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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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what was so noiseless flying over kiev and knocking it down. nine o'clock approached, this time when we should remember all those who died on the fronts and in the body of the russian-ukrainian war. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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where is the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. 13 enemy drones were destroyed by our defenders of the sky this night, russian terrorists attacked kharkiv oblast, poltava oblast, sumy oblast, chernihiv oblast and kyiv oblast, the air force of ukraine reported. in total, the occupiers launched 16 rockets and did not install a drone. and one
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iskander-k cruise missile, which could not be shot down, were attacked by the russians from the kursk region. two people were killed, three more were injured due to an enemy attack in kharkiv oblast. at night, the russians hit barvinkovo ​​with rockets. more than 50 residential buildings, administrative buildings, farm buildings , etc. were damaged. cars, the regional police reported. and almost 400 homes without electricity and 700 without water such are the consequences of a nighttime enemy attack on poltava oblast. a civil infrastructure object was damaged in the myrhorod district, the head of the region, philip pronin, said. hits were also recorded in the poltava region. fortunately, there were no casualties. at night
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, the russians also attacked kyiv with shaheds. debris of downed drones fell in the solomyansk district, the city's military administration reported. previously, people were not injured, the consequences are being investigated. at night and at dawn, the russians bombarded dnipropetrovsk region with heavy artillery and drones we kissed in nikopol and marganetska community. a private house and a greenhouse were damaged, - announced the head of the regional. serhii lysak of the military administration. fortunately, no one was hurt. at night, the russians also attacked the sumy region with drones. the invaders hit the energy infrastructure of the konotop region with a mortar, the regional military administration reported. our air defense forces managed to shoot down one of the enemy drones. necessary services eliminate the consequences of the attack. and in russia, the airfield is on fire.
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at night, a series of explosions thundered in rostovskaya region local telegram channels write about the arrivals near the oil field in dolotinka and in the area of ​​the milerovo airfield. previously, there was a fire on the runway and the parking lot of russian planes. the governor of the region announced the alleged destruction of all 26 drones. iryna farion died in the hospital after. the attempt was reported to the first medical association of lviv, they managed to perform an operation on her, but the heart of the ex-nardepka stopped. let me remind you, last night an unknown young man ambushed her near the house and shot her in the head, after that ran away to find him in lviv and the region announced an interception operation. for more than four hours, doctors fought for the life of iryna farion, she was admitted in a state of deep cerebral coma, and... doctors say, and was immediately
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transferred to artificial ventilation of the lungs, the public figure had time to perform an operation, but shortly after that she died, she admitted to us in critical condition. with a severe, penetrating, gunshot brain injury, was immediately taken to the operating room, an operation was performed and even transferred to the intensive care unit for continued treatment, but the patient's heart could not withstand it. the attacker shot iryna fariona skronya, was waiting for her at the entrance of the house on masaryk street, neighbors said. they say he was seen here before, maybe he was tracking down a victim. aha.
