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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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and good health, mr. igor, thank you for finding time for us, professor of new york university, igor eisenberg, question, good health, mr. mykola, greetings to all viewers of express, the question is, there is, so and so, such an opinion that sounds, order beats class, and what we see today with the democrats, they may have a large class, but they definitely do not have order, no one knows who will be the candidate, what it will look like and so on further, around this, we will devote at least the first part of our communication with you to this very thing, the democrats have a chance, despite the fact that there there are huge discussions, whether biden should be removed, not to be removed, if removed, who will replace him, or the vice president, and they say that she has a lower rating than some other democrats who can also run, in short, that's all, there is a chance can the democrats win the election? here is my question, if
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they continue to debate in the same style as they have been debating for the last four or five days, then the chances will decrease, they need to stop these discussions and unite and fight for the election, and regardless , will biden be the candidate, will someone else be the candidate, well, you have to decide and... fight the campaign, because if there are endless discussions within the party, then it just weakens the party, and you know, voters who tend to vote for democrats, well they are simply disappointed and may simply not come to the elections as a result, after all , this is about the ratings, is it true that ms. garis is not in the first place? according to the ratings
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, there are some governors or senators among the democrats who have more chances, if in if they were to be replaced, they would be replaced by biden, then they would get more chances, what are the numbers we can talk about, or the order of the numbers, please, yes, you know, i have not seen such polls , exactly who would, let's say, if there was a question, who could replace biden, here... and the assessment of the popularity of this point of view, there are popular governors like this, the governor of california newson, let's say the governor, the governor of michigan whitmar, but, if joe biden decides not to run for office, the only person who can actually replace him is this vice president kamela harris, because only she will be able to use the money from the campaign fund, which they, this money, they collected together, biden and harris, no one else.
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the candidate will not be able to use this money, and without money it is impossible to conduct an election campaign, if this lady, whom we have just shown to our viewers, is nominated, how great her chances are, how popular she is, how capable she is in direct debates with trump to speak and win and convince and so on, how popular she is. perhaps among democrats, that's who she is, because, because, i'm for the audience, not for you, according to the law of the united states, the vice president or vice president of the united states performs the duties of the president, she doesn't have a written record of what she does and what she he doesn't, the president said, the vice president, go to new zealand and find out how they grow, i don't know, sorghum, and she'll go and study, and if he doesn't say so... then she won't go anywhere, so who is
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she as an independent figure, she we can describe her somehow, please, mr. igor, of course i am, she was there for 10 years district attorney of the city of san francisco, in a district that, well, the city of san francisco is such a legal district, a big city, she was a district attorney for 10 years, then she was elected attorney general of the state of california, well... by the population of the state of the united states america, and then she was elected senator in the 16th year from the state of california. well, in the 20th year, she agreed to run for president together with joe biden, she herself then ran for the presidency, ran an election campaign as biden's rival at the beginning of the 20th race year she is a very good speaker, when she speaks, she is very pleasant to listen to. a woman,
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of course, who is very knowledgeable, and how her career shows that she really has a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge, when she was a senator, she worked... in the intelligence committee, that is, this experience, the experience of working as a vice-president gave the opportunity to gain a lot of experience in international politics, since they have a lot of experience in domestic politics simply because of their previous work in the positions of prosecutors, but she also has them, in the democratic party, let's say this, those who those who don't like her, may be jealous of her there... as with any successful person, there are such people who have an unkind attitude towards polls, only recently they began to conduct polls, well, just in case, in general national polls, she
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is about as slightly behind trump as biden with the same result, in relation to the states where the president or the president will actually be elected. and the chief of these states are the three states of pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. they are like that polls, let's say kalis against trump in these states, they just started conducting them , literally, that is, there are no such results that would be permanent, statistically verified, i think there is not, but according to these polls , she is also approximately the same as like biden in these states is in the same position. biden and trump are there, there are many such polls, although trump, say, in pennsylvania, and in pennsylvania he is ahead by 4%, according to the average of the latest polls, in wisconsin by 3%, in michigan the parity is 50x50, and
