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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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he writes letters, one, two, three, he says that it is necessary to somehow end the war there, that there is no need to quarrel with russia, that it is still necessary to establish diplomatic relations with the occupying state, that is, orbán does not stop, his criticism, accordingly also does not stop, and all of this can definitely even lead to a discussion about... the alienation of hungary from the leadership in the european union, why orbán is doing it, why he is approaching certain red lines that can harm, in that including his positions, positions, positions of his country in the european union. well, i think because he wants to be a leading european politician, the only person who can go to kyiv, moscow, beijing and meet donald trump at the same time. and
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by the way, we see that many people are following his path, that volodymyr zelenskyi also appears to want to talk to donald trump, and he wanted to talk to sijin ping, he made an effort to do so, and viktor roman does it without much effort. i think that's why orban has such an idea that he is can act absolutely calmly in such a role and show, as it is possible, that his possibilities as the prime minister of hungary do not correspond to the real possibilities of a peaceful settlement of his... he seems absolutely not embarrassed, because he is photographed next to the leading politicians of our time, he happens in the great powers, well, russia, the united states, china, yes, in a few days, not every hungarian prime minister, or european prime minister in general, could afford such a tour, here is the whole essence of orban, he shows his weight in the international arena, even at the cost of such a cynical policy, then let's agree, we ourselves gave orbán the opportunity to legitimize... such is his, such are
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his tours. that's when viktor orban was going to kyiv, and many people said: can you see the success of ukrainian diplomacy? orbán at the head of the european union, after his country took the presidency of the european union, he is forced to fly to kyiv to show that he remains in the fairway of european politics. if orbán wants to be european leader, then in the rank of the head of the country, which... is the head of the european union, he just needs to go to kyiv. by the way, i myself wrote such a text, i myself urged viktor orbán to go to kyiv for the first time since his presidency of the european union. well , orban listened to all such advice, which was then in the world press and in the hungarian press, as it were, as it were. and he came to kyiv. such a victory. even orban is forced to go to kyiv. you remember that he was not in kyiv for many years in a row. and here?
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suddenly it turns out that he had this trip needed only to legitimize a trip to moscow. just imagine, if they had not accepted borban in kyiv, had refused to talk to him here, he would not have gone to moscow, because what is the point of him going to moscow or beijing, when they do not talk to him in kyiv. and everything is perfect. he is the only western politician who can afford such a tour, and we gave him this tour with our own efforts. mr. vitaly, how exactly will the european leaders react? i already said that there are opinions regarding the expulsion of hungary, well, again, if hungary continues to escalate this situation, if hungary continues, or rather, orbán will continue to pursue such an extremely independent policy that contradicts the principles. of the european union and at least
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the postulates voiced by the european leaders, we can purely technically, legally, politically expect that this country will be removed, by the way, it will be one of such unprecedented cases, if it happens, in the history of the existence of the european union, and i honestly don't understand how, even if... to imagine that one country is removed from something and restricted in some way on the basis of some rules that exist in the european union, this also requires the unanimity of other countries. and you and i understand that at least the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitso , will never vote for this in his life, huh, so these can be threats, they can be important, but i don't understand how from an institutional point of view and implement, i do not yet see such opportunities, you can make any...