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sweatpants, a long sweater like these americans wear, a hat like that, although the crime happened in front of the neighbors, the attacker managed to escape to catch him, the entire police force in lviv and the region was brought to their feet, an interception operation was announced, the president of ukraine set a task and me and the head of the service of the security of ukraine, vasyl malyuk, to form groups, we are in 10 minutes, they were formed and left immediately to... to lviv, so we have a full exchange of information, the headquarters will work around the clock, in order to check all versions as quickly as possible, we analyze, we check all the rumors, we check all the information, including the information, the information that passed
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through the pro-russian telegram channel. the shooter prepared ahead of time, and this is not a spontaneous killing. the investigation has it. several versions of the murder - emphasized klymenko. the main ones - this is public and political activity, as well as personal animosity. they are also checking the version about the contract killing. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders win every day without leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible. your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but
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and return from it alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. remember, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. the president of ukraine had a telephone conversation with donald trump. volodymyr zelenskyy congratulated him on his nomination for the presidency and condemned the attempt on him. the ukrainian head of state also noted the important bipartisan and bicameral support of the united states. zelandsky wrote about this on his page in the x social network. trump called the conversation good and said that he would put an end to it. war, next issue at 10, more news read on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences, my colleague roman chaika will continue, don't switch, stay with the
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espresso team. about military affairs we will talk with the military of this hour, stay with espresso and do not forget to support our joint project from scratch to life, this is a collection for atvs, the atv is fast, and can pass where military or automotive equipment does not always pass, this for quick evacuation of the wounded is very important, well, for the delivery of ammunition to zero , he can also go in the other direction with... this is for our defenders, a donation for the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, they are in a hot area of ​​the front, and it is very helpful, our goal is 4 million uah, each hryvnia from the community, and we will be able
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to close it quickly enough, like the previous collection, we helped very quickly and unexpectedly with drones, as well as with quad bikes, we hope that with your help we will get that... from the front from the fresh, it is about that in the direction of bakhmut, our defense forces withdrew, abandoned ruins of the village of grozdolovka. this is something in which the enemy could make a little progress, well , this is the same direction, all the rest of the front line is somehow standing firm, we will now ask a military expert, formerly the chief military prosecutor of ukraine, viktor chumak, about military affairs , but first let's say hello, good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, but i'll probably start with... the most resonant things, which are the most destabilizing in the body, resonant were,
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we remember the murder of a kazakh opposition journalist, now we have the murder of a former deputy of the verkhovna rada iryna farion, but looking at it all with the prosecutor's eye, when in fact the murder was in broad daylight, there are enough videos and photos, what do you conclude that ? it was, well, look, right there, in general, when you start an investigation, you look for motives and look for who benefits, if we talk about a kazakh oppositionist, it is clear here, yes, in principle, there is an internal kazakh policy here, well, kazakh the agenda, and it is clear that someone is obstructing someone, but here is the situation with ms. farion, it may not be very simple, not very simple, because... in my opinion, it is very beneficial for the russian special services, definitely, it is beneficial to the russian special services in
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order to shake up the situation inside the country, in order to bring such notes, in principle to add a sufficiently serious demotivation in order to, in principle, to quarrel certain right-wing forces that are in ukraine on the background of the memory there, even iryna ferion, but maybe there may be another story, there may be some... personal motives, she taught at the university, and we know her uncompromising position, both regarding ukrainian history and the ukrainian language and so on, i know ms. iryna from the eighth convocation, yes the seventh convocation of the ukrainian parliament, i understand exactly what her position was, i do not reject exactly the same way, as you know, as they write that some loner hunted trump, i do not reject this version either, and the situation here is that... there may be several versions, but the question is different, the question is that there is a
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lot of video evidence or video footage, and at least there are video footage and photos that have already been distributed on the internet, of the person who is suspected of the assassination attempt, in this assassination attempt, and so, in my opinion, it it's a matter of technique or a matter of dexterity, of all our special services, and this also applies to the security service of ukraine and... the ministry of internal affairs regarding the search for this person. this, first of all, it is necessary to find out, first of all, to establish, identify it, and then to find it and not give it to it. well, that is , in fact, there is an answer key, if there will be one this person was detained because he was identified as a potential murderer, right? yes, that's right, that's exactly what i'm talking about, that it is necessary, first of all, to identify him, who... who is this, who is this, what kind of person is this, hello, can you hear me, roman, yes, yes, i hear, i’m actually thinking, isn’t it
