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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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how difficult could the presidential campaign be if the current us president stays in the race? by the way, more and more supporters of the democrats are calling for joe biden to withdraw his candidacy. however, biden remains adamant. he assures that he will remain in the race until the election day itself. he is confident in his winning strategy. there is almost no doubt that... ex-president donald trump's team will be able to use the failed attempt on him to their advantage. image of the 45th president, right after the failed assassination attempt on him, when he was surrounded by us secret service agents, raised his fist above his head, has become iconic and is already being actively used in the presidential campaign in favor of donald trump. what can the current president of the united states oppose to this. in fact, he has many
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achievements in the economic and foreign policy spheres, president biden managed to restore strategic relations with the countries of the european union, as well as nato. in addition, the american economy has added quite a bit over the past four years. but obviously, the main liability of the current president is his age, and in the literal sense. journalists compare joe biden's speeches, four. years ago with the current ones, on which the fact is obvious: the current president, let's say it correctly, began to lose his reaction, what is his main opponent defiantly using in the elections? the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, kyrylo budanov, gave a long interview to the nv publication. in it, he talked about the real capabilities of the russian minister of defense. andrii bilousova, the largest
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the loss of the enemy's army, as well as the probability of a new attack by the invaders from the north of our state. more details in the next story. russia will attack from the north of ukraine. the threat of an offensive by the occupying forces of the russian federation is absolutely real, but there will be no catastrophe. the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine kyrylo budanov told about this in an interview for new voice. this is a somewhat anecdotal situation for me, because when everyone shouted for two years that there would be an attack from the north now, we said that it would not happen, nothing happened, at the moment when we they said that now there will be an attack from the north, all at once, or maybe not. budanov explained that there will be an offensive from the north and it is already underway, but he did not specify in sumy oblast or chernihiv oblast, so as not to provoke panic. let's put it this way, there are problems, they tend to get worse.
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there is no disaster, but it is impossible not to see the problems. i already told someone from the western press: i won't have much good news this year, unfortunately. when asked by a journalist whether the new minister of defense of the russian federation andriy bilousov will be able to create a miracle with the russian military-industrial complex, head gur explained that there is such a possibility. yes, this is one of the reasons for appointing bilousov, as well as trying to optimize military spending as much as possible. but there is another point that is not very popular with us. in the eyes of russians, he is a purely pro-western person, and he has repeatedly expressed that the west is a friend of russia, everything that is happening in their relations through ukraine is a terrible mistake that should be corrected. his figure is needed to establish certain communications, to be a negotiator with the west, and unfortunately, he has some success in this. one of the important ones issues for the russian federation will be the rebuilding of the black sea fleet. it will take a lot of time to restore the supply of operational-tactical and operational-strategic missiles. level
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, budanov believes. however, even more years will go to the professional army, which the occupiers lost even before the fall of 2022. according to budanov, now they are fighting mobilized by smears, by anyone. also in the interview, the leader gur noted that one of the important tasks is the destruction of the crimean bridge. and intelligence is doing its planned work for this. crimea is no longer unsinkable for the enemy an aircraft carrier, not a convenient area - explains budanov. and for the russians, in his opinion, this bridge is practical'. sensei is not needed at all, but he is part of the skeleton of the empire. later , ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi explained at a press conference that bodanov's statement regarding the offensive in the north was not well understood, and currently the most difficult situation is in the east, reports unian. after this statement, i called general budanov and he said that he was a little misunderstood , that is, we understand that there may be offensives. i believe that the east is the most difficult situation in my opinion. according to the command
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of the armed forces of ukraine. we believe that serious work has been done in kharkiv oblast, i would say so, to prevent a powerful offensive from the north. because of what was halted there, that halt... drew troops from various parts along our border there, making it impossible for them to have a strong group on the other side. the armed forces also believe that the occupiers are aiming to launch a missile attack on the dam of the kyiv reservoir. a source in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine told new voice about this. according to him, the department considers this threat as real. they believe that the russians will not be able to completely destroy the dam, but they may try to damage some critical elements. on july 14, in the pacific ocean near the coast of taiwan, the chinese navy and the russian navy began the joint exercise maritime interaction 2024. in may
