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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 3:00am-3:29am EEST

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local stars, repair of sidewalks and distribution of humanitarian aid. if they do talk about problems, they are quick and always blame the evil ukrainian nazis for everything. ukrainian nazis continue to beat the cities and districts of the dpr. a striking example, just according to stakhanov, is the cynicism of russians. a vivid example of stekhanov, precisely about the cynicism of russians, is enough simply to look at the tenth school. here she is. in the 22nd year, all the residents of stakhanov saw what was happening there. the school was completely occupied by the zsrf, and here is this site, the area nearby, it was all covered with equipment, that is, under every bush there was an armored personnel carrier, in the urals, and they dug a trench here, in the urals, they dug a trench here. artem koryakin, better known by the call sign eastern, lived for almost 8 years in the occupied kadiivka, formerly stakhanov in the luhansk region, and anonymously transmitted data to the armed forces of ukraine about the movement of russian troops to zakhov. in donbas, when his parents
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died, he moved to kyiv. literally a few months after that , russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine began. artem joined the zsu and continued his work. thanks to the people who stayed and intelligence is passed on not only to me, there are a lot of our people there. there are many schools and almost all of them were occupied, but this is a well-known location, the victory stadium. the gymnasium in which wagner's pmc was located in ... year in the summer in june, this was after the impact, it was a large gymnasium, and in principle, there was nothing left of it. oh, oh, it's more serious here, the beds were standing, the bowls are lying. according to artem, it was then possible to liquidate almost 140 wagnerites. in addition, on february 23, the armed forces of ukraine bombed the fsb building in kada.
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stakhanov lived normally normally with one exception the fact that there was no work, medicine suffered, specialists all left for the territory under the control of ukraine or the russian federation, they suffered from this, but the khaymarts did not fly there, that... with a full-scale invasion, stakhanov turned into such a hotbed that was constantly burning, dozens of large munitions warehouses of the 22nd year were hit, and hundreds of residential buildings, hundreds of houses suffered from the explosion of these munitions, specifically russian ones, this is just some kind of slipper from 3 o'clock in the morning, from 3 o'clock in the morning, we turn around. we pay attention to these
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nine-story buildings across the street from the school, it’s not even 30 m away, even 30 m away from the school, they didn’t hit the school itself, they didn’t hit the school itself, they hit the equipment next to it, just in the backyard of the school you can see these urals, they burned just like that, artem constantly publishes in to his telegram channel, photos and videos of russian military... equipment that flooded the occupied cities. according to him, russia long ago turned the captured territories into a giant military weapon. today at 10 o'clock in the evening it flew over us, this is what is left of our location. let's start with why the russians are so thoroughly destroying the cities that they... are trying
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to capture, to zero at all, they are not going to rebuild them ever again, except perhaps for a few settlements that were image-important for them, and these cities are preparing in principle, for military bases, if you take the area that has been wiped off the face of the earth, more than two years have passed since its capture, it is not being restored, the city is no longer adapted for life, it will never be a city for civilians, but that ’s all there russian troops are still based and this it's convenient, they live peacefully there.
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in the 22nd year, donbas realities published a detailed map of the ten largest military bases of the russian federation in the occupied donbas. at that time, russia still denied the presence of its troops. now this territory is continuous.
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the proclaimed government has other plans for it, or rather, there are none at all, the head of the so-called lpr, leonid pasichnyk, said that he does not see the point in slowly rebuilding it, obviously, like other ukrainian cities that russia wiped off the ground. hell, hell, that's all, if i have nowhere to live, and they rebuild the paths. without roads hospitals and public transport, local residents also live in those cities and towns that are far from the front line during the 10 years of war. people tell even the kremlin zmi that a real humanitarian disaster is taking place there. the bus ran, the bus ran for the last time in february, i still
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rode it and that was it. the car costs 500 in donetsk, 2 in dokochaivsk. that is, for me to take the child to the hospital. where is my child? this is actually a normal state for russia. look at the regions of russia. if we do not take the moscow agglomeration, st. petersburg, some south of russia, where sochi and so on. that is, some places where interests are concentrated. money, businesses of russian oligarchs, elites. the main part of russia is a wasteland, it is devastation, it is simply a dying land that is rapidly becoming empty. with our pensions and our illnesses, we cannot pay such money. and the apartment is unfinished.
