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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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in gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sisters. in ukraine, it's 5 p.m. and it's news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. let's start with the situation in dnipropetrovsk region, where a 44-year-old man died. the occupiers attacked nikopol with artillery. a 60-year-old resident of the pokrovsk community was also injured in the area. doctors provided her with the necessary assistance. then she will be treated at home, informed the head of the region serhiy lysak. he also added that russian shells damaged nikopol residential buildings, farm buildings, power lines, gas pipelines, greenhouses. and
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cars. four civilians were hospitalized as a result of an enemy attack on the village of i vazhke in kharkiv oblast. two men and two women were previously wounded, oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, informed. the occupiers hit the village with an fpv drone around 4 p.m., and ransacked the store. and the kherson regional clinical hospital was attacked by russian terrorists at night. an evacuation car burned down, the regional office reported. military administration. three people per day in the region died due to enemy attacks. thirteen more were wounded. the enemy covered 14 cities and villages with fire. six high-rise buildings and 98 private houses were destroyed. the administrative building, gas pipeline, utility building and ambulances were also damaged. it will be possible to say goodbye to iryna farion tomorrow from 19:00 to 22:00.
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zone temple in lviv - the daughter of the deceased reported. she also added that the funeral will take place on monday morning. the linguist will be buried at the lychakiv cemetery near the grave of volodymyr ivasyuk. and already today from the very morning, lviv residents carry flowers and lamps to the place where the assassination attempt was made on iryna farion. the police are still looking for the attacker. we are talking about a young man who probably watched over the former womanizer and sat near her house for several hours every day. as... the deputy of the lviv city council ihor zinchevich told: at the time of the attempt , there was no light in the area where farion lived, so many video surveillance cameras were not working. let me remind you that the public figure died at night in the hospital, where she was taken with a gunshot wound to the temple. despite the operation, her heart stopped. b takes out handbags, gloves, puts on red gloves. then he puts on another one, but i
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turned and walked slowly, and the lady had come out, she was already waiting here with a suitcase, and i heard a noise, i looked back, he ran over there, and she was already lying here, he had been sitting here on the benches for two weeks, five ukrainians who were injured in a road accident in poland are in a very serious condition, among them four children, all minors, aged two, three, four and 15 years old, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine said. in total, there were nine citizens in the bus of ukraine, all of them are hospitalized. a minibus with ukrainians crashed in poland near the german border. he rammed the truck of the repair service and fell on its side from the impact. the ministry of foreign affairs assured that the consul of the consulate general of ukraine in wroclaw is at the scene of the accident. he will provide consular support, visit medical facilities. in which
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the injured ukrainians are located and will find out the circumstances of the accident. the case is under the special control of the consulate general of ukraine in wroclaw. bring me back home radio svoboda presented the film about the fate of deported prisoners who ended up in the occupation. the film by maryana sych is based on the story of three men who were serving sentences for theft in the prisons of the kherson region, after the russian occupation in 2022. were illegally exported to russia. there are about 3,000 such stories of ukrainian prisoners. you can watch the film on radio svoboda's youtube channel. we see how the state returns ukrainian deported children. we see exchanges of prisoners of war, but for some reason the state does not pay attention to this category of the population attention, and i really want that after this, after this work of ours, the authorities will also pay attention.
