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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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there will still be decisions on capitol hill in the house of representatives, in the senate, decisions will be made in the house, in the house and in the senate, as it was last time, so actually this game is more difficult. in the united states of america, the president is not the king, but especially the vice president. for example, now someone could say that kamala garis is some super-influential person who makes key decisions. but i don't think it would be wise to say that. let's think pragmatically, how
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to get out of various possible situations politically, and not wring our hands and everything is this let's go back to the democrats, back to the democrats, to what's going on inside that camp, the assassination attempt on donald trump distracted from the other big news late last week, namely the failed.
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and former president barack obama's wife, michelle obama. but there are other names, and after such news, even a lot of attention is paid to them. these are, for example, the governors of several states, illinois, michigan, california, this is the minister of transportation, pete butijach, who is openly gay and is the father of twins in a same-sex marriage. even the name of former us secretary of state hilary clinton is heard. what do you think is the most realistic and interesting surname among the possible presidential candidates? the system is such that everything depends on the president, i assume that the president is actually sick, so it probably depends on his family and loved ones, i think that will be the case, certainly the situation with trump gives the democrats an opportunity for some kind of new start, and i don't know if it will happen, it's a very narrow circle because, as we said, in a political sense, the president of the united states shares his influence with congress, but on the other hand, personally, his position is strong, that is, no one knows it, this position is especially strong. this period
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immediately before the campaign, because now he himself should say that he will not run for office, maybe he will say it. speaking about the speech in washington, if it were not for the context, i know from my experience that when you talk a lot about something, you can make obvious mistakes. it's not that every mistake is a problem, the problem here is the sequence of events that is perceived even if everything was said essentially, and biden's speeches at the nato summit were meaningful, he showed that he controls important issues, well, and then one statement at the end and everything is already bad, that's how it works.
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i just think that vance's strength is not that he is critical of us, or that he doesn't want to get involved in ukrainian issues, that he comes from the bottom of society, is well-educated, very talented, effective, and i think that this will certainly cause a reaction from the democrats, according to logic, mice are also effective, but they must the structure of the democrats is logical, but at the nato summit the question of what will happen to nato was raised several times if the us comes to power ...
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biden was also criticized not only from trump's point of view, but also from such positions as kasparov did, criticizing him for too little participation, or late participation, or for trickle-down help, or for the fact that help always came. when the situation at the front was critical, which was especially visible this spring, so trump's policy, that is , biden's policy, trump's policy, biden's policy, you see, i was also wrong, trump and biden can be confused, biden's policy has also been criticized, and not only from trump's position, but also from pro-ukrainian positions, so it is possible to imagine that there will be circumstances from which trump, for example, will decide that he need to show strength and change his approach, we've seen this kind of thing in politics many times, and again i'm going back... a few years ago and even more recently, because he's young, he was very critical of trump, and now he's a supporter of trump, so i think there is a sense to talk about politics when we calculate the scenarios that could happen, not when we focus on any one decision. one way
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or another, in any case, it seems that in connection with everything that is happening now... the usa is a leader in the democratic world, in nato, important for supporting ukraine and poland against threats from the north and east. there is only one thing to say: europe has a lot of homework, and these tasks need to be done quickly. exactly. at the same time, one more important news. on monday in connection with the planned appointment to the position heads of eu diplomacy. an important step, we see how kaya kalas goes to this destination, and we understand that in the kremlin at such
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moments they tear their hair out. after all, kala is aware of her energy in the fight against russian aggression. there is a part of her in this too. own history, because the politician remembers the soviet repressions against her family, she herself remembers the soviet tanks in the cities of her country, it is the 91st year of the declaration of independence of estonia, have you ever met kaya kalas, what can you say about her and to what extent good news for european diplomacy and bad for russia? from russia? i probably did not communicate with her so thoroughly. met at several conferences, for example, i think we were together recently at a conference in munich, but i do not remember a single conversation with her, everything related to the soviet sphere and russian domination is encoded in her. on the one hand, the enslavement of estonia, and on the other, her family was a nomenclature
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family, that is, they also participated in this regime, because that is how it was. subsequently, she became one of the most pro-western and pro-european politicians. her strength is in her looks and understanding, but the weakness is that she... will probably speak with the state , we discuss the american context, and she is the us secretary from the position of a representative of the whole eu, but still from a tiny country. it will not be so easy for her, because there will always be a suspicion that she... does not evaluate the situation objectively, only through the prism of her experience. small countries with powerful leaders and huge countries with weak leaders, with weak leaders, we will somehow see it as a banje, because i thought that we will see how it goes, because i think that in the usa has a huge dynamic. kalas is good
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for us, but that's not all, it's a bit like a business. what is your strength in the morning may turn out to be your weakness in the evening. her strength is that she knows the region very well, she is very immersed in it, but someone else will say, well, that's why... she thinks that way, she is biased, she will definitely have to face such arguments, and it does not look at all like a sweet cake thank you for this conversation, about politics, about the world, we will take a short summer break for the next few weeks, but we will be back at the end of august, and you will be able to watch us again on espresso in ukrainian, on pavel koval's youtube channel in polish, and read eu sisters in both languages. thank you. pavel koval, maria gurska. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on toloxen strong 10% in pharmacies of travel stores
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soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m again at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about... the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of broadcast time, two hours. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two
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hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand. processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited guests experts, based on facts, give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. and now the legendary polish dissident,
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one of the creators of the new democratic poland, founder of the no less legendary electoral newspaper adam michnik, will work on the air of the tv channel. greetings, mr. editor, to the espresso studio. good day, thank you for these kind words, even though they are exaggerated. of course, every word is some kind of exaggeration, but the most important thing that we see is the creation, perhaps the most important. so that this business is strong and long-lasting. how do you
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assess these polish-ukrainian relations, which we dreamed about, a lot has been done. maybe not to the end, but most importantly, the polish-ukrainian security agreement was finally signed. we understand that it may have taken too long. wars. here this is all obvious in the shadow of war. now is the time to define the world in which we live. the world we live in is a world of conflict. part of the cold war, part of the hot war, as it is here in ukraine. among all that is an anti-democratic, totalitarian project, ideology, or spirit, the tendency of which is.