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statistical error of these polls, it reaches 5%, that is, in fact, it is parity, although the trend has been in recent years. two or three weeks was such that trump was gaining a little bit in these polls, and biden was losing a little bit, that is , the democrats, in order to fight for the presidency, in order to defeat trump, they need to come to a decision, stop these discussions, because these discussions will lead to them weakening their position, although there is one natural factor why trump's approval rating has increased slightly, because the congress republicans... in wisconsin, it was televised, there in the state of wisconsin itself there was a lot of attention to him, always the rating of the candidate from the party whose convention just ended, it always increases a little bit. mr. igor, look, mr. professor, look, divens is
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the vice-president whom everyone here is afraid of, and european leaders, european analysts say, oh-oh-oh, this is terrible news, the most terrible news for ukraine, but on the other hand on the other hand, i sit and think... divvensk called trump the american hitler of his time, now he wants to work for him as vice president, well, maybe a month after he becomes vice president, he will change his mind and say that instead of helping ukraine, it is necessary to help ukraine more. in short, how stable are the political positions of such people who are nominated for the post of president and vice president, stable, as they always are. the same because divens is definitely not always the same, i think you know, jay divens, he's not at all, well he wasn't a politician, well he actually still is, i i think that he is not a politician, although he has been a senator since january 23, but before that he
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was not involved in politics at all, he called trump the american hitler before he entered politics, and then he decided when to enter politics then he would just pose as trump's biggest supporter, you know, it's like in the movie 17 moments of spring, it says that mueller, who was the head of the gestapo, he, when there was hitler's first attempt to come to power in the year 23 , he arrested nazis when he was there on somewhere in a managerial position in the munich police, well, and then i decided what should be done. hero, well, i don't think vance has, you know, vance, well , he's such a right-wing person, probably very right-wing in a philosophical sense, in an ideological sense, but i don't think he has any political beliefs, he has that he wants to be in power there
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in high positions, and he was able to achieve this, because thanks to the support of the very large support of trump. he became a senator, trump actually nominated him, here he is a trump nominee, by the way, one of the few who won a congressional election in '22, because a lot of trump nominees, let's say. they lost their election to the house of representatives, although they won the nomination very easily, they won the republican primaries, but they lost when it came to the actual general election, vance won, trump supported him very much, and trump chose him precisely because he believes that vance is absolutely such a supporter of him, his supporter, that he will never say no to him, that trump wants, then he will do what he expects. that vance would somehow be in some opposition to trump's wishes, that is absolutely impossible, because
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trump, after his experience in the previous administration, will have the only criteria for choosing everyone who will work with him, that they will be people who will never tell him no, they will always say yes to any of his whims, they will not argue with him about some, some mr. professor, the last question, look, we know a little more about the plans today. regarding trump ukraine, we cannot say anything about his plans, we only know a dotted plan, about the fact that if the ukrainians are not suitable for negotiations, we will give less money, less money, less weapons, if the russians are against negotiations, then we , on the contrary, will give the ukrainians more money and more weapons, that's all we know, now we don't know anything either, well, this... this is known from his advisers, which, which gave relevant interviews from trump himself, that we
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we know, trump spoke on thursday dinner at the convention of the republican party, he said that he would end the war with one phone call, but after trump spoke on the phone with the president of ukraine zelensky yesterday, this is what trump wrote on his social networks truth social, that... he will put ukraine and russia at the negotiating table, they will come to an agreement in such a way that both sides will be satisfied, there will be peace and everything will be fine, that's what we know, in fact, i think that trump himself does not know anything about his plans for ukraine from the speech trump, in particular at the republican convention on thursday, shows that he really considers himself to be some sort of messiah who can solve all problems in one day. he promised, in addition to the fact that he would end the war with one phone call, that