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attention to this story, and it is important that this decision be raised at the world level, and perhaps we will have another decision of the international criminal court regarding the deportation of actually ukrainian prisoners. i want everyone to understand that the state of ukraine is fully responsible for all people who are in places of detention, including in detention centers, in colonies, that is, the fact that these people were not evacuated, we must all recognize , which is responsible for this the responsibility of the state, although we already had experience in 2014, we could have already learned this lesson and prepared, and accordingly, the state should make maximum efforts to return these people. without baptisms and domes in the poltava region, in an abandoned building of an evening school, a single church of the orthodox church of ukraine was created for the entire community. in the karlov community, more and more locals refuse to visit the churches of the moscow patriarchate and come to serve at father dmytro. he is the only
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priest of the orthodox church of ukraine in that country area anna morozova will tell how the parish was founded. lord, absorb, thirteen people gathered in a small room of the parish of the holy apostles peter and paul, the orthodox church of ukraine. this is the only ocu church for the entire 20,000-strong karliv community, which was opened last year for the faithful, including elena's family, who visits the church almost every sunday. my family and i started visiting this temple last summer. for a long time we visited other temples, but we came to the time when it was really just our family and three people from the family are fighting, that's why, in principle, the heart called and we came to this mr. dmitri at
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the fedorivska church, but thank god, we have our own church. abbot father dmytro is also the only priest. since 2013, biryans have started attending his services in ukrainian. and they gladly followed him to the first orthodox church of the karlov region, where he lived, there, there and went, but it was always felt, especially here, that he wanted to go to his church, where the service is in an understandable language, one common state, there should be one church, i think so, and not some other, but purely ukrainian. the hundred-year-old building is in a state of disrepair, holes in the floor, hanging wooden beams and a leaky roof are ruining the pre-war building, as it is from the outside... from the middle of the first services we went through a shower, a summer shower, so when it rained and we passed, it was dripping directly on our heads as we entered the temple. father dmytro says that benefactors and patrons helped to repair and equip the room of the former evening
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school, because before that the room was unsuitable for visits. they bought us a eucharistic set, other patrons there sponsored us. robes we bought new ones, i brought these two candlesticks from federivka, we could share them there. despite this, believers go to the building without a bath of crosses, because all other religious buildings of the community still belong to the enemy church. in general , the moscow patriarchate continues to dominate the region, says metropolitan fedir of poltava and kremenchug. against 165 communities of the ocu, more than 400 churches of the uoc. these transitions are happening slowly. and but this is a constant process, people are constantly turning, the process is such that it is precisely the transition that moves people, ordinary believers, less, it happens with priests, the priests take
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such a corporate position, so far the parish of the holy apostles peter and paul continues services in this building, and in the future hopes to build the first ocu church in the karlov community. anna morozova, bohdan... proskurov from poltava for espresso tv channel. a furry diplomat has appeared at the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania, a new employee of košenia rango. he was found at the door of the ministry. after a veterinarian's examination, the kitten was hired by the strategic communications department. such an appointment has already been approved at the embassy of the united kingdom. they noted that lithuania follows the best british traditions. it is about the cat larry, who holds a position. chief myshalov in the residence of the british prime minister. and we invite you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade
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of kholodny yarb with a donation. our defenders fight for victory every day, leaving no wounded or dead on the battlefield. so there are atvs for evacuation indispensable assistants. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible. your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from it alive. so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. that was the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. and our team is working to ensure that you see the updated news release already at 6 p.m. in just a moment, you will meet my colleague, mykola veresnya.
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good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, it is now 17 hours 10 minutes and 45 seconds, at least on our watches, it is obvious that we will start, and by the way, we will end with tragic news from lviv, where a public activist was killed . former deputy of the verkhovna rada iryna farion. i will allow myself to say a few words before i give the floor for analysis to ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine from the fourth to the 15th year. well, what can i say about the nationalists in general, well, definitely them the nationalists themselves do not criticize, and in general people who praise nationalism criticize it. took such more moderate ones, as they think, but we must give credit to the nationalists, they
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were always right in their predictions, when ukrainians mostly said that there would be no war with russia, it was the nationalists who said: no, no, no, it will, it will, definitely, we, we, we know, moreover, i myself, i had many, there were many stories of communication with people who served time, in the 90s they were still alive, who served time. as well as participants in the battles of the ukrainian rebel army, and they also told me, they were not the only ones who told me that russia would definitely attack, so here you have to understand that i would, i would not give advice, but i would reason , which is worth listening to about the predictions of the nationalist organizations of the parties in ukraine, the second words about, literally, about iryna farion, in fact she is also for... she was always right, because we see footage from the scene of the assassination attempt, right in the sense that