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difficult, now having such a technique and base, having a clear photograph, well, how can i tell you, there we already saw that both the hidden face and the hidden features of the face, that is, a person in principle understood that he could to be caught somewhere on a video or a photo in the cameras, and it is possible be identified. and so it was hidden, well i don't think it's very complicated, but basically it's going to take a certain amount of time, it's going to take a certain amount of time, and that's why time is of the essence right now because these murders, they're being solved the most successful on hot tracks, right away , that is, the first two days are considered the most important, yes, absolutely, yes, the first two days are such, in principle, wherever possible, if a potential criminal is identified. then, in principle, establish the circle of his contacts, establish the circle of his movements, and so on
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and other things and that's how it works quickly enough. we will continue this conversation with mykola buchyn, a political scientist and professor at the polytechnic, that is, he will also tell us something, maybe from the other side, because he worked together, and it will be at 9:45. i also can't ignore another high-profile case, mr. viktor, because it's just the thing. another such high-profile murder: in 2016, there was an attempt, an explosion in the center of kyiv, pavlo sheremet, a russian-belarusian-ukrainian, died. journalist, and here was a very important moment, mr. viktor, do you remember how unexpected it was in on television in quick order, in the first 48 hours, as they say, and the culprits were appointed, i talked a lot with the riff-master, with our special
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operations forces fighter, how it all happened, and we also saw the broadcast and the president, and the general prosecutor, and the minister. .. of internal affairs, everyone took part in a television production called let's drive rifmasters and girls, volunteers and military medics under the killers, time has passed, a lot of years have passed since the 16th year, but we have not received answers and there are still a lot of questions , your analysis as for today, why did this happen, well look... what i saw when, because you hit me in the breath with this question, because i was also involved in this investigation, and even one of the resolutions in this criminal investigation has my signature, and these are resolutions on the continuation of the pre-trial investigation regarding rifmaster, and
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the situation is such that we have not been accused of anything, although i have no others, well, no others are possible. there was nothing to do, except to extend the terms of the pre-trial investigation, it was not there the decree on the arrest, on other than procedural actions, this was the only decree in order to continue the pre-trial investigation and establish the objective truth, to be honest, at that time we had a very bad situation in the prosecutor's office, because frankly , when this press conference was being prepared, ruslan libazhevka could not help but go to it when... he was called there by the president and the minister of internal affairs, but at that time there was not enough evidence to hold such a loud press conference, that 's what happening now, well, as far as i am concerned i understand, everyone who was there, they are now at the front, they are fighting, kuzmenko , in my opinion, continues to work, that is, to
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this day, the same evidence has not been collected, that is, evidence sufficient to transfer ... to the court there or to convict people, i think the case has been brought to court, but in principle it goes so very slowly, so i understand that there is not enough evidence, i don’t know why they weren’t collected in the 16th year, a certain amount, i wasn’t familiar to the end with this case, because it is just within the framework of this of one resolution, as of today it is a dead end, correct, that is, it is a matter? roughly so, roughly so, because what we heard, what we saw, it speaks about it, clearly, and i also want to return now to the affairs, maybe not even so front-line as near-front, in russia, despite the fact that they say that, oh, it was hot, we have fan blackouts for a while, a shortage of electricity,
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from the occupied crimea to the entire rostov region, everything is in blackouts, but the information... for two or two days has been walking about what can some military dosimeters are distributed just in case and, because there might be a radionuclide danger, so what about that rostov as, it simply went out of order, or there was an accident with the release of radiation, even in the days of chernobyl, it was already possible to establish this in the first days, i remember at that time, the swedes even said, we measured all this, we already have the answer from you, what happened. as of today, technologies are cooler, so what happened, was there a nuclear accident at rostov as? well, look, if there was a nuclear accident and nuclear emissions, there are nuclear ones there, substances or small particles were large enough, then we would definitely have known this long ago, not from russian sources, but from
