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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

9:30 am
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the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting off the top of my head, no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we will remind you that today is saturday, the night of saturday was quite difficult and cunning on the part of the enemy, he is now attacking the electricity transmission system, ukrenergo confirms that there were strikes in poltava, sumy and chernihiv regions specifically on electricity transmission facilities, they say that restored by the morning. supply, but you can already
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see how they worked in combination with uavs and rockets there was also, as you know, a cunning attack on the capital, about which we will ask the drone operators what it was that flew and did not jerk like before, like these russian-iranian mopeds. well, but there are many other questions that we have for our next guest, just don't forget to convert your people into our future, it is through a qr code, our joint... collection, if the camera is aimed, you immediately get to the bank , there is a card number, and we continue our conversation with the guests and with us the commander of the honor company of the davinshi wolf volunteer battalion oleksandr yabchanka, mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, you know that the most sensitive and sensitive issue right now is the detachments with the busization of those who resist mobilization as such, although the pace in... they say,
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our defenders are also good, and the general staff, they say that the mobilization is going well, but these scandalous stories, firstly, highlight one psychological issue, and secondly, it is even more destabilizing, these are the so-called discussions about who is fighting, who should have economic armor, we know that you can share with by our viewers in in fact, with my own thoughts from the perspective of the armed forces of ukraine, well, my thoughts... count for two. the first opinion is about necessity, because no doubt the economy is important to the effective conduct of war, but even more necessary are people who are willing to hold weapons in their hands. well, unfortunately, nevertheless, in my opinion, the first priority is a sufficient number. personnel, and the next
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in order is an efficient economy, the more we can count on the support of our friends and partners, they will help us economically, but they will not help us by people, in other words, without people who are ready to hold weapons in their hands, all the weapons that we receive from our partners and... and all the financial assistance that we also receive from our partners, it simply will not have results in in the form of our victory in this war, and i really believe that we can win. what is victory for us is another matter, but this is already a topic for another discussion, so people have been dealt with, but there is a second component, which is also no less important now at the front, that is if... the first is, well, let's say
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yes, physical, then the second is a physical goal, and this is a question of justice, those people who are fighting, someone from the beginning of a full-scale. someone from the beginning of the hybrid invasion of russia, someone is fighting as a volunteer, but someone was mobilized, so please tell me if it is fair that someone was mobilized, and now such an option as economic armor will appear, then this is what happens those who were mobilized before that, they just didn't have time, or they just didn't feel like it, and this is the first component. about justice, how to explain to these people why are they without rotation, why are they without leave, why do they have absolutely no understanding when they will be replaced by those other men who have not fought until now, that is how
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the state should then look these people in the eye and argue to them that these people should risk the most valuable that they have a great life. for the sake of this state, if the state treats them so unfairly, it seems to me that the second factor, it is even more important, and now actually, about the reality in which we live, because it seems to me that there is a huge misunderstanding of what what is actually happening around us, and this misunderstanding, can be seen in the latest sociological research of the rozumkov center on the subject of the fact that the vast majority of ukrainians are not ready to make concessions to russia, and this is good news, i support my compatriots here, but at the same time , quite
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a large percentage, if i'm not mistaken, up to half, are ready already ... for some negotiations with russia, it's just that here, it seems to me, is the root of many problems that we are facing now, awareness of reality, you paid attention to this , you paid attention to it in the survey, we are also only a little on the other side of schizophrenia, but almost the same numbers, that is, absolutely everyone wants victory in the borders of the 91st year, and at the same time 46%, that is, every second. a ukrainian believes that being an evasive person is good, this schizophrenia, how to solve it and whether it is, life itself will simply decide, sooner or later the realization will come, i just would not like this realization
