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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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greetings, this is svoboda live and my name is iryna sysak. ukraine can end the hot stage of the war by the end of the year. president volodymyr zelenskyi expressed such an assumption. in an interview with the bbc during a visit to great britain, the ukrainian media service cites his words. it is possible to do this with the support of allies, says zelensky, and moving within the format of the peace summit. the plan will be ready, and it must be shared with partners so that, i quote: no one plays with their initiatives to end the war - the ukrainian president notes. also, according to the words zelenskyi's world should put pressure on russia to convince it to sit down at the table and consider...
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ending the war. according to the president of ukraine, not all territories should be conquered by force, diplomacy can also help. at the same time, a weaker russia on the battlefield will put ukraine in a stronger position at the negotiating table, the bbc writes. i believe that if we are united and follow, for example, the format of the peace summit, we can end the hot stage of the war. we can try to do it before the end of this year. this does not mean that it is necessary to win back all territories by force, i believe that the power of diplomacy can help, if you put pressure on russia, i believe that it is possible to agree on a diplomatic settlement. i would like to add that the peace summit initiated by ukraine is being criticized in russia, the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergey lavrov, at a press conference at the un, said a few days ago that the discussion on holding the second peace summit contains approaches that should not be accepted. for russia. russian officials
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have repeatedly stated that moscow will not participate in the peace summit. what do the statements mean? of the ukrainian president and is the rhetoric of ukraine changing regarding the end of the war? we continue to speak with oleksandr musiyeenko, head of the center for military legal research. he joins our broadcast. oleksandr, good evening to you. i congratulate you. good evening. here we have the president's statement that the hot phase of the war may end. by the end of this year, he voiced this thesis in an interview with the bbc, literally today it appeared, and first of all, can you explain what the president means by the end of the hot phase of the war, this return to the conditions of the war, as it was until 2022, before the start of a full-scale war, just on the wider front line, or how it can be understood, the fact is that, as far as i understand, the president of... ukraine is developing this opinion and he
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continues, says that we can end the hot phase in the sense of hostilities, but the issue of deoccupation of the territories can be resolved diplomatically in the future , perhaps this is something like what volodymyr zelenskyy said in an interview at the end of 2023 in one of his interviews for fox news, and then ukrainian. the head of state said that we can start a certain negotiation process with russia, if, for example, we reach the state of february 23 , 2022, that is, those borders that were, that is, the liberated south, most of the east, which is currently occupied by russian troops there , temporarily occupied, then the diplomatic process can also be started, and then the whole world should be involved in order to put pressure on russia and... to achieve this, i think that it is possible that we
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are talking about exactly such a scenario, exactly such a plan, and then, but then in order to to end the usually hot phase, and to ensure a strong position at the negotiating table, why i agree, for this you need to push on the battlefield, and in order to push on the battlefield, you need more resources, forces and means and more weapons, i.e. this is an opportunity. carry out e-e actions now within the framework of active defense and actions, including counteroffensive ones, at least at the tactical local level, which are capable of causing russia a lot of pain, well, plus strikes deep into russian territory, all this further, the ukrainian president deciphered in his speeches, and it was clear what it was about, it is about hitting russian airfields, deep into russian territory with western weapons, actually being able to develop this... success, because we are, you know, at
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a stage where we we are just starting to talk about the fact that the ukrainian army is showing success, our defense forces are quite successful or defense. or even ready to counterattack, somewhere later this corresponds with the fact that western aid is unfortunately late and does not have time to arrive when there is an opportunity to push just for russia, just for the approach to be such that there is an opportunity to put pressure on russia and there is an opportunity to change the situation on the battlefield, i think that this is what the president had in mind in order for the west to actually continue to believe in ukraine and... saw that the ukrainian forces are not surrendering, as well as the ukrainian people, if we talk about the battlefield, do you see the prerequisites for ending the hot phase of the war this year? the fact is that the hot phase of the war, well, that is, the prerequisites may be different,
