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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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and the heat still persists in the southern part of ukraine, 33-37° above zero, and on saturday and sunday, er, there will be no rain, except for tomorrow , saturday, er in zaporizhzhia, closer, well, in priazov there is a possibility of local rains in the azov region. well, in kyiv, both saturday and sunday are expected with excellent weather, sunny, without any weather, rainy cataclysms, as much as possible. the air temperature in the capital will fluctuate around +28°. this is the closest synoptic perspective for july 20-21. of course, keep an eye on our detailed weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. force will help diplomacy.
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zelensky calls on western partners to put pressure on russia to bring it to the negotiating table. why does the west refuse to help ukraine shoot down russian missiles and drones? the results are there. the armed forces are satisfied with the way the new mobilization legislation works. will economic mobilization be implemented in ukraine in parallel with economic reservation. doubtful legislation. deputies vote for raising excise taxes, introducing a tax on corruption and changing the clock hands. why is the catastrophic situation in energy not in the focus of the verkhovna rada's attention. glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone. good
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health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk today about zelenskyi's new statements regarding possible peace negotiations with the russian federation, more precisely , encouraging russia to sign a peace agreement. today, zelenskyi is in great britain, in an interview with the bbc, he stated that the hot stage of the russian-ukrainian war can be completed to the end. 2024, is it so or not, what should be done for this, well, actually, we will be looking for answers to these questions over the next hour, our guests in this slot will be two people's deputies of ukraine, valentina lyvaychenko and roman kostenko, as well as executive director of the institute of world politics, yevhen magda, and in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will have female journalists. my colleagues, olga len and larisa
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voloshina, let's talk about the so-called tax for corrupt officials, which they are trying to introduce, or about the atonement from responsibility, i would say, criminal responsibility, which is being tried to be introduced in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, about why politicians allow themselves to criticize the military leadership of ukraine and what it can lead to, however, before starting our... big conversation, i suggest you look at how the day before in the temporary explosions rang out in occupied crimea, there sbu drones hit the russian coast guard base on lake donuzlav, previously it was a combined attack by sea and air drones, the control post, ammunition and equipment warehouse, as well as an electrical substation were damaged, watch this enchanting video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are conducting a survey throughout the broadcast. today we ask you about this: has corruption decreased in ukraine over the past 5 years? yes, no, please vote accordingly on youtube buttons if you have your own version of what is happening now with corruption in ukraine, please write in the comments below.
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video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote with the appropriate numbers if you think that corruption in ukraine has decreased over the past 5 years 0.800. 211 381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, a former people's deputy of ukraine the head of the security service of ukraine, and now the secretary of the parliamentary committee on the integration of ukraine with the european union, valentyn nalyvaichenko. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. sir valentin, since we are asking our television audience and the viewing audience in general about what they think about corruption, whether it has decreased in ukraine over the past 5 years or not, if possible in the blitz format, answer this question yourself, corruption is less did not become on the contrary, it became an even greater threat,
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and within the country during the war. thank you, mr. valentin, today's statements by zelenskyi about the fact that it is possible to ... achieve the end of the hot phase of the war, to end the hot phase of the war by the end of 2024, which was heard on the british television company bbc, and as zelenskyi says, he believes that and ukraine and western partners can force putin to sit down at the negotiating table and force him to complete it. this war, let's listen to a small fragment of what the president of ukraine said to the british television companies it will depend on the partners who have to put pressure on russia so that russia agrees to sit down and think about ending the war. this does not mean that all territories will be
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returned by force, but i think that force should help diplomacy. mr. valentine, how likely is the ending. phase of the russian-ukrainian war until the end of the 24th year, well, i would not give any dates at all, you, we understand, we see the objective situation, even now, literally minutes before your broadcast, with a rocket x-59, russia, russian terrorists killed now in mykolaiv's child, and several other people, several people were seriously injured, and civilians, in an ordinary courtyard of a high-rise building, and nothing like that. they sent the racket, they sent the x-59, the air surface, which is only 5.5 m long and weighs more than 800 kg, and what kind of end to the war are we talking about if the aggressor continues to terroristically kill even the civilian
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population, so i would emphasize the main attention, i think this is exactly what was heard in britain right now, because there is now a summit of the european political community where... is president zelensky, there is such a discussion platform, and there, perhaps, in the discussions of politicians, certain dates, certain assumptions can be heard, but for us there is no discussion and no doubt that we really need f-16 fighters, only in the sky, but you don't know, on approach and on ice, on approach. second, we need air defense systems to at least protect the civilian population from these terrorist russian missiles, even more so. that they are mostly still old soviet ones, that is , there are systems that can protect the civilian population, and most importantly, mr. sergey, i i remain a staunch supporter of supporting and helping the armed forces of ukraine, with modern weapons, modern means of
