't have time to charge your phones, sitting in the dark is not an option either, unpack it. tv is the solution, even for the toughest blackouts. solar batteries energia plus. energy plus is an innovative development. many uses in one. a portable solar station, a reliable flashlight, a source of full-fledged light and , of course, a power bank. order simply now while special prices last. energy plus solar batteries are ready for use immediately upon receipt. three options for any request. and many ways of application. ask about the model with additional radio and mp3 player functions.
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, the information day of the tv channel pavlo kishkar continues with us, lieutenant colonel, senior officer of the command. of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the project office of the accelerator of the ministry of defense. glory to ukraine, mr. lieutenant colonel, i am glad to see you. glory to the heroes, studio, congratulations to ukraine. well, now we have, so to speak, strategic uncertainty against the background of the fact that the enemy is deploying its offensive actions in the donetsk direction. yes, we understand that we were promised an additional air component. it has not yet arrived at the disposal of the armed forces of ukraine, we understand that it is ongoing. a huge geopolitical swing, yes, the world and the united states froze in anticipation of the arrival of trump, this event is a few months away, but, but, we have our do. accordingly, the enemy became extremely active in donetsk region and again became active in the direction of kharkiv. yes, there is a feeling that the enemy is in a great hurry.
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that is, instead of stretching certain actions, they want to concentrate on certain specific ones. on the ground, we would ask you now, mr. lieutenant colonel, to describe the strategic and tactical plan of the enemy. mr. lieutenant colonel, can you hear us? pavlo kishkar lost connection. we are in direct contact, lieutenant colonel, senior command officer of the ground forces, armed forces of ukraine, head of the accelerator project office of the ministry of defense. we are from we blame now the connection with mr. pavel, we will talk about not only the situation at the front, yes, but also about what awaits us in the context of our energy situation, because what we can and what we must do now, with with that, we will also talk with mr. pavel kishkar, in order to understand how to get out of the situation, because there are certain
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expectations, yes, in particular, the authorities are now trying to force mobile... operators and internet providers to provide uninterrupted communication for 10 hours, and by the way, we also talked about this yesterday on the air, if you have a desire, then watch it on our youtube channel, that's all, i want to remind you that we have our youtube channel , if you haven't subscribed to it, please do so right now, because actually there are also live broadcasts of our broadcast, and there are also clips from our live broadcast in the video section, important theses, important ... topics , which we discuss below of our broadcasts, we publish them on our youtube channel, and there you can also find special projects and programs, look for them, watch them, comment on the content you like, put favorites, and also share it, in this way this content will be will gain popularity, will be included in the recommendations, it will be seen by as many
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people as possible, is mr. pavlo in touch with us, unfortunately, while we are in... restoring, by the way, i would also like to return to what i already mentioned mentioned antin, about a new interview which was given by president zelenskyi, and in this interview he also stated that we can end the hot stage of the war by the end of the year, this was the president's statement, he says that it is difficult to talk about the timing of the end of the same war, but some from the stages of a full-scale war, we can finish already this year, bearing in mind the hot phase of this one. war, i now want to quote the plan will be ready, about the plan that zelenskyi spoke about at one of his press conferences, that ukraine is now preparing a plan if it leads to the end of the hot war stage of the war, it will be very correct and very strong, zelensky emphasized, while the plan should be joint with the partners, although it also depends on their desire and lack of desire to play with initiatives to end
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the war, according to him, the partners should put pressure on russia to agreed to think about the ending. well, actually in this way to force russia to sit down at the negotiating table. yes, we are waiting for pavlo kishkar, lieutenant colonel senior officer of the ground forces command of the armed forces of ukraine to join us. meanwhile, an important signal in lviv arrested fsb agents who set fire to the cars of our soldiers. consequently, the security service and the national police prevented new attempts by fsb officers to destabilize society. political situation in the west of ukraine, and two local boys aged 17-18 who were looking for easy money on the pages of russian telegram channels turned out to be involved. parents and those who hear us, talk, be kind to your children, and warn them that for such pranks, they will earn nothing, except for a very specific time, in places
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imprisonment, so it should be a specifically pedagogical conversation with your children, so that , god forbid, they do not fall for one or another stupid announcement in telegram channels, so pavlo kishkar, strategic and tactical situation, mr. lieutenant colonel, in the present... period time, how do you see it? thank you for waiting, because i actually have some technical problems. at the moment, the clustering that you observe, which is often proclaimed in the mass media, does not give any strategic advantage to the enemy. moreover, the ukrainian troops, the defense forces adequately are strengthening their positions, both in the kharkiv direction and in donetsk region. and we are in full combat readiness in order to repulse the enemy in these directions indicated by you. ugh.