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western sources, because in principle there are a sufficient number of objective... objective tools for air analysis, state analysis there is soil and the like, it doesn’t even happen, having been in this territory to establish whether there are radionuclides there or not, well, so far there is silence, or it was in principle an emission and radio radioactive contamination is not of such critical importance, as they say, or in principle let's just say it's a fake. yes, but look at this, mr. viktor, at the same time, you, well, the russian public, including the russian public, were spreading panic, and they say that the direction of the wind is not... towards ukraine, but somewhere, as they say, towards samara, maybe maybe because of this we cannot, we cannot establish whether this is still an information special operation, no, understand
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correctly that in principle here, no, we cannot establish, you understand, we do not have exactly the tools that would do it, but here our allies and partners have such tools, i.e. these and satellite tools, this instruments of some other climate satellites for climate intelligence and so on , which would establish all this, you understand, and if it went somewhere, that is, it would be precisely established, this spectral analysis of the air there, which would give the necessary data regarding this or that emission and this or that substance in the air and so on, that's why i think it would already be there and it would not just be circulating in russian factories, telegram channels, but it would already be circulating in the normal press. in the west, so it seems to me that for now we have to wait and see how dangerous it is and to what extent is it, let's say there, it really is, or it is, or it is not, mr. viktor, we
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have talked with you more than once about how difficult it is to live in the regime of an information swing, where at the same time there is information that contradicts the diametrically opposite, after, well day-night, after the night, let's call it almost talks of our president on potentials. but again us president donald trump was clear and he wrote to the x network officially president zelensky reported that they talked about the end of hostilities, the end of the war, the so- called trump plan, well, quite optimistically and it was written about it from our side and from their side, and at the same time both the secretary general of nato and the institute for the study of war, you say no, we need to prepare for a ten-year protracted war. well, at the same time, you understand, at the same time, some say that the hot phase will end by the end of the year, others say that we are preparing even more for ten years, how to live with it, you
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ask my opinion, and about it, of course, because the so-called trump plan is already walking , no, first of all, look, in fact, let's say in the fact of the events that took place, this is what in principle zelensky managed to talk to trump by phone, i think it's very good. a very good sign, yes, and a very big, sufficiently serious victory of ukrainian diplomacy, which in principle organized this phone call, in principle, even i have guesses, i have guesses, who did it, yes, apart from arkarova, our ambassador, being on the party, the republican party in america, but whoever did it, they are great for establishing such contact in principle, contact is needed, trump will be won't trump be president? the president needs contact in any case, it is also necessary to talk about it, because for the first time zelensky succeeded in principle to bring trump to the question, what will you do if you
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can end the war there in one day, so what will you do , and the fact that they agreed even at a personal meeting, and i understand that this personal meeting can take place before trump's presidency, and even before trump's future presidency, and in reality trump will become president only after the new year, and not during the elections there. well, because there is an appropriate procedure for the transfer of office, then it is very good, then it is very good that it exists, and now there is another question, yes, how adequately trump evaluates the war, the causes of the war and its, its nature, and as far as he can get it into his head that this war cannot end in one day. as for the ten-year term, i would n't talk about it either, in principle, because if the ten-year term is until... the moment of some kind of international agreement, then i agree here, the ten-year term is even even, i would say, even an optimistic term, yes, regarding the conclusion of some international
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agreement around ukraine and around this war, and regarding the phase of active hostilities, i think that it will end much earlier than in 10 years, because by and large we can already see the account, but yesterday there was a very interesting, very interesting story on one of the telegram channels that the russians are starting to... shoot t-54 tanks of the 46th year of production, they began to shoot them , send them to the front, in addition, they are already sending barrels for 30 mm guns there some, i don't remember any year either, that is, with everything, with all the huge resources of russia, yes the huge resources of russia, it is unlimited, and this resource will also run out, and in principle, if we can draw this resource absolutely legally, legally , and... our partners in the west, they have to do it in such hidden ways, mr. viktor, we are still with you and we
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will see this moment and discussion with you. will they risk pulling out even further, well, will they still attack the t-34, or will they still look for, perhaps, some kind of end to hostilities, this it may come soon enough, looking at how russia's heavy technical resource is being exhausted. thank you for being with the viewers of espresso at this early hour, the chief military prosecutor of ukraine from 19 to 20 viktor chumak was with us, we will take a short break to have time to dig coffee, and you to give and support boys of kholodnoyarivtsi, and after that we will talk with the commander of honor company of the volunteer battalion voovka davinci, stay with us. attention, a profitable offer: order a light bulb wisely light at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and such. powerful,
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