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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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and how our accession to the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestri eu. news on the espresso airwaves, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant things at the moment. one man died as a result of the collapse of a building in the port of odessa. two people were found under the rubble of the warehouse. one was found dead, the other was saved. emergency workers cut the structures that fell on the man, the state emergency service reported. probable cause
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of destruction, violation of safety equipment at construction works, i will leave, hold on, there are turnstiles, there are turnstiles, hold on, and to the consequences of enemy shelling, in the morning russian phantoms attacked a resident of novoboreslav with a kamikaze drone in the kherson region. a 48-year-old man was examined in serious condition. he has an explosive injury, wounds to the abdomen, torso, legs and arms, as well as rib and shoulder fractures. the regional military administration reported. two men were injured as a result of the morning shelling of kharkiv oblast. at dawn , the russians hit the village of bily with an s-300 missile well. residential
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buildings were set ablaze by the explosions - the state emergency service reported that a 77-year-old woman and a 64-year-old man were injured in a cossack attack the night before, and a 54-year-old woman was injured in the village of pechenyi, oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. a private enterprise was damaged, two houses were destroyed and a car was burned. seven wounded in one day in donetsk region. four people were injured in the bakhmut district, two high-rise buildings, private houses, an administrative building and an infrastructure facility were damaged, - said the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. the kramatorsk district also came under enemy fire. two people were injured there, one more injured in selidovo. the russians attacked the zaporizhzhia region almost half a thousand times in a day, shelling eight populated areas. points -
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reported the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. in particular , novoandriivka was hit by air strikes twice, and gulyaipole robotyne and levadne were also shelled. as a result of the attack, 10 residential buildings and infrastructure objects were destroyed. and till operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 172 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. it is the hottest in the pokrovsky direction. the russians are concentrating their efforts in the areas of the village of progress and novooleksandrivka. fierce fighting continues there. the situation in the kramatorsk direction in the area of ​​chasovoy yar and klishchiivka is also tense. 20 assaults were stopped. another 15 attacks were repulsed in the kurakhiv direction. the occupiers in the kherson region became active. there, the defense forces repelled 11 assaults in the dnieper direction. in kharkiv region too restless. 13 times, the occupiers attacked in
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the kupyansk direction, the hottest in the districts of berestovo and stelmakhivka. seven combat clashes took place in the vovchansk and hlyboky areas. over the course of a day, our rocket launchers and gunners hit the control post and delivered nine strikes on the concentration areas of the occupiers, destroyed the enemy's radar station and artillery system. and we invite you to join the project from scratch. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate unit with a donation of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade. our defenders win every day without leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, quad bikes are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on the off-road. your support. significantly increases
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the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return alive from it. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. do not be indifferent. you can see all the details on the screen. careful, bears. border guards urge to refrain from trips by strangers routes in the carpathians. all because of the danger of a claw-footed attack. it is common to see wild animals in this area. the employees of the border service warn. the speed of the bear on the mountain slopes is up to 50 km/h, so it is difficult to escape from it. with the start of a full-scale invasion, almost the entire country is under a forest ban, but there is an alternative. last year , the state-owned enterprise forests of ukraine started a project to create recreational facilities. what
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is it and how are recreation areas arranged in kyiv region? see further. no, this is not a private country complex, where recreation costs a lot of money, but an inexpensive recreation center where everyone can visit. such comfortable, and most importantly, safe recreation areas throughout the country are arranged by the state enterprise forests of ukraine. over the past year , within the framework of the initiative , eight new points have appeared in kyiv region alone, one of them in the tomylov forest near the white church. four gazebos, four gazebos, they accommodate, somewhere approximately one gazebo, somewhere... 10 visitors, i.e. a plus there is also a fire zone in the middle, that is , approximately 10 people somewhere, that is , up to fifty visitors can be directly at the facility at the same time, there is
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a barbecue area, there is a playground and a sports ground, there is no address, but there is a point on the map at google map, that is, we go to the google map, little forest. the odesa highway between the uzinsky and taraschansky bridges and here you are in the direction of kyiv. a fire brigade is on duty at this point, which monitors order and safety. also, if necessary, they will help light a fire. firewood, by the way, take from you don't need it yourself, but everything else is up to you. there are no paid services on the territory, assures aren. instead , there are equipped toilets and garbage cans, because cleanliness is already the responsibility of vacationers, you can spend your leisure time here on any day, the main thing is to have time to take a free seat. they ask questions, where to pay, whether there is a terminal, maybe where you can make a payment, and when you can make an appointment, and
