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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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without roads, hospitals and public transport, local people live in those cities and towns that are far from the front line during the 10 years of war. people are telling even the kremlin media that a real humanitarian catastrophe is taking place there. the bus traveled in february. all this total devastation and destruction is actually a normal state for russia.
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look at the regions of russia, if we do not take the moscow agglomeration, st. petersburg, some south of russia, where sochi and so on, that is, some places where interests, money, businesses are concentrated russian oligarchs, elites. the main part of russia is a wasteland, it is devastation, it is simply a dying land that is rapidly becoming empty. with our pensions and with our illnesses, we cannot pay such money, the apartment is unfinished. for 8 years , nothing was done at all, now russia is building something there for the sake of the picture, a road was rolled somewhere, several new quarters were built in mariupol, although this one does not cover what was destroyed, that is , there are some episodic reconstructions, of course, this all shows , blowing up, and most people live like this, water has recently been brought once every two weeks. our
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population was left without medical care, that is, at all, if before the occupation of stakhanov, if you take outdoor advertising around the city, it was trips to football, vacations at sea, some even flights to egypt, trips to the donbass arena, this was always the case. they even started driving to hockey, the city lived on this, if you take from 2014, then all this advertising changed purely to advertising of funeral services, cashing out pensions, etc. light and especially water often absent in large occupied cities, here is a video recorded in winter in donetsk. there is no light for nine days. there is no scheduled water supply either. here on the street of the dog shelter yesterday they shouted: "hooray, they turned on the lights, they lowered us lower than the dogs."
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"the water is just rainwater, i haven't had water for over a month, there's nothing to really repair and restore except the tiles in the parks to divert eyes, russia is in no hurry, moreover , it destroys even what miraculously survived." in the spring, the center of national resistance reported that under the guise of scrap metal from industrial equipment continues to be removed from the donetsk region, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, ukrainian intelligence reported that in the luhansk region , the occupiers took all the modern... medical equipment from the starobil hospitals. russia has brought destruction to donbas. russia has brought destruction to donbas. russia has brought complete disorder to donbas. despite the fact that it is declared that there was a mess with ukraine, there will be order with us. no, in fact, russia brought to these territories completely unthinkable things in the 21st century. i don't just mean torture, i have i mean not only fsb prisons. i mean not only the actions of the russian security forces directly against the civilian population of the occupied territories.
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russia also continues to free the residents of the occupied territories from real estate, the so-called nationalization of abandoned property has been going on there for the third year, which, in fact, turns out to be simply taking apartments from people. i never thought, i never thought that i would end up in such a mess after 10 years. in such a mess. the publication nova gazeta europa found more than 13 thousand houses and apartments, which the occupation authorities consider homeless. and
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if the owners do not confirm the right of ownership within a month, then the state takes away their housing, and although they promise to remove only apartments that have been empty for years, almost 80% of these 13 thousand are in something. them within the framework of the legal system of ukraine, which functioned there before the war. this is essentially pure bolshevism. what is happening there today is more than the worst
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manifestation of it. you are homeless people today, friends, homeless people, people without permanent residence, you are people without property rights. in may institute of study. wrote from the occupied luhansk region, reports came that without a russian passport, a person could not only defend his apartment, but also his child. hospitals are threatening to take away babies if the parents cannot prove that at least one of them has russian citizenship. i have no other analogy than the reference to the third reich practice of children for the führer. only there do women at least know that they are carrying a child in order to give it to the system. here , no one has passed these women...