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an order may be given about what is needed it's to stop, well, it could be one thing, it could be due to the exhaustion of the parties, that 's what i see if... we're talking about, let's say, that, well, i can say that, the hot phase can to end under two conditions, according to a scenario closer to the russian one and according to a scenario closer to ours, it is closer to ours, when the ukrainian forces will be able to stop the pressure of the russian troops now and ensure even a tactical local advance, demonstrate that they are capable of intercepting the initiative on... battle, or continue to simply grind down the russians forces, russian reserves, what our armed forces are doing very successfully at the front, what can you tell us about the situation at the front right now, because we read that russia is also increasing its resources, what is the situation at the front now, well, the situation is like this ,
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that if we look, i don't see that russia has made any progress in the build-up. or their resources, i don't know in which place they are building up their resources so much, the situation was such that the direction for the enemy has been determined, this is donetsk region as a priority, pokrovsky direction, fierce fighting is going on there, it is precisely in this direction that the enemy has certain tactical successes, well, the deep state reports almost every day about the capture of some new settlements in donetsk region, in particular, well, i say that in the pokrovsky direction... there are certain successes of the russian troops, and in general , the situation is stable in principle, it is controlled by our units, that is , we are now observing such a final chord in the summer offensive of the russian troops, and the fact that they will have tactical successes, of course, we cannot defend everywhere,
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that is, we are in a state where we need to determine priorities, either we defend everywhere, or we defend in certain... areas, in some areas we will be forced to withdraw, because the potential of the forces is not enough yet . we have 14 unarmed brigades, the president said, this reserve could be useful now at the front. with the provision we have at the moment, we are doing quite well. oleksandr, returning to the bbc president's interview, he says that strength diplomacy can help, and not all territories must be conquered by force. ugh. in your opinion, or? isn't zelensky's rhetoric about ending the war softening, isn't this emphasis shifting from an armed solution to the conflict to a diplomatic one? what was said, that we will not trade, excuse me, ukrainian territories, and for us the issue of ukrainian
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territories and the issue of sovereignty, is not subject to discussion under any format of negotiations, especially under the ukrainian plan. and the second moment that concerns. concerns position changes, you understand, the position can be adjusted based on the situation on the battlefield and understanding the real state of affairs, but now all, let's say, all the slowdown of western aid that may be, or its reduction, these are plans to save russia, that's what we we see that various initiatives are proposed there from germany to reduce aid to ukraine for the next year. we're running out of supplies, we're still waiting for planes, it's all because once russia gets to the point where they're going to lose the initiative, they will lose the initiative, it is a matter of time, regardless of in which village, on which
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street they still advance in the east, these are purely tactical successes, and as soon as it comes to seizing the initiative, we do not have enough, because due to the position of the partners, unfortunately, and of course, the position can be adjusted, and it is adjusted in the sense that we are aware of our real military capabilities, obviously, and there is a real discussion about what we are able to... achieve militarily, what we plan, what in we stand, let's say yes, in priority, well, and further, accordingly, no one says that if the measure is included, you understand what the question is, the key question is that if ukraine is allowed to demonstrate success by force, then the measure will certainly be included, and it will be in synergy together with diplomatic pressure to play in our favor, therefore, strictly speaking, i do not see a change of position regarding... the whole war, they are the same, it is the de-occupation of ukrainian territory, i see discussions and the beginning of discussions
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about approaches, how can be achieved that's what i see, you mentioned the position of the west, and i remembered today's news that the chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, said that under no circumstances will russian missiles be shot down outside the territory of the european union, well, this is also before what is the position of the west, but you assume that zelensky can be pressured by the west... in terms of further arms supplies, i understand you correctly, but what about the results of the elections in the usa, the result of which, well, it is not known how it will affect aid , i don't know, it's hard to say yet because i don't i know and i am not ready to say who will be the president, but then it will be possible to say in what way, it is difficult to say, because again , it is very difficult to predict. donald trump and his team, in fact, how will they act? there are two scenarios, one scenario,
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that on the contrary, they will say that everything the democrats did was wrong, and we will now show how to support ukraine, how to really fight and achieve success both for ukraine and for the west. this is one scenario for us optimistic, good, the second is not very optimistic that the trump administration, if trump wins, will gradually reduce this aid. and such trends, they also exist, not because of the fact that this is the position regarding ukraine, it is because of the general approach and even the election campaign, the program of the republicans is now more for america and more solutions to internal problems and issues. accordingly, what i'm hoping is that probably the democratic parties, and whoever the candidate is, whether it's going to be president biden or whether it's going to be another person, i don't know, we'll see that, but no matter who it is, in politics you need to adhere to the anti... approach, this is greater globalization and the solution of external issues in particular, because look at what is being done, i
