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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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the word even for them then was ensured that these comments could have a completely different purpose and divert attention from the actual circumstances of the case that would help to reveal it, today we can talk about it at the level of a hypothesis, in any case they have this freedom the word was, is, is even to this day, sheremety's case has entered... after eight years, the stage where there is almost no hope for its disclosure, that is, it is not closed , and at the same time, the hanger, as they say, is not closed, it is happening, court proceedings should take place, which, by the way, is already about that it became public knowledge, published comments, there are certain persons who are going through the case, since february 24, 2022, no trial. within the limits within the framework of certain
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consideration there, for example, there elements of criminal proceedings, there such as examination, involvement of witnesses, consideration of certain cases, and this concerns three allegedly guilty, appointed guilty persons, so since february 24 , 22, not a single meeting happened, it has already become public knowledge, firstly, secondly, it should also be said that all three persons, who were cynically... determined to be guilty of of this infamous press conference, at the end of 2019, antonenko in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, dugar in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and kuzmenko, as a medic and volunteer, tirelessly working for the victory of this country, which is at the hands of president zelensky and ex-prosecutor general ryaboshapka, remained in ukraine at the end of 2019. and hands -
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minister avakov, it is difficult to call him a minister, minister avakov, was found guilty without a trial and investigation, mr. yury, we have a few more minutes, here just fresh data from our defender, veteran major igor lapin came in another resonant case, i am talking about the defender of an officer who has many combat awards, i am talking about colonel roman chervinsky, who was immediately... the next day convicted, well, not convicted, but put under 24-hour house arrest, and major ihor lapin, yes, our a stormtrooper, and in the past, in the past, a people's deputy, and also your colleague, a lawyer, a lawyer, that's what he writes, i 'll just quote, well, we have another interesting story, here he says, they were screwed, ba, babi. lev maxim, this is one of those last
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freshly returned within the framework of 95 on 95 from captivity, who tortured our prisoners and was exchanged under the guise of a prisoner, escaped from the hospital, that is, you know, they are all being rehabilitated, but this information went out for a walk, so we are now showing this post from igor lapin, that is, he calmly escaped from the hospital , as soon as it became known that he is an exiled cossack and also an executioner. the traitor who tortured the people of azov was left without any protection, although the security service of ukraine received all the information about him almost immediately, this is the first, writes ihor lapin, and the second, and the protection of the military chervinskyi's main intelligence department, and this is the court, and, well, so that he does not escape as part of the police and the national guard, at the time of the trial there were 30 people around and three cars, well, that's it, we say that something is changing, but it looks like it. there is not even one here, there is no place to add
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comments, this is just a comparison, well , facts that indicate that a group of people who today have the opportunity to make state decisions in ukraine are not engaged in state-building politics, but are engaged in manual arrangements. own life and living conditions war, but this is not even about that, this is about a national security, b about justice, where is justice here, how long can they drag out chervinskyi's case under the second article, which does not provide for any detentions behind bars, as was the case the first? look, i'm talking about the fact that in the case of this torturer, i read the detailed
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information about him, in manual mode they let go of the system, let go of the security, which allowed what happened, in the case of roman chervinskyi on chervinskyi , to happen. demonstrate how it works a system with people who, having significant influence, are trying to hinder, or let's say, question the authority of the president of ukraine, the government of ukraine, not at the level of state security, at the level of personal selfishness, mrs. yuryu, but just tell me how long it can last, look, yesterday sofia was visiting us. it turns out that her case of the video blog from myrusii st. john's wort is still not closed, years have passed, it can last for years, it is not gone, that is, colonel chervinsky can be kept in the house with his hands, or something under arrest, absolutely new facts may appear in this case, what will be closed by the
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statute of limitations, new circumstances will be discovered, and restarted, thus tormenting roman chervinsky by... opening new criminal proceedings, new investigations, new circumstances, this can be done until to infinity, unfortunately, the system of the prosecutor's office of ukraine, partly of certain services of ukraine, have the pull of the soviet past, and there are specialists in creating such unnatural detentions in pretrial detention centers, they. he is currently suffering from this roman chervinskyi, the case of roman chervinskyi in general, it seems to me that society does not reflect on it at all, and it is very bad, why does it not reflect, we saw that there is enough attention, i am in such broad masses, as only those people reflect on me ,
