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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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on the terrain of our world, and mr. vitaly, we are sincerely grateful to you for the fact that for two hours you gave us a selection of selective analytics, for the fact that you and i analyzed a lot of topics, from possibly painful topics to less painful ones, but in any thank you, and thank you to the viewers of the espresso tv channel for these two hours. not with us, we will hear from you in a week, see you at the saturday political club, take care and goodbye, greetings to all. on the espresso tv channel. this is
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the summary of the week. in the studio of iryna koval. and we start with a high-profile crime in lviv. the professor of the lviv polytechnic , regional expert iryna farion died in the hospital after the assassination attempt. doctors fought for her life, managed to perform brain surgery, but the woman's heart could not stand it. on friday evening , an unknown person lay in wait for her near the house and shot her in the temple, after which she ran away. the search for the criminal continues in lviv and the region. and about the young man, who probably watched over the former womanizer and sat near her house for several hours every day. on saturday, lviv residents carried flowers and lamps to the scene of the tragedy. it will be possible to say goodbye to iryna farion on sunday from 19 to 22 hours in the garrison church in lviv. the funeral will take place on monday morning. the linguist will be buried at the lychakiv cemetery, not far from the grave of volodymyr ivasyuk.
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the president of ukraine tasked me and the head of the security service of ukraine, vasyl malyuk, to form groups, we formed them in 10 minutes and left immediately for lviv, so we have a full exchange of information, the headquarters will work around the clock in order to check all versions as quickly as possible . and to the situation at the front. in kharkiv. the russians do not stop their assaults nearby hlybokoy and vovchansk, cabs and fabas are dumped, in particular on sticky notes. fighting continues in the lemano-kupian direction. our military repels enemy attacks. the russian invaders do not stop trying to capture the city of chasiv yar in the kramatorsk direction. they are pressing near novooleksandrivka and novoselivka pershoya, in the pokrovsky direction. on the turkish side , fighting continues near northern, turkish, zylizny and new york. also, the occupiers
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tried to storm near a small tokmachka, working in the direction of novoandriivka. ukrainian troops had to withdraw from the village of urozhayne in donetsk region, - said the spokesman of the operational-strategic group of troops, khortytsia nazar voloshyn. however, they continue to monitor the situation in this direction. also, our units left the box in the kherson region. it was not possible to hold positions there longer because headquarters destruction, noted the spokesman of the operational group of tavriy troops, dmytro lykhoviy, and added that the defense forces of ukraine continue to carry out combat missions on the left bank of the dnieper. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy, held a telephone conference conversation with us presidential candidate donald trump. he reported this on the x social network. i quote. spoke with donald trump, congratulated him on the nomination from the republic. of the cannes party and condemned
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the terrible attempt in pennsylvania, wished strength and absolute security in the future. i noted the vital importance of bipartisan and bicameral american support for the protection of the freedom and independence of our state, the president noted and emphasized that ukraine will always be grateful to the united states for its help in strengthening our ability to resist russian terror. volodymyr zelenskyi also announced that... he and the us republican presidential candidate agreed on a meeting. donald trump, in turn , called the conversation with the president of ukraine very good, and repeated again that he wants to bring peace to the world. putting ukraine and russia at the transition table. however, the elections in the usa are still a few months away, but in a number of european countries and major european institutions, elections have already taken place. i...
