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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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she is already authorized to solve these issues either diplomatically, diplomatically, or militarily, in any way, but this is already her business, and there is a reason for this, and when we sometimes, you know, say, here are people without responsibility, like them, they were irresponsible if they did not go to the elections, since then they elected the current government, elected and believe that for a certain period there is someone to deal with problems and achievements. victory here, i think this is a choice, that's why there are no people, i don't, everyone has their own, i don't, i can't say that there isn't everyone has his own opinion as it is, but firstly, this opinion is disorganized, that is, there are very different ideas, and secondly, this opinion is ambivalent, that is, double, well, these are classic, but on the one hand, we want to return it to the borders, yes, but with the other side there are dodgers, the majority
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does not condemn, well, really, not the overwhelming majority, but more of them, a fraction is like that, a fraction is larger than those who condemn, that is, this is where the duality of consciousness already begins, well, this is a normal phenomenon, taking into account the history of such and we will leave, and everyone still has their own personal story, whether or not to support or for... yes, this, this, this is a very difficult thing, the main thing, the main thing, yes, i , in general, you understand that a sociologist never condemns people, it can be condemned by people who deal with ethics there, sociologists investigate, they state, state and draw conclusions, and then there are moralists, there are people who deal with ideology, politics, mr. yevgeny, but we mentioned with you about the government, which, which one is elected by ukrainians, well, if only ... now
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everything elections to the verkhovna rada were still taking place, then who would ukrainians bet on, maybe the vast majority of deputies, would they be military men? well, yes, there is a very positive attitude towards the military, well, you understand, according to the constitution, we cannot elect the military, that is, those people who were in the military, and they from the army go to politics, that is, the military generals of action, who... now we serve we can’t take it, and khodak, given the incredible level of trust in the army at the moment, this is the only institution that has, well, absolutely yes, well, the main thing here is that, if there really was such a scheme, then not to take advantage of it, no used, well, let's say, politicians as public military, because we know that we have singers and tds and tps, so to speak, and then these people
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simply surrendered their mandate because they could not stand the political there is a threat, i am like that, after all, here the right is that, after all, it is necessary to understand that politics is a professional sphere of activity, and in order to engage in politics, one must have certain experience and have such skills and leadership, and work in the parliament, and many other things, this, and by the way, this is our big problem, we have a lot a lot of dilettantes, and that's what you said. about actors, and the same thing can happen with the military, i don't want that, well, if there will be parliamentary elections, well, there will be parliamentary elections after the victory anyway, and it is clear that the military will listen, military figures will run for parliament, and the main thing is , so that these were really military moral authorities, and not just, for example, people who appeared on the airwaves, somewhere just telling where. something, and then
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politicians took advantage of them, well, i think what is important here, that is , a person can come to politics in any field, the main thing is that he demonstrates his ability, and what is a politician, a person who can clearly formulate the goals of political activity, who can influence the audience, who can communicate. .. with masses of people, and those who will demonstrate it, from the same ex-military, they, i believe, can be normal legislators, and normal members of parliament, and normal leaders and managers, there is nothing wrong with all this, the main thing is, that they, that it should not be purely demonstratively, this political force, look how much it took and everything, but they were heroes, well, that's how they were. heroes, this does not
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mean that they will be capable enough here, but it must be demonstrated in political life, it is difficult to demonstrate it in the conditions of war, unfortunately, after the war or? a radical change of political forces in the parliament is possible, is it possible to expect new projects? i think there will be a radical change, that 's for sure. you know that ukrainians, they have a very interesting attitude towards the authorities, they first give an advance, well, a big advance of trust, then the situation is gradually worsening, and before the elections, the political force that was, well, in power. authority is that advance and advance, it suffers very seriously and the bet is already being placed on new projects, i am sure that there will be new projects, there will be new political forces, and there will be, i hope, a very serious struggle for a place in the political life
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of society, well if we talk about that, about sociology directly, then there was a difference for a long time, many years, tens of years. in the west, to what extent did the war erase these boundaries? no, yes, i would say so, it did not completely erase, they are a difference, but it erased fundamental differences, this is the main thing, it is no longer there, how important it is, it is already a condition for the consolidation of society, you understand, ukraine is very difficult for many in many dimensions, starting with the regional, ideological complex. professional, cultural, linguistic, well, i say, and all this is thanks to the fact that we are going through this war, in many ways these differences no longer have such fateful significance, and this primarily concerns regional differences, that is, they are still