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statements, but if you do not have institutional opportunities, these statements will remain just statements and signals. torban can also understand this very well. and you remember that robert fitzo supported his tour, says that he himself would like to be on... why is he suddenly going to condemn orbán and vote for the removal of hungary from the presidency of the european union, when orbán is for his point of view does everything right. but you mentioned fitso, can he join orbán, well, we understand that fitso is not in very good physical shape now and that he needs more recovery time. we understand that it may be months, but clean. theoretically, after these statements that you mentioned, whether fico can join orbán in possible future tours, for example, to moscow or to china, or to some other such authoritarian, semi-authoritarian leaders, i think that
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orbán does not need fis in in this situation, ugh, orban is a person with a very big personal ego, and he is unlikely to want to go with someone else, this is firstly, secondly. again, this requires that the person who will participate in such trips, visited kyiv. porval has already visited kyiv, but fitso has not, so his participation in all these trips does not make much sense. orbán can behave like a person who spoke with zelensky and putin. and continue all these trips. i don't know to what extent another trip to kyiv is in his plans, i'm not sure about it, but nevertheless, i don't see any need for ficin now. to join orbán and orbán to do it with someone else? by the way, when we talk about hungary, right now in fact, another scandal is ongoing: hungary, in particular the minister of foreign affairs, mr. szijjártó , announced that ukraine blocked the transit
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of russian oil to hungary and slovakia. this, by the way, is very interesting, because in fact , in the hungarian lands there is an extremely hot fire, they are burning. they report that in general there may be a fuel crisis in hungary, they are trying to somehow discuss this issue with ukraine now, here is this news and this situation that is possible in the information space of our country, taking into account all the other an array of events, got lost somewhere, but i think it is worth paying attention to, because these statements are true. if it is true that ukraine has blocked the transit of russian oil to hungary and slovakia, this may also affect to some extent the position of these two countries, in particular, and we remember these demands of hungary, yes, the last 11 or 13
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demands regarding unblocking movement of ukraine to the european union, can it affect hungary and slovakia? and whether ukraine is really ready to completely block the transit of russian oil to these two countries, which until now are located on russian gas and oil needles. well, i already said that i believe that by inviting viktor orban to the ukrainian capital, we helped him legitimize this amazing tour through kyiv, to moscow, beijing and then to maralag to trump. and this too, let's not forget that there was also a meeting with erdogan in washington, also an important thing, so by and large, i think that volodymyr zelenskyi also understands that orban simply used him, and this is the answer that if we will not be honest with ourselves behave in politics, then we can also,
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say, stop lukoil, which re-supplies oil through our territory, and you will solve your own problems, how will this affect the situation with the actions of hungary and slovakia? i think that they will look for some alternative ways of obtaining russian oil, but after a certain time they can organize some kind of truckers' demonstrations on the ukrainian-hungarian border, worsen our economic situation, they can also do it, both the hungarian prime minister and the slovak prime minister, they will not just watch how their oil is blocked, they will try to block some cargo routes for us, but since now... there is no blockade of polish businessmen and polish farmers to the roads to ukraine with ukraine, it cannot be such a serious moment, but they will wait, they will to wait for such a possible blockade, they can expect some problems with the border, and when
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problems appear, i assure you, they will definitely invent something like that, so simple without economic consequences for ukraine, they are not zaleshat, we have to understand who we are dealing with. true, but in any case, the agreement on the transit of russian oil and gas actually expires at the end of this year. on the territory of ukraine and there the issue of possible transit of, for example, azerbaijani oil or gas is being discussed, that is, here too there is such a question as to how to act in this case to ukraine, indeed, how to act to ukraine, to continue supplying, in fact to go to russian and hungarian conditions and deliver gas, oil through our pipeline capacity, or? and generally freeze any pumping
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anything through our gas transportation system, or even really looking for some alternative supply, that option is possible, and what option would be acceptable for our country, particularly in the current economic conditions that we are in, well, that's a good question, because it's absolutely obvious, that you and i need to preserve the ukrainian gas transportation system. the situation of the almost complete list of the ukrainian economy and the life of the country on western subsidies, these millions of dollars are of course an unnecessary moment, at the same time it is clear that we are not we can afford some new transit agreements with the russian federation now, but if we look closely, and the russian federation is generally interested in maintaining the status of a transit state for ukraine, i think not, if we say that if the ukrainian gas transportation system stops . to work if nothing works on it, and this will lead to new losses, because we will not just not receive
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money, but also spend money to maintain this system in some working condition, that's it the problem is very serious, in this situation there is no doubt that you and i will be in such a difficult situation, this is also such a real thing that needs to be said, i would say so. that if you are talking about azerbaijani resources, through the territory of which country they have to go to get into the ukrainian system, well, logically, that of russia, of course, because otherwise, even if you take a physical map, it is impossible, at least for now , of course, any raw material passing through ukrainian territory is russian raw material origin, we had a time with us when we bought exclusively turkmen gas, but it was not turkmen gas, turkmen gas. received by russia, and we received russian gas on a net basis, if we
