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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? the leaders will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espress tv channel. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the program is real. front with taras
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berezovets every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. well that, the information day of the tv channel is very full of events, today the president of ukraine has to talk with the main candidate in the presidential elections in the united states, donald trump. we will wait, maybe some or other details of this conversation will appear, but in any case , information about it, information about the conversation, the conversation just works in my ear and that's it. my tireless editors tell me something regularly and sometimes, so to speak, reorient my thought process, so there has been no conversation for a long time between the president of ukraine and president of the united states, and by the way , the situation in general is interesting, because the republicans have already nominated their candidate, but the democrats have not yet, so now there is some kind of internal turmoil in the democratic party, because one day there will be
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information about the fact that there seems to be some kind of internal showdown and there are top democrats who are trying to convince biden to withdraw his candidacy, someone says that this is all a lie and slander, and biden will not withdraw his candidacy, well, in short, we understand that there is a powerful current in the united states, this one the political campaign promises to be, well , one of the most hellish, and it is known that the situation now looks very difficult, because... when the democrats are still hesitating, the republicans, even those whom donald trump himself has somehow even been and publicly humiliated somewhere , all the same, everyone unanimously supported his candidacy, and there is a high probability that it is donald trump who can become the next president, and we, and ukraine, and the ukrainian authorities will have to find some common language with him. i wonder what trump and zelensky, did johnson, the former prime minister of great britain, who recently ... with donald trump, post
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a photo and said that this is how we talked about ukraine and we talked about how trump will support ukraine , and of course we will follow all these events and inform you about it too. and the main thing for us here would be to understand our internal ukrainian histories, because we are very good in ukraine , we understand american affairs there, but as for ukrainian affairs, i think there are no less questions and i believe that somewhere some republican there, a republican there or a democrat from oklahoma or from ohio, when he sees what we are preparing to do in the verkhovna rada, he grabs his head and says: listen, well, in a word, olena shcherban is in touch with us, the deputy executive director , head of the legal department. in the anti-corruption center, glory to ukraine, glad to see you, mrs. olena, glory to the heroes, have a good day, a wonderful initiative, you know, as it was already in one movie, these mondays should be taken and canceled, here is the bill at 1:40 p.m. about an agreement with the investigation of corruption
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crimes, yes, well, and accordingly, which would allow our beautiful non-lazy corrupt officials to be amnestied in fact, yes thanks. certain short stories, please tell us about this bill, its threats from it, how it would be perceived in the world community, and in general, is this what our partners would want from us when they talk about ours, about the fight against our macro-corruption, ugh , yes, i will actually start, probably with why such a bill appeared in the first place, because today, in fact, such a story came out, that... the parliament voted a draft law, which in the first reading, which actually does not even fully meet the goals declared in this draft law, and now, in order to somehow justify themselves, the legislators are explaining, in particular, the head of the faction of the political servant of the people, david
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arahamya, explained that this bill generally appeared as an initiative of the european union, but in fact the european union declared the very idea that ukraine... needs to improve the legislation regarding agreements in criminal corruption cases. that's not it rather, our legislators, the government and the parliament read it, rather, as an opportunity to improve the law on deals in their favor. and what is troubling about this bill is, in fact, an extremely serious challenge and problem. first of all, the idea itself, as i already said, arose from the fact that... er, not always in corruption cases, er, ordinary perpetrators of certain crimes cooperate with the investigation, because the punishments are often quite severe , and of course, when the investigation cannot offer the executor a lesser punishment there
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seven or eight years of imprisonment, then he does not really want to expose the organizers of the crime, that is, let's assume the conditional mr. kolomoisky , the specific... perpetrators do not want, will not want to expose, because they will still have to spend 7-8 years in prison, and accordingly, they choose the way to drag out the case in the process and count on the fact that somehow the statute of limitations will pass, and in this way they will actually somehow manage to avoid punishment, so the idea was to allow in certain cases to impose a lesser punishment, or a punishment with tests to certain classmates. crime on the condition that they will expose their own leaders of criminal schemes, and that they will fully compensate for the damage, and in the end they will pay a fine at the same time, but, but the legislator, as i have already said, and the government, read it in their own way and indicated in fact in