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certainly all normal people wanted 100% of the ukrainian army to speak in the ukrainian language, maybe it was in form, so to speak, you can argue, you can discuss whether this form was perfect, but in fact all normal people would like to have, apart from others, another difference. let's call it this way, between ukrainians and russians there was still the most expressive one, namely the linguistic one, if we would understand exactly that he speaks in ukrainian, then he is for ukraine, and this one is in russian , then he is for russia, well, at least that way is easier, well, and now we will move on to mr. ivan stupak, military expert, employee security services of ukraine from 2004 to 2015, here he appeared, i can already see him, good... mr. ivan, thank you for finding time for us. i have to see you. congratulations. this will be a question,
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first about the events of yesterday and yesterday evening. it is known that an 11ak attack is almost impossible to neutralize. this is me, a person who never worked in the special services, just had many friends, soviets, soviet special services, intelligence officers and so on, they all tell me that, well, if... well, and not only they are in a huge number of artistic and documentaries talk about it, if someone thought of something alone, there is no organization, no friends, no, the circle of communication is narrow, and he came up with something, how do you catch him, and the second, no less important topic, is that almost a day has passed , and as usual on the first day, if you manage to catch it, then it is 75-80 percent done there. right away, what is called a hot pursuit, the day has passed, we do not know, either there is an arrest, or there is a detention,
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or it is not, so what are your thoughts, mr. ivan, regarding yesterday's events, please share with us, you have my word, i agree with you that a single person is a headache for all countries of the world, it doesn’t matter, the dictatorial form of government is democratic, but a terrorist, a single criminal, a crazy headache, it is... impossible to calculate, or rather very, well maybe, but i don't know the probability, it's close to there, a little more than one on the stobal scale, what was he imagining? what is he thinking about, what are his motives, no one knows, when there is a group, there is a probability that someone somewhere will speak, start looking for some weapons for murder, or i don’t know there, explosives in the darknet, will start asking acquaintances, friends, and somehow it will become known to the law enforcement agency, it doesn’t matter, it’s the united states, it’s china, russia, taiwan, everything works plus or minus the same, we don’t
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know here in this particular case , whether it was a loner, whether it was a group of people, he planned in advance, although there are already such versions, whether it was a spontaneous decision, we do not know, but once again about loners - it is very, very difficult. now regarding the time, well, it is usually given, well, what is given, there is such a convention, 72 hours, if during this time it was not possible to identify the person on the basis of hot traces, to detain, to carry out a set of measures, then the further from the event in time, the less likely it is that the person or... persons will be detained, because there is a possibility of disappearing, traces in water, ends in water, we finally don't forget about the story when they can kill the performer, so that because of the footprints in the water, everything can be like that, and another such figure, if within two months they could not find the performer of the customer, and there is such a dogma, of course, well, it is very likely that the matter is simple
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lies down and it is called visyk. that is, then it was already mediated by some, he met with someone, after six months, a year he told someone, that someone told someone else, or someone was imprisoned, or even he was imprisoned for some petty theft, and he is already in the cell telling someone something, it is no longer , so to speak, it is not the investigation itself that is being conducted, some other extraneous circumstances make it possible to find the criminal. and somehow bring him to justice, but then the probability, i apologize, the probability of him prosecution, it is very ephemeral, well, look, the only such example, which seems to me very loud, is the murder of gangadze, the perpetrator was sentenced to life imprisonment, but the customers did not understand, they were, well , they understood what they were, who they were, yes and they did not
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find out, your colleague pavlo shremet, who was blown up in a car 8 years ago, is still so behind... the performers, not detained, it seems that someone was detained, it seems that they found something, part of this mont-50 mine, so she, not she, was blown up , not blown up, it is unclear, that is, unfortunately, it is in the history of the modern country, there are such big cases, hang-ups, this story that improves the life of criminals, this is that there are interruptions in electricity, and then the cameras do not work, and then we in general. it's hard for me to imagine, i watch a lot of american and english documentaries about the search for various syrian murderers there, some such unsolvable crimes that cannot be solved, but some of them are solved after 10, 20, 30 years, but there are always gun eyes or dna, even then there was no dna there in 78
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some year ago, but now they have left somewhere. i will get the remains of this blood after 30 years, or some other certificates, but when all these weapons are not there, when we do not know, when the external surveillance cameras do not work, then how will you find them, i can hardly imagine, and i have them, i have skepticism, i'll tell you frankly, mr. ivan, i don't really believe that this guy, as we just showed, can be shown again, who sat quite distinctly for, say, two weeks. here he is, yes, here we see him in such and such a strange hat, here he is, they say, he sat there for two weeks, sat, sat, sat, someone even approached him, even somehow talked to him, judging by everything, he is flawless, he is ukrainian, because that guy who says that he approached him, he would have reacted immediately not many people speak
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russian in lviv, and he would point out that i approached him, he suddenly answered me in russian, and that's what he says, i approached him. we were talking, i asked what are you doing here, and i'm just sitting, well, what if, well, what, well, i'm sitting, and what's next, and and and what about each person who is sitting, you need to call the police or the sbu, that is , too, too many questions, your hunches will find, they won’t find, yes, look, i will literally add two words to you about electricity, really cameras, video surveillance from in public places, i am sure that the investigators now the election... regime is looking for all the cameras that could possibly, could, could work on the path of movement of the deceased, maybe a coffee shop, a shop, a pharmacy, a supermarket, whatever, really a power outage. works negatively in this regard, plus here is added we don't know if this story is about the district police department in the lviv region, i don't know, also a power outage,
