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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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and it's about very small groups, and in that sense, maybe it's dangerous that it's about small groups. the state where the assassination took place is a good example of a large electorate. we are talking about pennsylvania, and in pennsylvania it is already generally known who votes how, so those districts where the situation is 50-50 are chosen and the election campaign is held there. in the united states of america, the presidential campaign is not held everywhere, contrary to what it may seem. it is held only in those states where it is possible to tip the scales. przeważy for example in pennsylwanii and all the electors of pennsylwanii will vote for that or that. however, experts say that this
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attempt and its exploitation in the information plane has already given trump a few additional percentage points, according to internal polls. i can jokingly say that i am also an expert. of course, that's why i'm asking you about it. i saw these emotions. but i'd also like to highlight a point about how the republicans are using the topic. mike collins, a member of the house of representatives , said during a public speech that joe biden gave the order shoot your opponent in the election. i saw what happened in the night from saturday to sunday, i also saw it in us. let's distinguish expertise from emotions. in politics , emotions are also important, but in reality, everyone posted one photo on twitter, said that now it will all be resolved and everyone repeated the same thing. we also have our own political experience, in poland, for example. please share what you mean. episodes from the recent
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history of poland, i do not want to compare, i am talking about the similarity of only one aspect of emotions, because after the smolensk disaster after april 10 , everyone thought, for example, that jarosław kaczyński would definitely be president, and bronisław komarowski became president by a good margin, so social emotions don't work as linearly as some people imagine, but it requires a little more analysis, so in i get the impression that the experts are actually saying what you say, maybe they will be right, but here... we are not dealing with expert analysis, but with the emotions of experts, because experts are also emotional and react emotionally, and while they all post the same photo and say it will be like this, i'm skeptical because it's in my nature to try to think critically, maybe, maybe not, that's my answer, because you never know what's going to happen next, that's it, for moscow, everything that is happening in the usa now is the best news, they are rubbing their hands, how will the kremlin act now in this whole conflict, in the chaos that we are...
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in the united states of america, the president is not the king, but especially the vice president, for example , now one could say that kamala harris is some super powerful person, which accepts
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party, in particular, about vice president kamala garis and ex-president barack obama's wife michelle obama, but there are other names, and after such news they are even paying a lot of attention, for example, guberna. will depend on his family and loved ones, i think it will, certainly the situation with trump gives the democrats an opportunity for some kind of a fresh start, but i don't know if that will happen, it's a very narrow circle because, as we said, in a political sense, the us president shares his influence with congress, but also with on the other hand, personally, his position is strong, that is, no one knows it,
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this position is especially strong in this period immediately before the campaign, because now he himself should say that he will not run for office, maybe he will say it if we talk about the speech in washington, if not for the context. i know from my own experience that when you talk about something a lot, you can make obvious mistakes. it's not that every mistake is a problem, the problem here is the perceived sequence of events, even if everything was said to the point, and biden's speeches at the summit nato were meaningful, he showed that he is in control of important issues, well then one statement at the end and everything is bad, that's how it works, unfortunately, so in general he can't even overcome it, it seems that he is somewhat cornered by his disease, but mr. appearance. but in your opinion, is biden the most realistic candidate for the democrats? i don't know anymore, sometimes i like to be honest when i don't know something, and the combination of the last names trump and vance is a challenge for the democrats. i
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just think vance's strength isn't that he's critical of us, either does not want to get involved in ukrainian problems, in that he comes from... social nezians, comprehensively educated, very talented, effective, i think that this will certainly cause a reaction from the democrats according to logic, effective and even then must logik, but the question of what will happen to nato if donald trump comes to power in the usa was raised several times at the nato forum? how would you answer this question? that it depends on many factors, for example, who will come with trump and what trump's policy will actually be, what putin will do, whether he will burn out, and it may turn out to be stuck and nothing will come of it, because putin will want to take advantage of trump's arrival very quickly, or it may turn out that he will not succeed, and i do not exclude the scenario that trump will become more
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radical, because biden's policy is also criticized not only from trump's point of view, and for example from positions like kasparov did, criticizing him for too little involvement or late involvement or for... once seen these things in politics, and again i go back to vance, who is so new a character, and these are generally several actors years ago and not even recently, because he's young, he was very critical of trump, and now he's a supporter of trump, so i think it makes sense to talk about politics when we're calculating the scenarios that could happen, not when we're focusing on any
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one decision . one way or another. in this case , it seems that in connection with everything that is happening in the united states, there may be more such scenarios, vmokratich leader. the usa is a leader in the democratic world, in nato, important for supporting ukraine and poland against threats from the north and east. you can only one thing to say: europe has a lot of homework, and it needs to be done quickly. exactly.