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support for ukraine will change against this background and what we should prepare for, we will see in the following story: his victory seems inevitable to many, man. which destroys the foundations of american political culture, polarizes the country, and frightens the western world. donald trump is now officially a candidate for the presidency of the united states. despite the official status of a criminal, because the court has already passed a verdict in one of the criminal cases and two impeachments behind him, the 45th president of the usa has every chance to become the 47th. and even the likely replacement of 81-year-old joe biden with another. candidate is unlikely to stop trump on the way to the white house, - say sociologists. during his hour and a half speeches at the convention of the republican party trump did not say much about foreign policy and did not say anything new in essence. i
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will put an end to every international crisis created by the current administration, including the horrific war between russia and ukraine, which would never have happened if i were president. i can stop wars with just a phone call i can stop any war with a phone call. statements about the intention to stop the war within 24 hours are not new. how exactly he is going to do this, trump does not specify. politico previously reported that in his team seems to be seriously considering the option of the agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and its refusal to join nato. the fact that the existence of such a plan is quite... possible is confirmed by a series of meetings of the republican candidate with hungarian prime minister orban, an ardent supporter of the so-called peace at the expense of ukraine. trump's grown sons regularly post anti-ukrainian tweets, but his choice of
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vice presidential candidate, senator j.d. vance, caused perhaps the greatest fear. a few days before the start of the full-scale invasion, he declared that he did not care what happens to ukraine, and then blocked the approval of aid packages. what is our goal in ukraine? what do we want to achieve there? how long will it last? until the us president can give clear answers, we should not give ukraine an unlimited check. the choice of the president of the united states is a matter for the american people. our task is to establish a connection with the probable new old president, because in 2016, trump's victory was also called a catastrophe for ukraine. however, the disaster did not happen then. what's more, unlike obama, trump decided to supply kyiv with javelin anti-tank systems. some world politicians are still confident that trump will not turn his back on ukraine. for example, former british
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prime minister boris johnson, who met with the presidential candidate on the sidelines of the republican convention. the president also speaks about his readiness to work with trump. we have to work with the usa, if a new team comes, we have to work with them, we need cooperation. i think it will not be easy to convince them, even difficult, but we are not afraid of hard work. if trump wants to stop the war within 24 hours, the easy way is to make us pay. this means to stop, to give everything, to forget about sanctions. putin will take the territories, declare victory for his people. we will never agree to it, and there is no person in the world who can make us do it. zelensky made this statement in an interview with the bbc during his visit to great britain for the summit of the european political community. unlike the us,
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europe shows no signs of slowing down yet support of ukraine. in particular, the new british prime minister kier starmer even promised to double aid. our security begins in ukraine, so we pledge once again to president zelensky that we will support ukraine as long as necessary, a very important commitment, including supporting ukraine's energy needs ahead of winter and taking tough measures to block ships that help russia evade sanctions however, europe has all its red lines. starmer did not respond to a direct request with... to allow british weapons to hit russian military airfields. the idea of ​​shooting down missiles over the territory of the european parliament was adopted by the first resolution regarding ukraine. it calls for increased military aid, confiscation of frozen russian assets, and condemnation of
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orbán's so-called peace initiatives. the initiator of the document is the european people's party. it was her candidacy, ursula fondeliaen, who was once again approved as the president of the european commission. russia is betting that europe and the west will go soft, and some in europe are playing along. two weeks ago the prime minister... the minister of the eu country went to moscow. this so-called peace mission was nothing but a peacemaking mission. just two days later, putin's planes aimed their missiles at a children's hospital and maternity ward in kyiv. this shot was not a mistake. it was a message, a terrible message from the kremlin to all of us. so our answer should be just as clear. far-right and far-left parties that strengthened their own. representation in the european parliament did not vote for the resolution and even expressed support for orbán. they are in
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the minority, but still a diplomatic track is gaining momentum. in particular, president zelenskyi talks more and more often about the negotiations. but only putin, according to many signs , is ready exclusively for the capitulation of ukraine. so the war is likely to continue, no matter what plans the peace summit participants, orbán, xi jinping or donald trump propose? asks how long? in an interview with the bbc this week, the still formal nato secretary general jens stoldenberg, whose mandate expires in september, did not rule out that more than 10 years. retiring officials can afford to speak more openly. our task is to adequately perceive reality, no matter how bleak it may be. the specific actions of okhmadito's staff in kyiv helped. hit a large number of victims of rocket fire. this was emphasized by the head of the state emergency service
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andrii danyk. hospital employees clearly worked according to the algorithm, hid everyone in a shelter. if this had not been done, there could have been more victims. at the same time, 32 people were injured, a significant number of them - children, who are already struggling with complex diseases. seven child survivors this week missile attack on kyiv. ohmadit went to germany for treatment. a loud whistle, an explosion and a lot of smoke. this is how olena titarenko, the mother of 11-year-old arina, who is fighting a serious illness, anaplastic large cell lymphoma, describes the first seconds after the rocket attack on the okhmadit children's hospital. we got sick on may 24, she said something to mom, i'm not really sick, something is wrong and we're like that, she says i
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'll stay at home, fine, i say i'll stay at home, i took the temperature there, it was still there , it was almost 37, that's all, then it was already 38, in it's sunday already we were bathing and the right shoulder was already swollen, we all turned to our doctor and were transferred to okhmadit, at the time of the terrorist attack committed by russia on july 8, a woman... and her daughter were in kyiv okhmadit hospital for only the fourth day, in that morning, they were returning from routine procedures when an explosion rang out. i run, it's dark, it's light, everything falls on my head, it's good that at this time my daughter would be disconnected from chapels. the mother of 13-year-old dmytro, who was diagnosed with alva olyarno, rhabdomyosyrcoma, mrs. iryna, also shares memories of that day. a few minutes before the impact, he and his son left the ward and went out
