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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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talking about her from the screen and then putting people there in such a situation that they come under fire, as she has already done it more than once, that is, she is engaged in this, she is trying to create some kind of structure of some people within the armed forces, but in various of these, well, parallel some, conditionally speaking, but again, this is not a governing structure, this is the very incitement, because these people do not make decisions, they do not have powers, it does not give them. nothing, she just sits on their ears and tells them how bad their leadership is, well, this activity can be qualify as a subversive action, it is a subversive activity, that is, it should be , this is how the russians work, they work exactly like ms. bezugla, who gathers people through her telegram channels, by the way, you track russian propagandists, their programs, they are the last a week in general, she is quoted there as saying that syrsky is ready to sign any capitulation there. that is
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, they quote it very actively, that is, it became the basis for their propaganda rhetoric, and this is also very dangerous, what else is dangerous larisa, such activity, not only blunt, because many public people try to say something, but blunt is probably the most important political torpedo that i know, well, look, it seems to me, here i want to clarify, in my opinion, this is a danger from the armed forces. the popularity of the armed forces of ukraine for the authorities, such as the electoral one, is the reason explained by the leadership so that it sincerely thinks that it is protected by its ratings of the political leadership of the country, in reality what is happening is what olya told us, yes, we all know about such cases, we know about what she does, that is, this parallel commissar structure, my friends, and this is a century ago, and this, we, we saw it, we saw it, this... you choose
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the commanders of the vote, we saw it, it's the collapse of the army, it's just the collapse of the army, yes was, we lost the country, that is, in fact, the same patterns that were used against ukraine more than 100 years ago in kyiv, they are using them now, here we see a person, but this is what surprises me in this, why a special agent, why is this even possible, that no, no one is hiding, that's what surprises me, that is, it's such a joke, do you understand? and she directly writes: write call me here on this phone, and before that, i remind you, such posts are direct, write to me directly here, names, lists, addresses, wrote this one, like him, sasha dubinsky, levochkin, and then the russians left with the lists, they already knew who to kill, well, that is, why don't we investigate this, well, i just don't understand, in our country , the legislation is not enough, it is enough, that is, more than one criminal case has already been done there, isn't there? some private
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person has the right to collect data of military personnel, she does not have the right to collect data about the situation in the army in this way, she simply does not have the right you have your powers, you come to the committee, you literally work there, not gather there, write to me there, call me, well, but the security service of ukraine and our counterintelligence should have reacted to what was happening, and perhaps our special services would have been engaged in this, so that they don't work. against roman chervinsky, who this week was released on bail of uah 9 million, but the next day the shevchenko district court of the capital sentenced him to 24-hour house arrest, and this was also terrible, because colonel roman chervinsky, who was one of those officers who was preparing a special operation against the wagnerites has been sitting in butsygarn for the last year, and this too... it is completely incomprehensible, no one can
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explain why this is happening at all, and why the answers to questions about the same wagnerites are us, we are not received, by the way, mariana bezugla was the head of the parliamentary temporary commission that investigated this, and this should also be remembered, but bezugla sits and collects data from the military, and roman chervinskyi, who fought in the war and who worked against collaborators, including in donbas, and this mach is possible. to mention zakharchenko and the many cases that roman chervinskyi had, is it this injustice that a part of ukrainian society knows and feels in the case of chervinskyi, or could this also be the reason for this rift, which we are talking about and the reason for this, larisa , listen , well, this is also a diversion, because chervynsky’s symbol is the same symbol as iryna farion, as he was industrious, well, that is, it is a symbol and... and when
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we are now, we are with you, look what we will not take any case, there is around it some informational component that looks random, but all of it fits into one picture. instead of falling behind that chervinsky, now, why, well , why, when you have dubinsky without remorse, why are you doing it, especially since he was already under house arrest, well, in why, what is the question, he, well, he is an officer, what is he, where will he go, but no, they are starting to press it, they can explain it in different ways, and with wagnergate, and with anything else, that the authorities are hiding there, but we see , which follows all this insane mistrust, mistrust of some sections of the population towards others, society, the army, officials, all this, all this strife, in fact we see signs of loss of control, and unfortunately, the government in its arrogance, you see, we are the most brilliant here, we are here for the country is fighting, we have ratings or no
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ratings here, they don’t even realize that when this mess is pushed to them in the form of a deservedly high rating, they don’t even understand that they are simply being told, you know, how to... that's not why all this is unfolding, you're right, there's someone or a group of persons who systematically here, there, through the legislative branches, through the informational branches, because of that, because of that, simply throw in these points on which we see that our country is already shaking, as a result of the concrete feeling that the struggle makes sense, i.e. here it is being lost, and people who... they will not actually go to fight for any bank, they have trenches, they are perfectly aware of their own, but this is the fact that ukraine as a single organism, in solidarity the organism moves, is destroyed, and it is centralized, and this should be investigated, and this