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will tell you that china, for example, meanwhile, withdrew from the negotiations with america on the treaty about the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, medium-short-range missiles, china is showing quite a lot of self-confidence now, north korea, russia, not to look outside, it seems to me that it is impossible at all, but still about... about the degree of how and who will look outside and how and who will highlight the role of europe for this, and this is where it is important, i think that, however, the democrats can at least provide support for a sustainable course, especially if the democratic candidate wins, and accordingly, the congress most likely they would be recruiting there in the by-elections and there wouldn't be such problems, but then again it's hard to predict right now sir? oleksandr, if we talk about diplomacy and the diplomatic path that president volodymyr zelenskyy spoke about, then the key
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emphasis that ukraine seems to be making today is on peace summits the first one took place recently in switzerland, the second one will take place in november, then, as volodymyr zelenskyi said, they plan to invite russia, but in russia the conditions of this summit are called unacceptable, so the option with diplomacy may also not work, what should ukraine do then? the fact is that, first of all, there is still time until november, you know, the positions of russia, they are adjusted from time to time, they change, there are so many statements, and starting with putin's ultimatum, which is unacceptable, i am snarich and no one will perform, about kherson and zaporizhzhia, ending with the fact that they are ready for some negotiations, but it is not clear according to which plan, there are currently two approaches globally, there is a ukrainian plan. the mayor's global summit, which was in switzerland and many representatives of different countries came to support and supported, but there is
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a second plan, it is actually china's plan, which orbán, who is taking on the role of mediator, the prime minister of hungary, is trying to promote and communicate and tries, well , this is a second plan, it's very simple, ah, a truce on the front line, well, actually now there are only two plans that, in my opinion... are being articulated, and accordingly, it is clear that ukraine naturally insists on the implementation of our plan and is looking for opportunities to attract support for this, and since, since... and from many representatives of states that were in switzerland, and we heard all this when it was broadcast live, then it was said that russia should be at the next, next summit, then i think that the proposals of our partners who were at this summit are also taken into account, other the question, what is the agenda of these negotiations, the order in general
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the involvement of russia and so on, this is still a very serious issue, but... you see, demonstrating readiness for the fact that this summit should take place, that ukraine is serious, we cannot help hearing the appeals of some of our partners, and i think that language it is not about the conditions, i.e. it is not about russia’s concessions, it is about the format of its participation and it is about whether it will be at all, if it will not be, then, well, i do not rule out that it will not be, indeed it is, so the time has not yet come, which means that russia has not been pressed enough for it to... appear there. zelensky, by the way, he also talks about support and pressure on russia from ukrainian partners. what kind of pressure can this be, i.e. is it about more sanctions, or maybe more weapons for the ukrainian army? what is it about? first of all, more weapons and more support for our forces and speeding up the supply of at least what we should have already received. this is very
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important for us. we are getting more now , and the fact that we have already received more weapons. gives us the opportunity to better restrain the enemy at the front, otherwise the situation would be much worse, this is the first moment, the second moment, which concerns sanctions, here , by the way, all the possibilities have not been exhausted, you see that right now, while the president is in britain, just before zelensky’s visit, the british introduced sanctions, how many are 11 or 12 ships, it seems that this one is also from the tanker fleet, which transports russian crude oil there to bypass sanctions and brings funds to their budget, they sanctioned, that is, under... sanctions. the next point is that such a corporation as rosatom, unfortunately, is not without opportunities today build or maintain nuclear facilities in the world. and this is also a question of many tens of billions to the russian budget. there are still questions and there are still loopholes that have not been closed, unfortunately, and they give russia the opportunity to pay
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three ways. if we deprive russia of the inflow of funds, they will have nothing to rely on. you can buy elements for your rockets, that's all. mr. oleksandr, thank you for your thoughts. it was oleksandr musienko, the head of the military-legal research center. thanks. well, let's talk about the united states later. donald trump officially agreed to nominate his candidacy for the post of president of the united states from the republican party. he announced this at the national convention of police forces in milwaukee. during the hour and a half speech, trump several times. mentioned ukraine, in particular, once again made a statement that he would be able to solve the war with one phone call, and among the pre-election promises he made, he noted that he would end russia's war with ukraine, although the politician did not explain how he was going to do it. i will put an end to every international crisis created by the current administration, including this terrible one