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the draft law, it is possible to pay compensation for damage, and then only through compensation for damage. without exposing whom you can actually get less than the penalty provided for by the criminal code, and of course, this is allowed, they decided to allow such scheme, in fact, including for the organizers of such crimes, conditional mr. kolobonskyi, as i have already said, will also be able to make a similar agreement and receive less punishment. ms. olena, look, there are just a lot of deputies. i'm sorry, just a lot of deputies, they assured that when they voted, they didn't know what they were voting for, but as it turned out, before that vote, deputy ostinova came out from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada and said that this law could not be adopted , and at the same time
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there was a number of people's deputies, what is it stretched, then whether they did it consciously or unconsciously? you know, my opinion is that this was done deliberately, absolutely, why, because, first of all, there really were speeches in the parliament, where the deputies. which supporters of another idea, like mrs. oleksandra, explained what the draft law was about, secondly, even we, in the anti-corruption center, a few hours before the vote, described in detail what the problem of this draft law was, unfortunately, we could not explain it publicly earlier , because the parliament very suddenly put the bill on the agenda, suddenly considered at the committee without announcements, without warning, without inviting anti-corruption... bodies, actually, even those who also opposed this version of the bill, that is why, in my opinion, it
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was paved so quickly, precisely for this purpose, hoping that somehow quietly without discussion, it will be possible to agree on this scheme, moreover, the law enforcement committee of the parliament, well , planned to work it out for the second reading already in a week, to consider it in substance next week, what is the reason for this story? i will remind you that... more than a dozen people's deputies today are under suspicion of corruption, and in fact, many cases against them are currently being considered by the higher anti-corruption court, so i allow myself to assume that such acceleration is actually connected with the fact that there is a desire to take advantage of the new rules and actually avoid responsibility, well, look , that is, the history of real responsibility in the form of deprivation of liberty. and i understand, well, the story is extremely important, because with the comment of the person who,
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well, controls what happens in the ruling faction, when we talk about david arahamiya, well, he referred to the fact that such and such an idea of ​​a similar draft law had arrived within the framework of ukraine's obligations within the ukraine facility plan, what to do with that, well, if he had not mentioned this and that facility. it would be somehow easier, here is a direct, i don’t know, link, hyperlink from arahamia, well , look, everything is very simple here, in fact, the european partners in their documents say that we need to improve this mechanism, that is, improve it , actually means, this is what i said at the beginning, and to allow such a mechanism to be used... in cases where classmates expose, for example, the organizers of a crime, yes, but
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this draft law is not what is written in the documents of the european union, in other words, it does not mean that there is no need to improve the mechanism there , it really needs to be improved, but we and our international partners must not allow the deputies to actually improve it for their own benefit, that is , it is banal. an example when, the requirements of international partners are simply used by their own reading in order to stretch there are some wishes there, thank you, olena sherban, deputy executive director, head of the legal department of the anti -corruption center, i just remember how it was with the draft law on the bebu reform, and also in the first reading, this law was absolutely not accepted by our partner countries, nor international observers, they said that this law needs... to be developed and before the second reading, it was changed very significantly, so we hope that this draft law
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will also undergo substantial changes before the second reading. well, now we go to a break, after it we continue attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than 250 hryvnias, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only 149 hryvnias. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now, and there's also a light bulb smart light, is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. a standard plinth will fit almost any. lamps or floor lamps, the light suddenly turned off, you need to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries seem to have run out,
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meanwhile, ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky thanked polish prime minister donald tusk for an extremely important decision, i am quoting our president now: we have a positive decision by the polish government on the issue that will allow ukraine to receive f-16 fighter jets as soon as possible, well, he thanked for the effective implementation of previous agreements, however, the president of ukraine did not specify exactly what the agreements were it was, well, in any. we are now adding radyslav tkachenko, a lawyer, to our airwaves , with him we will talk about our so-called judicial reform, the other day president zelenskyi appointed more than two hundred new judges, we will talk about all this, mr. radyslav, congratulations, good day, glad to see you , each other, so since the beginning of this
