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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

10:30 am
from maturity, and maturity means responsibility, right? and the most important thing is the readiness of the ruling years in poland, the same tusk, go to the end. tusk goes far. but the most important thing is the demonstration of maturity by the political elites. and maturity means responsibility, right? in the understanding that we have today, of course, he is deeply convinced that the cause of ukraine is the cause of poland.
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the fact that he was able to win this election is just a masterpiece, the way it was done, in that sense, i think he has that maturity. there are many elements, but of course there are elements of the elites who have a different opinion, who believe that ukraine is not our business. that this is characteristic of russia, and that we will not get involved in it. and in the russian-ukrainian conflict, it is necessary to maintain a certain neutrality, in fact, orban is right, because what is the interest of the poles in interfering in a war that russia will probably win anyway? this is a return to the history that it is necessary to negotiate, not to wage war.
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sometimes they say it louder and sometimes quieter, they don't say it very loudly, but they say it, and these are putin's messages, contempt for gays, to jews, to jewish-minded people to lgbt people, all putin's rhetoric is used by them. plus plus such a thesis that you need a strong leader, a strong leader, a dense leader, but a strong leader is one who holds his neck firmly and likes putin, they don't say that in poland. this cannot be said about poland, but it is true, they like putin, so there will be problems here, but if we look at the longer term, what...
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ukraine's victory is a chance for poland. if in poland they talk about what we will have with the victory of the country problems, i answer. ukraine and poland will have, because we have other interests when it comes to farming. well, there will be time to negotiate, but it is better than living under the kremlin's shobut. it's true, i completely agree, but at one time marshalok pilsutski became a hostage of what was called the polish endezia. of course, different times, but 100 years ago we saw something similar. i am afraid of only one thing, that at some point tusk will not say, i'm sorry, i'm very sorry, it was 100 years ago, the conversation of marshal pilsutskyi with ukrainian internees.
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poland is a country, my experience says, where everything is possible, even changes for the better, so everything can work out, you have to believe in it, you have to be an optimist, you can't be a pessimist, go forward with your head turned back. we must be optimistic, i believe that we will succeed in something, because we have already succeeded in several things.
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therefore, it is a matter of responsibility and efforts of the ukrainian and polish people to master these right-wing people of ours. let the right be, please, but let it be like the british conservatives.
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a big problem, but not a whole, is behind it historical memory, this is the feeling that we are innocent by nature, that we have never done anything bad to anyone, this is all based on lies, mr. editor, you speak so much about poland that sometimes i transfer it to ukraine, that we are not to blame, and that our mykola gogol was only a good writer and person, but he was also an imperial tool. but taras bulba was a great writer, what was taras
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bulba about? and we understand that it was written after the uprising, which the russians simply destroyed. gogol walked around like a good angel of the orthodox world, praised the white king and so on. and all this was on corpses. souls is a masterpiece. it is only about the fact that we in ukraine should behave in the same way. the occupation government, the occupation administration, an extremely good person, very kind, very kind, responsible, did a lot, but it turned out that we have a lot to dig into, that is, to look for some skeletons, but of course the most important thing is to look ahead. i absolutely agree, it is necessary to build a new narrative and the polish one ukrainian, which is based on the truth.
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otherwise, who will build it? rydzik, or someone else? or such a ukrainian rydzik. yes, i am afraid of it. it's cool, but how to build that narrative, because we understand that the political elites want to rule, and not engage in such small matters, where money and influence are not involved. but that's what we are for, you and i, to offer other versions of the view on polish history, on polish modernity, and on polish-ukrainian relations, that's what we're here for, the polish side dominated for a long time such ignorance about the ukrainian subject, and gedroyets has a great merit here, because he showed both ukrainian perspectives and texts, and ukrainian texts, then... we in poland
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had very little of that, we only really started to discover it only at the end of the 80s , but it is priceless, sixties, ukrainian writers, such as andruhovych, zhadan, historian hrytsak. we suddenly heard a completely different voice of ukraine, and it is a voice that fascinates, interests and commands respect, great respect. i agree, but you know what i'm afraid of, village zhadana does not listen, the village listens to orban. you are right, but everything always starts with something. if...