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russia's war with ukraine, which would never have happened if i had been president. more about what trump said about ukraine, we will ask maria ulyanovska, a correspondent of the ukrainian service of the voice of america, she joins our broadcast. maria, i congratulate you, please tell me what statements regarding ukraine were made at the national convention of the republican party, and perhaps you have more information about whether the telephone call between trump and zelensky, which was previously reported by international media i congratulate you, i congratulate ours viewers, the congress of the republican party ended yesterday, at which donald trump was officially nominated as the candidate of the republican party for the presidential elections in the united states, he officially accepted this offer, delivered an hour and a half speech, if we talk about the issue of ukraine, then what about unity in this issue is not within the republican party, we
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saw that at this convention the unity of the republican party was formed around the candidate, that is, donald. trump has officially become the face of the republican party, that's him will decide the future of the republican party. earlier this year during this campaign period, the media here in the united states was just talking about the fact that there is such a split in the republican party between supporters of donald trump and more moderate republicans. now we see that the trump wing did win, he is a one-party candidate, very few republicans criticize him as a candidate and everyone around, all republicans around him unite. but in the matter of foreign policy, the union is republican the party, unfortunately, now, or fortunately , still does not have representatives of the republicans, who traditionally support it. america as a strong state that solves international issues, among such republicans, in particular, michael mccaul, who is the chairman of the foreign
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affairs committee, and he said at this convention of the republican party that he will continue to defend the interests of ukraine, that he will say about this with trump, about the fact that ukraine should be supported because it is in the interests of the united states. we also spoke with aiza hutchenson, this is the former the governor of arkansas, and he said that he ... would like to encourage ukraine and all those who support ukraine, because he says that democracy is messed up, but in the end the united states comes to the right decisions, he promised that and these republicans who support ukraine will continue to work with donald trump. at the same time, there are republicans who harshly criticize the decisions of the biden administration, and i will remind you that this is the main policy, the foreign policy of the biden administration is to help ukraine, they criticize it a lot, in particular we talked with viok roswami, who is one of the candidates for the nomination of the republican party in the presidential race, and he said that this is a
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waste of money, that ukraine cannot win this war and said that ukraine's negotiating position would be stronger , if ukraine had agreed to negotiations two years ago, now ukraine's position, he says, is weaker, and it is simply necessary to recognize this reality, because as we see, there is no unanimous unity on the issue of aid to ukraine among the republican party. we also heard during made various statements, in particular there was a speech by eric trump, this is the son of donald trump, and he said that this war is out of control, millions of dead and displaced people both in russia and in ukraine, and he said that this the never-ending war that we are funding must be stopped. also speaking was tucker carlson, he's a well-known blogger who supports russia in this war, who interviewed vladimir putin, and he said that in general, this policy of the biden administration to support ukraine, it's a middle finger to all americans, because money, which allegedly the united states provides to ukraine, they should hand over to the americans. but there was also
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mike pompeo, this is the former secretary of state under the trump presidency, who spoke, he said that russia invaded ukraine because the united states became a weak state, because the united states withdrew from afghanistan, and because of that, it led putin to a ... bloody massacre, as he put it, and it should not have happened, and at the same time there were statements from donald trump himself, we know that he promises to solve the issue of war, as he says in europe, at the same time he does not give details of how he will do it, but yesterday he said a little bit that if he had been president, this war would not have happened at all, let's listen, under president bush, russia invaded to georgia russia seized crimea under president obama. under the current administration, russia wants to take over all of ukraine. russia did not
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take anything under president trump. look at the attack on israel. look at what is happening with ukraine. cities were simply bombed. how can people live there? there are building levels. land it began with the catastrophic withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, the worst humiliation in the history of our country. so we hear these statements from donald trump. he also really said that he could solve the war in europe with just one phone call. and this is a repetition of those narratives that he has said before, that all the wars, all the geopolitical troubles are the fault of the biden administration, which, as donald trump says, is... weak, we also heard during the debate that he said that putin's conditions, vladimir putin, regarding the termination of this war, he considers unacceptable, but