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to come too late, but we all need to realize very a simple thing, this war cannot end in a draw, and russia has disengaged from us. and we continue to live, it won't be like that, russia will not give us peace, their main task in this war is to destroy us as a state, and i would immediately like to explain to those people who are under the illusion that, oh, well, they are changing the flag and that, oh, well, they lived before, but in that state, where they change the flag, you have life, in your understanding, life is when you are respected, but such a life will not exist, why, because... even those, even those who here will be happy for russian peace, they are for the russians will already be traitors, they will already be an unreliable element for the russians, so the time when putin
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lived in the illusion that he was expected here, he ended in february of 2022, when ukraine began to resist, that's all, after that putin changed his mind, look what he's doing now, a demonstration strike against ahmadit, this is a demonstration punitive operation with the aim, that the ukrainians would leave here. his task now is to liberate, in his opinion, originally russian lands from us, from the ukrainians. and if he occupies these lands, then life here will not be normal. i'm not talking about a huge one. the number of millions of citizens, that is, carriers of ukrainian identity, who will simply be physically destroyed, that is, here the conditions will be completely unacceptable for the citizens of ukraine now, i am not talking about the fact that the territory of ukraine in itself,
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the territory of ukraine in itself is now a territory of freedom compared to the territory of russia, and imagine now that russia is occupying. protect the land here, russia will create on these lands the rules that are now in russia, the rules of a totalitarian state, and also and besides that, we, as in... ukrainians, those who will be carriers of the ukrainian language, will simply be physically destroyed, and those , who will accept russia here, will still be there to be considered an unnecessary element, we are faced with either this choice or the choice to fight, and look, this is actually what you voiced, this is actually a slight déjà vu of the logic of the exhausted... in the first russian-ukrainian war, they were exhausted, and and it was necessary to sow, and in principle
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the bolsheviks seem to promise that everything is fine, what is the difference between the flag of the ukrainian people's republic and the flag of the ussr for 10 years they ate lobuda, nettle, and sometimes their dead relatives were eaten, like in the holodomor of 1933, and it seems that... now, suddenly, a part of ukrainians, regardless of history, think that this is what you just announced, that the whole 21st century will not be like this, well, they will come , what's the difference, let's switch from the hryvnia to the ruble, but this logic exists not only in the front-line south-eastern territories, it lives latently enough in the heads and in the center and in the west even, why, but here it is even worse, because.. at that time, the top leaders of lenin and other
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kamerilis were aware, well, at least they came to the conclusion that the communist ideology can be, synchronized or somehow wrong, with the national ideology, because there was ukrainianization and so on. now this will not happen, now the state that wants to take us over, it has already drawn conclusions and learned its lessons and made sure of it on february 24, when we began to act as a state that is not ready to submit to russia, and now there will be no ukrainization, now they will do it here. terrible things, why yes, well, why your question, why citizens, some citizens,
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again, i'm not talking about everyone, because a huge number of citizens are aware of this, resisting, i will remind you, i'm a pediatrician, i'm not in the military, i studied for something completely different, but simply i studied history, and i understand that we have there is no other way out, and i hope that more and more citizens will realize this, and in principle. we have good prerequisites for that, because if a sociological survey said that ukrainians are ready to cede sovereignty, because it is not the accession of ukraine to some nato or the european union, i mean to some supranational or interstate entities, this is to give up sovereignty in favor of russia, and ukrainians are categorically not ready for this, this is... good news, but now ukrainians must realize that if we do not are ready, if we are not ready to cede sovereignty
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to the russian federation, which will undoubtedly use it in a way that is very unpleasant for us, then we also have to make efforts, that is, our desires must be synchronized with our efforts, then we have everything it will be possible, we will also monitor mr. oleksandr this completely s... meaningful discussion that you started with the author, because he is communicating from the servant of the people, dmytro natalukh, the greatest, all these and economic reservations and all other things, we see that you all remarks, all opinions have been expressed, let's see how dmytro natalukha will react to this, for now he is posting photos near the sign of the donetsk region, how he is getting very tense, because this is exactly what the discussion with the military says and he writes like that, i got tense, but but. .. we say, well, we are watching, so let's continue to inform our viewers that