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transport azerbaijani oil and gas, it will be russian oil and gas, and russia will simply take the appropriate amount of azerbaijani energy for itself, that's all, so without an agreement with moscow, this is still the problem is not solved, we can reassure ourselves that it is not russian, but all the same, this is a process of negotiations with moscow. that is, that is, this is one of the options for getting out of this situation, well, because the ukrainian authorities have really talked about it, that is, we are observing a situation where they are trying to present this situation to the society as if we are really buying azerbaijani oil there or azerbaijani gas, but in fact it will be russian, and here it arises. question, how to conclude this agreement? we cannot directly conclude an agreement with russia,
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can it be any third-party companies, intermediaries, well, of course, it can be done azerbaijan, and this work can be done with countries and intermediaries, azerbaijan can conclude agreements with ukraine and russia on the transit of its energy carriers, that's all, but again here is the question, why russia? in principle, russia should... be interested in the complete destruction of the ukrainian gas transportation system, in the fact that ukraine has ceased to be a transit state. ukraine does not need azerbaijan to supply its own gas and oil to europe. ukraine needs europe to buy not pipeline gas, but tanker gas, so that it is more expensive, so that europe has there were economic problems, because europe is helping ukraine with weapons, and thus the european economy should be destroyed, like the economy of enemy countries, and not improve its energies. conditions, the less money will be in the pockets of european governments, the less weapons ukraine will receive, and the sooner russia will finish
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its so-called special operation on ukrainian soil, this is simple logic, so we must remember all the time when we talk about our interests , which should be russia's interests, and russia's interests are the destruction of ukraine and the impoverishment of europe. azerbaijan, if it has the opportunity to supply its gas and oil through turkey, let's say, to a european country, in some other way, russia cannot prevent this, it simply cannot, when it could. to interfere, they tried in the 90s, they even organized coup d'états in azerbaijan to prevent it, but to give their gas transportation system in order to make life easier for those who... need to be destroyed, but they must be complete idiots, i don't i believe that russia will go for it, that is, russia should receive something much more significant in return, and again, what can we offer it, that is the interests of hungary and slovakia, which receive russian gas and oil, this can really be such an argument for the pumping
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of azerbaijani gas, but if we stop this transit now and hungary will look for some other ways... receiving russian energy supplies, then we will be left without it the last argument in his probable search for compromises with russia, specifically with russia regarding the work of the ukrainian gas transportation system. let's take a short break and talk about another interesting topic, by the way, what mr. vitaliy said just now is also extremely important, and we need the state to make a choice and understand that in fact russia will use even this situation in order to destroy the economy of our country, and the fact that the russians have de facto attacked ukrainian gas transport communications, in particular in the lviv region, over the past
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few months, this is a prime example of what russia needs, needs complete destruction. of ukrainian economic power, a short pause, and we will still have 10 minutes to discuss another important topic with vitaly portnikov, do not switch. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you. the special complex of active substances of dolgit antineuro helps in the normalization of function. nervous system. dolgit antineuro helps to return to usual activities, without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolgit antineuro - help to your nervous system. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on esteef. 20% in pharmacies of travel memories and savings. oh, i remember. you see, even though they say that our memory weakens over the years. but i am attentive and remember everything. we take the memo
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experts, analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with disturbing news and cut-off. the truth from the enemy and dogs. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. saturday political club, direct oter, we are coming back and we still have 10 minutes to talk about
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one topic, it concerns china, in particular, mr. vitaly in his blog told, stated that there is a big purge in china, there ex - ministers of defense and others. officials were expelled from the communist party, by the way, similar purges take place there with a certain frequency, for example, at the beginning of this year xi jinping conducted a purge in the chinese armed forces in the chinese army, and even before that in 2003-2002 there were also purges, but already in the party, in the political apparatus, in the government apparatus, what does this... prove, in fact every year xi jinping conducts such a purge in
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the top ranks, top officials and top army men, he is afraid if this is really a struggle maybe there with corruption, with something else? i think that this is a fight not only against corruption, but against such, i would say, how to be precise, ee potom... what villages are built by the chinese party nomenclature, quite often, and one important thing must be said here , that this dzimpin found himself in the same situation in which vladimir putin found himself when he started his blitz klig, only when it comes to vladimir putin, it started already when the war itself began, that is , this second army of the world appeared, it in fact , not even a tenth, that she is poorly prepared, that she has an illusory attitude towards goals. that she is not trained, that she is not modern, and she had to change literally before her eyes, you cannot say that russians do not change, they do, but when putin gave the order
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to advance, he really believed that he was dealing with a trained, strong , a confident army with normal technical equipment, and there was nothing like that, but it was all on paper, that is the famous russian saying, the one that every official knows, smooth beat on paper. scored by the right, that's it, exactly, by the way, it's even no joke, because they are all there in these cliffs on the way to chernobyl, they all stayed, you see, on paper everything was fine, the same thing is happening with sidiyan, that is, at the last congress of the communist party of china , a military council of the central committee was created the ccp, led by xi jinping, which many observers have called the ta taiwan council, entered there. politicians and military leaders who are specialists in the taiwan question from a military point of view, not from the point of view of dialogue, but from the point of view of capture, but when li shizenping began to deal with this