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tuska, for example, to a polish village, or zelensky's proposal to a ukrainian village, and so on. but we will see in a few years, or maybe even earlier, orban's proposal to the polish village. orban, a friend of yaroslav kaczyński.
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it will be a problem, but it largely depends on us, who will take whom by force, force of thought, force of arguments and force of hard work, we will see, nothing is known, for sure. but we have the chances, we got them enormous opportunities, of course, these are tragic opportunities, because they were created by war, war, putin's brutal bandit attack. but on the other hand, it showed the possibility and the polish reaction. i must say that i was impressed by the first spontaneous reaction of the polish society for refugees from ukraine, which i did not expect so much, it will give me some hope that it is possible otherwise. that
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the collective consciousness of poland is not doomed to traditional andean.
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we have been talking about it for almost half an hour, but they were always afraid of it, they were afraid at 17 century, they were afraid in the 19th century, they were afraid in the 20s, i do not agree with this, because they were not so afraid... there is no ukraine, and ukrainian is a corrupted russian, it did not occur to them that all this could be seriously, pilsutsky broke it, and he tried, but this is how the story turned out then,
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"if they were afraid of something, they were afraid that ukrainian society and polish society could somehow come to an agreement with the western enemies of the russians, they were a little afraid of that. and the endezia speculates on that ".
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i don't remember exactly anymore, but it was like that distinctly anti-ukrainian, entered at the last moment, i remember, i remember, a guy who is a kremlin enthusiast, he comes from the psl, to write something about the upa, no, it was a moscow
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strategy to sow discord here, it was done deliberately. of course, i also feel the influence of circles connected, maybe with the kremlin, i no longer believe in useful idiots, but we also have a very powerful historical legislation, i do not know how to build polish-ukrainian understanding with historical arguments, and discuss this legislation , these are also problems. there will be, i agree, but the way the sky is not covered with petals of the trojan, there are also thorns. we are also walking through thorns, we must win in this, we must leave this as a legacy to our children and our grandchildren, this will be
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our great success of our time, this is a polish-ukrainian union, gedroyc worked on this, kuron worked on this, very much, these were his obsessions, he was actually the father of the wing of democratic positions in poland, he knew.
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if we believe that fair reasoning has led us to this, once again, once again, and once again, my beloved writer xavier prushinsky wrote. the difference between a writer and an actor or a publicist is that if an actor is exposed, then that will be... the end of him, and the end of a political journalist will come if he is never exposed. we must
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repeat ourselves once, and a second time, and a third, and a fourth, and a fifth time, again and again. we must repeat, because this is an indicator of our professionalism and our human decency. if we do not do this, we will betray our profession. amen, mr. editor. amen. well, i want to remind our viewers what is currently on the air adam michnik, a legendary polish journalist, founder of
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an equally legendary election newspaper, a polish dissident, worked on the espresso tv channel. attention, a profitable offer. order. smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only 149 uah, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149 uah. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it is so convenient, especially now, and the bulb is also a smart light, is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped, the standard base will fit almost any chandelier
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11:00 am
news on the air espresso. i am khrystyna porubiy. i will talk about the most relevant at the moment. the kherson regional clinical hospital was attacked russian terrorists at night. the evacuation car burned down, the regional military administration reported. and in a day , three people died in the region due to enemy attacks. another 13 were injured. the enemy covered 14 towns and villages of the region with fire. six high-rise buildings and 98 private houses were destroyed, as well as an administrative building, a gas pipeline, a utility building and ambulances were damaged. the number of people killed as a result of the attack on mykolaiv increased to four, a man died of his injuries in the hospital. the number also increased victims, 24 people were injured, among them -


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