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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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ukrainian society is starting to, you know, wildly sink into its confidence of victory, and apparently it is beneficial to someone, i ask the question, who will be responsible for this, who brought these people and who gave them the right to hang lectins in the ears of ukrainians, well, you mentioned inaction , but this is also a crime, inactivity in office, right, that is, someone will have to answer for it anyway, well, at least those who five or six managers k... ukraine? absolutely correct, and it is precisely, pay attention, an interesting point, after all, the surnames of these managers, what they are responsible for, who they are, and how he tries to solve the issue, as well as the simplest manipulation, when the advisers of the head of the office of the president speak on behalf of the office of the president on behalf of the president, but i want to say, show the duties of these advisers, adviser from the word council. and when the time comes to answer them
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, i will say: this is what i advised you, no one authorized me, no one gave me rights, i invented it myself, and you believed me, it is your responsibility, so ukrainians, be significantly more, you know, stricter in the assessment of information manipulation, and an example of a simple finland, where the basics of information security are given in the upper grades at school, where children are taught to perceive correct information from any... sources for mass information slaughter, to whom this the information flows, why, what it can lead to, it is not beneficial for the authorities, and the authorities, precisely our authorities, are trying to manipulate and tell noodles, specifically for science, and the most important thing is to bear responsibility for their statements, if analyzed throughout throughout the existence of the monomajority of greens, then plus and minus and black and white will be enough. merge often thank you, mr.
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general, for the conversation, it was serhiy kryvonos, major general of the reserve. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether you feel european and also join our pages on these platforms, and if you look us on tv then you can vote on the phone lines if you feel european 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will tally up that vote well whoever really herself, or rather, the one who really feels like a european is tatiana vysotska, our special correspondent who works in european institutions, today she was watching... how the new, old
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or old new head of the european commission was elected. tatyana, me i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation. i congratulate sergey. ukraine is definitely europe. ukraine is definitely europe, but why do we ask ukrainians whether they feel european, because sociological services in ukraine quite often conduct this survey, and we are interested to see how the dynamics of our viewers differ from the dynamics of sociological ones. services, therefore, today the european parliament re-elected ursula fonderyan, the head of the european commission for a second five-year term. there were many statements, and quite a few serious statements. let's start with the main thing that ursula funderlay said, what awaits europe in the next 5 years during her presidency of the european commission? important trends are that today's vote for ursula. as well as
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yesterday's vote for the ukrainian resolution on the european union's long-term support for ukraine, demonstrated one important fact: despite the fact that in the european parliament many more politicians now represent far-right forces, the european parliament remains pro-ukrainian and pro-european, and moreover, the number of supporters of ukraine is much greater than the number of supporters of ursula fonderline, because only 401 deputies voted for fonderline, and for ukrainian... 495 deputies, and here is one important point, which i will discuss before moving on to fonderline's statement , i want to emphasize that ukraine was supported almost entirely by the faction of european conservatives and reformists, which is usually classified as far right, this is the faction that is led by the prime minister of italy, giorgia maloni, and her party of brothers italy and polish law and justice, they gave the ukrainian resolution 69 votes out of 70%. eight possible, so actually, we can
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say that the european parliament now has almost 500 pro-ukrainian deputies, this is very cool for the future, how the european parliament will be'. to vote on initiatives that ursula fondeen will present over the next five years. so, what ursula fondelaien said today, she gave a keynote speech to the deputies, and first of all, she recorded such a moment that the european union will continue to give ukraine everything it needs to survive and win, and the european union itself will also grow stronger. the european union will create a european defense union, and that time has come, said ursula fondelain, and as one of the steps a european anti-aircraft shield will be created, let's hope that one day ukraine will join it, and maybe
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very soon, and also ursula fondelain sent a very an important message to hungary, prime minister of hungary viktor orban, let's listen, if there is an opportunity and a direct speech about it. russia is betting on the softness of europe and the west, and some in europe are playing along with it. two weeks ago, the prime minister of an eu country visited moscow. this so-called peace mission was nothing more than a pacification mission. it was an overt pacification mission. two days later, putin's planes targeted a children's hospital. this strike was not a mistake, it was a signal, a signal from the kremlin, which makes the blood freeze in the veins. to all of us, and europe will stand with ukraine, as long as ukraine needs it victory, funderlajen stressed and added that this is our message, our european signal to putin, that's how powerful the speech was