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radio-electronic warfare, armor and drones, all this is not just a task, it is a super-task, despite all the political talk and speculation about when, where and how to stop the war, when our president says that the west should put pressure on putin, then a logical question arises: is he at all subject to this pressure and what should this pressure be in order to force putin to make peace? i will answer you, the pressure should be the same as, for example, velika britain, where president zelensky gave an interview, there really are sanctions there, really. in any case , they do not have any major energy agreements with russia, but all other countries and the whole world, especially in matters of oil trade with russia, gas trade with russia, in fact, we have to say this firmly and in the eyes of our international partners, these sanctions did not work and they
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do not work properly, the russian regime earns, for example, crazy, crazy money from oil and invests and directs the killing of ukrainians. that is, in fact, by buying ukrainian oil, the same india, the same china and other big countries continue to finance putin's war against ukraine, as long as such revenues... he has and the putin regime, talk about ending the war, about peace negotiations in any year, on in my opinion there is absolutely no basis, sanctions should be and, and this is the most important pressure, all other pressure, how to put pressure on that putin, even today, as i already mentioned to you, at the summit of the european political community, the prime minister of denmark, well, she spoke frankly and said that she was in the 14th year, they gathered, tried to lead. negotiations with russia, but today she frankly admitted that it was a mistake, no
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pressure, no negotiations work and will not work, therefore our western partners, such as denmark, such as great britain, such as other serious countries, the czech republic, for example, in the european union, namely spain, continue to maintain that the main thing is to support the armed forces, to force the armed forces and the whole world to force putin to leave the temporarily occupied. territory of ukraine, this is actually the only way and the true way of completion war mr. valentin, president zelensky in great britain called on the european political community to preserve unity against aggressive russia and to help ukraine shoot down russian missiles and drones. at the same time, we see the position of the chancellor of the federal republic of germany, olaf scholz, who says that this is still impossible. let's hear what scholz said. years is out of the question, and
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the united states of america has also been very clear about this, why, mr. valentin, our western partners have been cautious for the third year regard the possibility of the armed forces of ukraine using their weapons against the russian occupiers on the territory of the russian federation. this is a huge and huge misunderstanding and until now, a partner problem between us, ukraine, and international partners, such as, for example, germany. and i'll tell you, the main thing, my answer, for example, was to chancellor fern scholz, that everything seems impossible until it's done, anything in the history of both mankind and the history of wars, especially where a smaller country was defending itself against bigger, as now ukraine defends itself. against aggressive terrorist russia, therefore there are opportunities and it is possible to stop and repel russian aggression,
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but for this ukraine clearly formulates, and here we are united, we speak clearly with a single voice, patriot systems, we even name the number that is needed 25, f-16 and universal fighters and other fighters with missiles under the wings to destroy these russian terrorist missiles, their carriers, we also clearly speak with... only we need at the first stage, that is, in july of this year , four squadrons and then gradually to increase and strengthen the protection of the ukrainian sky and ukrainian land from russian terrorist missile attacks on a squadron-by-squadron basis. this is the second absolutely possible impossibility, which we do not just talk about, but clearly formulate. well , the third and most important thing is to support the armed forces of ukraine, as they began to do in the first months of russian aggression. great britain, poland and other countries with training, weapons, logistics, it was also impossible, but
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it worked and now it is not just possible, it is now working, it means hubs, supply, regular transportation and the delivery of everything necessary, it was impossible, it did not exist at all, but it worked and it is possible, so i assure you with all other issues, and air defense systems, and fighter planes. only modern ones with missiles under the wings, mr. valentin, you worked for three years in the united states of america, you know very well how american politics actually works, how it functions, you were the consul general of the united states of america embassy in washington in the early 2000s, well here we are now we see the unfolding of the new presidential campaign, this development is quite dramatic. first there was a debate during which the current president of the united states of america, joseph
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biden, did not look very convincing, then there was an assassination attempt on donald trump. now we see that biden is sick with the coronavirus and there is talk that he may withdraw from the election race. how do you think these events will develop and can it be said that this shot that was at trump is actually, it hit not only trump, but also in biden. even now, i continue to work with american partners, without leaving ukraine until the war, but for example, today my meetings with those americans, well, democrats, there is nothing to hide, who were in kyiv today. are in negotiations with this part of the political establishment of the united states, indeed, for them , the election campaign is now in a dramatic phase in the united states, because it is 3.5 months until the day of the vote, which is november 5, already the vote in the united states, and the democratic party is now serious internally and with the main candidate with the current