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the polish political elites ruling at that time showed their willingness to support and behaved extremely dignified regarding the support of ukraine. ochevishche,
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maybe they couldn't do it otherwise, but they did. they could not have behaved differently, but in any case they did it well, and we in ukraine appreciate it very much, but then something happened, right? and there was a very strange pause, some kind of silence on both sides, and some people at the border, yes so-called activists, or pseudo-activists, blocking the border and so on. and now we see a thaw in those political polish-ukrainian relations. the last meeting of president zelenskyi with prime minister donald tusk. the meeting between zelenskyi and duda and the subsequent signing of this agreement. what do you think happened at that moment, why it turned out that it was possible to quarrel during the war? it is always possible to quarrel, and it can always be that an apparently secondary topic suddenly becomes the most important one, because there is that
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petty narcissism?
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yes, it's true, he said that, and repeated it quite often. because of that, i have a certain
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sensitivity to it, and i know how it can be easily manipulated, and i fear it. in fact, you have to admit. that these relations deteriorated due to the fact that in essence and pro-ukrainian rhetoric was largely reluctantly accepted by the pisu electorate, z dystansem albo lejt z niechęcią przymjowana przez elektorat pisu, oni byly nauczeni čoms innego, they were taught something else, and before the elections it looked like that this rhetoric will not bring profit
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of course, there are questions, and we will return to them, but first of all, ukraine must win this war, and poland must help ukraine as much as possible, because it is actually in our interests, in polish interests. ukrainians protect not only themselves, they protect us and europe. and we must do everything to explain this to europe, that this is not a whim, but it is an elementary law for the existence of europe in a democratic form, and
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there will be no fair europe without an independent ukraine on it. yes, but as you know, you are to implement, yes, but as you know, in order to implement something, you need to go a long way, that is, many different turns. we have to implement many different points and the signed polish-ukrainian security agreement is very important, but the most important thing is also the readiness and maturity of the political elites in ukraine and poland to consistently implement it. we understand that we have no chance to correct any mistakes, because the war is going on, as the kremlin has defined it, the war is existential against ukraine and against.
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there is a return to great russian imperialism, as one classic said. to that imperial pride of great russia, on the one hand, and on the other to stalin's rhetoric and stalin's methods, all this all indicates that a blow today is unimaginable .
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today everything is the same, today there are still many things that can be pointed out to democratic countries, spain has a problem with catalonia, in italy the prime minister is post-fascist, in france, in germany there are also issues, scotland, obviously on this side we have viktor orbán. very dangerous figure, very dangerous, because he behaves as if he was, he is a messenger, a hungarian liaison officer, very dangerous, so we have more than one problem. the essence of the conflict is whether we want to build a democratic world.
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it is about ukraine, this is, in my opinion, the most important moment in the history of ukraine, from the beginning of its existence. ukraine is consciously building its new national identity by paying the highest price in blood, sacrifices, and suffering. in fact, ukraine has already won this war, has already won, if within two years putin is not able to break the ukrainian opera, i thought i would do it in a week. then
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this is a vivid manifestation of what the ukrainian people want, we will talk about the problems later, when ukraine wins. but the most important thing is the demonstration of maturity by political elites, and maturity means responsibility, right? and the most important thing is the readiness of the rulers of poland, tusk himself.
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but, of course, there are elements of the elites who have a different opinion, who believe that ukraine is none of our business. that this is characteristic of russia, and that we do not get involved in it, and in the russian-ukrainian conflict, it is necessary to preserve a certain neutrality. orbán is essentially right, because what is the interest of the poles in interfering in a war that russia is likely to win anyway.
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