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today in the european parliament, and let's hope that ursela funderlajen will fulfill her promises. well, but, but victor himself. was at the meeting today, and i know that last time you tried or approached viktor orbán and tried to communicate with him, how he feels, that is, as a person who travels between world leaders, where he is received, he is probably the only european politician , who was able to within two weeks to visit kyiv, moscow, beijing and washington on behalf of... trump, that is, does he feel himself, well, the king of the situation now, well, all the more so since hungary is presiding, and here the question is, again, what , what is orbán doing and does it in any way correspond with the actions of european
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politicians, european leaders, and can european leaders bring him to his senses and say that we have a single policy, otherwise you just carry out your hungarian policy and that's it. let's put a full stop, well, you can predict that orban is feeling a little sad now, because indeed, traditionally, the head of the state presiding over the european union is invited to the session of the european parliament, the first session after the beginning of the presidency, in order to make a keynote speech, in order to communicate with the meps, but orbán was not invited to this session, it was done specifically, it was also a signal for orbán, that... he is not supported here, but for now the european parliament plans that orbán can come here in september, and right here is a very good opportunity to catch him, because if earlier in brussels there were more, if you could say, european leaders removed from the shadows, but here
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in the european parliament, everything is more and more democratic, and in order to get to the session hall, they have to pass by us, we can somehow approach them there , ask, and it will be... hoped that after all , orban will come here to strasbourg in september and there will be an opportunity to ask him some tricky question, and he will not be overwhelmed again in the session hall, because the deputies will ask him questions , which are in the majority against him, so here we must remind tatiana that the president of the european council charles michel replied to the prime minister of gurshchyna orban to his letter regarding ukraine, reminding that the chairmanship of the council does not give a mandate to act on behalf. of the european union, the rotating presidency of the council has no role in representing the eu in the international arena and has not received a mandate from the european council to speak on behalf of the union. i stated this clearly even before your visit to moscow, which was later repeated by high representative borel in a statement dated
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july 5. but the most interesting thing is probably in the current one of the situation unfolding around the transportation of russian oil to... hungary and to slovakia, because ukraine, which, on whose territory this oil pipeline goes , friendship has stopped the supply of this oil, or do they say? about the fact that, in the current situation, ukraine, which is going to europe, may not be completely tolerant towards hungary and slovakia, that it cannot be done that way, or is this an absolutely normal reaction to the way hungary and slovakia treat europeans, progress, european progress of ukraine? by the way, it is about russian oil and russian gas was also spoken by ursula fonderlajen today, and she said on the contrary that it is... a great achievement of the european union in that it has almost completely abandoned dirty
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russian energy carriers, this is a quote, and that is the opposite in brussels, at least in strasbourg , the leadership of the european union supports ukraine in completely stopping the supply of russian gas, but there is a small but, and this is also today, at least on the sidelines of the discussion, whether ukraine has started now or is going to start. negotiations with azerbaijan to supposedly to transport azerbaijani gas through its power system, but we know that there are such, perhaps not unfounded, suspicions that not only azerbaijani gas can go to us from azerbaijan, because gas, as they say, does not smell, and it may well be that now it is through these eyes negotiations ukraine wants to sign up for the transit, de facto, of russian gas, but under the name of azerbaijani gas, so this should be monitored. uh, it's just like a rumor, what i've heard, i'm not an expert, i can't say 100%, but these are the kinds of conversations
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that are going on, so we'll follow that too observe, follow and watch. thank you tetyana, it was tetyana vysotska, who works on behalf of the espresso tv channel in european structures, our special correspondent. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching. we are live on youtube and facebook, please join our pages, and also like this video so that it is trending on youtube, and take part in our survey, today we ask you this, do you feel like a european? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own flinty opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch on tv , take an expensive smartphone or phone and vote. if you feel european (0800-211-381 not 0800-211-382).
