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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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at that time, after all, this was not the case, one nation came, destroyed another nation, drove it out of the settled lands and the like, no, it was rather inter-dynastic relations, and they were, of course , completely different from what we have today . you know, when we talk about hungarian ambitions, why do we immediately imagine only transcarpathia, that only hungary had ambitions for it, but in such historical retrospect, hungarians had ambitions for other regions, too. for example, the same habsburg empire, in fact, if i i'm not mistaken, it was because of the hungarian crown, which maria theresa owned, that she extended her claims to galicia, in fact, when i said that it was the first wave, when we talked about russia, the ties between hungary and ukraine, against ukraine, in fact, it was really the first wave, because then came the second, and the second was already connected with galicia, not only transcarpathia, transcarpathia was already at that time... magyar, but their ambitions,
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of course, advanced much further. in the period, it actually lasted somewhere around 100 years 100 years, when hungary really claimed ownership of galicia. and when we now speak, for example, in categories, here is lviv, yes, the city that was founded by danylo in honor of his son, lev, but how many of these stories, how much of this history is tied to the hungarian one. materials, well, lev is half magyar, well, because his mother, constantia, she was a hungarian princess, that is, lviv was founded in honor of a half magyar, that is, how difficult and thick it was there, that's all, and in these 100 years, uh, hungary was different for galicia, which actually took over its origin and glory and tradition and the strength of the kiev state, so after the mongol invasion, accordingly well... russians
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believe that it passed there to suzdal, to volodymyr and the like, we believe that it was the successor of the galician state, the galician-volyn state, and in fact during those 100 years the magyars were different, they were allies, they were also enemies, they were opponents, the first period of this, you know, i would say the war for the galician heritage , well there is no such historical term, well, we can call it this period, yes, the magyars were more allies of our princes, in particular with roman... they were on very good terms, that is, even danylo was also hiding from the mongols in hungary, moreover, indeed, an agreement was made with the king , king bela, after danylo's actual father died, his mother, danylo's mother sent him to hungary, by the way, just before the invasion i was in budapest and went to visegrad, i had long wanted to go to visegrad , only for me it was an association. even more so
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, the visegrad four, which ukraine did not join, kuchma did not want to join it, but i stood there, looking at this beautiful, huge castle and understood that from this castle our king danylo looked at the danube plain, at pannonia, he was brought up there, he was at the magyar court, i can't say that the magyars were our enemies then, well, again, we think of the categories of that time as dynastic categories, they were related to each other, they were magyars, the magyars were crowned as kings galician, galician, galician and ludomeri, respectively, what you said, what we are talking about, maria theresa and all the austrian monarchs, they had a titular, were titular kings, yes, that is, because of this magyar heritage, when the commonwealth was divided, the austrian the habsburgs could claim galicia, well , otherwise, what grounds would there be anyway, at least some norms had to be followed. this is
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the law of the time, you know, but if you look at the map of the austro-hungarian empire already at the end of the 19th century, then it was zeisleitania there, transleuthania, and accordingly transcarpathia was part of the hungarian kingdom, but galicia still remained part of the austrian habsburg empire, that is, they still , even the austrians understood that if galicia was annexed to the hungarian kingdom in the 19th century, then the hungarians would have even greater ambitions, and the hungarian the kingdom was already huge in size, at that time in the austro-hungarian empire, but could it become even bigger? moreover, it would strengthen hungary, which , of course, was completely disadvantageous, the vienna court, because he was perfectly aware of the claims, despite the fact that for 500 years, almost 500 years, hungary, austria owned hungary, they always had, they understood this danger, they understood that the hungarian national movement, it is after the polish or on a level with the polish strongest, and accordingly they will be these claims for what. they were
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to be strengthened, accordingly, they did not strengthen them, but hungary itself at that time, we also understand that it was, you know, we often say the austro-hungarian empire, it is a patchwork monarchy, but if this patchwork monarchy is divided for hungary, it is also... a patchwork monarchy, because in hungary itself there is also croatia, serbia, transylvania, modern romania, transcarpathia, ukraine, uh, and even a piece of austria, this, this , it, it was all sewn into one hungarian kingdom, so, well, it was like that somewhere. let me remind you, you are currently watching the manuscript youtube channel, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel, comment on this video and other videos that you find on the topic that you are interested in. in this issue, we talk about... the history of ukrainian-hungarian relations, by the way, in the comments you can write what is needed to improve modern relations between ukraine and hungary. the modern hungarian government very often talks about peace, about ukraine signing peace with russia, and we understand that this peace, which