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the representative of the authorities answered the things that we talked about with oleksandr yavchenko, mr. oleksandr, thank you for your service, send a salute to our and your brothers in our defenders, your brothers in arms, the commander of the honor company of the vovka davinshi volunteer battalion , about learned and unlearned lessons of history, but actually you have heard everything and draw conclusions. yourself, in addition, you yourself will be able to easily point the camera at the qr code, because this is the way to the bank, we will donate for kholodnoyarivtsy, the 93rd separately mechanized brigade, from zero to life. that is, a quad bike for our defenders, a short pause, after which a political scientist and professor of the lviv polytechnic, doctor of political sciences, mykola buchyn, he and iryna farion, we work colleagues, will talk about this high-profile murder
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the wounded in time from... the battle, it means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. it was a difficult night from friday to... i forgot again to tell our viewers and remind, but colleagues from the news will remind that among the objects that the enemy aimed at, including the logistics objects of ukrzaliznytsia in the kharkiv region, they were also there, but not that the neighboring state is a terrorist and has to have some other name in the future, i don’t know there, nibenzelen or
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terrorist, it’s 100%, and besides, they are lying from the moment of creation to the moment of today, because in the morning... their ministry and governors believed that 26 ukrainian drones over their useful and funny idiots called everything possible and enough videos from millerovo about how effectively the defense forces of ukraine worked at their airport on the runway, you can watch it forever under howls and have russian invaders, but we need to talk about others. whether terrorist or other acts, how to interpret it in our deep rear, so in the evening there was actually an attack, a shooting of an ex-people's deputy. iryna farion, she later died of her injuries in the lviv hospital. mykola buchyn, political scientist and professor of lviv polytechnic, doctor
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of political sciences, in connection with our studio. mr. mykola, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. you know, this has been reclassified as intentional murder, the minister of internal affairs himself arrived in lviv after the president's reaction. we spoke with an ex-military, military prosecutor. chumak, as you see it, it was a demonstrative punishment, or rather an act of destabilization, what, what motives we haven’t caught the alleged killer yet, we can only model what it was, well actually you are absolutely right about what, let's say, final judgments, final decisions by special bodies, so we... can only make certain assumptions, and in my opinion, well, the first thing that comes to mind is that a person, or, who carried out and people , who
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ordered the murder, they are definitely from the category of enemies of ukraine, because any person who is conscious, even if he hypothetically had certain resentments against iryna dmitrievna, or had certain differences of opinion, he could not but understand how colossal this figure is important for... the ukrainian language, for ukrainian statehood, for the collapse of the ukrainian nation, and if this person really was not an enemy of ukraine, then he definitely, let's say, such things as certain political disagreements or perhaps certain personal grudges, he would put somewhere in the background and never would not implement such terrible terrorist things that happened yesterday in lviv, so it is clear that this is an act committed by the enemies of ukraine. for what purpose? i think there were obviously several goals here. on the one hand, it is, you know, such a certain desire to show his grandson, well, i think that this
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was actually done by russia, and russia’s hands are there, and this is the desire to show the internal russian audience and what you see, how we deal with russophobes, what we deal with those who are against us, who are our enemies, and in principle we can see from the reaction of the russians on social networks that they are very pleased with the fact that... farion was killed and they are downright delighted, and let's put it this way, well, the orderers and perpetrators of this murder achieved this, that they in a certain way ensured the satisfaction of average russians. the second point is this is obviously related to the fact that iryna dmitrievna, she was such a very, well, let's say, a weighty figure, but at the same time, let's say, she was now in such a period in such circumstances, when, well, we understand that the format was , a recent scandal, there was dismissal from the polytechnic, renewal, conflict with certain
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representatives of the authorities, that is, she was the figure, let's say, who was conditionally not too protected on the one hand, because in principle it is much more difficult to get to the one who is in power now , but on the other side of it the murder could potentially have a very large public resonance, i.e. it could somewhere... stabilize ukraine, it could potentially cause certain such mutual accusations, the state of the house, but can you here i want to clarify right away, i.e. i understand the stake, for example, there are russians who are happy about this murder, we do not know whether this order is a report or whether it was internal, but their bet is just as false as the fact that we are taking a parade uniform, we will meet a russian soldier with cheers and bread and salt, so they are ... in the 22nd year they saw, they still think, this is not the first, not the last murder demonstratively done, i remember in mariupol, in kyiv, what were these order murders, on the contrary, it never
