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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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obviously, on this side we have viktor orbán, a very dangerous figure, very dangerous, because he behaves as if he were, he is putin's envoy, putin's hungarian liaison. the essence of the conflict is that do we want to build a democratic world?
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for example, to bolsonaro and others, so if it is about ukraine, this is, in my opinion, the most important moment in the history of ukraine, from the beginning of its existence. ukraine is consciously building its new national identity by paying the highest price in blood, sacrifices, and suffering. in fact, ukraine has already won already won this war. if putin is unable to break the ukrainian resistance for two years, i thought.
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and the most important thing is the readiness of the ruling mouths in poland of the same tusk to go to the end.
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they directly say: ukraine is none of our business. ukraine is not our business. sometimes they say it louder, sometimes quieter. they don't say it very loudly, but they do. and these are putin's messages. contempt for gays, for jews. all of putin's rhetoric is used by them.
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well, there will be time to negotiate, but it is better than living under the kremlin's shobut. that's true, then truth. it's true, i completely agree, but at one time, marshal piłsudski became a hostage of what was called the polish endezia. of course, different times, but 100 years
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ago we saw something similar. i'm only afraid of one thing, that at some point tusk won't say, i'm sorry.
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that a world revolution is needed, and without that nothing will happen, not the left who say give money to everyone in need, let it be such leftists who recognize the right to
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compromise, recognize the right to gradual changes, but always in one direction, in the direction agreements
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still a lot of work on consciousness, how easy it is to instill and revive all those forms of nationalism in poland is a big problem, but not a whole one, behind this is historical memory, this feeling that we are innocent by nature, that we have never done anything bad to anyone, that...
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gogol walked around like a good angel of the orthodox world, praised the white king and so on, and all this was on corpses, but dead souls are a masterpiece, the point here is only that we in ukraine should be critical of our past as well as we have to, kulish, who worked in warsaw, how a tool of someone, the occupation government, the occupation administration.
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and how to build that narrative, because we understand that the political elites want to rule, and not to engage in such petty matters where money and influence are not involved, but we are there for that, you and i, to offer other options for looking at polish history, on polish modernity and on polish-ukrainian relations, we are for that...
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for a long time, on the polish side, there was such ignorance about ukrainian topics, and here there is a great merit of the man of hedroj, because he also showed ukrainian perspectives and texts, that shot revival - it was a beautiful book, and this was a work, they had very little, they only really started to discover it only at the end of the 80s, but it is priceless, the sixties, ukrainian writers. such as andruhovych, zhadan, historian hrytsak, we suddenly heard a completely different voice of ukraine, and it is a voice that fascinates, interests and causes respect, great respect. i agree, but you know what i am afraid of, the village does not listen to zhadana, the village
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listens to orban. similarly, in poland, mickiewicz writes that he wanted to his books became public property, but not now. that's why everything always starts with the elites. yes, but now what we have is a competition between elites. tusk's proposal, for example, to a polish village, or
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zelenskyi's proposal to a ukrainian village, and so on. but we'll see in a few years, maybe. it will be a problem, but it largely depends on us, who will take whom by force, by force of thought.
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we have been talking about this for almost half an hour, but they have always been afraid of it, afraid in the 17th century, afraid in the 19th century, afraid in 20s. i do not agree with this, because they were not afraid of it so much and even rather took it lightly. they essentially believed that there is no ukraine.
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landowners looted and so on. if
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they were afraid of something, they were afraid that ukrainian and polish society could somehow come to an agreement with the western enemies of the russians, they were a little afraid of that. and endetsia speculates on that. i don't remember exactly whether the upa denied responsibility for the murder, but it was
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so clearly anti-ukrainian, entered at the last moment. a guy who is from the kremlin an enthusiast, he comes from the psl, to write something about the upa, no. it was moscow's strategy to sow discord here, it was done deliberately. of course, i also feel the influence of circles connected, perhaps with the kremlin, i no longer believe in useful idiots. but we also have very strong historical legislation. i don't know how to build polish-ukrainian understanding with historical arguments. and discuss this legislation, these are also problems, it can be explosive, it will be, i agree, but the path to
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heaven is not strewn with petals the trojan is also and thorns, we walk on thorns, we must win in this, we must leave it as a legacy to our children and grandchildren, this will be our great success. i remember him when i came to kyiv in 1989 for the movement's congress. i say this, i understand
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that we are in the same team. everything was said very firmly that polish solidarity is on your side. so. once again, again and again, my favorite writer saveriy prushinsky wrote:
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the difference between a writer and an actor or publicist is that the actor is booed, then that will be his end, and the political publicist will come the end if he is never booed. we must repeat ourselves once, and a second time, and a third, and a fourth, and a fifth time, again and again, we must repeat, because this is an indicator of our professionalism and our human decency, if we do not do this, we will betray our profession. then we are not public at all, but ordinary servants, lackeys of power or public opinion. has a chance for an independent poland
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without a free and independent ukraine. amen, mr. editor. amen. well, i want to remind our tv viewers that now the tv channel is on the air worked adam michnik, a legendary polish journalist, founder of the no less legendary election newspaper, a polish dissident. the discounts are the only discounts on glicised and glicised max. 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. national tv on megogo is many channels. well, there are a lot of channels. and also movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn on mego on various devices without extra wires and antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts that represent the only discounts of sudokrem.
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andriy. molii and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday, from 20 to 22. to take the wounded from the battlefield on time means to save his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is... and the way
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from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. congratulations. now we will talk about the girl nastya. who went missing in the luhansk region in the temporarily occupied severo-donetsk. the connection with the girl was broken on september 1, 2023 , and nothing is known about her since then. and now i am primarily addressing the residents of severodonetsk, who can see this program on the internet. please look carefully at the photo of nastya, she is 16 years old, she has long hair, straight eyebrows and dark eyes. if you are from if you know
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any information about nastya chernozhukova, let us know immediately on the free hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 116 30. if you are under occupation or for one reason or another you are unable to call, write to us on facebook, instagram or chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important for searching. at the same time, there is a very high probability that nastya is no longer in severo-donetsk. perhaps the girl and her parents did manage to leave another region or even abroad. so i ask everyone who is currently living in europe and sees this video to look at nastya's face as well. if you know anything about her, have you ever seen her.


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