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russian aggression, this is also a part of her own history, because the politician remembers soviet repression against her family, she herself remembers soviet tanks in the cities of her country, this is... the first year of the declaration of independence of estonia, have you ever met with kaya kalas, what can you say about her and how good is the news for european diplomacy and bad for russia? so thoroughly i am with her, probably not communicated, probably met at several conferences, for example, i think we were together recently at a conference in munich, but i do not remember a single conversation with her, she encoded everything related to the soviet sphere. and russian domination,
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on the one hand the subjugation of estonia, and on the other hand her family was a nomenclature family, that is , they also participated in this regime, because that is how it was, later she became one of the most pro-western and pro-european politicians, her strength in views and understanding, but weakness in what it represents a small country there is a certain element of weakness in kalas, but you and i are discussing the american context in such detail today, and she will certainly speak to the us secretary of state, from the position of a representative of the entire eu, but still from a tiny country. it will not be so easy for her, because there will always be a suspicion that she does not evaluate the situation objectively, only through the prism of her experience. small countries with powerful leaders and huge countries with weak leaders. we'll see how it goes,
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because i think the us has a lot of momentum. kalas is good for us, but there is more not everything, it's a bit like business, what is your strength in the morning may turn out to be your weakness in the evening. her strength is that she knows the region well, she is very immersed in it, but someone else will say, well, that's why she thinks that way, she is biased, she will definitely have to face such arguments, and it does not look like a sweet cake at all . thank you for this conversation. about politics, about the world, we will take a short summer break for the next few weeks, but we will be back at the end of august and you can watch us again on espresso in ukrainian, on pavel koval's youtube channel in polish, and read on sister eu in both languages. thank you. pavel koval, maria gurska. there are discounts representing the only discounts on
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summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to put your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many. and also distinguished guests of the studio. events
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day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening the espresso tv channel is holding an information day, we are waiting for oleksiy orzhel, he will join us any minute to talk about the situation in the energy sector, an extremely informed person, the former minister of energy and environmental protection, well , we are waiting for mr. oleksiy, but we understand that he may not be here electricity, there is no internet in kyiv, so jokes are jokes, we are waiting and... and information about the political plan, so nardepka ms. yatsik is on the third attempt the servant of the people left the faction, people's deputies zheleznyak and honcharenko informed about it , and her request to leave, as she says, was satisfied on the third attempt, well, that's interesting information, well, there was also information
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from the nato general, so about.. that ukraine now has an excellent strategy for launching a war, the commander-in-chief of nato's forces in europe, general christopher cavolier , noted during a discussion at the aspen institute that ukraine has an excellent strategy for launching a war against the russian federation, but the course of hostilities is becoming more and more complicated to predict he emphasized that the course of the war will depend on the ability to generate power, in particular, on which side will be able to accumulate power faster and use it while it has a window of opportunity. at the same time, he noted that the ukrainians are currently generating such power and skillfully building their strategy, and during the past few months the ukrainians have been focused on protecting the eastern territories, preventing russia from freely using crimea and southern ukraine to attack, while maintaining its access to the black sea and generating force. that's why he thinks that we have
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there is a great strategy and it's just a matter of continuing to execute it. well... in the meantime , the candidate for the presidency of the united states , donald trump, is making more and more childish promises, that is, promises, promises and more promises, well, we understand that this is a classic of any election campaign to promise voters so much, you know, so that the eyes spread and a certain instinct was triggered, so they put a cross or i don't know if there is a zero in this or that cell, and now donald trump has started to tell his version of how he will stop the war. russian-ukrainian, yes, well and declared, uh, i will end every international crisis created by the current administration, the biden administration is talking about, including the terrible war with russia and ukraine. yes, and, uh, to quote, here is the direct speech of donald trump: i will stop this war with just a phone call, i can stop any war