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situation, that is, what the real army can do, he obviously understood that everything that was reported to him by the ministers of defense and the former, and even his predecessor, this is an unprecedented situation, you say that this often happens, but for two ministers. .. the defense at the same time brought to justice the commander of the missile forces, the chief of his staff of the missile forces, it does not happen so often, this is not a frequent situation, so xi jianping realized that this was the construction of a real posyomkin village, and that if he attacked taiwan, then the question even not that the united states will respond or not respond, in that the army may turn out to be much less strong than it was written on paper, and it began to really ... understand the situation with the corruption of the highest officials. it must be said that this is not very in the interests of the cdmp, because here he is, after he was elected
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for a third term, an unprecedented thing, we talked about it, both for the position of chairman of the prc and for the position of general secretary of the cpc central committee, he began to appoint his nominees to higher positions, people he completely liked devoted. the position of the minister of defense or the minister of foreign affairs is not like that. an absolutely influential position, because foreign policy is handled by the party central committee, the international department, which is now headed by it, together with the ministry of foreign affairs, defense is handled by the military council of the communist party of china and sidzempin's deputy on this military council, this is the head of the army, not a minister defense, but in any case, the minister of defense and the minister of foreign affairs are key positions that ensure the technical implementation of party policy, and that is xijianping. appoints to these positions of two people close to him, qing gan and li shanfu, and now li shanfu, who worked as the minister of defense for only
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a few months, has been expelled from the parties together with ... his subordinates, he is accused of corruption directly in the resolution of the central committee plenum cpc, i carefully read this resolution, i must say that it is very rare when it is directly in the resolution of the plenum, the names of people are listed and without the word comrade, this is for china, if it is written comrade, you simply still think that it is a death sentence you almost have it in your pocket, but the former minister of foreign affairs, who is also a trustee. the person of you anping, he has not been in the position of foreign minister for several months, he has now been expelled from the central committee of the party, although it is easier for him than lishengfu, so far he has been called a comrade there, but it was these people who were supposed to implement technologically the main directions of the new policy shizen pina qinggang was supposed to lead this confrontation with the united states in general, he is the former ambassador in washington, now wang ye is handling all this, who was minister of foreign affairs to tsinggan,
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whom... shizen ping transferred to the central committee, and then had to give him the ministry as well. this means that shizen ping simply has no more trusted personnel to rely on. you can, by the way, have a stroke at the plenum, as they said, he had a stroke at the plenum, i don't know if he had a stroke, but of course, when you understand that your most important nominations, people who are tied to themselves, now we see lichen, they are corrupt, enemies of the party, and it arises. question, what about your personnel policy, comrade chimp, why did you recommend such people to the party leadership at all, how correct is your personnel policy in general, it’s also not very pleasant to hear when you are a person with absolutely unlimited power, and sidimping is a person with absolutely unlimited power in china, he can to afford any personnel policy, but by and large it is better than worse, because vladimir putin was not involved in the revision of the army before the invasion of ukraine, i did not have such a thing,
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but he would have put serhiy shoigu before prison, or would expel him from the united russia party. yes, maybe in a few years a more prepared, stronger army would have really entered ukraine, but you know, maybe we would have had a different political situation, new presidential elections would have already taken place, we would have a new leadership, more serious , from the point of view of resistance to russia, who knows what happened, but taiwan has a chance. now that xijin ping has clearly postponed any of his aggressive forces, actions because he realizes that his army is not ready, the chinese people's the republics will, of course, try to strengthen their military power, but taiwan also has more time to prepare for a possible invasion by china, and taiwan also has an understanding of why sidzenpin andriyu is organizing this personnel purge not just for the sake of fighting corruption,
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but for to increase efficiency. of the people's liberation army of china, by the way, as we can see, first of all the effectiveness of the missile forces, noak the ak people, because the missile forces can become the most important means of struggle in the event of a chinese invasion of taiwan. that is, after all, we see that china is preparing for potential wars, or for a potential war, of course, that is why china needs russia to fight in ukraine for as long as possible, to weaken the west. these are actually now one of the main challenges for the modern world, and we hope that the civilized world will also understand all the challenges and prepare for these challenges, because it is clear that there are not only russia, but also other aggressive states that can, on unfortunately, lead to new wars on our territory.
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the world, and mr. vitaly, we are sincerely grateful to you for that for two hours you gave us selected analytics, for the fact that you and i analyzed a lot of topics, from topics that may be painful to less painful, but in any case, thank you, and thank you to the viewers of the espresso tv channel, for being these two hours are with us, we'll hear from you... we'll be in a week, see you at the saturday political club, take care and goodbye. greetings to all viewers.


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