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network, because what a crazy network of coolies and agents there must be, and this should be investigated, thank you. olya, who will investigate this? i don't know, it seems to me that the main problem in general, that's what this all looks like, is that someone is very somehow directed to the banks, pours their ears there, that there may be some kind of junta, a conspiracy of generals, a conspiracy of the military, well, what is it about in fact, one of the main russian narratives that they constantly try to ... here for throwing and throwing it as a result was sent to the bank, and it is precisely this desire to destroy the army, which comes from the government, from those people who cooperate with the government, precisely from there, in order to prevent the formation of some forces in the army that can claim
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political power, and, well, this did not happen, but until they began to destroy army, no one there thought about it at all, in general. in principle, do you understand what the problem is? and on the other hand, the question arises when you have an army that is fighting, that is loyal to the political power, and suddenly you start to fear this army, and why are you afraid of it suddenly, that you you do such a thing that you have to be afraid of the army that is fighting for the country, why are you doing that, i want to ask, how do you feel your guilt in what, that you are afraid of mutiny? of the army, which will be sent against you at a time when the army is fighting, actually protecting the country, that is , i think this is the biggest question that we all have to ask, say, and what then, what are these people afraid of? obviously, we will find the answers to these questions in another program,
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we have to finish colleagues, olga len, larisa voloshina were guests of today's program, thank you for participating in the program, colleagues, i would like to remind you that during the entire broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you. friends, about whether corruption has decreased in ukraine over the past 5 years, let's look at the results of a television poll: 5% believe that corruption has decreased in 5 years, well 5 years of zelensky's presidency, 95% believe that it has not. these are the results of this survey, it was the verdict program serhiy rudenko, i wish you good health, take care of yourself and your family. goodbye. if the throat is not ok, make a snicker, make it ok, taste choose without will love, emka lord, sweet
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lord, there are discounts represent the only discounts on exoderl 15% in pharmacies travel you and save, there are discounts represent the only discounts on glicised and glicised max, 20% in podoro pharmacies. in travel bam and savings pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory is it like that analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do? are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them there?
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vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read the entire condemnation, accept my song, thank you, it was difficult, i was just interested, but it is absolutely not cool, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude bilateral security with us an agreement, a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need
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to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour episode format, even more. analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m., good evening, we are from ukraine. 877th day of war, 877th day of our heroic
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resistance to the russian invasion, every hour, every day we all thank our brave defenders and defenders who hold the front and prevent it from spreading further, who defend ukraine from this influx. as always, my name is yuri fizer, and whoever has been watching the broadcast since the beginning of this week, remember that i will be on the broadcast with you this week and next. well, it should be today, if god wills, electricity, kyivenergo and many others, and what else, we have a very important interview scheduled today, i'm even announcing it, because i really hope that it will still be on the air with ukrainian serviceman, sbu colonel roman chervinskyi, who only the day before yesterday left the butchery, from where he was finally pulled out despite everything the maid did. the government, well, everyone is also familiar with the rubrics the world about ukraine with me, the economic summaries of the week with my
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friend oleksandr morchavka and the weather from natalka didenko, and we start traditionally with the military summaries of the day and serhiy zgurets. sergey, i congratulate you and i have a word for you. i congratulate you, yuriy, i congratulate our viewers. today in our column we will talk about what is over odessa. probably finally appeared anti-missile protective umbrella about combat actions in the zaporozhye region in conversation with our military, who are fighting the enemy there, and about new technologies for the armed forces of ukraine that can protect our soldiers and our equipment from enemy drones and thermal imaging cameras, more on that in a moment. so, our armed forces managed to protect one more city of ukraine from enemy
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ballistic missiles, and this is odesa. this conclusion follows from the statement of the spokesman of the navy of ukraine, dmytro platenchuk, who stated that yesterday, july 18 , a missile from the iskander otrk was shot down, and this is a significant event, because the enemy has repeatedly used ballistic missiles on odessa and on the city and port facilities, sometimes with tragic consequences for... odessans, and now we have examples when such a missile was shot down, and ballistics, as you know, can be shot down either by patriots or sampti, and it seems that one of them... is already covering odesa, of course, it can be said that this information about the acquisition of new defense capabilities should not have been premature, but a video of the downing of an enemy missile has already appeared on the internet, and in fact, it should understand that the navy was responding to quite obvious facts, as well as the understanding
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that the enemy's electronic intelligence equipment clearly records the operation of powerful air defense systems and... which are part of these air defense systems, and their appearance around odessa probably did not go unnoticed, but we can say with certainty that these the air defense system and radar, where they stood, are no longer there, and the protective umbrella over odessa is already there and working. and then to the situation on the front line, where each direction is complex and responsible, and now mykola koval, the press officer of the 14th brigade, joins us. chervona kalina of the national guard of ukraine. this brigade is now fighting in the zaporozhye direction. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. i wish you health. i would like to start by telling our viewers what the current situation is in the brigade's area of ​​responsibility and how the dynamics have changed over the past week?
