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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. newspeak. iryna koval works in the studio. greetings to all viewers. tv channel and just now to the most important events. let's start with the russian shelling, the kherson regional clinical hospital was attacked by russian terrorists at night. the evacuation car burned down, the regional military administration reported. and in a day, three people died in the region due to enemy attacks. another 13 were injured. the enemy covered 14 cities and villages with fire. six high-rise buildings and 98 private houses were destroyed. the administrative office is also damaged. gas pipeline,
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utility building and ambulances. defense forces of ukraine struck the territory of the dongortech bus park in donetsk. according to intelligence information, the russian military was based there. agreement in principle: volodymyr zelenskyi and donald trump agreed on a meeting, but the date and time are still... unknown. the spokesman of the president of ukraine, serhii nekeforov, disclosed the details of the phone number conversations between zelenskyi and trump. the president of ukraine also urged the us presidential candidate not to believe politicians who try to justify the actions of the dictator putin, and told trump about the russian attack on mykolaiv and the shelling of the okhmadyt hospital, nekiforov added. and among the versions considered by the investigation in the case of the murder of an ex-ardep woman.
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there is also a path that leads to russia - said president volodymyr zelenskyi. he noted that in the morning he listened to the reports of the heads of the ministry of internal affairs and the security service of ukraine. they assured that all necessary forces are involved in the search for the criminal. president emphasized that the minister of internal affairs and deputy prosecutor generals and heads of the police and security services are currently in lviv. meanwhile, in lviv, the townspeople honor the memory of the deceased iryna. they carry flowers and lamps to the place where an attempt was made on her, write local publications. at the same time, law enforcement officers continue to search for the attacker. we are talking about a young man who probably watched over a former nerd. for at least a week, he spent three hours every day near her house. neighbors of the murdered woman confirm this. as the deputy of lviv told of the city council ihor zin- zinchevich. at the time of the attack, there was no light in the area where farion lived, so many...
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surveillance cameras were not working. let me remind you that the public figure died at night in the hospital. she was brought there with a gunshot wound to the temple. despite the surgery, she stopped breathing. a minibus with ukrainians crashed in poland near the german border, nine people were injured, four of them children. previously, the vehicle ran into a truck of the repair service and overturned on its side due to the impact, the polish police reported. media law enforcement officers are working on the spot. i don't like the blackout. in russia, residents of krasnodar and rostov region. are rallying due to power outages, some of them have been without electricity for more than three days. protesters have blocked roads and are demanding that power be restored to their homes. in krasnodar , security forces have already begun to disperse such unauthorized actions. meanwhile, in the rostov region, the authorities explain the situation by the fact that there is only one
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emergency brigade in the city and offer to be patient. mayor of bilhorod dnistrovskyi, odesa. vitaly grazhdan was detained for racketeering - informs the public. according to the information of the security service of ukraine, he led a criminal gang that tried to illegally take over a local recreation center on the black sea coast. according to the investigation, the racketeers first forcibly forced the owner of the base to give up half of the rights to the object, and then took the rest. and later they decided to sell the recreation center. the police detained the mayor red-handed. when receiving tasks. from sales in the amount of 30 thousand dollars. currently, they are looking for other members of the gang. to everyone perpetrators face 12 years in prison. in kyiv, law enforcement officers have opened criminal proceedings over the demolition of the historic building of the zelensky manor in the center of the city,
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the capital's police said. the day before, they were informed that unknown people with the help of excavators demolished the house, which dates back to the end of the 19th century. police. the equipment was searched and seized. currently, the issue of her arrest is being resolved. let me remind you that the zelensky manor, which was built in 1890, is one of the oldest and last wooden buildings on konyskyi street. at the beginning of the 20th century she belonged to a family of wealthy zelenskyi burghers. the demand for unmanned aerial vehicles from the military is growing every day, to help make dangerous gifts for the russian occupiers. maybe in poltava, they started a course on how to assemble a drone, for which there are already plenty of people willing. our anna morozova saw how the classes were going. poltavka ksenia has an engineering education, but the last time she worked with a drunkard was 10 years ago. today, she came to
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a training on how to assemble a drone and for the first time in a long time remembers how to work with equipment and boards. we try something on the test boards solder wires, for example, the power one. wire and remember all the nuances of the work, we practice doing soldering carefully, as if there is nothing difficult at all, if you just listen to the theory, then you take flux, take solder and connect it all with a soldering iron, but there are a lot of nuances in doing it carefully. the rear can help collect dangerous gifts for the russian occupiers, which is why a basic bepla-making course has been launched for civilians in poltava. two dozen people came to the second class. finally i...
