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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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a major factor, no matter what anyone says and no matter what political statements continue to be made during the election campaign of the united states, regarding the republican vice presidential candidate, mr. divens, he is a former marine, i know those people who who are working with him now and have known him for a long time before that, i clearly tell you that if mr. divents becomes the vice president, maybe... and we should meet with him, talk, and i will do it in the event if the american people elect a republican president, and believe me, ours the arguments will influence and will influence the position, and i have experience with the previous vice president, when joe biden was the vice president, i met him in kyiv, spoke after the revolution of dignity, and there was serious support from the united states intelligence services in the matter . security and
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defense, support for ukraine, i am giving you this as a personal example of how we look at the political campaign, but we understand our interests and we understand that both republicans and democrats, we will work with them and find arguments and convince, to support ukraine. at the very end of our conversation, mr. valentin, i would like to ask you about the ukrainian legion that is being formed on the territory of poland, ukrainians who went abroad, but go to... schools there and form, well, the first legion was created, there was information about this, this is the first similar, well , structure and in general, similar experience of ukraine in attracting reserves, or forming reserves that are located abroad, are there any other intentions of ukraine regarding the formation of these legions or battalions on the territory of others, according to your information. states where
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are there ukrainians who went abroad? no, there are no such intentions yet, moreover, we don't need it anymore, because poland is a neighboring country, and i would support only a real professional and, you know, serious, real formation of these armed forces there right now forces in order for them to join the armed forces of ukraine, then. moreover, i advise the authorities now really, especially. from france to call or even second, to transport ukrainian military attachés from the embassy, ​​who know the experience of formation and functioning of the french legion, there are many legal, economic, armory and other issues that can and should be considered at the start of the formation of such a ukrainian legion abroad, and to take into account and use it effectively, i really think that it is for this initiative. .. and this project
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was successful, it is necessary to immediately transfer to poland serious military, ukrainian professionals with knowledge of how they work and how they form, for example, the french legion and other, you know, such foreign units for serious armed forces, especially european, because it is no secret that we are joining the european union, and we have european, including armed experience, the formation of armed formations. are also extremely necessary, thank you, i think that this initiative has the right to succeed, beyond any doubt, thank you, mr. valentin, it was valentin nalivachenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, there was information that iryna farion was shot in lviv, it happened near her house on masaryk street. according to preliminary information, farion was wounded in templar according to the svoboda party, stanky, doctors are fighting for her. and telegram
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channels report that a young man aged 20-25 years old shot, well, the details that are currently in the open and the details that telegram channels are now spreading very quickly, we have andrian in contact gutnyk, deputy of the lviv city council from the all-ukrainian freedom association. mr. andriyan, i congratulate you, thank you for promptly joining our broadcast. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. andriyan, do you know them? the details of the attempt on iryna farion, how it was and actually what happened on masaryk street, literally for half an hour, i understand that, for half an hour, a little more, almost an hour, at about 19:30, iryna farion approached of his house in lviv on masaryka street, an unknown young man who, according to my information, is now all law enforcement officers. they have
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his description of this young man, he was wearing some kind of hat, 20-25 years old, fired a shot in the head with a firearm, the bullet hit the temple. neighbors, eyewitnesses, seeing that situation, the shot was from a pistol, without a silencer, so it was quite audible, people saw it all, he ran away immediately after the shot, people called an ambulance, an ambulance arrived quickly, iryna dmitrievna was taken nearby, the hospital of the first territorial medical association is located right there city ​​of lviv st. pantoleymon. on mykolaichuk street, the doctors are saying, now i have contacted the hospital management, that the condition is very serious, they are fighting and doing everything possible to save her life, they said that we are doing everything, we have everything, the situation is very difficult,
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under control, we all just have to pray and hope that after all lviv medicine, which in recent years has had a lot of infusions, and financial ones, just in this medical institution. and quite qualified doctors work there, i am sure that if i have even one chance, they will do everything to ensure that iryna farion lives and is saved today. for now, all the information. mr. andriyan, do you have any versions of why this happened, why iryna farion was shot and the reasons for this? well, we are all fine and we see results every day work service, sbu of ukraine, guru of ukraine, police. countries that also find such, so -called people, who, well, i cannot call them people, non-humans, who help our eternal enemy, the moscow federation, to destroy our patriots, patriots of the first