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orbán, the hungarian government, is talking about, it is clearly not such a pro-ukrainian peace, it can be called to some extent pro-russian peace, although there is a peace in the history of hungary itself, which for the hungarian authorities is that... a tragedy, especially for orbán a national tragedy, this the treaty of trianon after the first world war, which the victorious countries of the entente signed with hungary itself, and the hungarian kingdom , from what it was in the austro-hungarian empire, became almost modern hungary, and accordingly, this treaty of trianon became for hungary the point on which its revanchism will be built, and why hungary will actually enter the second world war on the side of nazi germany and on... in this revanchism itself , the hungarian authorities now also often appeal to him, to what extent that revanchism then influenced the history of ukrainian lands as well, it definitely influenced, but then we need to expand this context and talk about the fact that there is
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such an opinion among historians, in particular, that the second world war, that it is impossible to talk about the first and second world war, that it's actually one war, but two phases, because the problem of why... why the second world war broke out was embedded in the results of the first world war, but we, we rightly say and often say that hitler's revanchism, national socialist, the ideology of the third reich, they arose due to the fact that there was an unfair peace for germany, yes it was really unfair, the ground was really created for this revanchism, but in the same way we speak about hungary, well at least from the point of view of hungarian national interests, they.. . population, that is, it is very significant, that is, it can even be said that hungary was a kind of continental empire, because we know that there are continental and non -continental empires, russia, like hungary, is an example of a continental empire, although
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it was at the same time hungary as a part of the empire, of course, because of this, but it could not be different when we are talking about... germany, it is clear that germany, well, it is more fair to say that germany was offended , because her territories were taken away from her, this is, well, agree, this is both the rhenish zone and the saar, these are her ethnic territories, there was no corridor, which he also cut for a large amount, yes, well, these were german lands, inhabited by the germans, and what was taken from the hungarians, romanian lands were taken from the hungarians, v the hungarians took away the serbian ones, in hungary they took away the ones from zabralyvat, i.e. here... i think that this comparison is a little unfair in relation to the fact that hungarian revanchism , unlike the german one, did not even have this formal basis, but it is a basis, and of course that because of this mistake, they entered the war for the second time, again not on
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this side, they are again on the side of those who lost, they entered the second war, and there is such a great suspicion that they are repeating this mistake for the third time, looking at ukrainian - hungarian relations, probably such a most painful page is carpathian ukraine, because it was carpathian ukraine that was destroyed by hungarian troops in the year 39, and maybe even someone does not know, the capital, why the capital of carpathian ukraine is the city of khust, because back in 38 a couple of months before, the hungarians had already taken uzhhorod and mukachevo, the two largest cities of transcarpathia, or the then carpathian ukraine, or the then president agostin voloshyn, did they have any chance... to negotiate with hungary, to preserve independence or at least autonomy in part of the hungarian state of horty, the trouble is that the first half of the 20th century ukraine was not a subject, unlike the current war for independence or the continuation or the third
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attempt in the last 100 years, when even this mechanical independence, which was proclaimed in 91- year, which we did not like for many reasons, we complained that... ukraine is not a fully ukrainian state, it does not have a ukrainian meaning, perhaps it should be deeper and the like, that it is actually a blue-yellow ukrainian ssr, but even this is mechanical the existence of the ukrainian state allowed in... in the 22nd, and earlier in the 14th year to declare your requirements, right? we did not have this in 18th year, we lost this chance, unfortunately, and in 38th, in 39th year there was the same story, no hitler, and let's be honest, it was all done exclusively with consent with hitler, that is , he made decisions, and believe me, not out of interest, he was absolutely indifferent to some transcarpathia or even the wider context of ukraine, it was within the framework of politics, czechoslovak, when he forced president gah to actually agree to surrender
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czechoslovakia, so the issue was already resolved, and if we are talking today, was there a chance to agree on autonomy, and was there a chance, for example, for the slovaks to agree on the autonomy of košice, for example, as part of the hungarian state of horti, no, and between them there was a short-term but the war, although both were allies, by the way of hitler, as a result, so were the slovak state of tiso and the hungarian state of horthy. the ukrainian government of augustyn voloshyn could not agree on any option of autonomy, because the words of the magyars, just as the russians do not consider ukrainians in in this case as equal partners, yes, even if some are in a privileged status, others are not, and the policy that the magyars then pursued after the occupation of carpathian ukraine testifies to this. 250,000 interned, killed, persecuted political... in relation to ukrainians, all ukrainian schools were closed, the limited