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where there are no queues there, neither electronic nor such , that is, people come, there are free places they occupy. and rest by forestry, such recreation points are provided on a permanent basis with firewood and ee they are free for the population, that is, you can use ee and don't worry, they will appear here again. new recreation points will continue to be built, but where there is a need and opportunity - says the communicator of the capital forest office. also, he says, it is much more profitable for foresters to build one such zone than to restore burned areas of the ecosystem for decades. in addition, during the operation of the military state, visiting forests is prohibited in most regions, this also applies to
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kyiv region. recreational points are established exclusively on the territory belonging to the branches of the depelis of ukraine. if we are talking about those lands that can belong to the communities at... we, if we are talking about those plots, then it is the property of the communities, we are not tangential there. in places that have already been created in the kyiv region during the 23-24 years, we see that the number of fires that could be in these territories, in the territory of the state forest fund, is decreasing, that is, this is the main the advantage of recreation points is to protect our forests, and the main point is that it concerns more... the north of zhytomyr region and the whole of kyiv region and the territory that was occupied, these are explosive objects. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. let's summarize the morning at 12 o'clock. read more news on our website
11:10 am, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. then the ater will be continued. my colleagues, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. ukrainian history and culture is a source inspiration for ethnic clothing manufacturers. dieva is a brand of women's business clothes that has its own highlight. designers of the brand recreated the lacing seams that our ancestors used to connect parts of clothing hundreds of years ago. they admit that they wanted to create not just a brand of modern clothing, but to revive those traditions that existed before the arrival of the soviet union and shirovata. that is, this is a kind of, you know, reproduction of the ukrainian identity, it is about this,
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that is why i wanted to shout at such a time that we are much deeper, we are much longer, and wearing this amulet is with you, and the active one gains more self-confidence. ukrainian women are a force, dinara notes, actually. brand, during a full-scale invasion, hundreds of thousands of women demonstrated their strength, so they wanted to sew clothes that would emphasize the effectiveness of ukrainian young women in such difficult times. the name of the brand is effective, it clearly outlines the modern ukrainian woman, a woman who fights for herself, for her family, and for her independence, a woman who, despite everything, wears her suit. goes, continues to work, to do useful things, that is, the brand is effective - this
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is about every ukrainian woman, suits, dresses, corsets and other business clothes for women, everything is made of natural fabrics, the ornament and lacing seams on each product are hand-embroidered, as the designer anastasia admits, to work on ancient sewing techniques, she has her own rituals. ukrainian embroidery is not only... there are some separate elements that are important, it is also the state of mind of the person who does it, so in ancient times it was done with singing and a lighted candle, precisely through a thread and through a needle the energy was transferred, so before i embroider, i light a candle and embroider just according to the tradition of ukrainian culture. the girls note that the brand is only 8 months old, but they have many plans for the future. one of the main ideas is to reach the world level in order to show that ukrainian brands broadcast that
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our culture is much deeper than you can imagine. yulia zubchenko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. this is lviv, my homeland. i am so lucky to be here, in ukraine, and also in my motherland. but a lot of people are called internally displaced persons. who are these people? these are ukrainians who, unfortunately, were forced to leave their own homes in the territories that are now occupied, or in those territories that are near the occupied, those that are constantly bombarded and destroyed. many of you are such people. many of you have lost your homes, loved ones, your children have left their school, you cannot go to your doctors, where
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are you now, who is where, many of you here in lviv, in other cities of western ukraine, and many abroad, only think about these figures: 6 million ukrainians left ukraine, and another 4.5 million were forced to leave their homes and remain here in ukraine, all these people are suffering, each of you is thinking about how to give a normal education to a child, how to get normal medical care, how finding a job, wherever you are, whether in ukraine or outside ukraine, you have a lot of problems. these problems are very similar, but sometimes the problems are different. for example, those who are outside ukraine certainly want to return, but they want to return to a safe country. those who are in in ukraine, they think where they can make money, because there is clearly not enough state aid. what is our goal? our goal is to prove that ukraine is a native home for each of us. and for those who are now somewhere in poland, in germany or in... and for those who left their home in donetsk region and are now in lviv, and for those who
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live permanently in lviv, we are all ukrainians. what does putin want? putin has several goals, one of the goals is to destroy ukraine militarily, but there is an equally important goal, which is to depopulate ukraine, to make it so that we are not in ukraine at all ukrainians would disappear here, and those who would remain would turn into slaves, forget about their native language, native culture, and values. about democracy, about services, about the convenience of life in our country, because there is obviously no convenience of life in russia, which the aggressors want to turn our country into. that is why we have three important goals. one of these goals is to defeat the enemy at the front. this is extremely important. a very important goal is to become members of the european union and nato. and that's why we have a vice prime minister on issues of european integration. but an equally important goal is to ensure that there are many people in ukraine. so that we don't lose demographically and destroy ourselves. so that ukrainians