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year, the supreme council of justice has considered 125 reports of interference in professional activity. judges, we understand that this is a serious challenge, because we are trying to fight the influence of judges, yes, but there are certain facts that indicate that these are actions that do not stop in our country, well, actually , we would like to ask you who is contacting with such reports, and what the supreme council, the supreme council of justice should do after receiving such reports, well, first of all, first of all, i think that it is necessary to start with the fact that it is necessary to determine what actions for us... really the most important thing in the judicial power is its independence, it is such a fundamental basis on which the judicial power of any country should, in principle, be built, and i think everyone will agree with me, agree that without compliance of this principle, the construction of a legal state is simply impossible, because we all expect when we come to court that we are all looking for justice and protection in court, and we would very much
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like judges to be independent in making their decisions, and it seems to me that for su'. it is important to be independent, because it is a question of the global trust of our society in the judicial system and in specific judges who make specific decisions in specific cases, deciding the fate of specific people, and it seems to me that in this context for themselves it is very important for judges, let's say, to zealously protect their reputation as independent judges, therefore, every time they feel that someone is trying to influence them when making a decision, to put pressure on them in some case, then they must, the law clearly defines it, should apply with such a message, they are trying to put pressure on them to the supreme council of justice, as well as to the general. prosecutor, while the supreme council of justice in this case is entrusted with a very important role of ensuring the independence of judges and maintaining authority
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of the judiciary in the eyes of society first of all, and the supreme council of justice, having received such a notification from a judge, must, of course, register it, but the most important thing is to conduct an inspection, determine whether there was a fact of interference in the activity, respectively. judges can react, they can react in different ways, but the most effective are those that involve an appeal to the supreme council of justice, also to law enforcement agencies, to the prosecutor general, so that they conduct an investigation and establish whether there are grounds for such a person , which tries to put pressure on judges, bring to criminal responsibility, in particular. mr. radoslav, look at whose intervention the judges complain about the most, so we understand that... if there are any signs of systematicity, this also indicates something, because certain complaints and addressees, so to speak, a certain pressure, well, it can
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be classified in a certain way, well, most often, unfortunately, judges are influenced by the participants in the cases they consider, because certain people want to sway the judges to make a decision in their favor, i, for example, i have heard of cases when the judge , before entering the courtroom, receives a message on the judge's phone that tens of thousands of hryvnias have been added to the judge's mobile phone account, and the judge naturally understands that this was done for the purpose of to influence the decision-making in such a case, and therefore he immediately stops the consideration of such a case, informs the law enforcement authorities of the supreme council of justice that they are trying to put pressure on him and do not consider this case, of course. such acts of influence of judges, and like all any other acts of influencing judges must be condemned, but there are cases when , for example, judges are interfered
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with by public activists, no matter how it looks, maybe a little, sometimes, maybe even absurdly, for example, there was such a case with vitaly shabunin's posts , in which he criticized the decision of the judge of the higher anti-corruption court tkachenko in the cases concerning. privatbank and the supreme council of justice, the judge complained about such posts, believing that he was being pressured, and the supreme council of justice recognized that such posts were too critical the activity of the court, the judge and try to incline him to make other decisions than he considers correct, despite the fact that, for example, there was in those cases the possibility of appealing such decisions, where the appeal judges could also review the judge's position and make a possible different decision . however, sometimes public activists can also use their posts to discredit the authority of the judge, who has his own position based on the results
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of the case, and he makes the appropriate decision, and the institutions, mr. radoslavy, or representatives of certain institutions, well, in simple language, uncles and aunts in uniform, so to speak, they have no desire to somehow help this or that court to make a decision that would be within or within the limits. personal interest, or within the framework of the implementation of this or that plan entrusted to the department, that is precisely what i wanted to go to, because if we speak directly about systemic pressure, then, unfortunately, it is exactly us who are experiencing, as for me, the consequences of our from the not-so -distant past, perhaps during yanukovych's time, i am talking about the pressure from law enforcement officers and about a certain political pressure of judges, due to which they are forced... to make decisions that are not what they themselves, perhaps, consider to be correct. and the big problem, it seems to me, is that we have reached such