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the five-hour lesson consists of two parts: first, they get acquainted with the list of parts , working tools and stages of work, the practical part is built on working with wires, contacts and a soldering iron. bohdan admits that the terms and wording are difficult for him, but it was important for him to see the process of manufacturing drones. i do not understand this at all. drones are interesting to me, but more interesting for general development. i understand that there are many areas. which are important, very many people in these areas will benefit us it's time for us to be able to do all this here, and then go somewhere else on bicycles, sometimes to a cafe, then to work, and i just want to understand, out of respect, what people do, how they do it, at least on some basic surface level. instructor oleksandr compares assembling a drone with
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jewelry work, because concentration and caution are important here, so it is an opportunity for students to test their strength and skills. there are some new questions. to discover for themselves to work with some technique that they have not encountered before, also come and quite skills to understand them, it is not to understand whether it is worth further development in this na'. buy some equipment, build drones or do something else. to get to the training, you can apply for the civilian readiness center. if needed or requested, lessons on drone collection can be deepened. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for espresso tv channel. and that was the news at that time. you can read more on our espresso tv website. also follow us on social media and watch our unique content on youtube. our team is working to ensure that you see an updated news release at 3 p.m.,
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meet my colleague roman chaika in just a moment. the great war transformed. combat tactics. now each side is sending armies of drones into battle, and they can only be countered by means of radio-electronic warfare. such a case that you just took, it contains the antenna itself, it contains the laptop, chargers for all devices, and with this you simply arrive at the location, in 30 seconds everything unfolds, and already on the laptop you can already fully see the situation that is happening in the front zone, and... if we are in a place, we also turn it on and see all the drones that are flying.
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the shchedryk company of unmanned attack aircraft complexes is actively operating in the donetsk and zaporizhzhia areas. boys and girls are engaged in pure art, creating installations from burned hailstones, knocked-out armored vehicles, russian warehouses and other junk in the temporarily occupied ukrainian territories. and to more actively destroy enemy equipment, fighters they really needed new rebs. so... the zhivago charitable foundation decided to help the fighters and provide them with ukrainian-made technology. thanks to the zhivago charitable foundation for the introduction. the zhivago family foundation regularly donates drones, generators and cars to the military so that our military can destroy the enemy and bring victory on ukrainian soil closer.
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as we promised our morning viewers, we are back on the air at lunchtime, congratulations to those who joined the espresso broadcast, remember that we are not doing now with anyone we talked, but when there is this qr code, point the camera with your smartphone and... it will be a direct transfer to the bank and we will help the 93rd brigade of kholodnoyarivites with atvs. and now we will start our afternoon studies with our colleague, journalist and analyst serhii garmash. in connection with our studio. mr. serhiy, congratulations. good day. mr. serhiy, you have experience of various negotiations with those occupying beings, at one time there were. a representative from donetsk in the minsk tripartite contact group, well, this
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was once a phase, now, now everyone is playing formulas for peace, and before we deal with some of them, see that the analysts of the institute for the study of war of the american have reached the base, the base, which is being talked about in ukraine for the third year after the full-scale invasion, that the negotiations with the russian ... federation occupation is impossible, since its conditions, well, that is , the russian ones, are not based on any parameters, on the total solution of the ukrainian question, that is, the destruction of ukraine and the extermination of ukrainians as such, and so far there have been no new introductions from putin, then for why, knowing such a base, different players try to come up with some formulas for peace? well, i do not agree here that there cannot be negotiations with russia at all, because negotiations
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can be, i think they will be, another thing is that they cannot be effective from the point of view of returning peace to ukraine, but from the point of view of a pause , a truce, most likely they will be, and this is what a lot of players want, firstly, in the west, secondly, well, i am now an observer... i am now professionally investigating the russian zmi every day, in fact , and i observe that there is this the topic is very active, and it is not by chance, although there is a nuance that they are not talking about negotiations with ukraine, but they are talking about negotiations around the ukrainian crisis and negotiations with the west, and this is a very important thing, ah, but unfortunately, lately we have to to say that i am observing, well let's say, signals from our government that it is preparing
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society for the possibility of such negotiations, and again, one should not have... illusions that these negotiations are about peace, these negotiations are about an armistice. me, and even trump, with his plan, so-called, yes, ah, well, what was made public, at least by his advisers, ah, there is no longer, so to speak, peace, there is no, ah, coercion of ukraine, what moscow wants, to recognize the occupied territories as russian, and what does this mean, it means that the war , well, as trump wants, right? but it stops where it is at the moment when these negotiations start, ah, but each side, neither side has achieved their goals, so, ah, after a certain time, when the parties are ready, it will start again just war is already more prepared. in fact, everyone is aware of this, even those who are trying for it