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, the people's liberation army of china already conducted exercises of the fleet, as well as the air force and missile forces in the region. the prc then declared that there were only maneuvers. answers to threats and that this new leadership of taiwan is bringing the island to war with mainland china? more in our story. the russian federation and china conducted joint military exercises maritime interaction 2024 in the pacific ocean - reports the ministry of defense of the people's republic of china. as part of the maneuvers, the ships of the two countries planned to conduct maritime patrols in the waters of the western and northern parts of the pacific ocean, and in particular in south china. the sea that washes the southern part of taiwan. the ministry of defense of china emphasized that these actions are not directed against third parties and have nothing to do with the current international and regional situation. as reported by the moscow times, the day before a detachment of ships of the pacific fleet of the russian federation as part of the corvati
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arrived loudly and sharply at the chinese port of zhangjiang to participate in exercises. according to the russian military department, the warships of the two states worked on practicing anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defense tasks, as well as rescue. at sea. for taiwan, these exercises do not pose a threat. this is not so much a demonstration for taiwan as for the usa, that it is not only china, the bloc that is against them - he says military expert yevhen dykiy. first, china does not need it. actually, the chinese people's army is incomparably stronger than the russian one. secondly, actually, from a technical point of view, the russian fleet is not something that can storm taiwan. ot. but this is about something else. it is symbolic. things, china demonstrates two processes at once: firstly, that a military bloc is clearly forming, which we can call the place of evil, and secondly, who is the main one in this bloc, but in fact the long-standing dream of kgb officer putin has come true, here he is
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after the collapse union dreamed for decades that the world has become bipolar again, but you have to dream carefully, the world is really changing again. it's just that if one pole, as it was in washington, has remained, then actually the other pole is no longer in moscow. the second pole is currently in beijing, in today's russia , the role that the soviet union once played is completely different, russia now has no satellites, well, if you count the territories occupied by them on the scale of kakhasia and ossetia, on the contrary, russia is assigned a similar role . largely raw materials, sometimes such that it complicates life, but in general everything after all, the satellite of the people's republic of china, and the maneuvers near taiwan, they once again simply confirmed it. this also does not mean that military cooperation between china and the russian federation will reach the level where russia will receive
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direct supplies of the weapons and equipment it needs, because china is strictly prohibited from supplying avr with finished military products. for the united states to impose sanctions. against china would be an insanely expensive treat, it's actually, well, it's really probably been, let's say, the most expensive foreign policy spending by states since the cold war, but it a huge expense, and for the chinese economy , the introduction of sanctions by the states would mean a one-time collapse, that is, a complete collapse, because the chinese economy, unlike the razka , is not a raw material, a raw material. let the sanctions fall on you, someone will secretly buy, actually china's economy is based on the fact that china fulfills orders for companies from the united states. with this model of the economy, sanctions are death, at the moment there is no margin of safety, there is no, let's say, there is
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such a saving layer of fat, on the contrary, the economy of today's china is very overheated, and it is herself balancing on the edge of something like that. until 1998 or 2008, there and then, purely for internal reasons , this possibility of a big, big collapse was narrowly avoided several times. well, in this situation, much even less than the american sanctions, this economy will simply collapse with all the social consequences, accordingly with all the political consequences for the communist party for comrade xi. us president joe biden gave an extensive interview to the 360 ​​program with speedy, where he said that saudi arabia wants to normalize relations with israel in exchange for guarantees security from the united states, as well as the construction of
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a nuclear power plant in this middle eastern country. prior to this, official riyadh has repeatedly stated that it will not normalize relations with israel until jerusalem agrees to the creation of a palestinian state, a condition that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu categorically rejects. interestingly, biden did not mention the palestinian condition, but instead ... outlined that in exchange for recognizing israel, saudi arabia wants a guarantee that the us will provide weapons if the country is attacked by neighboring countries. obviously, it is about iran. if erriyad recognized the jewish state, it would start an irreversible process of degradation and marginalization of movements such as hamas or islamic jihad. however, according to the times of israel, citing american lawmakers from both parties, the biden administration does not have time to