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orthodox church was liquidated, that is, they proved with all their policies that they did not consider any option for the existence of ukrainian autonomy, and in the end, this is absolute brutal treatment with soldiers of the carpathians sichi, 20,000 people, with the executions on the veretsky pass, shows that it was some kind of completely unmotivated even brutality, when you think about some kind of cooperation with people, even with... under the roots, then you don't act like that, and the magyars were not considered of this option, look, in 1944 soviet troops expel hungary from transcarpathia, then in 1945 a treaty with czechoslovakia, in 1946 transcarpathian, transcarpathian oblast is created as part of soviet ukraine, and it will exist until 1991, when ukraine becomes independent, this the region still exists, in 1991 ukraine became independent, and looking at what the hungarian authorities are saying now, it is somehow hard to believe that hungary became one of the... countries that first recognized the independence of ukraine, that is, became one of those countries with which we were the first to establish diplomatic relations, in general
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, was the first country with which we signed an agreement on good-neighborly relations and cooperation, even the first football match between ukraine and hungary in uzhgorod was played back in the 90s, that is, they were completely different relations, that is, was hungary in the 90s a completely different hungary? hungary in the 90s is a country that was very good... i remembered the year 1956, it was a country that was the leader of anti-stalin reforms, in this, in this social camp, then there was a phrase that it was called goulash socialism, or hungary is the funnest barrack in the soviet camp, that is, the magyars demonstrated this desire for freedom, and when you drive through hungary today and see in every town, in every... village, there are monuments to the 56th year, this is the hungarian flag, but with burnt out, with
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burnt center, into which the communists inserted communist symbols, that is , all these impressions were very, very alive then, hungary finally had a border with austria, a direct border, and despite the restrictions that were established, they actively communicated, moved and the like, and józef antal, who headed hungary, actually took a course to establish good neighborly relations, and in the end it was dictated by the logic of the hungarian state itself, the interests of the hungarian state was accession to nato and the european union was would be impossible without solving all these issues, and the magyars solved them, and the magyars went to make contacts, despite the scandals, because all that we have today in transcarpathia, it was all, it was all in transylvania, it was all in vojvodina, it was all in banat, it was all just when it was necessary to join the european union and nato. it was necessary to be gentlemen, and they were these gentlemen, but now, when
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ukraine, you know, is in a weaker position, you can throw off your masks and be gangsters, but sooner or later they will still have to negotiate, in in any case, because still, no matter what, although i often say that the magyars are cousins ​​of the russians, because both ethnically and by the place of their birth, that is how it is, but still it is a thousand years, about which, with whom we started our conversation, when in... hungary was squeezed into europe, it went through all this evolution, like the rest of europe, from barbarism to civilization, they left this imprint on them, and i don't believe , that... these relations are doomed, after all , orban's last visit to kyiv, okay, for mercantile interests, for his interests, for his political interests, but it shows that we can talk, and unlike the russians, we will act with the russians, we will reach this kind of common point of view and a common denominator, because i think that the page from hungary is far from turned, not overturned, but we can talk with them,
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the history of ukrainian-hungarian relations is far from ideal coexistence, but for example, in 1956... when the uprising against the communist government broke out in hungary, several voluntary organizations were created from former members of upavigration, which went to budapest and took part in the battles against the soviet troops. perhaps the modern hungarian authorities will remember 1956 and draw the right conclusions. this is the manuscript program. we spoke with oleg manchera, a ukrainian historian and journalist. watch new releases on our youtube channel, don't forget to subscribe about... comment and like. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estazifin 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. the book of women at war
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to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhii zgurets. but what does the world live on? time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchuvka field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, cultural news, alina chenina, our tv viewer, is ready to say good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, the leader of the crimean tatar... people in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. combine.