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themselves to do this modus vivendi, to return, business as usual, to... stop hostilities at the cost of ukraine and ukrainians, they do not care, well, we hear such cynical statements from the hungarians, from the slovak leaders, that is, they are ready to sacrifice them. look, if you have already moved on to the formulas, then i first want a base so that we understand, this is a study of the moods of ukrainians, which was conducted by the razumkov center on the order of the mirror of the week, shows at least in several places where bipolar disorder, such schizophrenia occurs, because from one . parties ukrainians stubbornly want victory and access to the borders of 1991, but of those who want it, every second is ready to support the evaders, well, you see this division and are not ready, that is , we want victory, but by other people's hands, it's that simple, and this c means either well, or russian
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propaganda has succeeded, at least on every second ukrainian, or... we also need to talk about double-mindedness only in ukrainian heads, you know, i think the problem here is not russian propaganda, but the problem is that in our country, unfortunately, there is no internal policy, there is none at all , that is, in our country the office of the president considers internal policy, how to force some mayor to have less powers there, and there to somehow influence the budgetary spheres, internal policy in a country like ours, and it is very different in our country country. just this survey showed that, yes, how different the moods are already in the south, east, and west, and the only direction of effective internal policy in such a country can only be national unity, and for this you need to work with the population, you must not allow distortions, including in such an ideology as
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nationalist, and the population must be involved, again... before the war, not violent, as is happening now, actually forced mobilization, not even forced, but repressive, and there must be incentives, and for a for this, again, you need to work with the population, yes, we do not do this, unfortunately, in our country, the entire direction of political activity is directed towards the west, but we have a president all the time, and this is good, his powers are generally constitutional, he deals with foreign policy, but excuse me someone... should deal with domestic politics, and this someone simply does not exist in the state, there is none, the president says, he has five effective managers, they all deal with domestic politics, not only foreign policy, no, sorry, we have an office of the president, is really very effective, but the office of the president is actually engaged in servicing the president, yes,
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that is, he also works more than anything and yarmak, and we can see it, and with all his... projects and zelenskyi all work on foreign policy, and in we have a government that had i would like to work on domestic politics, but since all power is actually concentrated in the president's office, we have nothing in the government, just like the verkhovna rada, by the way, now they don't actually decide, moreover, now the ministers are already, well, people are afraid to go to the ministry, well , look, mr. serhiy, we will move further according to those formulas, only there is one big... stop sign, such a brick hangs at the entrance in the form of a presidential decree, but after a full-scale invasion, the decree is clearly in effect'. about the prohibition of any negotiations while putin is in power, i formulate this correctly ban? yes, well, first of all, the presidential decree
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can be canceled, and secondly, the president has already said that we can, as was the case with this grain agreement, yes, so to speak , impose relations with russia through intermediaries, that is, we can conclude some to... not with the russian federation, directly, for example, with the un as an intermediary, yes, and russia also does not interfere with its decree, well, then let's look at it this way: we have some formulas that we heard, i can't say, that ukrainian society participated in their formulation, but at least there was a certain public agreement after the so-called zelenskyi plan, 10 points, they were clear enough, they were castrated for switzerland. exclusively up to three points, which can exist even without war and without any agreements, because everyone is for everyone to be on the grid, everyone wants nuclear energy to be
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safe, that is, here, as they say, about stopping the war, these three the points that were brought to the swiss forum had no relation, zelenskyi's ukrainian peace formula was at least understandable, the chinese peace formula somehow a little it has changed, in the performance of figaro here, figaro there, orbán has generally flowed somewhere else into something else, some hybrid of hungarian-brazilian, chinese, it is not clear what it is. the plan of presidential candidate trump, well, if he is the one who was fired, he is also, as it were, infantile, a bunch of formulas, ukraine is preparing something for the second summit, before. elections will be held in america, but what we are preparing, we know nothing and no one is involved in this, in the discussion, in a word, the further into the letter, the less the formula well-known, well, let's say frankly that
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the formula of the president, president zelenskyi, is the most, let's say, acceptable for ukraine, but it is false, ultimatum, it is capitulation. for the russian federation, which is why the russian federation will never recognize it, but there is the opposite, the russian peace formula from putin is also a direct capitulation of ukraine. yes, yes, so my answer to your question is that if there are negotiations, most likely they will be, because both sides are spending their resources, and our resources, on alas, still very dependent on the west, and the west has its own opinions, yes, regarding our peace and the price of this peace. and this is exactly what trump's plan says, so there will be something, let's say, compromising and not russian and not ours, well, i