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with a phone call. promise, promise again. yes, let's talk, let's go back. you know, from the euro-atlantic, let's return to our eurasian space. oleksiy orzhyl, head of the kyiv office of the secretariat of the energy community, minister of energy and defense the environment of ukraine in the 19-20 years. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, glad to see you, glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, the situation in energy, yes, the topic is extremely broad, we do not have information, but we are journalists, so we can only rely on certain words and statements. but we understand that our beautiful population has a little more questions than expected, respectively, in the relevant ministry, well, in the meantime, a letter arrived from... so a number of oblenergo canceled the light schedules until 15:00 friday, about this reported interfax ukraine and posted zakarpattia oblenergo and mykolaiv
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oblenergo in their social networks. yes, the cancellation of the application from 10:50 to 15:00 and although it is only a small period of time, but the schedule is canceled, there will be no shutdowns, and lvivoblenergo canceled the schedules completely. well, mr. oleksiy, someone controls in... in general, this is the flow of graphics and so on, so that everything is very clean, transparent and clear. well, let's say that the technical part of how much it can be applied or not is decisive apply graphs. we had here yesterday some very effective or ineffective or failed communication campaign from the ministry and then another organization. which fights fakes, or whatever it is called, that everything seems to be fine with our system, but we had information that there is still a certain failure of the
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equipment, in fact, the situation in the system, given the fact that it did not carry a critically large load due to the heat, it was heavy, plus there were certain bypass outputs of certain equipment, as a result there are limitations transmission of power from one. system to another point in the system, and accordingly for some consumers the restrictions can be reduced, but this means that, for example, for other consumers these restrictions are even increased, because there is simply no way to transfer power to them, which they are now trying to restore and, accordingly, bring out of emergency mode with emergency shutdown, so in fact the network, and wires and generating power are decisive, the next is really. there is already a question of how far the dispatcher's requirements are fulfilled and how far the requirements are fulfilled there operator of the distribution system, i think that there is a more or less adequate attitude, and
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they still try to distribute these schedules more rationally and fairly, on the other hand, well, let's ask this question, if it is still possible to give more to some consumers, and others will have relatively greater restrictions, and others will have more electricity, so... i think that it is still better to give consumers a temporary opportunity to use the electricity supply, while others are still forced to give more traffic restrictions, and please tell me, please tell me, and the decision of the cabinet of ministers not to turn off the lights in the front-line cities and those territories and those that border the aggressor country, they can, well, at the expense of the fact that there will be no lights turned off, can they? increase the graphs for the cities in which these graphs will be used, well, increase, well, potentially yes, but let's be honest, this area, there is a very
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low level of consumption, because many people have left there, businesses have left there, businesses are not working there, there are not many people , firstly, secondly, these zones, they are always there under shelling, in fact, this zone , well, again, it is under pressure all the time by the terrorist pressure of the resisters and... limiting them in electricity supply, and sometimes they are very limited in means of communication, well, this is critical for them, so this element of that , that we will supply electricity there and reduce outages, in fact, this is a small additional load on the system, taking into account the fact that there is already a low load, plus the network operators are constantly breaking the networks, they are being restored precisely because they are very badly beaten there are still limitations even without a solution. a change, but a limitation due to the fact that the networks are destroyed. mr. oleksiy, well, look, there is good news from the nuclear power plant, they launched it into the power grid there, and connected another