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traveled to the russian federation, they still had problems with security forces, many still face these problems, being treated as second class, and many local people, of course, not everyone clearly understands this, even during recruitment , people still see that this is the luhansk region, they are less trusted, less salaries, respectively. there is a five-kilometer buffer zone between the occupied donbass and russia, where the transit regime is still in effect, despite the fact that the kremlin publicly announced the annexation of the captured ukrainian regions to russia in the fall of 2022. the huns seem to have annexed these territories,
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but everyone perfectly understands that the occupied territories of eastern ukraine are a gray area. weapons that are brought directly from the combat zone, which are used by the same russian mobilized or contract soldiers, or regular servicemen, often against their own. rostov oblast, in principle, used to be quite a problematic region, because it is also a transshipment point in the east of ukraine, it and the same stories are connected with wagner, it is, in principle , historically not the easiest region in terms of banditry. the russian federation is very afraid one or another manifestation of war on its internationally recognized territory, and in this, as far as i am concerned, it is. the main reason , it remains, is that after some western countries allowed the use of weapons that they transferred to ukraine for attacks on military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, the russian side, as always, began to threaten europe with an escalation, and
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even a nuclear strike. since may, the armed forces of ukraine have been hitting military facilities in the occupied territories with western weapons, but, it seems, according to the kremlin's logic, there. the territory of eastern ukraine is the lowest, because some strikes on the newly occupied territories are sometimes commented on by the russian authorities, some strikes on the crimea are always commented on by the russian authorities, because supposedly in their opinion, this is some kind of red line, but in fact this line is not very red either, but the strikes on the occupied territory. eastern ukraine, which have been occupied since 2014, or in the previous phase of hostilities until 2022, they are in principle given to ransom, they are in principle given to ransom in commenting to these officials, the so-called to the occupation administrations, which have already proven themselves in the eyes of russia, as
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being responsible for this topic, although, according to the constitution of the russian federation, according to these acts, as they call it, on the annexation of these territories, this is also the territory of the russian federation. ukraine regained control over kherson. something happened, and nothing happened. i don't have a very high opinion of the ukrainians, because i don't see them rising up and doing something like that. i have a much lower attitude towards them than towards the russians, because i don't see any uprisings, none indignation. i will insist that these people are second class people. for them, it is a sanitary border on this side, that is, on the ukrainian side, in their opinion, second-class people live there, zhduns, some hidden banderites and so on, whom they despise, and we can see what they did in mariupol, filtration camps, that is, nazism was revived in its classic form, when the civilian population was driven through these filtration camps, through filtration. during the 10 years of war, russia deprived donbas of everything,
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houses, medicine, freedom of speech and human rights, and every day continues to deprive the captured territories of normal human life, we will not draw conclusions, but you, in turn, write to us in the comments what you think about the future of occupied donbas. donbas realities were with you, pa-pa. there are discounts representing the only discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. national tv on megogo is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn on mego on different devices, without sei wires and antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. 15% at travel pharmacies you and save,
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there are discounts representing the only discounts on sudokrem, 15% at travel pharmacies, famm and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, i am therefore a colleague. let's talk about the most important thing, for two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zgurets, and what the world is about. yuri fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what took place outside of ukraine, yurii dobrovecher, two hours to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news chechenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell, good evening, leading. that many have already become movrodnidenko with me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as
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the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, with us in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals. russia is already on the verge of running out of resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what are they? analysis of processes that are changing the country and each of us, what else can the russians do, are they able
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to use, say, the resources of the lukashenko army allied with them, vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, have read the entire presentation, accept my song, i thank you, it was difficult, but for me it was just interesting, but that was absolutely not the case, they help to understand everyday life and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude bilateral security with us. project for those who care and think politklub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. friends, congratulations and today we will talk about cinema, and, unfortunately, we will talk about losses again, because this year several people died at once from the field of culture, and of course we
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will talk about them, well, first of all, mykola lynok died, he is a musician and a harmonica player, he worked in the wild theater, actually there on the facebook pages, in general, in the social networks of this theater, and we received this message, he died near the temporal ravine, and he writes some theater, now we can see, we are sad to report that at the front during... our accordionist mykola lynok died, who invariably performs as part of the trio of musicians in the play red, black and red again. well, theatergoers are also urged to support his wife. elena, in this situation, well, this is such a standard situation, of course, supporting the families of those who died, this is a mandatory thing for us, uncle kirill also died, he was only 13 years old, he was a dancer and he died in mykolaiv, during the shelling, and it is also