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think that it is possible that trump's plan is the most compromising, again, since it does not state anything, it takes a break and gives both sides the opportunity to prepare for, say, or... war, again, later, yes, or in the meantime to find some way to settle of this situation, which to be honest, i subjectively, let's put it this way, do not believe that there can be such a settlement of the situation, well, there was a conversation between president zelensky and presidential candidate trump, both of them were satisfied and wrote their impressions in general terms, they again, nothing concrete was said, so... the idea of ​​doing trump's plan, that is, to put the war on hold, is actually to allow putin to restore all potential, because when we
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are put on pause, no one will restore our potential, we we have a broken destroyed territory, unfortunately, so far the russian federation cannot boast of such abject destruction that would stop them from re-arming for chinese yuan and being ready again for... more aggressive, everyone admits it, at least the military, all the generals say so, and the current and retired from very different countries, so is this your vision, or is it not equal to our option to go to the trump formula, it is actually stretching the capitulation simply in time, look, in the trump formula there was such a phrase that if putin does not accept, then... trump is giving arms and arming ukraine so much that russia, so to speak, is almost invisible. moreover, during this time, as
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a guarantee later that in... russia will not attack ukraine, as he said, or his advisers, excuse me, but that ukraine will be armed to the teeth, that is, we do not know , what does this mean, but they offer, so to speak, such safeguards against the aggression of the russian federation. in my opinion, well, first of all, i'm honestly not sure that trump will be president, but still, i don't know why i'm calling there now. zelensky, because if biden withdraws, which is... in fact already 100% and there will be another candidate, which is not 100%, they say that he will resume the election campaign from tomorrow, well, you can, you know, make bets, i bet on the fact that biden will withdraw anyway, because his sponsors refuse to finance his election campaign and that's all, here everything is decided by money, and if biden withdraws, then trump becomes a candidate that is not accepted by many, and was elected.
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by two old people, one of whom is very radical, and the other less radical, that is now, if there is another candidate from the democrats, then most likely he will not become president, but even if biden becomes president with his plan, and i believe that putin will agree to start negotiations on these terms, but he himself will interrupt the peace process and attack again to ukraine even earlier, under biden. say what serious military analysts say, retired generals who commanded the pentagon, the us army in europe, nato and so on. well, i haven't heard that, but thanks for saying that i also say that serious analysts. look, putin has the same goal, me i'll just remind you that before the so-called svo, he met with biden, he gave an ultimatum not about ukraine, he gave an ultimatum about nato, so that the army, nato troops
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would be withdrawn. of all the nato countries that joined the bloc after 1997, i will simply remind you that this is its goal, so to speak, and now once again, literally yesterday, i analyzed and wrote out for myself all their wordings, they do not talk about peace with ukraine, they are talking about a treaty on security in europe, that is, a treaty with the west, they are talking about negotiations on ukraine, not with ukraine. therefore, he has more global plans than ukraine, if even he, trump's plan is beneficial to him in the sense that he needs a pause now, he needs to regroup and prepare, but he will break this pause and start an aggressive war again, and here it is it will depend on us how ready we are for it at that time, and i think that trump, he will have no choice but to react with all his
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radicalism. if he will be the president, and then, well, the war will go to a more, let's say, a wider level, that is, it will already be the participation of the united states, not the one that is now, sorry, and ours and yours, there will already be more radical actions, so in my opinion, in principle , trump's plan, based on the realities that are now, is not so bad, well it again, if it is clear, but but it means. that the president and the ukrainians will have to abandon the zelensky formula, this is my last question, so very short, yes or no, simple, because we have already gone through the whole time, but it is important to say yes, temporarily, i think that this formula will still be a peace formula for ukraine in the resolution of this war, but as it were speaking temporarily, maybe she will have to put on pause, of course, mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, serhiy garmash.
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our colleague is a journalist and analyst, we talked about different formulas for peace with a person who has experience of negotiating with an aggressor, a short pause, after which we will return to the possibly most tragic event with the intentional murder of ex-deputy irina farion, stay with espress. again these outages. did you not have time to charge your phones? sitting in the dark is also not an option. unpack tv has a solution for even the toughest blackouts. sunny batteries energia plus. energy plus is an innovative development. many uses in one. a portable solar station, a reliable flashlight, a source of full-fledged light and, of course, a power bank. order now.


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