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nothing was done for 8 years. now russia is building something there for the picture, they rolled some kind of road somewhere. several new quarters were built in mariupol, although this one does not cover what was destroyed, that is , there are some episodic reconstructions, of course, this is all showing, blowing up, and most people live like this, recently they began to bring water once every two weeks, our population was left without medical care, that is, completely , if before the occupation of stakhanov, if we take external advertising around the city, then these were trips to... football, vacations at sea, some even flights to egypt, trips to the donbass arena, it was always there, they even started taking people to hockey. the city has been living this since 2014 year, then all this advertising changed purely to advertising of funeral services, cashing out of pensions and liquor stores, which for some reason
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opened two or three in each district. there is often no electricity and especially water in large occupied cities. here is a video recorded in winter in donetsk. there is no electricity for nine days, there is no water supply according to the schedule, there is a shelter for dogs here on the street, yesterday they shouted, hooray, they connected us to the light, they lowered us lower than the dogs, well, that's it, that's how an elderly person collects water, the water is just rain water, i haven't had water for more than a month, russia is in no hurry to really repair and restore anything except the tiles in the parks to distract the eyes, moreover ... destroys even what miraculously survived. in the spring, the center of national resistance reported that industrial equipment continued to be taken out of donetsk region under the guise of scrap metal, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, ukrainian intelligence reported that in luhansk oblast, the occupiers had taken all
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modern medical equipment from starobil hospitals. russia has brought destruction to donbas. russia brought to donbas devastation russia has brought complete disorder to donbas, despite the fact that it is declared that it was under ukraine.
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in may, the institute for the study of war wrote that reports came from the occupied luhansk region that without a russian passport, a person could not defend not only his apartment, but also his child. hospitals are threatening to take away babies if the parents can't before... know that they are carrying a child
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to give it to the system. here , no one warned these women about anything or anything like that, and they did not agree to such practice, they just wanted to give this world a new life. although, according to locals, a passport with a residence permit. in the real russia and a passport obtained in the occupied territories, these are two big differences. passport of the russian federation, passport of the russian federation for residents of the occupied donbass is simply ausweis. it does not give all the rights that an ordinary resident of the russian federation has. this is firstly, and secondly, these people are still closely monitored. i know from many residents of the occupied territories who received a russian passport and went to the russian federation, all the same they had problems with the security forces, a lot. who still faces these problems, being treated as second-class, and many locals,
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of course, not all, clearly understand this. even during recruitment, people still see that this is luhansk region, they are less trusted, less salary, respectively. there is a five-kilometer buffer zone between occupied donbas and russia. there is still a pass regime. despite the fact that the kremlin publicly announced in the fall of 22. on the annexation of captured ukrainian regions to russia. they seem to have annexed these territories, but all of them perfectly understand that the occupied territories of eastern ukraine are sirazon. this is a zone with an insane amount of weapons, which are brought directly from the combat zone, which are used by the same russian mobilized or contracted or cadre military personnel.
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the russian federation is very afraid of one or another manifestation of war on its internationally recognized territory, and this, in my opinion, is the main reason why this demarcation line is maintained. after some western countries allowed the use of weapons that they transferred for strikes on military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, the russian side, as usual, began to threaten europe with escalation, and even with a nuclear strike. since may, the armed forces of ukraine have been hitting military facilities in the occupied territories with western weapons, but it seems that according to the kremlin's logic, it is possible to go there. this annexation was formally completed, but this is a division of sorts, the annexation formally took place, but this division of sorts was preserved, and in this hierarchy the residents of the old occupied areas
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are a red line, but in fact this line is not very red either, but blows on the occupied territories of eastern ukraine, which were occupied since 2014, or in the previous phase of hostilities until 2022, they are in principle given up for ransom, they are in principle given up for ransom. according to the constitution of the russian federation, according to these acts, as they call it, ukraine returned control over kherson, and something happened, and nothing happened. i don't have a very high opinion of the ukrainians, because i don't see them rising up and doing something like that. i have a much lower attitude towards them than towards the russians, because i don't see any uprisings, none indignation. i will insist that these people are second-class people. for them, this is a sanitary border; for
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them, it is a sanitary border from this side, that is, from the ukrainian side. in their opinion, second-class people live there. zhduns, some bandera people hidden there, and so on, whom they despise, and we can see what they created in mariupol, filtration camps, that is, nazism was revived in its classic form, when the civilian population was driven through these filtration camps, through filtering i never thought that i will live to this, to such shortness of breath. during the 10 years of war, russia deprived donbas of everything, houses, medicine, freedom of speech and human rights, and continues to do so every day. occupied territories of normal human life, we will not draw conclusions, but you, in turn, write to us in the comments what you think about the future of occupied donbas, donbas realities were with you, papa! the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together! great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, the biggest conversation format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 21:15 in the project speaks. velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news story reports about them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze
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them, modeling our future. every saturday fr 13:10, with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger. today in the program is the verdict with serhii rudenko. piers on the left bank. have the marines continue to hold their positions on the other side of the dnieper, despite the fact that the village of krynki was completely destroyed by russian shelling. are the russians capable of intensifying pressure on the south? the second term of ursula funderlajen. the re-elected president of the european commission called for the creation of a european