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in our direction, in the zaporozhye direction, where our brigade and... together with other defense forces are holding positions, the situation is not complicated, it is controlled by our forces, precisely because we conduct reconnaissance around the clock, repel enemy forces around the clock assaults, for the past week we repelled about, well, about 20-30 assaults, by enemy infantry, but they... enemy infantry, they do not use equipment, they move in small assault groups, er, the minimum number is used, that is, it can be two or three or three men, regarding the assaults of the past day, there were six or six massed such assaults, both near moloy takmachka and near
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shcherbak, and all these assaults. were successfully repulsed, the enemy was not allowed to pass and advance, and every day we repulse such assaults, mr. mykola, what about enemy aviation, does the enemy use cabs on this part of the front as in other directions? they use cabs, in this direction, they used a very massive scale and massively shelled and populated. you and our positions, but now the intensity has decreased a little, i’m sure because we also work a lot, especially in our air defense, our anti-aircraft guns and units, they don’t let the planes fly very close, but they work on our positions, most of all
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now their barrel artillery and sundials, hails, i.e.... then it doesn’t end with them and they fire every day and there is not such a quiet hour that our position is not fired upon, but regarding the enemy’s use of these lancet strike drones, to what extent the enemy uses them here, or are there any countermeasures against lancets now? they here use all the drones and eagles and lancets and superkams, lancets, especially as they started. use a flying lancet and some other drone can fly in parallel behind it, are there divisions or tactical, that is, they they use them in pairs, well, to identify our positions there, our equipment, how we work, we disguise ourselves as much as possible, we also have rap, which
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also helps us to jam their drones, but from the lancet, we need to disguise ourselves as much as possible... qualitatively and professionally, because he is he shock and it constantly works against our equipment, and in this regard, they use a lot of drones, especially search drones, there are very many of them, and unfortunately, they may not spare them and there in a day or a day they can 200, 300 of these to launch drones, that is, they have a large number of them... but they do not use them as effectively as our soldiers, our pilots of our brigade, they learned how to use these drones qualitatively, since we had a period of shortage. now we already have enough of these drones, both with the help of state programs and with the help of volunteers, we have enough of their co-drones and we are working,
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even with the help of these drones we can repel enemy assaults, this saves the lives of fighters and helps the fighters a lot , that we use them so effectively, and whether are there combat operations at night or are fpv drones from a diesel locomotive actively used? day and night from our side and from the enemy, i will say, we have already leveled up a little in this regard regarding the presence of drones with night vision thermal imaging, we use them around the clock and day and night, if we detect the enemy, we must destroy him, and there is no difference, whether it's morning or evening or night, we're destroying the living force all the time, and but at night they... they've already realized how much we 're inflicting casualties on the enemy, and they've started to camouflage themselves, they camouflage themselves very, very well, they
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have already learned, and this makes our work a little more difficult, but we detect them and only detect them, we immediately start working, whether with shots from drones or fv drones, and finally i would like to ask about mobilization, about replenishment, about... recruiting, whether there are does your brigade have its own recruiting programs, how do they work, if any, and what skills are most needed in the 14th national guard right now? we have a recruiting group that works with volunteers, works with those who want to return to us, any person can familiarize himself with the questionnaire and fill out the candidate's application form, which is available on our social networks, including facebook and... telegram channel and instagram, you can fill out the application form, or contact the phone number, which is also indicated on all social networks, from the hr department, a person comes to us in
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a military unit and can come to us on a contract and undergo service, in terms of specialties, our e-e ma brigade has many units, it is from operational battalions, that is... it is like infantry to artillery, tankers, uav pilots, scouts, snipers , engineers, signalmen, doctors, in us in principle, there are enough such specialties and trade winds, we are looking for motivated people who will destroy the enemy and help the infantry with us. so that it can stand on those frontiers, mr. mykola, thank you very much for the inclusion, for what you and your comrades, your brigade do for the protection of our state, and i will remind our viewers that
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it was mykola koval, the press officer of the 14th brigade of the national guard of ukraine chervona kalina, which is currently operating in the direction, and mr. mykola said that the number of drones from both sides, which perform combat missions at night. these are drones with thermal imagers or skids or there are fpv drones, and of course the issue of camouflage takes on special importance, the officer said that the enemy tries to camouflage himself, but our drones find the enemy when he is not hiding and destroy him with strike drones, in turn we understand , that such risks also exist for our military, but now we see the use of the babayaga drone in military positions, it is a powerful drone with ee... with drops, which can destroy there, detect the enemy at considerable distances and destroy with their, well, powerful ammunition, it is this enemy