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we do not know more details about what donald trump's position will be, because he does not provide these details, he leaves room for these maneuvers, and therefore anyone, who says they know what trump's policies will be, these people don't know what they are talking about, it takes more time to see what donald trump really wants to do, and how exactly he wants to bring peace to europe, as he declares it, well and we will monitor the situation carefully. thank you to you maria, for these details from the convention of the republican party. it was maria ulyanovska, a correspondent of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. i will add that volodymyr zelenskyi once again reacted to the potential presidency of trump and his statements in an interview with the bbc, the president of ukraine stated that he is ready to work with anyone who is in power in the usa, and working with trump in the event of his re-election will be difficult we have. cooperate with the us, even if a new team comes, we need their support. it can be hard, hard, hard to convince them? so, but we are not afraid of hard work. our
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broadcast is joined by kostyantyn yelsyayev, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, head of the public organization center for new solutions. good evening to you, mr. konstantin. i congratulate you. here we heard trump's repeated statements regarding ukraine, he says that he could solve the war in one day, and if he becomes president, he will definitely end the conflicts. well, trump has made similar statements before, but now he is already in official status. presidential candidate, how do you rate such rhetoric, is this populism, or are these statements still based on something? first of all, we should really evaluate all these things not by words, but by concrete actions, but you are absolutely right that as the election date approaches, believe me, there will be similar, i would say, exotic ideas, including things like. .. as
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trump stated, the resolution of the war in ukraine in 24 hours, for the sake of justice, it must be recognized and said that volodymyr zelyansky went to the elections with approximately the same signals. do you remember, he said the same thing, me quoting that we should simply stop shooting and there will be peace, will we meet somewhere in the middle, or should we talk about the end of the war, i should change the rhetoric, and in putin's head, and in the end, in the end, then they did not listen to... professionals, experts and who warned from short-sightedness, from appeasement, from frivolity, unfortunately, what happened happened. so really, the key thing in these statements by trump is that he really wants to end the war, but the question at what cost, that's why the results of the us elections in november will be of key importance, i would said, even crucial for...
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his stage of the war with the russian aggressor, and zelenskyi already predicts that if trump is elected president of the united states, working with him will be difficult, but he says that we are hardworking - this is a quote from zelenskyi. in your opinion, what can this cooperation be like, what exactly can such biggest difficulties arise? well, first of all, i listened carefully to the previous journalist, and i agree that the situation is not simple, and what is happening happened at... at the convention of the republican party should be carefully analyzed, but i have question, what did we, the ukrainian side, do in order to prove our position at this convention, well, at least, at least not to trump, to trump's entourage, about the situation in ukraine, about the war in ukraine, about our plans, about the fact that in fact, as trump says, the war cannot be resolved in 24 hours, unfortunately, i
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have a question about who was represented among the high-ranking politicians at this convention, and whether it was possible to influence the change in trump's position, well, that is, his rhetoric is already known long ago, do you think it was possible to change it? i'll say, first of all, we have to work, i'll tell you said, not only with trump, but also with his entourage, which is around him, this is firstly, and secondly, we had to do everything possible already there, so that we start on this ... work, unfortunately, and you know that the delegation led by petro poroshenko, invited to this forum, was not admitted, and unfortunately, who was admitted from the ukrainian politicians, was there anyone, not admitted, not admitted, as far as i understand, was information in the mass media, petro poroshenko is the head of the european solidarity party and , in my opinion, three or four deputies of the european solidarity, they were invited to this
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forum as a sister party. within the family of the international family of the democratic international democratic forum and of which the republican party is a member, but god be with him, mr. kostyantyn, for today, by the way, the international media announced a telephone conversation between trump and zelensky, maybe during the meeting they will succeed communicate and express each other's positions, what do you think they can talk about, i can say from my own experience that you can't solve anything in one phone conversation, firstly, secondly, i believe that i i would not demonize trump now and sprinkle ashes on his head, i just need to work professionally and qualitatively. for you, i will simply remind you that despite all the eccentricities of trump in his previous presidential term, it was we who managed to get ukraine the first aerial weapons in the form of.


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