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reported on social networks, his ensemble was informed about... this is a quote: a huge grief happened in our team, more our uncle kirill is gone, today he came under fire, our little girl, our talented baby, who dreamed and wanted to live like this, well, only 13 years old, well, of course, it still doesn’t fit into anyone’s head, because , well, that, well, but these are our realities, and also dario shaslami died this week, he is an actor of the theater in podil, he... was 24 years old and he died of a heart attack, just 24 years old, you see, it seems that at such years, well, this disease is atypical or the cause of death is atypical, but less about that, too reported on social networks, in the theater's social networks , the heart of our actor dariush slemi stopped today, sincere condolences to his relatives and
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friends, but unfortunately, we receive such messages. every week, and these are all people who create, created ukrainian culture, and you know, after such reports , the cultural community once again mentions their trips abroad, because they often travel to communicate with foreign colleagues, to discuss some points, to convince maybe they are in something, and when it comes to russian culture, then there is bound to be some such conversation, you said... look, where are your famous artists, who can you contrast with russians, look, russians have so many different interesting people of culture from different spheres, and well, our representatives usually say that our representatives of culture are dying, not only now they are dying, they died before, but also because,
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well, but our culture continues to live, despite all these moments, and i... the statement of this fact , now the odesa film festival will be closing, today is the last day odessa film festival, literally after this broadcast i get in the car and go to the closing and i will show you something from there, the winners will be announced there, and i will say that a large part of the retrospective, a large part of the screenings, these were retrospective screenings of ukrainian films, when it was shown by the host, for example , or there are some other tapes that have already passed a long time ago. you could watch them again, once again on the big screen, here, and there were also new ukrainian films, about which i told you during the week, and our cinematographers also state that ukrainian films are becoming fewer and fewer, and if commercial films will still be released, that is, they are some low-budget comedies that are aimed not to be art, but
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to simply make money , there is nothing wrong with this, but we cannot our... culture cannot function only on something commercial, we need some truly artistic works, and there are fewer and fewer of them, in particular, due to the inaction of the state cinema, but we talked about this a lot and will talk about it in our next programs, because now i let me remind you, the cabinet of ministers dismissed the head of the state cinema , maryna kudarchuk, and now there are a lot of rumors about who will occupy her city, because it is temporary now. yuliya shevchuk, the acting head of state cinema, there is also a lot of talk about her, she has been working at state cinema for a long time, and they say that it is profitable to keep her in this position, because she is inconspicuous enough, not scandalous, she is often are compared, by the way, with rostislav karandeev, do you remember when there were so many scandals surrounding oleksandr tkachenko, when he was the minister of culture, when he
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was dismissed and he began his duties, or rather rostislav karandiev began to perform the duties of a minister, somehow these... these scandals hit, because rostislav karandiev is quite, i think, a good diplomat, he just knows how not to get into these scandals, the same story with yulia shevchuk, but according to me, she herself does not want to be the head of the state cinema, because it is too toxic a position now, and therefore they are looking for someone else, it is not clear who else, because this a person must be accepted by all the film community, which is now diverse enough with diverse views, which is arguing among... itself, and so, summing it all up, i will say that there is no place for cinema yet for film production, because here are all the fights, here are all the unclear destinations , and... interfere with the normal financing of the projects of our artists and even the pitching that took place very recently by the state cinema, it is under great question whether
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these winners will be given money or not, well , it seems to me that the good news, the good news is that the verkhovna rada adopted a bill which will ensure the completion of the national museum of the holodomor, genocide, but with... the money of the canadian government, rostislav karandeev, acting minister of culture, wrote about this on social networks, he wrote 248 votes for the law on the holodomor museum. let me remind you that the holodomor museum and its completion were discussed quite actively last summer, it coincided very much with the discussion, do you remember this series, the financing of the series. and from the ministry of culture, and then somehow everything coincided, there are cobblestones, some incomprehensible eyes for many people, the expenses, yes, which were considered not very rational, all this
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coincided, and the completion of the holodomor museum was one of these puzzles, this conversation, which can generally be called out of time, and that's when many people were against this others said that... on the contrary , now is the time to do such projects and show that the genocide of ukrainians is not happening for the first time, and when some foreigners will come there, of course it was it wouldn't hurt to take them to the holodomor museum, i think, if it is well and competently done, really impressive, truly informative, then he is sure that such a trip will be able to somehow emotionally affect many. people who come to ukraine with various delegations, because before they were driven, driven around kyiv region, shown bucha, bordianka and irpin, but now all this is already being rebuilt,
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there is nothing to show, so we need to find some other options, and also about what happens in our country regularly and what activists constantly fight against is the destruction of various architectural monuments for to be in this place. to build some kind of hotel or some kind of ordinary or high-rise building, and now we see that the zelensky mansion was demolished in kyiv, it was built at the end of the 19th century, they have been writing about it for several days, activists have been writing, well, for several days since yesterday, yes, when all this was done, and also the police started criminal proceedings, and here it is, well, of course , it's a shame and... if you walk, for example, in kyiv, this is emphasized not for the first time by various activists, they just ask you to pay attention, just walk there hem or historical