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who terrorizes the enemy, and on the other hand , the enemy is also trying to use already there drones, fpv drones or other models in order to attack our positions, that is why the protection of our military at night acquires a special importance, and then we will talk with a person who er... developed a new material, a new coating that allows creating protective systems for both the military and for equipment, this is an anti-red, anti-infrared coating, which, well, when used, now we see a video where a person puts on a raincoat impregnated with a special substance. and we see that here we are watching this video now, and in infrared light a person simply disappears,
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this is exactly the basis for... for camouflage in our conditions, and now we are joined by eduard pukanich, he is an entrepreneur and inventor , who developed such a special coating that allows solving the problem of masking. mr. eduard, welcome, nice to see you on the espresso channel. good day, glad to see you i would like you to tell our viewers what is the peculiarity of your technological solution, because one way or another we have seen that such protective raincoats are used by the enemy, and our military tries to purchase such solutions from other manufacturers, what is the fundamental difference, the difference your, your proposal and why it is extremely necessary for the armed forces? well, look, first of all , i just want to explain, that is, where did the idea of ​​creating, say, a camouflaged anti-firing material come from in general, in last year, just in the mass media, i came across information that
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the russians allegedly... have an invisible mouth. i began to study this issue out of curiosity and realized that in fact, all camouflage, anti-infrared raincoats and similar equipment are actually made of so -called anti-infrared fabrics, in english anti infrared fabric, and the question arose as to what, that is, all these fabrics, they have a certain drawback, that is , you cannot go against the laws of thermodynamics in principle, and the essence is: that is, any object, for example, the human body, it emits heat, and this heat, if absorbed by a material, for example, such an anti-infrared fabric, then as a result of this, this fabric heats up and leaves a thermal blind, that is, even a difference of 1-2 degrees in principle in the thermal imager, it will already be noticeable, this is essentially the drawback of these very anti-fibrous fabrics, so i decided to go a little differently, and i started experimenting with creating
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anti-infrachers. of a new substance, i.e. not with fabrics, because you see, even in our market, there is often a lot of advertising there anti-infrared cloaks, etc., but these are not really new inventions, they are simply tailoring different military equipment, essentially from the same type of fabric. in this case, i turned to nature, let's say so, and began to actually study how it can be done and how nature disguises, let's say, different things. animals of st. and in principle in this way i managed to create an anti-infrared substance, which is just in principle now demonstrated, so that it is clear. so, that's the point. i realized that with the help of this substance, in fact, any synthetic fabric, for example, the same polyester, er, can be turned, let's say , into a camouflage anti-infrared material is camouflage. well, how, of course, this...
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i won't tell you, because you understand, it's only after receiving the relevant patents, and then i think that this issue is not subject to disclosure, it's not relevant today, but as you can see, the results are quite good, i will say it as it is, that is , any invention, including this substance and anti-infrared material, which i created, it has certain shortcomings, that is , it actually needs improvement, which i am currently working on, but if you consider that today... today, this material, if you look at these videos that are published, then i saw, as you can see, even the car hood of the car, where the engine is running, and in fact, even at such close distances, we can see how it masks the heat slop, which is what i want in this case, which i think everyone concerned to this topic , it is known, for example, that there are such camouflage systems,
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as the same system. from the world-famous swedish company sap, this is a very cool thing, this camouflage system allows you to mask both equipment and manpower, this is right on the video, now you see, this is on the left side, this is created by me, created by me, the cloak of invisibility is created, and on the right side, it's actually a factory poncho, and we can see the difference, as you can see, the heat trace in the upper part, when you switch both in the infrared spectrum and in... other spectrums of light, it shines through, that is, we see that essentially the substance that i created is no worse, and maybe even better, than the materials that are offered on our market. mr. eduardo, i would like to ask if the ministry of defense or the ministry of strategy and industry is aware of your decision to somehow get involved in the process of involving your development for the needs of the armed forces? look, for today. day i
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was back in june with...


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