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make such a deal. since the senate will not have time to hold a hearing on the approval of security guarantees for the presidential elections in november saudi arabia. the current white house administration's plans to reconcile israel with several of its middle eastern neighbors may be coming to fruition. however , for this, several things need to be done at once, if israel agrees to the american plan to build nuclear facilities on the territory of saudi arabia. if israel does not object to the counter supply of the latest weapons to the royal house of saudis. and most importantly, if iran does not start further provocations against its middle eastern neighbors, in particular saudi arabia. relations. between the official tegerad and eriad have been tense for the past decades, and the reasons are hidden here
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in matters of religion and geopolitics and ultimately economics. the economies of iran and saudi arabia are too close and competitive. and of course, the struggle for hegemony in this region of the arab world. also this week , it became known that at the beginning of 2024, the american and german special services succeeded in foiling a russian attempt on the general director of the rhine metal concern, armin paperger. according to american intelligence officers, the russians planned to carry out a series of assassinations of defense industry executives across europe. more details about this special operation in our story. russia planned to kill the director of the german company rain metal, which produces
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artillery shells and military vehicles for ukraine. the plans of the russian government to kill the army on the spot were thwarted by us intelligence. cnn reported this, citing unnamed american and western officials familiar with the situation. the conspiracy was one of a series. russian plans to kill defense industry leaders across europe who supported ukraine's military efforts, these sources said. the most mature was the plan to kill armin paperger, the white-haired goliath who led the german manufacturing unit in support of kyiv. when the americans learned of this effort, they informed germany, whose security services were then able to protect paperger and foil the plot. a senior german government official confirmed that the us had warned berlin about the plot. according to information of an american tv channel to prevent the arrival of weapons from the west for ukraine and
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stop support, russia for six months conducted a sabotage campaign throughout europe, involved mercenaries, both in setting fire to warehouses with weapons for ukraine, and in small acts of vandalism. the intelligence that revealed that russia was prepared to kill civilians will highlight to western officials just how far ... it is prepared to go in the parallel shadow war it is waging in the west. according to cnn, the paper mushroom is an obvious target, because the company rain metal is the largest, most successful german manufacturer. vital 155-mm artillery shells, which became the main weapon in the difficult war of attrition of ukraine. in addition, the company is opening an armored personnel carrier plant in ukraine in the coming weeks, and one source familiar with the intelligence says that this is of deep concern to russia. the german government reacted to this situation by declaring that it will not be intimidated by russian
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intimidation, reuters reports. we will not allow ... to be intimidated by russia and will continue to do everything we can to prevent it russian threats in germany. according to the publication, ryne metal did not directly confirm this information, but stated that they always take the necessary measures for security, regularly consulting with security authorities. the kremlin has already dismissed the reports as fake, based on anonymous sources, and said they should not be taken seriously. paperger himself neither confirmed nor denied the attack, however. told the financial times that the german government provides him with a high level of security. another source told the publication that armino papergor had been introduced security measures at the highest level, similar to the protection of german chancellor olaf scholz. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces
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of ukraine, taras berezovyts. thank you for being with us, thank you for watching, together to the victory and glory of ukraine. his victory seems inevitable to many, a man who is destroying the foundations of america... political culture, polarizing the country, frightening the western world. donald trump is now officially a candidate for the presidency of the united states. despite the official status of a criminal, because the court has already passed a verdict in one of the criminal cases and two impeachments behind him, the 45th president of the united states has every chance to become the 47th. and even
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the likely replacement of 81-year-old joe biden with another candidate is unlikely to stop. trump is on his way to the white house, say sociologists . during his one and a half hour speech at the republican party convention, trump did not say much about foreign policy and did not actually say anything new. i will put an end to every international crisis created by the current administration, including the horrific war between russia and ukraine, which would never have happened if i was president, i can only stop wars. i can stop any war with a phone call. statements about the intention to stop the war within 24 hours are not new. how exactly he is going to do this, trump does not specify. the publication politico previously reported that his team is apparently seriously considering the option of the agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and its refusal