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magnitude, both at the front and in the rear, and today i believe that we have seen such an example, our law enforcement officers are doing everything to destroy them, and now the law enforcement officers of the entire city, all services... are on their feet, everyone is working quickly, and according to my information, they are sure that what all the same the attacker will even be detained in the next few hours. thank you, mr. andriyan, it was andriyan gutnyk, a member of the lviv city council from the all-ukrainian freedom association. friends, i would like to remind you once again that just an hour ago in lviv, iryna farion was shot, it happened near her apartment on masaryka street, by an unknown man. 20-25 years old, according to eyewitnesses, fired a pistol without a silencer, hit near skrona or in skrona, irina farion, you see this photo, actually from the scene of the event, which is now
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being replicated on almost all telegram channels and mass media, iryna farion is in a serious condition in a lviv hospital, so we are monitoring... this situation if, if there are any, there will be additional information about what is happening now in lviv in connection with the attempt on iryna's life farion, we will definitely report throughout our broadcast. friends, i remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us live there now, please vote in our poll, today it reads as follows: there has been less corruption in ukraine over the past five years, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have, or yes or no, if you have your own opinion about this, a separate opinion, then please write it in the comments below this video, and of course, if you watch us on tv, you can vote by phone or smartphone, if you think that corruption in ukraine has decreased over the past
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5 years, 0800 211 381, no 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. communications roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, mr. sergey, good evening to all viewers. mr. colonel, today we witnessed how the president of ukraine once again said that it is possible to end the hot phase of the war. by the end of the 24th year, if the international community, our western partners, as well as ukraine, will put pressure on putin, he said in great britain, the british television company bbc. how do you assess the possibility of ending the hot phase of the war,
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the russian-ukrainian war by the end of this year, or is this too optimistic a scenario now, and in connection with this, well, the logical question is, is putin even ready? to talk about reconciliation or stopping the war, well , looking at what we mean when the president, our president says to pressurize, here he asks... by what means, what kind of pressure, if we are talking about from a military point of view point of view, it is quite difficult, for example, to press with those means and those mechanisms that or those rules for the use of these weapons that our partners provide us, but it is very difficult to put pressure on russia with its resources, and at the same time have a strong diplomatic position with those means , which... it is also quite difficult, so the question here is whether there should be a comprehensively worked out solution,
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a solution that will give the opportunity to show the russian federation that our partners and we are ready to go further and raise the stakes, this is more ammunition, this is more weapons, this is, let's say, more sanctions, these are sanctions not only against the russian federation, but also against everyone else who is at least nearby or helping. not only there, i am already saying armaments, in general , some kind of financial activity, financial and economic, is conducted from it, so it is possible, but the way everything was before that, it is unlikely, because after all, if we did not talk there, russia now has the initiative, let's say, on the front line, this does not mean that it has a strategic initiative there, but tactically it does, we are on the defensive and we are trying to stop them, they are trying to advance little by little, so it is necessary to make maximum efforts here, whether it is possible,
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perhaps, but once again, before this, it is necessary to make maximum efforts and show your, you know, such readiness for this event, because for now that the west did not show this readiness, you remember, even to strike on the territory of the russian federation, such steps there, let's go there first with this weapon, then with this one, and we will not allow such a thing, but we are already up to... so with they don't fight against russia and that's how russia is terror does not force a country like russia to peace. mr. colonel, but the situation in the east and in the south is, in principle, stable for a certain period, that is, we see how the russians, step by step, are literally trying to advance on pokrovsky and turetsky. directions, and slightly increasing the intensity
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of the work of the artillery of their infantry, recorded 130 combat clashes over the past day, most of them in the pokrovsky and turkish directions, you can say that this is the desire of the russians to take turetsk as well, in particular and pokrovsk, it is connected with those heights, with... the geographical features of this region, in order to, in principle, occupy the dominant heights and in this way intercept the initiative on donetsk, in the donetsk direction. well, here, we can divide it into strategic goals, mr. sergey, and tactical goals. everything that is happening in general, what we see, including our eastern front, is their strategic goals, which they declared at the beginning. of a full-scale invasion, that's why they didn't get all of them there
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made-up stories about demilitarization, denatification and all those other issues, say, the administrative borders of the donetsk-luhansk regions remained in them, such a country as the russian federation, having such a large army, such a large resource, such a large population, which declares itself as a regional leader , and the leader they have when... making decisions , with whom they have to consult, whom all of europe, let's say, should look up to, and in principle not only europe, they have shown their inability to capture even one region, the one they declared, not to mention the maximum goals there of capturing all of ukraine and threatening all of europe, so strategically they are trying to capture luhansk and donetsk regions now, in terms of tactical actions, yes. the hottest direction we have, exactly the one you said, is the eastern direction, this is the operational tactical