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centers, whatever you want, and you will see a lot of buildings that are in a terrible state, that are just getting ready to be demolished, for example, near the october cinema, there is such a building just opposite, it is a subdivision that has already been overgrown with various trees, and there it is, probably someone is waiting for it to be demolished and something built there, there is no council for it, they constantly appeal, criticize mr. klitschko in this regard, but the construction is definitely so chaotic, absolutely from my point of view, well, as criminal, even, it is one of the biggest problems kyiv from my point of view, because the city is simply crumbling, there is a lot of talk about it, but for some reason this process continues in our country. about which we talk a lot already, and we talk most about ivan uryvskyi, about his incredible
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performances in the franko theater, when, for which it is impossible to buy tickets, for which there are huge queues, and which simply diverge in social networks of various videos from them, this is absolutely such a completely new stage in development of the ukrainian theater, of course... and we also have various awards, i don't know if we have any super-authoritative theater award that would be loud, i wouldn't say that we have cinematographic awards that were would be really so super-prestigious, probably the most famous is the golden spindle, but i don't know, well, to what extent it is an award that gives something to the cinematographers, then in general some kind of increase in fees, i don't know yet... they told me, that no, it doesn't give, it's just such a nice bonus, but that's all is developing, so everything is ahead of us, and as for theater awards, we also have several, and
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here is one of them unknown. this is an award called a game, and the organizers of this award, the jury of this award announced a shortlist, 14 plays got there, shortlists in various categories, according to naya, now we can watch a few excerpts, by the way, this is at the ivano-frankivsk theater, very i advise you to watch this performance, he is incredible there, well , everyone is incredible, and yurii khvostenko, by the way , is playing there, who is absolutely ukrainian-speaking, there plays a russian oligarch, and he has such a russian accent, he was able to do it, also roman lutsky, one of my favorite actors, also plays there, roman lutsky, one of my favorite actors, but less than in the category of best dramatic performance , were nominated for a visit to the franko theater and maria zinkovetska's love history enemies, a theater that completely changed with the arrival of maksym golenko, and this was completely predictable.
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as well as four performances competing for the best chamber performance, this is the 1900 legend of the pianist, odesa musical theater, trusting conversations, ukrainian small drama theater, club despair, and lesya ukrainka's ladder art workshop and lviv theaters, as well as cortez, kyiv academic theater golden gate, unfortunately, i don't have time to just re-watch all these performances, cortez, i i watched it, it's a comedy. about the genocide in the golden gate theater, this is a very cool production, and i think that the playwright alena lyagushonkova, she approached the issue of genocide very well, because on the one hand, it seems that our situation is mentioned, but there it's about latin america in general many centuries ago, so it doesn't feel traumatic because it's not about us, but on the other hand it's about us, it's a very good move, i think, because we talk
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a lot about...retraumatization , how can we shoot about the current dramatic events, this is one way, how we can find, to do it and to make it non-traumatic for the audience, also for the best, for the audience, also for the best performance , one, one performance itself competes, giraffe mon from kharkiv state of the academic puppet theater, as well as for the best musical performance in the genre of opera , operetta or musical, we have presented: two pinocchios and tigrolovs, tigrolovs in the operetta theater, this is also one of the poorest, most discussed performances, because it just started to go, there immediately you can't buy tickets either, and the main, one of the main intrigues was how you can turn grolov's crimson into a musical, most of my friends like it to the point of rapture, but there are people who are disappointed with this production and say that it not
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liked that's why you have to go and check it yourself, you know, it's best not to listen to anyone, just go and check it yourself, because here are all these reviews, they don't always work, just like some texts, reviews, texts of film critics, you have to see everything for yourself , well, there is the best dance performance, it's kokosachka and shadows of forgotten ancestors in lviv at the solomiya krushenytska theater, and the best performance is this one... the nation is the best performance at the intersection of theatrical genres, artistic synthesis and performative forms, it's a rainbow on saltica, the nafta theater, kharkiv, of course, and here, the ivano-frankivsk theater, i also highly recommend to see there, and there is such a moment when - we are talking about the cannes film festival, yes, one of the most connected festivals with
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great influences. and russia, and there are these moments in this performance, there is an image of the cannes film festival, how everything happens there, it is a very cool story, by the way, the ivano-frankivsk theater itself, it is also cool because of the locations there, it is built in such a way that you can go out, take the play to the hall, even take the play to the roof, and i heard that they are playing in somewhere in the basement, but i did not understand, it is specially equipped. the basement, that you can play there, or it was just such a mixed measure, but in the end, we are waiting for the announcement of the winners, and when the game will announce, and i think that all these performances that i have listed, they are absolutely must-tsi, which is called , they're all must-sees, if you can find them, of course, and if you can find tickets to these shows, because we know how things
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are going now, well...


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