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a situation when law enforcement officers try to influence judges so that they make decisions in their favor, for example, about the seizure of someone's assets, or about choosing someone as a preventive measure event, to determine the cosmic size of bail, it seems to me that partial responsibility here lies with the judges themselves, who during... for many years they tolerated this type of relationship with judges who turned a blind eye to violations by investigators and prosecutors and did not react in any way, as far as i am concerned, this situation became the climax of this problem, it was the scandal that happened at the beginning of this year, in january on the 24th of the year, in the case of the ex-manager of the finance and credit bank, the judge of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv closed the criminal case. proceedings against this ex-manager, and the actual criminal proceedings ended there, instead, after this decision, law enforcement agencies, in particular
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state bureau investigators. investigations began to search the judge, the judge himself, with the aim, i don’t know, maybe they aimed to punish the judge for her for her position in the case, it is unknown, although such a decision of the judge could be challenged in an appeal and its legality checked if the prosecutor conditionally considered it illegal, against them they decided to start putting pressure on the judge, the judge definitely decided that she was being pressured, she appealed to the supreme council of justice, and as far as i'm concerned, in this particular case we'll see... that the opportunity to restore, let's say, trust in justice and the independence of judges from law enforcement officers, the grp a little bit, let's say, did not work out, in my opinion, because they really recognized that there is a fact of interference in the activities of the judge, there really is, maybe, maybe there is undue pressure , and they appealed to the attorney general with a corresponding submission, so that
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the attorney general and other law enforcement... authorities conduct appropriate investigations, that scandal has already passed six months, no information about how it ended, yes and it didn’t happen, and it seems to me that they simply turned a blind eye to this problem, and we all need to talk about it in order to prevent such cases from happening in the future, so if we talk about systemic pressure, unfortunately, today we see it, record it, er, and on this lies er... the fault, let's say, of both judges and law enforcement agencies. you and i still have 2.5 minutes, i would still like you to give your opinion on the reinforcement of the judicial wing, so we recently appointed 200 judges, how can this affect, or from this the situation will improve, in your opinion, but it seems to me, from the point of view of the fact that we experienced such tolerance on the part of judges of influence on them by law enforcement officers, then it is possible that this is just such a strengthening
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of the judicial corps. by new judges who have not yet been part of the system, it will allow the judicial system to restart, because such judges do not have negative experience from this point of view and there is every hope that they will be able to resist any pressure on the part of the participants in the case, on the part of law enforcement officers, and so on, in order to to be truly independent, i believe that the judges who are currently appointed by the president, they can be independent and fulfill their duties with dignity, so we will very carefully follow their progress in this legal field. thank you, mr. radyslav, radyslav tkachenko, a lawyer, was working now on our live broadcast, and now i would like to quote our president again, yes, who thanked the polish government for the fact that he
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and personally... prime minister donald tusk for the fact that a decision was made there in poland, which will speed up the receipt by ukraine f-16 fighters. polish media assume that poland's participation must be related to the organization of the delivery of those fighters to ukraine, or to logistical issues. we understand that it is a logistical issue, so that certain airfields may be involved, but at the same time , warsaw does not hand over its own f-16s to ukraine. well, but the main thing is that... we are going half a step further, and in conclusion i want to say briefly, do you remember the story with the american reporter from the wall street journal evan hershkovich, so the russians still found him guilty of espionage and deprived him of his freedom on 16 years, the voice of america writes about it, the 32-year-old american is actually accused of allegedly being a spy, of course he rejected all the accusations and does not admit his
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guilt, that's it just now... the information appeared on the voice of america, well antin and i say goodbye to you for today, we say see you on monday, have a good weekend and be with espresso, our colleagues will continue to work for you. the 17th in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. another one flew by, a russian su-25 attack aircraft was shot down by anti-aircraft guns of the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after mark bezruchka in donetsk region.


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