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were born here, and those who left here could return here. but people who want to return here... very often face a huge number of problems that no one solves. it is enough to recall the mess when consular services were suddenly stopped for people outside of ukraine. and there are many other challenges. children in poland must go to polish schools, and ukraine stops distance learning for them. these children want to continue their studies, they remember their schools, they think of returning here with their parents, but they do not have such an opportunity. many of you feel how difficult it is to go to the doctor on any other evening. country, because you have to register in advance, you will not get those services, and despite the fact that we constantly criticize our medicine here in ukraine, we see that it is not so bad, at least it is close to the people, and the state should become close to people and to to each of you, wherever you are now, whether abroad or directly in ukraine. the state must take care of each of us, the state is
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a tool of the bureaucrats, which takes care of its citizens, and if these citizens, due to problems beyond their control... found themselves outside the borders of this state, they still continue to remain citizens, if these citizens, due to problems beyond their control, were forced to leave their homes and come to other cities, they still remain citizens, so the state has little money, we pay little here internally displaced persons, we cannot provide them with housing here, but we had to, because someone should coordinate them, but we also do not help those in the west in any way, we scare all the time. instead of helping them, we scare them with everything, we scare them that everyone will be drafted into the army, or fined, or some other penalties will be imposed if they do not temporarily register, although the registration mechanism, including for those who are abroad, has little b to ensure the state itself and explain to these people that there is nothing wrong with there is no such thing, yes, of course, why should only those who are in ukraine have to serve, and those
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who left should not, it is unfair, and on the other hand, those who left did not leave of their own free will, they have a job there, some social support, families, and their situation must also be understood. in a word, we have to change this attitude of the state towards every ukrainian, because the war that is being waged, it is being waged not only by the armed forces, it is being waged by all ukrainians, and those who remained in ukraine, and those 10 million who were left without their homes and without his own small homeland. i already said that six of them are abroad, 4.5 are here in ukraine, this is a huge population, someone should take care of them, who is doing it now? as they say... no one looks after the child at seven nannies, there is not a single ukrainian state center that would coordinate that these ukrainians continue to receive social services, and they continue to receive them, receive other services from the state, and can return to their homes, or at least in ukraine, so i initiate the creation the ministry of diaspora demography,
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a ministry that would take care of all the problems of those 10.5 million... ukrainians whom the state should help. it is obvious that this should be done at a high level, at the level of the deputy prime minister. we have a vice-prime minister for european integration, and therefore we should have a vice-prime minister who would take care of all the people who were forced to leave their homes. our goal is to bring you all back here, but not by force. our goal is to make all of you want to come here and feel that the state cares about you. where would you be? were not there now? our goal. push the state to change its attitude towards its people. our goal is to preserve the state, because when a ukrainian state official speaks and says that we need to solve problems with the workforce, and for this we will invite people from third countries, from countries in asia, africa, and the global south. it sounds absurd to me. and why should we not invite ukrainians? why
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should we not create such conditions for ukrainians so that they return here to their homeland and work here. we... on everyone ukrainians, separately the problems of the diaspora, the diaspora has always been taken care of by the ministry of foreign affairs, and the diaspora is different people, some of them are really those who we call the old and new diaspora, they are those who left, and some are ukrainians who live in ukrainian ethnic territories, for example, in poland or in romania or in serbia, all these people could be our ambassadors, they could help and would like to help the ukrainian state in reconstruction, they would like to... help displaced people, someone should also do this to engage in, the word ukraine is not just a territory, it is each of us, once the most blessed patriarch of the ukrainian greek catholic church lubomyr. guzar said that loving ukraine does not mean simply loving the territory, it means loving every ukrainian, which is much more difficult, and the state must demonstrate its ability to love
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every ukrainian. therefore, i will initiate the creation of this ministry, diaspora demography, a deputy prime minister who will take care of these issues, so that each of you has one place where he can turn and get all services, get all clarifications, get help from our state. so that we all feel as one whole. the worst thing that exists in our country is an attempt to oppose, to oppose east and west, to oppose those who left ukraine and those who remained here. this is a wrong path, it not only divides us, it leads us to disaster. the right way is to unite. it is to love every ukrainian. and we will all love our homeland. and all of us will definitely win together.