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president of the united states, joe biden, is still being discussed. the issues decide whether to change the candidate or not, it actually forced even the democratic party to postpone the party convention on the final nomination of the presidential candidate until the beginning of august, although this convention was supposed to take place in july, since it had just been held, by the way, in the republican party, about the assassination attempt on the republican candidate, mr. trump, you know how strange it is, and indeed, even with my house of knowledge of the united states of america, in any case, it did not have a special effect on the ratings and on the support of this or that candidate by the americans themselves. and so i draw the third conclusion, that in fact we should not interfere, it will be, was and will be the choice of the american people who will become the next president of the united states, and for us,
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i am talking specifically about myself now, for my work now and in verkhovna rada. with the us congress, the support of democrats and republicans is equally important. and you know why? but because it is the congress that is and to presidential elections, and it will be after the presidential elections in the united states, to decide how and how much to help the armed forces of ukraine. therefore, our exhibition is simple and clear. work and convince both democrats and republicans. these are our strategic partners. mr. valentine, another figure that has appeared in... in trump's entourage and apparently, if the former president of the united states of america wins the next presidential election, he will become the vice president of the united states of america, is vance, senator vance, which is basically earlier was one of those who spoke against the provision of military aid to ukraine, although he had his justification there, well, he
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opposed trump too, well, he generally called trump hitler, if i'm not mistaken, american hitler or something like that. can we now say that the appearance of vance in trump's circle is some kind of long-term prospect, that he can become the 48th president of the united states of america in 2028, and this whole story that is unfolding before our eyes, it indicates that what the republicans are ready to be in power for a long time and they look like the people they really are right now. they can enter the white house in january of the 25th year and not leave it, well, relatively speaking, until the 32nd year. again, this prediction, with all due respect, is worthless, because the american people will decide everything as they decide, and i doubt that anyone, especially among american politicians, now counts more than one term after
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the presidential election, this is the first, the second , more seriously, support among voters and... democrats, republicans of ukraine, of the ukrainian people and the ukrainian struggle is simply phenomenal, and this is the determining factor, no matter what anyone says and no matter what political statements are made now and in the future during the election campaign of the united states, regarding the candidate for vice president from the republican party, mr. divens, well he is a former marine, i know those people who work with him now and before that have known him... for a long time, i am telling you clearly that if mr. divenz becomes the vice president, you can and should meet with him , speak, and i will do it in in the event that the american people elect a republican president, and believe me, our arguments will influence and influence the position, and i have experience with the previous
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vice president, when joe biden was the vice president, i met with him in kyiv, spoke.. . for the revolution of dignity and went serious support from the special services of the united states in matters of defense security, support of ukraine. i give you this as a personal example of the fact that, yes, we look at the political campaign, but we understand our interests and understand that both the republicans and democrats, we will work with them and find arguments and convince, support ukraine. at the very end of our conversation, mr. valentin, i would like to ask you... about the ukrainian legion that is being formed on the territory of poland, ukrainians who went abroad, but are trained there and are forming, well, the first legion was created, there was information about it. this is the first similar structure and generally similar experience of ukraine in attracting reserves or forming reserves
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located abroad, do you have any other intentions of ukraine regarding the formation of these legions or battalions on the territory of other states where there are ukrainians who have gone abroad. no, there are no such intentions, moreover, we don't need any more, because poland is a neighboring country, and i would support only real professional and, you know, serious, real formation of these of this armed force, in order for them to join the armed forces of ukraine, later. moreover, i advise the authorities now really, especially from france, to call or even send to transport ukrainian military officers from the embassy, ​​who know the experience of the formation and functioning of the french legion, there are many legal, economic,
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armory and other issues that can and should be considered at the start of the formation of such a ukrainian legion abroad, and to take into account, to effectively use it, i really i think that in order for this initiative and this project to be successful, it is necessary to immediately transfer to poland... serious military, ukrainian professionals with knowledge of how they work, how they form, for example, french legion and other, you know, such foreign units for serious armed forces, especially european ones, because we, it is not a secret, are joining the european union and we need european ones, including armed experience, the formation of armed forces, european ones are also very necessary, thank you, i think that this initiative can have the right to success. beyond any doubt. thank you, mr. valentine. it was valentyn nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, there was information that iryna farion was shot in lviv. it