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football together, the verdict is stronger with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to... 22. congratulations. i have to apologize to the audience. i just hastened to say that russian propagandists will not be ashamed and talk about the ukrainian trail in the attempt on trump. and they really
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held their tongues courageously for several days, somehow, so as not to look so stupid. ah... but it's unbearable, and because of what, who is embroidering about the bathhouse, and that's why in the studio in skabiev there was already this desperate cry, how come, where is the ukrainian trace? why is no one talking about the ukrainian trail? trump is a person who causes hatred in the ruling circles of ukraine. they just said that the head of ukrainian military intelligence, kyrylo budanov, is a terrorist. i think president trump should demand that the fbi, the secret service... when working out all versions of a possible assassination attempt from the language with the purpose of murder , work out the ukrainian case separately. we know that there is a huge ukrainian diaspora in the usa. chicago,
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remember the movie brother 2? you will answer me for sevastopol. and in connection with this , i assume that there are those who, in addition to dipstate, could have been the initiator or pulled some or other strings in order to initiate this attempt. the risks of repeated attacks on trump really exist. different formats can be used, worked out, in particular and by the ukrainian special services, an attack using quadcopters. here i have a question for the us secret service, if she hears me, so that she does not portray herself as this female director, such a confused woman, and are the means of countering quadcopters used at trump's campaign meetings? well, there is a stupid movie, and that's why the ukrainian, be it the special service, or the diaspora, attempted to assassinate trump, or maybe kyrylo budanov killed
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president kennedy, maybe with a quadcopter, well , anything is possible, you know, especially in such some disturbed cities of russian propagandists, well, they continue. they have no other topic, they continue to talk non-stop about how the elections are going on in the united states, and meanwhile, russia itself, you know, has been covered by energy karma, and the light has gone out in the south of russia, and it has gone out so well enough, and it didn't quite appear and now it's somehow like that, but everything is not quite like that, but it's a momentary like that or something like that. turning off several areas, it was really quite magical. energy all night and last evening were eliminating the consequences
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of a large-scale blackout in the south of russia. in big cities, first the light went out, then the water, the streets stopped in traffic jams. i don't know when i will arrive today, because i have never seen anything like this before at all, that everything is so expensive. it's a nightmare. there is no end and no edge. unprecedented traffic jams in krasnodar, traffic lights turned off or... worked with interruptions, trams stopped, the city hall reported, more than 100 transformer substations failed, there was no electricity in many shopping centers and stores, somewhere the fire extinguishing systems failed. before closing the store , the fire department was activated and completely flooded the entire store. according to reviews on social networks, electricity was gradually returned to the homes of residents of the rostov region, krasnodar region, stavropol and the republics of the north caucasus. at the same time , voltage drops and network overloads occurred. we will talk more, but
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of course the reason was also to a certain extent, well, so amazing and a little magical, the fact is that the entire power unit, well , the largest nuclear power plant in the region, was turned off from at the beginning it was assumed that the power system could not withstand. rostov as, which supplies the southern federal district. rosenergoatom reported that the protection of the generator in the first power unit tripped and the automation disconnected it from the network. the first power unit was installed at the rostov as. the protection system worked. well, here i can't help but remind you how the russians constantly try to destroy the ukrainian as, how they constantly shout about it. my cherished wish, honestly, forgive me, i can't do anything about it, so that there is no electricity in ukraine at all. for this
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it is necessary to destroy the open distribution electricity systems of two nuclear power plants, yuzhnoye and khmelnytskyi, after which they will stop producing electric current, after which there will simply be no electricity in ukraine, and what is interesting. apparently, it was not only us who heard it, the locals also heard it, because after all this shutdown happened, they started to write that, apparently, these same transformers, ukrainian drones, damaged something there, and because of this everything happened, and since they say there how the light was restored, but if you listen to how they talk about this restoration they say, you know, it is not very clear whether it has been restored after all, the power supply in the south of russia has been restored, it is reported in... energo, but a number of cities are again introducing temporary blackouts, the fault of everything is too high a load on the networks, 40-degree heat in the height of the tourist season , air conditioners and fans do not turn off.