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to join nato. the fact that the existence of such a plan is quite possible is confirmed. and a series of meetings of the republican candidate with the hungarian prime minister orban, a zealot a supporter of the so-called peace at the expense of ukraine. trump's grown sons regularly post anti-ukrainian tweets, but his choice of vice presidential candidate, senator j.d. vance, caused perhaps the greatest fear. a few days before the start of the full-scale invasion, he declared that he did not care what happens to ukraine, and then blocked the adoption. what is our goal in ukraine, what do we want to achieve there, how long will this last, until the us president can give clear answers, we should not give ukraine an unlimited check. the election of the president of the united states is on the right of the american people. our task is to establish a connection with the likely new old
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president, because in 2016, trump's victory was also called a disaster for ukraine. however, the disaster did not happen then. moreover, trump, unlike obama, decided to supply kiev with javelin tank complexes. some world politicians are still confident that trump will not turn his back on ukraine. for example, former british prime minister boris johnson, who met with the presidential candidate on the sidelines of the congress republicans. president zelenskyi also speaks about his readiness to work with trump, but emphasizes. we have to work with the usa, if a new team comes, we have to work with them, we need cooperation, i think. convincing them will not be easy, even difficult, but we are not afraid of hard work. if trump wants to stop the war within 24 hours, the easy way is to make us pay. this
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means to stop, to give everything, to forget about sanctions. putin will take the territories, declare victory for his people. we will never agree to this, and there is no person in the world that could make us do it. zelensky made this statement in an interview with the bbc during his visit to... great britain for the summit of the european political community. unlike the usa, europe has not yet shown signs of weakening its support for ukraine. in particular, the new british prime minister kier starmer even promised to double aid. our security begins in ukraine, so we once again promise president zelensky that we will support ukraine as long as necessary. this is a very important commitment. russia to evade sanctions however,
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europe has all its red lines. starmer did not respond to zelensky's direct request to allow british weapons to strike russian military airfields. german chancellor scholz categorically rejected the idea of ​​nato countries shooting down missiles over the territory of ukraine. fear of europe. against russia is strengthened by trump himself, because hardly anyone can predict his actions, in particular in the case of direct aggression against the alliance, not to mention the support of ukraine, so the allies played it safe, at the recent the nato summit in washington decided to allocate 40 billion dollars in military aid to ukraine in 2025, and the big seven promised another 50 billion in loans. under the guarantee of revenues from the frozen assets of the russian federation. in theory, this should allow ukraine to hang on next year, even if the trump administration decides to block new
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aid packages. ukraine also maintains political support for the european union. this week, the new composition of the european parliament adopted the first resolution regarding ukraine. it calls for an increase in the military aid, confiscate russian frozen assets, as well as condemnation of the so-called peacekeepers'. orban's initiatives. the initiator of the document is the european people's party. it was her candidacy, ursula fondeliaen, who was once again approved as the president of the european commission. russia is betting that europe and the west will go soft, and some in europe are playing along. two weeks ago, the prime minister of the eu country went to moscow. this so-called peace mission was nothing but a mission. in peacekeeping, just two days later , putin's planes aimed their missiles at a children's hospital and maternity ward in kyiv. this strike
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was not a mistake, it was a message, a terrible message from the kremlin to all of us. so our answer should be just as clear. far-right and far-left parties that increased their representation in the european parliament for the resolution did not vote and even expressed their support for orbán. in the minority, but despite this , the diplomatic track is gaining momentum, in particular, president zelenskyi talks more and more often about negotiations, but only putin, according to many signs, is ready exclusively for the surrender of ukraine, so war is likely will continue, whatever plans the peace summit participants, orbán, xi jinping or donald trump propose? the question is, how long? in an interview with the bbc this week, the still formal secretary general of nato, gen. stoldenberg, whose mandate expires in september, did not rule out more than 10 years. retiring officials can afford to speak more openly. our
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task is to adequately perceive reality, no matter how bleak it may be. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday with... greetings, i'm olga
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len, these are chronicles. and i immediately want to call you to join our project from scratch to life - this is a collection of atvs for fast evacuation of the wounded and delivery of ammunition. please support the soldiers of the 93rd mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders choose victory every day without leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so quad bikes are indispensable helpers for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible... on off-road, which means to perform combat tasks more efficiently. warriors who have passed more than one test at ground zero are always ready to retaliate against the enemy. for our peace of mind, they continue to rotate positions, and yours support is very important to us and significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return alive from it. so please join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million, you can see the qr codes.