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he would lower prices in supermarkets for the first time on the day of his presidency, and many other things that he promised, i think he may sincerely believe that he has there is such a personality that thanks to his personality everyone is so afraid of him, and prices are afraid of him, and putin will be afraid of him and the whole world will be, will be whatever he wants, thank you. then we will go from america to europe, we will have maria golub, an expert on european integration and bilateral relations between ukraine and the european union, but this will be mandatory, but this obligation will arise after the advertisement. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old
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on european integration and bilateral relations between ukraine and a european partner. good health to you, ms. maria, thank you for finding time for us, thank you, as always it is interesting to have a conversation with you, well, here is the first session of the european parliament, has something changed significantly or nothing has changed, we can talk about some changes, well, such noticeable, or is everything more or less the same as it was? good evening, of course, this session of the european parliament, the new session of the european parliament, it is very... clear and beautiful demonstrated how different the current convocation of the european parliament will be from the previous one, and in terms of the fact that this european parliament will be more fragmented, and it will be more difficult to come to compromise options, to options that will suit all political groups,
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however, and this a very key message, a key signal, this european parliament is... a perfectly functional institution, no, there is no reason to believe that the european parliament will be plunged into chaos, as was predicted a few months ago, and exactly this grand coalition, which is called the grand coalition, between the liberals, between the key party of conservatives and socialists, was preserved, and this same grand coalition ensured the re-election of the president of the european commission, ursula von. the two groups that have formed there look somehow strange, they are orbán's patriots of europe and europe of sovereign nations, an alternative for germany, well , patriots of europe still somehow creep into my head, although it is difficult, but europe of sovereign nations
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does not creep in at all, i find it somehow very strange i imagine such a europe, which on the one hand. europe, and sovereign nations on the other hand, this, well, they themselves can explain something in their logic, this, at least this alternative for germany. there are two points here: firstly, the composition of the groups of the european parliament has not yet been fully established, certain migrations, let's say, will take place, because firstly, there are a few left. members of the european parliament who are not affiliated with any political group, and they will now look for a political family. the second point, even this very association of patriots of ukraine, they, it is nasti'. only heterogeneous, and there are a lot of contradictions, for example, ukraine, the issue of support for ukraine, the fact that mr. orbán's group constantly tries to block everything related to
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ukraine, does not suit the same czech colleagues, from the anno party, despite the fact that they left from a liberal family, they continue to support ukraine, and accordingly, within this group of patriots there are also many dissenters. the same applies to the alternative for germany, i.e. a lot will depend on how conditional this one is the eurosceptic camp will be able to unite, and now we see that they are more divided than united, and the second point is how much unity will be preserved in this more pro-european camp, so far the signals here are quite so positive, another question on ... levels of rumour, gossip and speculation. so, mr. orban, a great friend of mr. putin, wrote a letter to the european council and offered the european
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union to restore diplomatic relations with the russian federation. what is at all at the level of speculation, we understand that we are nothing we can know, but at some level, well, that is me, i have a hard time imagining what must be in mr. orbán's head. which goes against the chorus, it's already a chorus, all european nations say, no, no, no, you can't behave like that, we can't agree to russia's military expansion against ukraine, they come out, no, let's do it again, don't pay attention, there is no war, we don't, i don't see a war, what kind of war, let's be friends, business as usual and so on and the like, what they write on the level of speculation, please, if you know. you know, yes, you're very right about it causing irritation, huge irritation at the level of the key politicians of the european union, by the way, and
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it was recorded in the resolution itself, and ursula fonderlein, when she gave her speech, that speech, which will determine her priorities for the next 5 years, she very clearly stated that these are peacekeeping missions, they must be condemned, and this... to stop this bad practice, why? because it's not about peace at all, it's about pacification, a we have already passed these history lessons together, and so has the european union, and we know how it ended. at the same time, mr. orbán obviously has his specific strategy, his specific - his specific course of action, and in this way, unfortunately, it is very dangerous, including for us, he exploits this topic of peace, because one way or another it is clear that there is a certain... request, including from european societies, not at all for appeasement, but for peace, and he is very much trying to exploit the topic in his manipulative way