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like there, imagine that there is a signal about a murder, and there is no electricity in the district or regional administration and it's trivial to dope resolution on the opening of criminal proceedings, it is mandatory to print it, sign it with a senior manager. there are not all these procedural documents, then today what was there yesterday was friday, if it is not done according to the procedure, first of all, it will come on monday the representative of the prosecutor's office will make a big deal there, i'm sorry, for the police officers who violated the law, secondly, if the procedures are violated again and there, and the hell with him, they ran with that document, obtained evidence, in the case of detaining this person, well, okay , she will be detained, we assume. if a good lawyer is found, if a good lawyer is paid from some unknown sources, then he will literally sweep this case to the ground,
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simply slice it into a salami that the procedure has been violated, and all the courts want it, they want it they don't want to, they will be forced to comply, because the procedure, the procedure is violated, the evidence was collected in a way that was not established, not provided for by the current legislation, the procedure was violated and... that's it, the person will go free, that's it. now let's move from this sad to perhaps more optimistic topic, this is the topic that the economist has chosen for its article. they write that the russian federation is running out of stocks of soviet weapons, so in the near future we can hope that the russian troops will go on the defensive, as far as we can believe that indeed, i i hear this from many sources, but... honestly, i’ve been hearing for about six months, and something doesn’t end and doesn’t end and doesn’t end, so we believe the economist or not, well
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look, unfortunately, we have ukrainians, they they really like to receive good news, if there is bad news, we all don’t read it, why do we need it, throw it away, the washington post is some kind of pro-russian error, throw it away, oh, the economist wrote a great article, we like it, all of us and let's quote, we have to understand that all these calculations are... they are very, very tentative, i i keep saying that the russian federation does not have a single such file or table somewhere on the desktop of the minister of defense of the russian federation or putin, who also opens an excel file there, and there are just how many tanks are online, there are 999, but today there are already 990 4, did they lose a little bit there, there are so many bmps, everything is so secretive there, everything is so divided that once again the russians themselves are in charge... they do not fully understand how much of this equipment they have, that is why all these calculations, they are very - very conditional, and secondly, you correctly noted that
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this information has been circulating for six months already, but the offensives continue, please look at the turkish direction, this is the only direction where armored vehicles are now actively used, all other directions of equipment are either minimal or not at all and instead of technology, that's right, the chinese golf-cars call them, it's a cross-country dessert. motorcycles, we joked about scooters, they exist, there are photos of electric scooters, russians use them to move, yes, of course, you can’t progress in all sections, but they are, and in the end, it's with legs, legs, on foot, on foot, and it's effective, mr. vaan, sorry, it's going to be messy, maybe the last or almost the penultimate question, that's when i'm golf carts, that's all electric cars, some kind of micro, scooters, that's all and.. . and it is effective, i understand that it does not buzz, and therefore it is quieter, and therefore it is possible to drive somehow, but it is difficult for me to imagine 25 people sitting down and these 25 people going, well, they
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will be seen immediately and dispersed immediately, as far as it is effectively, well, look, there are many videos of how our military is just in moscow these storming groups are cutting the sausage, of course these vehicles are not armored, the desert is cross, there is a small explosion nearby, all the infantry are needed there... but they are counting on numbers, speed and slowness. yes, it doesn't buzz like an infantry fighting vehicle, it advances for about 5-6 km, they quickly threw the infantry somewhere in the forest, turned back, took a new load, arrived, threw it into the landing. the calculation is such that ukraine will simply not have enough means of defeat, and russia will have infantry like candy canes. oh well, thank you very much, ivan stupak, military expert, sbu employee 2004. 2015, thank you for paying attention to us, now we will have an advertisement, minutes 3-4-5, and then our old acquaintance, like mr. ivan, our an old acquaintance,
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igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university. let's talk about the united states of america, that's always helpful, and now an advertisement. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on dolocsen stronggel. 10% in pharmacies, travel stores, you and savings. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price. that's all 149 hryvnias durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price of everything. uah 149 in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it is so convenient, especially now, and the bulb is also a smart light, not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when
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understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? on these and other questions that concern ukrainians. will be presented by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association, watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso channel. so, as i promised, greisenberg, a professor at new york university, will now appear before us, and we will talk with him about what
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happened. in the united states of america, and good health, mr. igor, thank you for finding time for us, professor of new york university, igor eisenberg, a question, good health, mr. mykola, greetings to all viewers of espresso, the question is so, so, so, so the thought that sounds, order beats the class, and what we see today in democrats, maybe they have a big class, but they definitely don't have order. no one knows who will be the candidate, what it will look like and so on, around this, we will devote at least the first part of our conversation with you to this very thing, the democrats have a chance, despite the fact that there are huge discussions going on, to act for biden, not to act , if you ask who will replace him, or the vice president, and they say that she has a lower rating than some other democrats who can also run,
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in short, that's all... the democrats have a chance win the election?


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