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account numbers please support, this is a very good brigade, very efficient, and it is a really necessary thing that helps the fighters a lot, well, let's see what we have going on at the front now, next, well, as always, we will discuss, the battle map for the period july 10-17. the russians are in a hurry to throw reserves, but do not achieve the desired. active hostilities continued along the entire length of the front, but the turkish-pokrov direction was the most dynamic and threatening for the armed forces. at the same time , it was possible to stabilize the situation in the kharkiv, kupyan and liman directions, as in the previous spring. two important processes are taking place at the front simultaneously: on the one hand, the russians have already attracted strategic reserves in many directions, which were prepared for further advance after a breakthrough of the front in one of the areas, but a breakthrough... not
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happened, and the result needs to be shown immediately, so they are in a hurry and throw into the crucible of war prepared and not fully ready reserves, and on the other hand, for the first time in a month and a half, the number of combats has decreased, by about 15%, compared to the previous rather peak week, when there were over 900 battles. together with the lack of breakthroughs of the zsrf, this indicates the enemy's inability to make any rapid advance, except to squeeze out our positions. thanks to the dropping of the cabs, on the other hand, probably some of the reserves are still preparing to attack at the end july, and now they are choosing the best direction. seversky performance. the front around siversk greatly troubled the russians for all three years. over the past few weeks, the armed forces of ukraine managed to counterattack in the liman direction and in the serebrian forest. this week, such trends only deepened, and therefore the occupiers
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shifted their emphasis and on... they are trying to advance to siversk from the southern direction, through the villages of vyimka and rozdolivka. they actually occupied the last village, which was in the gray zone for a long time, at the end of last week. however, the defense forces continue to hold positions on the outskirts of rozdolivka. another group of enemies is trying to break through the notch, but they have been unsuccessful there for a long time. toretsk trap for the russians. a month after. after a serious attack on turetsk and new york, we can state that it was a failed false start on the part of the enemy. despite the initial successes, which were mostly due to the factor of surprise and disorganization in the ranks of the defenders, during the last two weeks the russians have not made any significant progress. yes, they went into southern new york, but not only did they not manage to break through to the central area of ​​the village, but also the armed forces launched a counteroffensive and pushed back the occupiers
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from several positions. on the eastern outskirts of toretsk, the defense forces repelled all attacks, but the occupiers advanced in the southern part, occupying several streets in zalizny district, although toretsk is almost the only direction where the number of battles did not decrease during the week, but increased, these are rather modest successes, as on the army that was preparing to capture this agglomeration. the expansion of yuryvskyi can become a threat to the defense forces speech to the west in the direction of our ukriprayon in oleksand. dropoli, which is now being attacked both from the south and from the east. russia made a bet on the pokrovsky front. to understand how much the enemy invests in this direction, you can compare the number of battles with other areas of the front. for example, 59 battles took place as part of the offensive on kupyansk. there were 61 battles on the front near chasovoy yar, more than 200 on pokrovsky.


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