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of peace, under the guise of the fact that he, with the right messages, wants to restore peace so that people stop dying, forgetting exactly what price he proposes for this to be achieved, and accordingly, very much to... it is good that the european community has a fairly clear message gave both mr. orbán and those who will try to repeat his actions that this is absolutely unacceptable. moreover, it will have concrete consequences already for hungary, as the country that currently presides over the eu council. we see that key politicians and ministers are going to boycott even certain meetings and certain measures that hungary will initiate. in accordance. we really hope that mr. orbán will hear and interpret both political and economic signals quite correctly, is it
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also possible to ask a speculative question, does this happen in principle, such a practice exists, the discussions are public somewhere, where you can invite orbán and just talk to him, yes without without maybe without offense simply, well, you offer peace. so you propose that ukraine give up its territories, you yourself in hungary also want to give up your territories, or how, how, well, how, why do you think that it is possible there, it is not possible here, i understand what orban will say, we refused anyway, the trianon agreements and so on, the first world war, but that was then, and after 100 years, let's give something to ukraine, something can be given to croatia, something can be given to romania. anything is possible to the slovak, well , it is completely absurd, i just have the impression that the arguments he offers are very easy to
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defeat. let's say so, there are simply no such there is no such practice, to discuss in public with some strange member of the european community, you know, there is such a practice, the only thing is that such conversations do not take place in public anymore, for example, every meeting of the european council, where the leaders of the member states of the european union communicate, and accordingly , mr. orban always comes there from hungary, there is this practice of communication, discussions are key. priorities and key challenges that the european union is facing together, unfortunately, simply mr. orbán, he does not consider it necessary in this regard to bring his message to the wider public and discuss it, he believes that his position is the only true and correct one, and it is others who should join him, and not...
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his is that he is wrong, but again we now see that he will simply be forced to reckon with the fact that, as a country presiding over the council of the european union, he simply has no right to afford such rash steps. at the same time, we all understand that european politics will, one way or another, also observe the fact that from... is happening in the united states of america, and here is the main thing, so that mr. orbán does not succeed in broadcasting his messages now, as such, which are also agreed with american partners, this will be really risky, but meps, european politicians , they say, you mentioned this, we need to deprive hungary of some opportunities, let's meet,
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foreign ministers, how serious is this... seriously look, look, how to say, finger-wagging from the europeans in the direction of official budapest, because they took everything humanitarians, all of them humanitarians, well they can talk threats about threats, but as a rule there is a very long distance between what to say and what to do, you know, you are right, they are humanitarians, but they are also lawyers, and they have huge... services there are legal services of the european commission, there are legal services of the european parliament, it is precisely there that these specialists are engaged in the fact that they interpret the fundamental agreements of the european union, and by the way, this was the request, it was made to the legal services quite a long time ago, just to have a look, are there legal mechanisms to deprive a certain country, that is including the chairmanship of the council of the european union, if the country violates
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the main... values, basic principles, fundamental values ​​of the european union. at the moment, the answer of lawyers is quite unambiguous, as there are no such clear mechanisms, but there is still a positive in this, why, because, firstly, a discussion has arisen again about the need to change the european union and the rules by which this association functions, and the challenges of today, they dictate the necessity of changing the reform. internal reforms of the european union, and secondly, it was very clear it has been demonstrated that this kind of unity within the european union is unfortunately lacking, and there is even a certain lack of leadership, why, because now france will be more concerned with its internal issues, germany, too, is a little preoccupied with what is happening inside the country more, than what is happening in the pan-european
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arena, and without this leadership, and it... must be returned as soon as possible, it will be very difficult to find fundamental strategic decisions about where the european union will move, in the long term perspective thank you very much, maria holub, an expert on european integration and bilateral relations between ukraine and the eu was with us, now there will be news, then there will be advertising, then there will be mykola veresen, but in this order we will work approximately in the next hour, and now news.


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