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happened near her house on masaryka street. according to preliminary information, farion was wounded in the temple. according to the svoboda party, stanky, doctors are fighting for her life. telegram channels report that a young man shot. 20-25 years old, well, here are the details that are currently available in the open space and the details that telegram channels are now spreading very quickly. we are in touch with andrian gutnyk, a member of the lviv city council from the all-ukrainian freedom association. mr. andriyan, i congratulate you, thank you for being prompt our broadcast was turned on. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. andriyan. do you know the details of the attempt on iryna farion, how it was and what actually happened on masaryk street, literally half an hour, as i understand it, so not half an hour, a little more,
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almost an hour, at about 7:30 p.m., iryna farion was approaching his house in lviv on mosaryka street, an unknown young man who, according to my information, all the law enforcement officers have his description of this young man, he was in some chapel. 20-25 years old, shot from a firearm to the head, the bullet hit the temple, neighbors, eyewitnesses, seeing the situation, the shot was from a pistol, without a silencer, so it was quite audible, people saw it all, he ran away immediately after the shot, people called an ambulance, the ambulance arrived quickly, iryna dmitriivna was brought nearby, just in time... the hospital of the first territorial medical association of the city of lviv, st. pantoleymon, is located on mykolaichuk street, the doctors say, i have now
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contacted the managers of the hospital, that the condition is very serious, they are fighting and doing everything possible to to save her life, they said that we are doing everything, we have everything, the situation is extremely difficult, under control, we all just have to pray and hope that after all lviv... medicine, which in recent years has been very much and there were infusions, and financial ones, just in this medical institution, and there are quite qualified doctors working there, i am sure that if i have even one chance, they will do everything so that iryna farion lives and is saved today, for now all the information, mr. andrian, do you have any versions of why this happened, why shot at iryna farion and the reasons for this, well, we can see everything. every day, the results of the work of the sbu of ukraine, the guru of ukraine, the police of ukraine, which find such so
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-called people. what, well, i can't call them people, inhumans, who help our eternal enemy, the moscow federation, to destroy our patriots, patriots of the first magnitude, both at the front and in the rear, and today i believe that we have seen such an example, our law enforcement officers are all for that are done to destroy them, and now the law enforcement officers of the entire city, all services are on their feet, everyone they work quickly, and according to mine too.' they are sure that the perpetrator will even be detained in the next few hours. thank you, mr. andrian, it was andrian gutnyk, a member of the lviv city council from the all-ukrainian freedom association. friends, i would like to remind you once again that just an hour ago in lviv, iryna farion was shot, it happened near her apartment on masaryka street, by an unknown man, 20-25 years old,
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according to the eyes. he shot from a gun without a silencer, it hit near the temple or in the temple of iryna farion, you see this photo actually from the place of the event, which is now replicated by almost all telegram channels and mass media. iryna farion is in a serious condition in the lviv hospital, so we are monitoring this situation, if, if , additional information will be added. about what is happening now in lviv in connection with the attempt on the life of iryna farion, we will definitely report throughout our broadcast. friends, i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who now watch us live there, please vote in our poll, today it sounds like this: has corruption decreased in ukraine in the last 5 years, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion about it
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separate. opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, and of course, if you watch us on tv, you can vote by phone or smartphone if you think that corruption has decreased in ukraine over the past 5 years, 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote, then we have roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on... national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, mr. sergey, good evening to all viewers. mr. colonel, today we witnessed how the president of ukraine once again said that it is possible to end the hot phase of the war by the end of the 24th year, if
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the international community, our... western partners, as well as ukraine will put pressure on putin, he said this in great britain, the british television company bbc . how do you assess the possibility of ending the hot phase of the war, the russian-ukrainian war by the end of this year, or is this too optimistic a scenario now, and in connection with this, a logical question, is putin even ready to talk about reconciliation or stopping the war? ot looking at what we mean when the president, our president says to press, here the question is by what means, by what pressure, if we are talking about from a military point of view, then it is quite difficult, for example, to press by those means and those mechanisms that or with the rules for the use of these weapons, which are provided to us by our partners,
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it is very difficult to put pressure on russia with its resources. and at the same time having a strong diplomatic position with the available means is also quite difficult, so the question here is that it should be comprehensive an elaborate solution, a solution that will give the opportunity to show the russian federation that our partners and we are ready to go further and raise the stakes, this is more ammunition, this is more weapons, this is, let's say, more... more sanctions, these are sanctions not only against the russian federation, and all others who are at least nearby, or help it there, not only, i am already saying armaments, in general it conducts some kind of financial activity, financial and economic, that is why it is possible, and since everything was before that, then it is unlikely, because after all, if we were there didn't say, russia now has the initiative, let's say...


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