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mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond. and who is china then? my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17. sunday 18:15 at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do laws change our lives? what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55. in the program legal examination on espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours
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of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bk, hanger of boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from ground zero. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection. from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yav. thank you for
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staying at espresso. i , oleksandr morshevka, continue to work with you. and today we are talking about how attitudes in society changed during the great war. the guest of the studio is yevhen holovakha, director of the institute of sociology of the national academy of sciences of ukraine, professor, doctor of philosophy. i congratulate you, i am glad to see you. congratulations. mr. yevgeny, well, a really big stretch of time has passed since the beginning of the full-scale. and what are the conclusions of scientists today regarding, well, in essence, the mood in society, is it a desire for negotiations or further to victory? well, you know, here are the latest results of the research that i had to comment on, they testify not just to an alternative or negotiations or victory, but rather to the other, that is, somewhere around half already
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almost there 47. want negotiations, but everyone wants victory, you know that, and what is more interesting is that victory in the understanding of the vast majority of ukrainians is the exit to the borders by the 14th year, that is, the return of all the territories occupied by russia, that is, it is somewhere in ukraine as a whole, it is for 80%, there seems to be 87. and even in each region, although with certain differences, the vast majority still believe that all occupied territories are a condition for any negotiations in general, but do people in society today have such a clear idea, you already said that at the border of 1991, a clear idea of ​​what victory is,
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maybe someone has a victory. it is to end the war now, perhaps on the terms that will be put forward, on the borders that currently exist, there are such, you understand, there are such people, and there are many of them, in their opinion this is also a victory, perhaps it could be, no, yes in everyone has their own idea of ​​victory, just like that, yes, here, here , one cannot say that victory is something clearly defined, even politicians have no idea about it, i can tell you, and politicians don't they will say, for some it is a victory, it is just going to the border, and... let's say, others say, no, if we are not in nato, then it will not be a victory, it will simply be a postponement of a new war, that's what they say, yes, that's what i say, that's what politicians say, yes, that is , politicians have different opinions, and ordinary people also have different opinions, that's normal, we have a pluralistic society, different approaches, the only thing i want to say is why, i think , that yes, the victory is thought by the overwhelming majority, nevertheless, as the return of all territories, it
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of course, but... but which way can it be, here it is more complicated, some say about negotiations, some say to go to the end, no negotiations with the aggressor, with the occupier, and so on, and so on, there are different opinions here, well already somewhere there, i say, more than 40% already agree to lead a victory, well, this is exactly this number, if i am not mistaken, the rumzkovo center is doing a survey, 44% is just the latest data that we all saw, all of it is the latest. what was in the survey, well, if 44% now support the state of transition, but of course, not on putin's terms, then on what terms are negotiations possible are currently being discussed among citizens, you know what i want to say, citizens are not at all concerned with how we will win, they think so, and there is a meaning here, in a democratic society , authority is delegated to the government, we elect the government,
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it is already authorized in ... solve these issues either diplomatically, diplomatically, or militarily, in any way, but that is her business, and there is a reason for this, and when we sometimes, you know, say, people are irresponsible, like them, they were irresponsible if they on there were no elections, since then, yes, and so they elected the current government, elected and believe that for a certain period, who will deal with problems, achieve victory, that's what i think. this is a choice, that's why people don't, no, i don't, everyone has their own, no, i can't say that everyone doesn't have their own opinion, like this, but first of all, this opinion is disorganized, that is, there are very different ideas, and secondly, this opinion is ambivalent, i.e. double, well, it is classical, but on the one hand we want to return the borders, yes, and on the other hand.


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