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who somehow understand the nature, substance of what is happening, as a rule, they are lawyers, as a rule, they are military personnel with whom he served, they are representatives of the security service of ukraine, people who at one time were involved somewhere in intelligence or intelligence of the security service, and this is the main thing the indictment, has it collapsed or not, i mean, we look at things through the eyes of journalists today, well, by the way, it hasn’t collapsed, because roman chervinskyi is still in custody, but he is currently under house arrest in a different way than the indictment, i’m talking about the main this case, when the security service finally. a year and a half before , she reached the judge and said: "no, it was not, as they say, a self-inflicted operation, we authorized it, we worked together when those whom the prosecutor's office designated as victims, we said which victims, we are ready take him on bail, well, it seems to me that you, as
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a lawyer, will surely confirm that this is just a criminal, criminal proceedings on this case, at least as of a week ago, have not been closed, yes, that is, they will drag on, and the fact that we ..." we are now discussing the opening of the next criminal proceedings, but this is such a systematic conversion regime, unfortunately, tomorrow we may both fall under it, and we will have to stand up in the morning and start defending our honor, i, business reputation. thank you, mr. yuri, for finding the strength after difficult thousand-kilometer important. trips, visit us as a volunteer. yuriy tanasiychuk, a volunteer and lawyer, was with us. unfortunately, we have what we have - said one character, who, by the way, was also not responsible, not for this phrase, but for other matters. stay with espresso, a short pause, let's talk about how, how our
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ukrainian fate is changing due to transoceanic changes in the rules, let's say, election. which the whole world is watching, even the penguins in antarctica. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a mattrik topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families are choosing a top matric. which comes in a convenient packaging that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can it can be used both while resting and
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society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most. the current topics of the week of nato member countries are huge arsenals, and russia is already on the approach to exhausting its resources, topics that resonate in our society are the question of trump's victory, what it is, an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, what else the russians can do, whether they are able to use, let's say, the resources of the lukashenko army allied with them, vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read in full, accept mine is standing it was difficult, but i was just curious, but it was absolutely not, help to understand
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the present and predict the future, offered the united states to include a bilateral security agreement with us. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday fr 20:00 for espresso. we return to the conversation, we see that there is already a video and other confirmation about... that the defense forces worked very precisely and accurately in the temporarily occupied donetsk, at first they shouted where are you hitting our tennis club, but no, it turned out , that the hit is much more serious, our and military intelligence probably worked absolutely well, this is the place of concentration of the russian occupying troops of the personnel to... a sufficiently powerful approach, well, we showed you a little bit of quadratics, so they are working
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spectacular in the usa, but has never had such a great resonance and that even individual interstate structures, not only individual states themselves, are preparing for the consequences of these elections, that is, we had a trump or biden dilemma, but maybe the dilemma is completely different. now we will ask volodymyr dupovyk, director of the center for international studies and associate professor of the department of international relations of odesa national university, to contact us, mr. volodymyr, i greet you, good day, congratulations, mr. volodymyr. look, there is an intrigue for this weekend, as they say the weekend in america, because on the eve of the weekend it was said that some of the sponsors froze the funds of the sponsors who make the election fund for the democratic candidates, which is a big a number of influential democrats, even the previous president, are trying
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in one way or another to persuade joe biden to step down in... let's say since monday, and at the same time we are told that, since monday, joe biden is resuming his the election campaign in, that is, all these covitka turned out to be weak, had a booster, so it goes back to the real race, well, or, well, you know, the biden team continues to signal that they want to continue the campaign and biden is not going anywhere, and although directly he is sick now on covid, so because of that. it's hard to say how he can continue the campaign, i think this next week falls anyway, as he has to overcome this disease, and although it is now in a milder form with everyone, especially with him, but everything one thing is now there are symptoms, so probably from monday in a week he will start, but i think that there are really considerations inside his camp, his
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teams this weekend, probably at the very beginning of next week we will see if there will be more massive a... you know , statements to the effect that he has to get out of the company, the previous president, by the way, president obama, if you mean the previous democratic president, he's being very careful , he's saying basically that biden still has a chance, but it's just a very narrow path to possible victory, and the previous, say, the speaker and honorary speaker of the house of representatives, she is already more open and says that she does not want... the whole party, i think that if biden remains in the race, then it will be a defeat for the whole party, because it is not only about the position of the presidency, it's about the fact that now biden has very small ratings, even in those states that he won comfortably, four years ago in the 20th year, and accordingly the people from the democrats who go to various levels there senate or