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power unit there after the overloading of nuclear fuel and planned equipment repair, and accordingly, all the remaining power units of nuclear power plants are working in the planned mode. i wanted to ask you, that is, as far as generation is concerned, we understand that we have powerful nuclear ... power plants, well, one of the largest there is temporarily in the hands of our the enemy, well, but the power generation of nuclear plants is powerful and in theory, taking into account the fact that many energy-intensive enterprises are temporarily not working in our country, in particular, metallurgical enterprises in the temporarily occupied territories of the donetsk region and so on and so forth, well, in theory, what is called generation , we should have enough of it. power, this is the power of nuclear plants, it is not enough,
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we have more at the peak. much more than 10 gw, and nuclear 7.8, i will not tell the exact numbers now, but we do not have much of this capacity, so there are forced restrictions consumers, even in the winter during planned repairs, with all the possibilities of supplying equipment that our friends and partners will provide, we still have a deficit, even under optimistic scenarios, and such a rather negligible deficit, this is without additional shelling. six, that is why we do not have enough of them, even under the conditions that you rightly said, that we have limited consumption today, due to the fact that many things have stopped, many things do not work, on the other hand, there are such moments, for example , we are increasing, we are all talking about the peak consumption, our breakfast and dinner consumption is increasing, now the consumption schedule of the population itself has become much larger, because
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you are right in saying: the fact that large industrial enterprises have stopped, do not work, and they were working just at the base, and now we have a schedule of more more dependent on population living, which means that we need at some point, when we could previously use hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, conditionally dump fuel and start working units, now in order to balance system, so that we keep the parameters in the system, we forcibly connect consumers, that is , by disconnecting consumers, instead of at one time, when before... that we included blocks, now we simply disconnect consumers forcibly, and this, by the way, gives savings , because, well, for example, many people say, but when i turn on the light, i turn on all the devices while it is on, i charge the charging station, i start the washing machine correctly, the washing machine, well, in short, everything that is in the apartment, in order to make it in time, we understand that the load then is insane power system, and it doesn't turn out to be very economical, but you, as a specialist, may have
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a different opinion. for that matter let's say we need to balance the overall system, the combined power system, this is so that we have the appropriate frequency on the grid and a balanced system, then whole substations are cut off and it's actually a lot more load than potentially extra can provide the population, well, they turned on charging stations or boilers or something like that, but there is a local problem, in fact, one-time switching on of charging stations and of all... devices that are possible, this will put a load on your internal network, on the internal house network and on the transformers that 35 10 04 that we see that they can explode today, in fact it is not the level of the high-voltage network, which they are trying to balance due to the fact that substations are turned off, accordingly, a large number of consumers, but what you say is that
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the maximum... turning on all everything includes everything actually just destroys the distribution networks and much worse and here people have to be very cautious about including everything, because if you have a transformer that burns out, and there is very little spare or repair equipment at the moment, then you will even be excluded from these on-off schedules of electrical energy, you simply do not have a transformer that supplied you with electrical energy accordingly, so this is it... problems, they are at different levels, and, but still, unfortunately, you still have to limit yourself in consumption, because you sent, well, you will see just that transformer that is close to you who can potentially burn because you included everything possible. thank you, oleksiy orzhal, head of the kyiv office of the secretariat of the energy community, minister of energy and environmental protection of ukraine from 2019 to 2020, was on the live air of the tv channel.
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presso, we thank him, and we will gradually pass the floor to colleague irena koval, it is already 16:00 news time on the clock, and this actually means that it is time to get a fresh selection of what you need to know. iro, we pass on the word and ask with us to share thank you, marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the downed russian attack aircraft, and also about what kind of agreement ukraine and britain made. wait. more on that in a moment. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, and i'll tell you about the most important events right now. another.
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a russian attack aircraft sud 2 flew by


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