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defense union and criticized viktor orbán for appeasing putin. will it preserve the unity of the european union? courage is crucial for peace. zelensky called on the european political community to show collective will to destroy russian missiles and drones. can ukraine count on more active western aid? glory. in ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next hour, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and ours victory let's also talk about the case of roman chervinskyi, as well as why politicians allow themselves dirty dances around the military leadership of ukraine? and
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of course, let's remember ursula fonderyn, who was elected as the head for the second time today. the european commission, which has plans for the formation of a european defense strategy in the context of russian aggression. during the hour, we will have three guests: general serhiy krivonos, our correspondent in strasbourg, tetiana vysotska , and political expert volodymyr tsibulko. however, before starting our big one conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the fighters of the 111th separate brigade and... ro stopped another attempt of a russian assault on their positions in donetsk region, hitting two bmp-3s. the first car was disabled by a side shot, and the second. flew to pieces, blown up by mines, let's see how it all happened.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout our broadcast. we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether you feel european. so, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own answer option, please write in
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the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers. if yes, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will match the number. of this vote, i would like to introduce our first guest today, this is serhiy krivonos, reserve major general, first deputy commander of the sso in 2016-19, ex-deputy secretary of the national security council, mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. general, let's start our conversation with the situation at the front, as it has been for the past few weeks, and maybe even months... the situation at the front is changing and whether it is changing, or this rink that the russian the federation to roll out our positions,
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they are very slowly trying to roll this rink to the west, well, from the russian border, it is difficult to analyze the situation, what happened in the previous few months, let's understand that the army's capabilities will always be go down to the level of the state's ability to provide for the needs of the army, the needs of the army are provided in three directions: this is trained, motivated people, as we call it, the amilization resource, the next is shells, ammunition of another type, food, fuel, equipment, this is what concerns the economic capacity . states, and the third is the fortification equipment of the territories where our armed forces are fighting, these are the three main things that would allow us
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to feel confident, taking into account what russia has put in place so far, you know, for the long term polechka's desire for such powerful assaults, deep raids or such a deep offensive with the failure of the front, they did not succeed, thanks. the capabilities of our armed forces, we also stopped coups, nullified their desire to win quickly, and the fact that the war has already been going on for 10 years and 2 years from now on full-scale war shows that the plans of the russians are constantly changing, and the latest statements of the same medvedev , that they still plan that in 10 years they will be able to destroy ukraine, this shows that let's... we are their statements, in the 22nd year, as they saw everything for themselves with rose-colored glasses, but we foiled their plans, the same here,
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their offensive capabilities are there, they try to attack in many areas and little by little, you know, with such a crawling spider step, they bite off pieces of our territories, but at the same time they carry terrible losses, which concern both people and... equipment, so yes, in certain areas we lost a certain amount of territory, but it is much less than what the russians dreamed of, and for us it is necessary to understand that it is difficult for our guys at the front, they still need the solution of these three questions, about which i spoke at the beginning of our conversation, mr. general, you probably, like no one else, know the entire chronology very well.' the tenth anniversary of this war, the ten-year war, and you know very well the psychology of the russians, they have been fighting against ukraine for 10 years and are still
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gathering. years to fight, you have already mentioned the statement of the deputy secretary of the security council of the russian federation, dmitry medvedev, whether they have enough strength and capabilities in a ten-year perspective to fight and, as he says, to destroy ukraine and break ukraine up to the state what do they dream about? well, they just have the desire, but the ability is significantly less and... the fact that at the expense of such an increase in sanctions, despite the active work of the russian special services to circumvent these sanctions, the creation of front organizations, companies that try to to bypass this, through three -fourths of the country, they are trying to solve their needs for providing equipment and equipping their armed forces with this equipment, meanwhile,
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they will not have enough strength for 10 years at this rate. and it does not mean that we we need to relax and already work according to the principles, as was the case with coffee in yalta, we still have many issues that we need to solve, the russians will weaken faster if we powerfully destroy their economy, destroy their enterprises, destroy the oil and gas industrial complex and not only the processing plant, but also... oil pipelines, gas pipelines, and oil and gas rigs, gas is extracted, this is what they earn, not weak money, exporting the same oil and the same gas, in the first place queue of oil, exporting it to china, exporting it to india and then resold in the third quarter of the country, this is what allows them to fill the budget and pay crazy, i emphasize, crazy money to their servicemen, because such a powerful...
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impoverishment and already the brotherhood of the russian nation is exactly what pushes these people to to pick up a weapon, kill a ukrainian, steal his washing machine, take women's underwear hanging in the yard and kill children, these are, you know, the minimum dreams they have for themselves, and unfortunately, they are not very positive and not very human, so we understand that in they... have limited capabilities, but we also have to increase our capabilities in order to destroy russia, in order to reduce russia's ability to directly trade in anything, be it, they mostly trade in raw materials, and this is our task to reduce to zero, to bring the inability to complete to trade what they are powerfully earning. let's return, mr. general, to the situation in the south, because in the future.
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in the past few days, various media outlets, referring to their sources in the general staff, have written about the critical situation in the krinkas. at the same time, the spokesperson of operational and strategic dmytro lykhovii of tavriy's military group stated on the air of the national telethon that the situation in kryvnik is not as critical as interpreted by some media and bloggers. let's listen to what mr. lykhova said. our key message is as follows: defense forces of ukraine. continue to perform combat missions on the left bank of the dnieper, in particular in the area of ​​the settlement of krynka. however , in fact, most of the main positions of the ukrainian troops in this village, as a result of the intense, combined and long-term fire impact of the enemy, were destroyed suddenly, and the village itself, well, just turned into a pile of stones, it...


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