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into the corridor, and then the light just went out, there was an explosion and smoke, there was a lot of smoke, and that was the most terrible thing, that you just didn't know where it was on fire, or whether yours was on fire room, or where it burns. most of the children, like dmytryk, were connected to vital devices. the boy was taken out of the drip and taken outside, because it was impossible to stay... indoors. evacuation and distribution of children to other medical facilities lasted several hours. all of them saw with their own eyes what the russian terrorists did to the hospital, which annually saves the lives of thousands of young patients. after the incident, hundreds of children from the kyiv hospital worked with psychologists so that their moral condition did not complicate treatment. at the request of a specialist , draw fear. 13-year-old dmytro impersonated the president of the terrorist country, putin, and 11-year-old arina, her mother says,
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is terrified of the sound of an air- raid alarm. these children have different diseases, but their parents have one big common dream: to our children recovered and this war ended sooner, that's the most important thing. dmytro, as well as five other children, came to lviv from kyiv as part of the medical program. after a short stop in lviv okhmaditsa, they went to germany for treatment. in addition, the federal ministry of economic cooperation and development of this country announced the allocation of 10 million euros to the ukrainian government for the reconstruction of the ohmadit children's hospital in kyiv. when will there be more light? in six regions of ukraine, the state inspectorate conducted inspections of the application of shutdown schedules
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electricity. the most violations were recorded in dnipropetrovsk region and zhytomyr region. in... in these regions, many consumers were classified as critical infrastructure facilities, and this led to overconsumption . from july 22, such inspections will be conducted in oblenergo, kyiv, poltava, lviv, zakarpattia, and zaporizhzhia regions. at the same time, less electricity will be turned off already in august. this is evidenced by the repair schedules of power units and power plants - reported the chairman of the board of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. for him in other words, the... electricity situation is also affected by the heat, on which imports from europe depend. however, under favorable conditions, it is possible to count on the end of blackouts earlier than in september. however, for now, small ukrainian businesses are trying to survive and keep customers in rather difficult conditions.
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they learned how much harder it is for entrepreneurs to work and what to expect closer to winter. our correspondents. you can work, go for a walk, or drink coffee now only with such sound accompaniment. shutdown light for 12 hours makes the business run purely on fuel for such machines. do small entrepreneurs manage to make coffee and break even? the summer of 2024 has definitely become more difficult than winter for ukrainian businesses. abnormal heat and, as a result , even more severe power outages in sumy turned the work of small establishments into survival. it is very difficult to work now, our lights are turned off for 7-9 hours, it happens that during the whole working day there is only one and a half to two hours of light, and we have to work on the generator all the time. the generator is
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the must-have of any ukrainian entrepreneur, because nowadays without it it is literally like without hands, at the same time , huge funds are needed to maintain this miracle machine. the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel per day. this roughly costs uah 20,000 per month. and it is very difficult to say now, because the days are different, and most of us work somewhere at zero, now we are working to keep our customers. all products have become more expensive because there are no deliveries, that's all. it's expensive, you can't buy groceries, but thank god, everything works here, our generator pulls, we prepare food, prepare coffee and cold drinks, refrigerators work, everything is fine. such small businesses become a real oasis for the residents of nearby houses, because when there is no light at home, it will probably be in the cafe, and there will also be hot
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food, internet and maybe even air conditioning. many people come to work. they charge their devices, they also come to get hot water, to prepare food, to store their products, they also come to us, the freezer works, they bring meat. this summer demonstrated that ukrainians should not be frightened not only by frost, but also by heat. children and adults all over the country are coming up with creative ideas to deal with the scorching sun and the lack of electricity, and they are sincerely and more than ever happy with the rain, and although sometimes they are indignant and ... understand that such inconveniences are definitely not the biggest problem. no, i somehow control this process, well, like, i recharge before i see evil, well, like, everything is good in this sense, well, like, okay, we survive, see, well, we try to live, not survive, right? the thing that saves me the most now is silpo, in which there is the area where the cafe, accordingly, is crowded, but
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you can also use a charger, and the wi-fi is stable, that is... for example, yesterday there was no light, i was working from there, no, i don't want to charge my phone, nothing, two hours are enough for me, i charge power banks, then i charge phones and all that, and that’s enough for me, i don’t need it, because i’ve already gotten used to it since i was 22, and that’s why i have a power bank that keeps it, it’s bad that there is no connection , not mine, it's hard to pay with a card, but everything is relative, the main thing is that it doesn't... be like mine native city of bakhmut. however, despite the positive perception of today's challenges, it is rational to also think about winter. hopeful forecasts are given, except by fortune tellers. profile. experts, officials and people's deputies are quite skeptical and are already hinting that it is not worth waiting for a miracle, and everyone needs to prepare on their own. we
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think about it every day, but we will hope for the best, we thought about putting panels, batteries, but the heart tells us that everything will be fine. in the verkhovna rada this week, people's deputies accepted at least two important laws affecting business, the first is positive: duties and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation were canceled, but the excise tax on fuel , on the contrary, was increased. we predict that the increase in the excise tax on gasoline will take place somewhere within the range of uah 1.2, gasoline and diesel, and this is the contribution that all of you and i will make to the financing of the army. supporting the defenders is clearly the single and most important task of every ukrainian, but how long will it last?