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i also wanted to ask you, i know, maybe you also saw or heard today about zelensky's new interview, in which he said that we can end the hot stage of the war by the end of the year, meaning that we can go into some negotiation process, most likely, and in this way with... end the hot phase, that's how you generally feel about of this thesis, do you think it is realistic in the near future? thank you for the question, i did not see the president's speech, i support him in all his efforts to win the war, but regarding the possibility of a negotiation process, i do not see such a possibility at the moment, because ukrainian society and the losses we have suffered make this impossible. everything from the point of view of the state solution, i think it is not possible yet. mr. lieutenant colonel, well, we
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understand that the enemy also has his own plans, yes, we understand that our position is consolidated and steadfast, but there is a position enemy and there are certain political circles in the west that will be ready to listen to our enemy and enter, perhaps over our heads, into certain negotiations. we understand that no one will voice this publicly, well, except, except for experts, at the political level there will be, so to speak, a favorable optimistic silence on certain topics, but we understand that we are specifically dependent on military resources, in particular the united states and primarily the united states, yes, because air defense systems, offensive missile systems and so on and so further, and now, as you can see, it is in a wider sense. the enemy is trying to cut off ukrainian energy now, and has already put us in a critical situation, well, we can imagine what will happen in the next couple
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of months, they will try, well, i don’t know , maybe they won’t encroach on nuclear generation, but in in any case, they can try to destroy our distribution generation and accordingly infrastructure, and after that the enemy in one way or another, whether through orbán or through trump. or because of someone there a child of a bald man who can come in with his other ideas and proposals, but the population will be much more exhausted than now, in the broader context of the state being at war, in any sphere of its life activity, whether in education or in the field of energy, whether during combat operations, in relation to a direct combat clash, we need to do our own... and for this, the accelerator and the ministry of defense are modifying, simplifying the procedures for adopting new and new types of
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ukrainian-made weapons, simplifying their procurement procedures, not as fast as it would have been expected in times of war, but these procedures are really speeding up, the modification or modernization of these processes, it is in digitalization, we insist on this a lot and ask, they listened to us, because those developments that ukrainian manufacturers have, this is not only the ngo practice and bohdan, which everyone has heard and repeats a lot, we really are not the first in the world in terms of the number of manufacturers of sau production, but there are technological solutions that give us a technological advantage over the enemy. of of energy, the proposal to the government is very simple, i am not the smartest, but in... it seems that it is necessary to adopt the appropriate resolution as soon as possible and requires and set a fee for the preparation of technical conditions for connecting
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any generation. in 1 hryvnia and set the limits for the preparation of such technical conditions, for example, five working days for simple technical solutions, technical conditions, and there eight days for complex technical conditions that the regional distribution companies that ukrenergo can do it, physically produce technical conditions, it's simple enough, of course, that there should be some kind of penalty if in... they don't want to do it, you know the great case where the usa gave us help in the form of gas turbines, most of the local governments are not able to install these capacities precisely because there are no technical conditions for connection, or they cost some crazy money. the second is the budgeting procedure for these things, because local self-government bodies cannot simply get uah 70-80 million and connect them. we
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naftogaz is not puzzled by absolutely anything, it has opportunities both for the purchase of those turbines and for connection, but again the issue is in the preparation of technical conditions and in the cost of these procedures, but if the cabinet of ministers met urgently now and quickly put these two issues in order, it seems to me that that we passed the winter quite calmly in such a...differentiated system of our energy supply, but do you now think that we are moving in at least the right direction in the context of solving this problem, because the verkhovna rada also adopted draft laws on its part that should simplify and reduce the cost of importing certain generators and so on, or are these half-steps so far and there is no general concept of how to get out of the situation? i hope that the concept is there, i just mentioned it to you... but
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concrete, simple steps that do not require the state to actually do anything, but a reduction in price is the right step to clean up the vat on the import of such machinery and equipment, but really this is only a half measure, who will invest even in high margin business if any the danger of war, that's number one, and if there are unclear rules of the game about the connection, in fact, it should be liberalized. the entire sphere of connection to the energy system of ukraine, and not a single step in this direction has been taken yet. i think that our broadcast will be listened to, will be listened to, and these issues will be resolved as soon as possible, because it is not only a matter of business there, or is it a matter of survival. i say, it is on the same level as war, the issue of energy supply. we completely agree with you, well, the question is not only about this or that documentation, there are other questions. specific
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engineers in the field and ordinary workers, do you think it might be worth reorganizing the engineer troops in one way or another, i don't know about the engineer troops, from what i've seen working in the oil and gas connection systems, especially to the power generating facilities to the power system, it is solved by software, so it should be enough about my engineering. thoughts should be simple enough, but of course there will be difficulties, the projects are different, the projects are quite complex, there are general construction works that must be carried out on time in order to to mount this or that equipment, so there is a lot of work, it was necessary to get involved in it three months ago, and we will catch up, i think that the state will definitely get involved in this process. thank you, pavlo kishkar, lieutenant colonel, senior officer of the command of the ground forces
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and the armed forces of ukraine. the head of the project office of the akcelerator of the ministry of defense was on the live air of the espresso tv channel, we thank him and will pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who has already returned and is ready to share with us all the most important things, well first of all, we welcome you back from a short vacation, we hope you managed to rest at least a little, and please share with us what you have learned so far. thank you marta. well, it wasn't really a vacation, it was more of a volunteer job, so it's hard to rest when you have 24 kids to look after, but thank you all the same and i'll be covering all the highlights for the time being in the news, so stay tuned.


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