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all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine on the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. let's start our conversation with volodymyr zelenskyi's participation in the summit of the european political community in great britain, because there zelenskyi stated that russian missiles are not carriers of state sovereignty, therefore the collective will of the west is needed to shoot them down. let's listen to what the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine said. the more effective our air defense will be, the more helpless putin will be
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we will have fewer restrictions on the use of effective weapons, then a more active russia will seek peace, military airfields from which russian planes take off with bombs against our cities, sites for launching russian missiles, all this must be destroyed, this will not only eliminate some targets, but also will reduce russia's ability to continue the war, mr. volodymyr, zelenskyi said that the more, the more we press, the more actively russia will seek peace, or whether russia will ever seek peace, or in this case the president talked about the fact that russia in in this case, capitulates or will yield to the world community, because it is one thing to strive for peace, and another to capitulate after all. well, there is a very strange dual position here, because zelensky insists on the necessity. of air defense to ukraine, and air defense is not an offensive weapon, it is a defensive weapon. at
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the same moment, he says that the more we will hit russian airfields, what will we hit? did the ukrainian authorities set up the production of their own ammunition, they did not even in fact set up such a mass production of those, those weapons that were developed before the 19th. year, and this is a rather significant weapon, for example, the grim-2 missile complex, tactical, it would allow to hit russian airfields, er, the same bohdan howitzer in the end, that is, in fact, before the beginning of a massive major invasion of russia, zelensky disarmed ukraine, now he is talking about the need to strike at russian airfields, and what was the ukrainian government able to establish, well, that is, the syrian mass production of some weapons, as far as i
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know, even the same bogdan financed now in the form of yes. mr. volodymyr, during the last week we heard several statements, well, they were actually a development of these statements regarding the fact that at the next peace summit, which will be held in qatar, obviously in qatar in november, russia will participate in this summit , although the russians in every possible way disavow the fact that they will talk about anything with zelensky at all... to agree on what can be discussed with the russians and whether it is necessary to talk with the russians at the next peace summit in qatar, or whether it is it permissible, and is there a need for it now? well, as far as i understood, we are not talking about the peace summit, we are talking now about three stages,
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consideration of zelenskyi's initiatives. in particular, qatar will be one platform, turkey will be a platform where freedom of navigation will be considered, and canada will be a platform where humanitarian issues, the exchange of prisoners and the return of children from russia will be considered, that is , it seems to me that zelensky , when he says that russia should participate in... the summit , he does not emphasize that zelensky cannot to cancel, for example, the search by the international criminal court in the gas of vladimir putin, that is, now four russian officials
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have been issued with a mandate to detain the rest. on arrest, and in this sense it would be strange if zelensky demanded the participation of putin in particular, then who will represent russia, and if at all, russia, the ukrainian authorities consider the russian authorities as legitimate, because russia did not hold any elections, russia, so to speak, on the contrary , it stings zelensky that he is illegitimate, although, in essence. well, there are special violations, well, there are zelenskyi is overdue, so to speak, but not because of his desire to violate the constitution, but because of the impossibility of holding elections. well, by the way, sergey lavrov stated that russia is ready for negotiations on the end of the war in ukraine and the security system in europe, but does not intend to participate in
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the second peace summit, because, as he says, the event has taken a course to push for any price zelensky's ultimatum, let's listen to lavrov. speaking about what they will be doing there, everyone in one way or another formulated absolutely one-sided, absolutely unacceptable for us and for many others who are sincerely interested in peace approaches. only one thing is clear, that zelenskyi's formula, the unacceptability of which is well known for a long time, is it. and will continue to underpin all these efforts. so, mr. volodymyr, this monster speaks in the united nations organization at the un security council, since russia is the chairman there, and an absolutely logical question arises, i.e. either something needs to be done with russia, or something needs to be done with the un, as with the league of nations
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at the time , when the soviet union was expelled for attacking finland, but oh well this... this, too, looks absolutely absurd, when russia presides over the un security council, lavrov, the accomplice of the war criminal putin, speaks and thinks about peace. why do you think that ukraine does not return to this legal conflict, when russia took over the membership of the un council, as the legal successor of the soviet union, that they did not go through any ... procedures for joining the un, let alone being accepted into the council without the un, they just moved to the chair of the representative of the soviet union at the un and that's all, although ukraine, like belarus, by the way... this the countries that were the founders, well , the republics of the soviet union at the time, that were the founders of the un, well, the countries, because in fact
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these republics of the ussr had external signs of legitimacy and statehood, this is the first thing, ukraine had a ministry of foreign affairs, among other things, and a kgb school it even had, surprisingly, the institution of diplomacy, actually. er, so, but we are talking about something else, we are talking about the fact that, so far, only one representative of ukraine at the un, serhiy tyslyitsa, is speaking about the illegitimacy of russia. but now, i expected it, honestly saying that one of the issues that will arise at the peace summit, right at the moment when the delegates will gather, is the issue of reform. the un and the issue of the reform of the security council, france also started this initiative at one time, by the way, trump spoke about expanding the permanent