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time will tell if entrepreneurs will balance on the verge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the good of the country. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk, espresso tv channel. and you will find more information on our youtube channel, there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that... can only be seen here, also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us , and this is what our team saw this week, i, iryna koval, was with you, take care. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on eden 20% in travel pharmacies and savings. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for
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tys improves memory and attention, helps think. there are discounts representing the only discounts on psilovalzam 15% in pharmacies psyllium, you and savings. new week on espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events by experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smolyem every monday at 20:00 for espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that
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happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu. how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestreau. vasyl's big broadcast yury, winter, my name is vasyl zamatsi, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, i and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets and how the world lives. before me, it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. good evening, two hours to be aware of savings. who is ready to tell, good
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evening, presenters, who for many have become as if one day is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. this is now our home consumption , by the way, the guys are currently cooking an electric welding machine right from the generation, and this little red thing on top is the network, well, you can see that we don't take anything from there, because there is a minus. this is the control point of the hybrid solar power plant, which was installed on the roof residents of a high-rise building in holosiivskyi district of the capital own their own house. these are 59 solar
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panels. a battery that performs the function of storage and an inverter for the distribution of electricity. this station was installed here back in 2021, so people saved money, but after the start of the great war, such a source of generation began to provide light during blackouts. in the interheating period, relatively speaking, from mid-april to the end of september, the system had to accumulate, that is, during daylight hours . electric energy into batteries, and it should be enough, conditionally saying, from 80 in the evening to 80 in the morning, that is, that was the first principle of how it was supposed to work. such equipment cost uah 2,100, 70% was compensated by the city, the rest of the amount was covered by the residents of the building. even during the first shutdowns in 2022, the system began to work for the building's own needs. thanks to the solar panels, during a blackout
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, the building operates... elevators, lighting, water pumps. literally, on the 4th of july, i was growing from the 4th of july in the 23rd year to the 4th of july this year. so, the photovoltaic plant covered, roughly speaking, almost 40% of home consumption. in principle, the statistics of 22-23 years say that together with elevators, the system can work up to 12 hours, without elevators almost a day. after a series of massive russian attacks , the ukrainian energy industry lost 9 gvv of capacity, so power outages began already in the summer. ukrainians are preparing for the most difficult winter, but solar panels will be less effective in the cold season. the station produces 10 or even 15 times less power in winter than it produces in summer under direct sunlight. ago
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to expect that the solar power plant, which... somehow covers the needs of your apartment, house, office, in the summer, it will not cover these needs in the winter. experts say that there is currently a demand for green energy in the european union, especially popular own solar panels that are installed on balconies or roofs of houses. this practice also exists in our country. experts advise to consider that in addition to the production of electricity, it is necessary to think about its accumulation. that is, we have given that. that our thermal power plants are broken, we have them the shortage of electricity in general, and the boom in the construction of solar stations, it actually rests on the fact that you have the sun working during the day and not in the evening, then you need to install batteries, and these batteries are a market that is developing very quickly, now it is just that 3 years ago they were not there, now you have a lot of structures of various portable, wall-mounted battery units on wheels, they are of various different capacities, in addition to powering critical systems
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of the house. when there is no light, the energy of the sun can be sold to the distribution network, hybrid the inverter assumes, therefore,


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