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representative cook or governor or something, and they 're all recording that it's a small approval rating for biden, he's bringing with him... small approval ratings for them personally all over the country, because of that there's such a panic that it's not just about trump going back to the old house, it's about about the fact that in one gate the democrats can lose both the senate and the house of representatives, and there will be just such a, you know, one-party situation, a total loss, and in fact, many people are talking about this in america itself, in this case, well, they even categorically say that if biden stays, it is a guaranteed victory for trump , even... there were such votes, but let's look at the numbers from america, at least the economist publication confirms this, so almost 80% of democrats would theoretically approve of the democratic presidential candidate kamelo harris, what would the chances be? imagine
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theoretically, that it has already happened, then what are the chances of this hot trump-guys? well, you know, we will only be able to see what the chances are if this decision happens, biden goes and harry takes his place as the democratic candidate, then we will see recent polls, all the pollsters agree that if we speak now, while biden is the formal candidate, to assess her chances or any other from the democrats, these are very preliminary such assessments, if the announcement is already made that she will be the candidate, then it will be completely different assessment and balance of power, etc. therefore, if she becomes a candidate for the presidency, mr. volodymyr, then she is also obliged to name her potential vice president, yes, she should do so, and by the way, the last sociological survey showed an even higher percentage of chances of victory for others, not kamala harris, but the other democratic candidates, particularly in
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these key states where the democrats have to migrate, harris is even a little bit less than a few... other democratic candidates, so that's the way it is now that i i understand that biden's team, if it has already made a decision, that biden will not be nominated, that it will be easier for them and ethically and beautifully, you know, what the president passes on to his vice president, but there may be calls in the party even not to nominate, because she doesn't have that much support yet, now there is one inside the party, it's called a different name, so basically everyone here is waiting for biden to make a decision to leave the company. and then there will be a fight for promotion itself, no, everyone will try to show that he has better chances, in the end in a month more or less, well, even clean. exactly the month of august 19, the convention of the democratic party will begin in chicago, and it will probably be the most important convention of the democratic party, by the way, in chicago since the convention that
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took place in 1968, and when president johnson announced that he would not put forward against the background of a very unsuccessful, unpopular vietnam war, that is, the democrats may still have a month in reserve, and on the other hand, they may lose a month, so in connection with that, so absolutely such. yeah, yeah, yeah, i, i'm sorry, for this, for this month, you can lose consolidated position, but you can, well, make it, formulate it. therefore, no, there is no need to waste time. and many people now say that it is not just biden who should go, but that he should go immediately, or the person who is put in his place, first of all, it is necessary to decide who it will be, and secondly, to promote this person, to present, explain, who is this. yes, this, even a month is not enough for this, yes, but well... under such conditions, it is better to start everything earlier, every day counts, and in this case, well , it is quite often said in our country that
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the ukrainian error in on american direction, it is always some certain emotional charges of our political leadership, which make deviations or work more with the democrats or with the republicans, and accordingly, everyone is already talking about the two-party system. yes, bipartisan support with one voice, is this well organized, because it was unexpectedly organized a telephone conversation between president zelenskyi and presidential candidate trump, both wrote that they were satisfied, both responded in general terms very positively, well, that is what this dialogue is bipartisan, that is, we are like that in principle you'. situation, or are we, on the contrary , now creating, well, let's say, a preface by the fact that we will break pots with a democrat? no, i
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think that the democrats perfectly understand, in particular the white house, president biden, that ukraine is forced to do so, since sociological polls are unambiguous, and now the vast majority, well, almost all experts, sociologists, political scientists, believe that trump has better chances to win, therefore the country is not in the right, wrong position for us to choose. someone, we really need to work with both parties, and by the way, we've always tried to do that, at least since 2016, when of course we were sympathetic to hillary clinton against trump, given what he said and she said then, but since then we've basically learned not to get involved in the internal political struggle, in particular in 2019, when trump put pressure on zelenskyi, zelenskyi basically refused to interfere in the american political process. did it wrong, but now zelenskyi’s team is already trying to build some bridges, dialogues, to do something with trump's team, with his
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entourage, with representatives of the right-wing forces, and rightly so, because in principle it should be done, i think that the democrats are here, but will we be able to acquire something, can this activity of building these towns be successful to the republican segment and more specifically... the narrow segment of the magician, i.e. the trumpian segment of the republican party, we will see that, i don't think that we will simply because of the fact that we will explain what kind of war russia is waging against us , how it is dangerous for america there, that we will just do without them, and they will wake up the next day and say, yes, we just didn't understand, we need to support only ukraine, but we still need to work, and i think that here our diplomats and our politicians have to find suitable ones. channels, well, it’s good that they organized, at least this conversation, everyone says so, i don’t know, maybe