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composition of the security council, and that is, well, finally, after the peace summit, this one in switzerland, within the walls of the un they talked about the illegitimacy of the russian delegation, in general in general, about the fact that russia did not submit any application for joining the un. and did not undergo the procedure, and that's about it not only the ukrainian delegation began to speak, which is important, so in this sense there is some kind of shift, but there is no such pressure, i thought that the peace summit in switzerland should be a platform where the perspective of the un reform as a whole should be discussed, and if zelensky is rushing now with the initiative of the second summit, why does he not introduce this initiative. i want to remind you that at the previous peace summit, zelenskyi, well , somehow, they had the issue of the territorial integrity of ukraine and the restoration of the country within the framework of the 91st
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year i would like to remind you that in general after this swiss summit, the ukrainian authorities have not spoken about the restoration of territorial integrity within the limits of the 91st year, what is this, what is the motive, well... more and more ukrainians suspect that the authorities are ready to give away part of the territory russia in exchange for what, if they believe that it will be peace, then we do not believe that it will be peace, but look, if the scenario that you are talking about now can really be implemented, then maybe in this way you can and explain why ukraine does not talk about humanitarian the catastrophe that russia has now arranged for the ukrainians, i mean the energicide, well , let's call it that, ukrainians are russians, a rather serious situation in the ukrainian energy sector, zakharova hinted at the fact that, they said, there might
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be a destruction of the dam of the kyiv hessa of the kaniv reservoir, and says that ukraine seems to be preparing this in order to blame russia. let's listen to what the spokeswoman of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, said. said that in the event of a spill of the kyiv reservoir , the area of ​​flooding would be up to 200 km, 76 settlements could be under water, no buildings, settlements. at the same time , the greatest damage will be caused to the kyiv region located along the desna and dnipro rivers. there is absolutely no doubt that the zelensky regime is instigating yet another cynical provocation. well, it is known, mr. volodymyr, that zakharova always lies, so in principle there is nothing for her to comment on here, but ukraine's position
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in this situation should be much tougher, because what russia does is subject to responsibility before the international community and in general international law, because... they hit on energy facilities, they hit critical infrastructure facilities and in fact create conditions for ukrainians to simply flee the country, or make certain statements that it is necessary to negotiate there with russia, creating conditions that are not acceptable for people's lives, well, i would pay attention to the word ee... of this monster from russian honey, it talks about the possible dissection of shit in the case of diarrhea in russian honey, and how much it will flood, what
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area of ​​bridges it will flood. in fact, break through the embankments of the kyiv and kaniv highways it's impossible, they were built under a nuclear strike, if russia threatens us with a nuclear strike, then let's not encrypt it with an attempt by the ukrainian authorities to blow it up, well, well, it somehow looks absolutely ee stupidly stupid, that is, they have lost a completely creative principle, but we are talking about something else , it is about why the ukrainian authorities do not initiate. counter-pressure on russia, because in fact, in parallel with the strikes on the energy infrastructure, our ministry of energy hid a huge number of generators that were transferred, for example, 100 generators were transferred by the agency of international development of the usa, the so-called usaid , two years ago, and still these generators are not connected, that is, the ukrainian authorities themselves have messed around, made a lot of senseless
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or even suspiciously malicious management decisions, and then stupidly hides their eyes, lends their eyes to brimstone, it is very important here that the government is now absolutely consistent and honest with ukrainians, and this is not the case, the streams of eye-rolling that are now coming out of the ministry of energy, from the cabinet. from banking, they create an even more panicky mood, and the ukrainian authorities are really in this synchronizes with russian, with the same zakharova, because you will invite specialists from the academy of sciences, who clarified, for example, that, perhaps, how, well, what equivalent of explosives is needed to blow up kyivskous, the authorities did not do this at all, but the authorities
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did today... other: the verkhovna rada increased excise duties on fuel, which is actually quite relevant now for many owners of small and large shops, enterprises, generators run on this fuel, according to estimates, the increase in excise duties will lead to price increase of gasoline by 1.50 kopecks per liter, diesel by 1 hryvnia 95 kopecks per liter and... gas by 5 hryvnias 80 kopecks per liter, the decision of the verkhovna rada provides for a schedule of excise duty increases until the 28th year with the aim of equalizing these excise duties on fuel with excise duties, this was said by the head of the parliamentary committee on finance , bank finance, tax and customs policy danylo hetmantsev. let's listen to what he says. and the contribution that all of you and i
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will make to finance the army, look, this is all rhetoric, let's not raise it, because people are suffering, because we all understand the situation in the country today, and no one in the country wants to raise taxes today, but choosing between two additional hryvnias per liter and the salaries of the military, i always make a decision in favor of the salaries of the military. mr. volodymyr, getmatsev said that the goal is to equalize these excise taxes on fuel with excise taxes in the european union, they say we are going there, is it time to take such steps now, given the rather difficult situation in the energy sector that is currently there? first, europe is doing this with a view to the green transition, that is, the policy of the green transition provides
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maximum carbohydrate elimination. from the energy market, what the government has done now with the aim of providing alternative technologies, for example, solar panels, i remember a couple of days ago petro poroshenko in the verkhovna rada simply howled like a wolf, so to speak, why have you still not cleared the import of solar panels and generators and wind generators and something like that, the government does not do this, firstly, secondly, when they say that they... give money to support the army, they actually make the war more expensive for the ukrainian budget, because the army is the largest consumer of fuel, now more expensive fuel makes the war more expensive for ukraine, they don't understand it, they understand it perfectly, but in fact this is how they patch those...


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