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group of starobilsk, donetsk, and the hottest battles are going on there, regarding the fact that they are trying to capture the heights, well, they are gradually trying to capture everything, once again i repeat, the territory, but the continuation tactical actions, yes, they are trying to find tactically advantageous places for themselves, and what we see now is happening at pokrovsk time. sovyar, where they took our end in such a semi-ring, this is also one of the ideas that , i think, in the future, they will want to force us to withdraw these troops ourselves, to create. we are under threat from the encirclement, there are heavy battles going on there now, unfortunately, we receive ammunition, our partners give us, but they are not really enough, there are a lot of them, but compared to the russian federation, they are not enough, i do not i will tell you what the ratio is, but the russians prevail, but we are holding on, we are not retreating, those paces that we
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lost somewhere there, moved to a better position, this is only on the condition that the russians there used aviation or... some the remote ones there simply destroy our places, if they cannot be defended, our soldiers withdraw there to more advantageous positions, but at the same time i will say that russia is suffering heavy losses and using a very large resource, well, frankly , they also have the initiative for such an advance, it behind them at the expense of the prevailing ones resources, and here returning to the first question, in order to intercept it and so that the partners can talk about the fact that the war can stop somewhere by the end of... the year, we understand, mr. serhiy, that stopping the war is possible in several ways, it is possible simply raise your hands, stop the war, you can sit down at the negotiating table when the russians have a big advantage and just declare there that you are taking everything, we do not claim anything, we can just stop at the level that they left our territory, you can just freeze , and all this requires different conditions, ie
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our task is so that, if someone starts talking about something there, so that... we have such conditions that, and our forces are such that, to help with our internal resources with those of our partners, so that the conversation is only about how soon will the russians withdraw their troops from our territory, i think about everything else, how the situation will develop, we will see, there are leaders of the country, they see the situation there, i think a little more, they communicate with partners with... international leaders, and you have to ask them how they see the situation, what kind of black swans they are here expect mr. colonel, a few weeks ago , volodymyr zelenskyy spoke about the fact that there are 14 reserve brigades of the defense forces, and they are not armed, and this week the president of ukraine announced that the brigades, which were not
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heavily armed before, or which did not have a lot of weapons, already started. weapons, let's listen to what the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine said. these are not new brigades. so they were very often mistaken when they said: "ukraine wants novigades", these are not new brigades, these are brigades without weapons. speaking of which, whether they fought or did not fight, then it may be so, they are fresher, these brigades, so it is, but they have also been formed for a long time. but without weapons, and this is wrong, not completely without weapons, first of all, something started to come, it is positive, there is artillery, etc., but a positive result is still a long time away. mr. roman,
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it is still a long time before a positive result with the f-16 fighters, because they have already promised us the third summer... the f-16 is promised two summers, but it is already the third year of the war, but so far there are no fighter jets in the sky of ukraine, why? we are about brigades now or about fighters? let's talk about fighter jets, if you have a comment about the brigades very briefly and then, i would also like us to talk about the fighter jets, i did, well , the president said about the brigades, for a long time no one could understand what he meant. i think everyone should also understand that the brigades that go out there for recovery lose tanks and artillery, and all this must be replenished, i think that this is exactly what he meant, and not which, as he already said, there are some 14 brigades, so replenishment is constantly needed, and it is on unfortunately, especially there, if we 're talking about tanks, about artillery, it's quite slow, and that's a problem, especially when we're talking
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about such a scale, as far as the f-16 fighters are concerned, really we've been talking about them for a long time, i will say, i hope that it is correct to say that in the near future there will be some positive news in general about the arrival of these fighters, so i cannot say more, in general, we still have to understand that even which ones will come, everything will depend on quantities, from modifications. they and we must understand that these are fighters that began to be produced in 1978, they are not new, there are not enough of them in the world that are super modernized, but in order ... to oppose the latest russian aircraft such as 134, 135, mi-31 , we need the latest weapons, there are some samples, they are, let's say, that
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can do it, let's hope that these samples will reach us, well, at least what will happen, for example, first of all, we will be able to to support our air defense, our task is, of course, to support the fighters on the battlefield, because, well, cabs are what the enemy is using now, because of which he has an advantage, an advantage in the air, and this is enough for him now, he has a high, high level of advantage. mr. colonel, at the very end of our program, i would like to talk to you about the pace of mobilization, about this long period, which was for updating the data of conscripts. in tsk, in tsnapa, and in the reserve application, the pace of those people who volunteered, who came and updated their data,
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is good, and, as they say in the ministry of defense of ukraine. commander-in-chief of the united of nato forces in europe, general christopher cavoli believes that now the mobilization in ukraine is progressing much better, and the deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade. said the new mobilization law had given his brigade a certain wave of recruitment. let's listen to what zhorin said. you can say that there are results, or they are as you would like, it is difficult for me, because i do not operate with general figures for the armed forces, but i can say for us, for the third assault force, that we are a replenishment of people, conscious, with voluntary received a decision. mr. colonel, you know exactly the numbers of people who managed to mobilize