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they throw such positives at our ambassador markarov, maybe someone else was the interlocutor, it doesn’t matter to us, the main thing is that it happened, the only thing left for us the mystery is that both confirmed that they were talking about the so-called peace formula from trump, then some unverified publications even appeared. what is this what is this trump peace plan, we can't verify if it's really that and trump won't tell us that oh look what you printed is my plan but you've probably seen it all and actually, what do you understand by this trumpian formula for peace, which zelenskyi and trump talked about? you know, there's no such formula, no plan, really, though sometimes trump says that he understands exactly what he will do, or let's say viktor orbán. talked to him and says that he and trump have a detailed plan, but in reality there cannot be such a plan, and because the team has not yet been formed, not all the warriors
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have been appointed yet, if you ... wins the election, then the process of forming a team already begins, and then already begins thinking about foreign policy, what should be done next, especially since even in the first months, if he wins at the beginning of november, then before coming to return to by the end of january 25th, he still cannot formally carry out any foreign policy actions, because this would be a violation of american laws, because he is the elected president, but not yet the acting president, so they can initiate... some things, some dialogue platforms, something like that, but in principle, we will not see serious movements and developments until the beginning of the 25th year, even if trump becomes president, what could be there, we understand from rumors that trump, unfortunately, is more inclined to such compromise at the expense of ukraine, that give russia what she wants, and most importantly, to stop the war, because in principle, he has a slogan now that i will stop the war, he even distributes such
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posters, you know, delegates to the convention there in milwaukee distributed that trump will stop the war, he promises it, let's say , to our electorate that it has already dragged on, we spend a lot of money on it and so on, but how can we continue to put pressure on moscow, does it have the levers thanks to which it can put pressure on it, and it is easier to put pressure on ukraine, and simply put, blackmail , to say that if you do not agree to the russian conditions, then we will stop supporting you and unfortunately it's quite possible i think will become president. mr. volodymyr, this is very important, look, blinken said that no matter who is elected president, washington has an obligation to support ukraine for at least 10 years, these are blinkin's words, you say, unfortunately, he has a mechanism to stop this support, rather on the contrary, there is no mechanism to comply with these obligations that blinkin is talking about, because if he means, surely he means this
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the security agreement that we and america... wrote at the end of may this year, it is an agreement of such an executive power, in principle, that is why it passed, it was signed quickly, because it was the white house that decided directly with the banking house what to sign there , and there the congress is not involved at all, therefore it is not mandatory for the implementation of any subsequent executive power, let's say the trump team, moreover, and the congress is also involved in any issues of issuing money, and what if the budget is not on execution of this program, then there will be no programs, and therefore, in principle , blinkin can say such things, because he will win in the first place. it will not be pretty for the next president trump, who is watching, if we have already signed this, then it is on behalf of america, if you will be the president, and you abandon ukraine without consent,
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then it will somehow be very unethical. and in general it will be clear to everyone that america is very weak, then don't do this, then this is a psychological game is happening, in fact, formally and in essence , trump may simply not implement this program, of course, this is such a stimulating statement by blinkin in that, yes, we have one more minute, i think more and for now he is not worth it, so far he is only a candidate for vice - presidents, he will have a minute, i am talking about vance, because... he is a very interesting politician, he is as ukrainian as possible for us in his manner, that is, he called trump the new hitler of america a few years ago, and now he is the biggest, the head of the fan- club, respectively, this is typical for ukrainians politicians sometimes change their views by 180°, but what do you say about vance, is he a threat to ukraine, or is he changing the weather vane once again?
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i agree with your assessment, he is an opportunist of the highest order, who may change his position, but i do not think that quickly, because it turns out that he is very convinced ideologically, in this program america first, america first, which trump adheres to , which he does not want to implement even more clearly when he returns to the old house than he did the previous four years when he was president, which means that america should not play such a big role in the world. to take part in all conflicts, to provide such large-scale assistance, under the conditions that americans need money, finances in the middle of the country, when there is such a problem with migration, we know the position of the republicans that they consider illegal migrants to be the greatest threat to national security, and not russia or china there, so we'll see if it's theoretically possible that vance will have some kind of dynamic to his position, but right now what he's appointed selected for this...


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