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electricity has been restored, but temporary blackouts have already been announced in mineral waters in a number of cities of the rostov region, in the kuban, and in sevastopol. this is necessary to avoid new emergencies situations. the supply of energy was carried out in stages, and it returned to tuapse, krasnodar, sochi, dagestan. fan outages continue in the crimea, rostov region, as was the case before the situation at the as. well, that is , somehow it has recovered, but there will be no cities, they will still be there. light, in general it was like that, they told the russians it was normal, and on the one hand in social networks they say that it was hit somewhere, somewhere there, and this is the result of the arrival of ukrainian drones, and let's say something honestly about it, but here you see the official propaganda does not say anything about it, tries to talk about it again, that it is probably overload, heat, the fans suddenly started working, but they worked before and nothing turned off,
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they took it here and it started working. turned off, and all this would have been nothing, if right after this switch on with a more sheferic explanation, and why the light turns off at all, president putin himself did not make an official speech, and he said that there were not just some fans there, no, everything it happens because some dishonest russians are engaged in mining cryptocurrencies. the factors of such growth are generally clear, these are relatively low electricity prices in our country, the mobility of cryptocurrency mining equipment, and so on, but what is attractive here should attract our attention and what should be alarming? uncontrolled growth of electricity consumption for cryptocurrency mining can lead to capacity shortages in certain regions and... already
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noticeable in irkutsk oblast, buryatia, trans-baikal region. the issue is actually acute and threatens serious consequences for enterprises, housing and communal services system, specific cities and villages well, that is, no, not only the lights went out in the south, but there could also be something in buryatia, in the trans-baikal region, well, that is, you know, an announcement, expect some kind of shutdowns there, and literally all the propagandists. immediately they began to talk about the terrible consequences of mining for the entire energy system, so after this shutdown, you know, it somehow hints that the ac may have fallen because of that damn cryptocurrency mining. the so-called mining or issuance of cryptocurrency requires a lot of energy. vladimir putin told according to the estimate of the ministry of energy in russia , 16 billion
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kwh is spent annually on mining, that is one and a half. hundredth of the total consumption in the country, it is already clear that there will be more, due to wild mining, when private individuals filled up entire hangars and empty factory buildings with very voracious video cards, decoders , network overloads and disconnections of other consumers have already occurred, in buryatia, irkutsk, the caucasus, miners they often connect to high-voltage lines illegally and do not pay for light. 1.5% already goes to this mining generated electricity. these are colossal volumes, both in terms of money and physically, it is quite funny that later it turned out that somehow something with that mining was not growing, because the same mardan had the imprudence to invite some such expert to him, who told him that well, in general, you all
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speak full. electricity produced in russia is a lot, as far as i understand. this is a lot, but there is no other demand for this electricity, it is at the lowest cost of the generated spectrum. this means that a kilowatt costs 6 in the moscow region rubles, but this power, which is bought, costs 2 rubles or one and a half per kilowatt. that is, if miners did not buy it, no one would buy it. well, then he went on to say that in general they buy it in such areas where there is overproduction of energy, where there is no energy at all, where are the children, and somehow there is no problem at all, well, that’s it, but mardan, you know, he hasn’t lost everything - still somehow this line, and he began to tell...


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