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as a result of the new mobilization campaign, or rather, as a result of the law on amendments to the laws on mobilization, what do you say, is this enough at the current stage for the ukrainian army? well, i know the numbers, but unfortunately i can't divulge them, because all the mobilization numbers in any... they are secret, i want to say that at the moment, since may 18, when the law was adopted, then our pace has increased enough, i i already said that even in may-june, we recruited more people there than in several months before that, when the pace of mobilization was falling, starting from the middle of the summer of 2023, there was such a noticeable failure there, so now the pace has increased and ... even the military says that if these rates do not fall, that is, we are now watching, this is the consequence of such a surge, because the law was passed, and then it will gradually subside, or we will keep such rates, there is
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such and such a number there per day or such and such amount per month, if we keep at such a pace as we had in may, er, june, and there is already july, then in principle, by the end of the year, we can have more than 80% of our brigades, and this indicates the full combat readiness of the army, we can say about this, and but, but i want to say that quantity is not quality, and here the big issue in many and in educational centers is quality, somewhere our tsk are not being finalized, chasing the number of personnel, and then we get just people , which either did not arrive there. or which are simply not they are taken from the training centers because they look bad enough or are physically unable to perform those tasks, because if we talk about the third assault, they have recruiting,
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they select people for themselves, many brigades there cannot afford it, so they take those who are given tsk, and this is a problem, so the main thing to fight for now is not necessary, well , we also need quantity, but if we lose quality or reduce it to nothing, then quantity will not make any sense. thank you. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, it was roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. we follow what is happening in lviv. around 7:30 p.m. today, an unknown person shot iryna farion on masaryk street, and now there is information that the police of the lviv region have confirmed the incident. made an attempt on the life of iryna farion, the spokeswoman of the all-ukrainian freedom association, khrystyna ravlyuk, confirmed that iryna
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farion is in a serious condition. at the hospital it is known that an unknown man aged 20-25 years fired a pistol without a silencer, and as reported by eyewitnesses and neighbors of iryna farion in lviv, they say that he watched over farion for a certain time, watched when she returned home there , well, actually, who is it and how did it all happen... it happened for whose benefit and on whose orders it is obvious and the law enforcement officers in lviv and the region should find out. the ministry of internal affairs announced a special operation to intercept the shooter who shot at farion, and so far from at the moment, this is the information, literally 10 minutes ago, 15 minutes ago andrian gutnyk, a member of the lviv city
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council, joined us, who... also confirmed that iryna farion was shot, so far there are no versions of who was interfering with iryna farion and there is no reason why irina farion was shot. obviously, throughout our broadcast, we will return to this topic and talk about it, er, with our guests, including guests, there may be more information from the all-ukrainian association svoboda and from. police, we will keep an eye on it all. let me remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, and one more guest of ours should join us now, this is yevhen magda, the executive director of the institute of world politics. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, you have obviously already seen this information about iryna farion, about the attempt on her life, the shooter. they are looking for this in
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lviv, purely theoretically, even i do not know what versions can be put forward in this situation, except for the version of the russian trail or people there, who work for russia could have just fired this shot at iryna farion, do you have any thoughts on why this actually could have happened? well, first of all, we should wish mrs. iryna good health, so that she may recover from the consequences of the assassination attempt as soon as possible. measures, measures to destabilize the situation, this is the practical activity of the soviet and now the russian special services, if we analyze the events of the last...
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of the baltic sea region, and ukraine in weeks, months, even in the countries in this case there are no exceptions, then strange things happen there, then some incomprehensible fires, and fires, for example, of cars, employees of ttk in ukraine, a fire at a military plant in poland, aspirations put up coffins with... like the bodies of french soldiers in france, you know, there's a situation now where any strange thing, it has to attract increased attention and it can't be ignored, so these are things that have to be talked about, which it is necessary to investigate as transparently as possible, i can only advise the ukrainian law enforcement officers to tell
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this... which does not harm the secrecy of the investigation, but to do it as openly and frankly as possible, that is, in this situation, i did not have time to look at the versions, which are promoted by pro-russian anonymous telegram channels, but the fact that it is included in the well-known russian phrase horror, horror, horror, i practically have no doubt about it, so we have to look at it, we have to... cooperate accordingly and we have to interact so that they understand, our enemies understand, that ukraine maintains internal stability despite what they are trying to do here. well, we remember, mr. yevgeny, how at one time the kgb of the soviet union destroyed those who fought for ukrainian independence on the territory of germany and not only germany, bandera.
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shot and well, we remember.


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