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worked for destabilization, well, it does not work for intimidation and division , well, this has never happened, so why, i understand that the russians think this way, because they model themselves and measure us in this way, how can it be converted into this mechanism, then explain to us, because there is no example. achieving this result we did not see, well i think i did i agree with you in the sense that this is really such a strategic mistake of russia, but if you look at the policy of russia in general during the last decades, before that , the policy of the ussr, it was always aimed at intimidating, pressing, destabilizing, punishing, and well , let's say this, quite a significant period of time and quite... a large number of cases, well, maybe not in the case of ukraine, but for example in the case of europe, with america it worked, certain intimidation, pressure, blackmail, murders to order, they worked, they gave a certain
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the result for russia... they forced the west to make certain concessions, at least to behave less aggressively with russia, that is , it is used to this, it acts like this, it acts in africa, in syria, in libya, in many other countries, it basically works, she is always different, mr. mykola, that is, he is like that, and in this case, look, we don’t have much time, but there is simply among the versions, an attempt to compare this assassination attempt on trump with an arrow. a recluse and a potential killer, who is recorded in the materials of the national police in the form of a photo, in this case, as you knew very well, mrs. iryna, worked, were there so many eyes, we remember these rallies of leftists, organizations,
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students, or potentially. among this left-wing schoolgirl who does not know much about history or subjects, but very easily picks up anything that is thrown at them, yes, could there be such a recluse there, who disliked the professor so much that he even went in broad daylight to attempt, well, we potentially, of course, cannot rule out any options, we understand that there are always many wrong people, but i i want to say that in this case it is a person. would definitely be inadequate and scornful, but it can be quite natural that this person lived in some kind of world of her own, she fixed such an idea for herself that pharion is her personal enemy who must be destroyed, well , that is, potentially such things can happen, but all- well, in my opinion, there is still a russian trace there, and so one does not exclude the other, look, mr. mykola, you can always just work hard, find some inadequate performer, you just saw those students
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and too well, can you tell us whether among them there were those who were potentially ready or not, because we also sometimes see how young people, as they say, run to burn a military car, and then say: and through a telegram, i will try to download the old people from the fsb in retrospect already, that is, but we mainly see the south, the center, i.e. rivne was the closest to us, the lviv students are yours and mrs. iryna, among them there are such inadequate ones that the fsb could take advantage of, well, let's start. from the fact that at those rallies that were wiped out not only lviv students participated, there were many visitors, after all, in the lviv region there are many who have now arrived, moved from other regions, so in principle there were potentially such people there, that is , there were people who behaved quite brazenly, who they behaved very aggressively, who behaved on the verge of a foul, they even started smashing certain furniture into the premises of the lviv polytechnic and... therefore
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, in principle, this could potentially happen, and i also agree with you to some extent that for for russia, yes, it could have been a very good option, to find such an aggressive, adequate person and carry out with her hands, let’s say, this act, this contract killing and achieve parallel and certain ones, we agree, in fact, that it was such a demonstrative act of execution, already with whose hands let the law enforcement officers tell us, mr. mykola, thank you for being with... news service, i'll pass the baton to them, we'll take a short break, break for lunch, i'll return to this studio, be with espresso.
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10 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, c khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. two dead and seven injured overnight in kharkiv region. the russians hit ukrainian facilities. railway, four employees were injured, the company reported. damaged building, rolling stock and contact network on the way out of kharkiv. the occupiers also attacked barvinkovo ​​with rockets. two people died, three others were injured. in nivychchyna, there are more than 50 residential buildings, building administration, farm buildings and cars. and in poltava region , water supply was restored after the night attack.


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