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remain in the same direction in which they were, but they are no longer unprincipled, that is , in this sense we have politically the eu, nato, from... further from russia and so on, there is a certain consensus of all the major axes here, that is, i say, that in every region there are those who have a different point of view, but in the majority of all regions they have one point of view, that is, the european direction of nato and whether there are any relations with the result is pleasant, despite the war, this is a positive achievement. which we suffered, suffered and suffered not only full-scale invasion, not only from the beginning of the maidan, it has been endured since 1991, if i am not mistaken, actually no, from 14, until 14, we have a popular, no, putin was
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the most popular politician in our country, putin is more popular, i am talking about our presidents, he was more popular than the american one, these were the data, moreover, opposite to nato. the population in all regions was in all regions until the 14th year, people did not want nato, well, these were the accents of the soviet union, yes, well, it’s all us, who are we, who, and we are soviet, that is, the majority of the population, is still changing situation, and at that time the majority of people were formed under soviet power, and this, this is us, and traditions, where will you go from them, well, you remembered what is valid. now there is a consensus between the east and the west, we are a european state, we are moving towards nato and the european union, and what about corruption, well, you understand, corruption is the main problem for ukraine in general, and when we ask, what is the main problem the problem is,
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even now there is war and corruption, before there was corruption, let's say there was also an increase in prices, but now there is war and corruption, it's still corruption going nowhere this is the number one problem, we see the exposure of the state bureau of investigation, but these are units of exposed stories, well, you understand, we have, unfortunately, the so-called, i would say so, post-soviet economic system, in which corruption, unless it is a system-forming place has always been occupied by all post-soviet countries, well, with the exception, well , with the possible exception of the baltic countries, so corruption is... a system that forms an element of the economy, and by the way, if it were there, if we removed it immediately, then the economy which would the moment did not stop, because, you understand, it forms connections, and they are connected, so what is the problem, why is the task of the government very important,
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it is to gradually cut and break these, well , you see, corruption is a kind of chain, there is a lot there, you know, like a cancer tumor, there you need to... not just cut out, but also all those ligaments that, what kind of disease has become blood-bearing, well , it doesn't work, nervous, well, it doesn't work , well, you need to... that means study, or a new one they will choose either the new model we are talking about, or they will choose a new one if they do not learn the government, and it is a really painful problem, the government says that it is really necessary to actively return ukrainians, not only men, to protect the homeland, to return ukrainians from abroad, well, the lion's share of ukrainians from abroad do not return, we know the real stories, they are opening up businesses are small, people invest their savings specifically in foreign enterprises, some simply accumulate. international aid is saved for a rainy day and still remains there abroad, how to repay, how to motivate, what
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to do, here at the academy we are very concerned about this this is a serious issue for us, we have a whole institute of demography there, which deals with it, problems of migration, and the return of people, well, what can i say, i can honestly say, you need to know the experience of our neighbors. i will tell you, do you know how many balkan countries have returned, how many? well, after the war in the balkans ended, where serbia is and everyone there after the collapse, 30%, 30% returned, and that’s the whole war there, well, somewhere, yes, up to 10 years there at the most, if we will have such a war, then it is necessary, i believe that it is not because they... serbs are unique there, not these bosnians, croats, but because such a socio-economic situation,
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not just an economic one, no, you don't think that people are so mercantile, but i'll tell you something else, with children, children at school, they're already used to it , they have adapted, they have already learned the language and everything, it is already difficult to get them out of that school, in our country you can see how it is all online and everything, and they don’t know how to get these children out of these, well, mercantilism is present, that’s why ... i think that a lot of people would come back even with material losses, just not one should not underestimate the desire of people to live in their own country, there is, i generally believe that somewhere around 50% of citizens are people who are very sick of abroad, people are divided, i would... plants, and people, and people, well yes,
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relatively speaking, animals that can move and find new habitats, and plants, if you grew up, they are all from here, you know, before i studied the problems of migration well in chornobyltsiav, and our institute was a big project of working with those migrants, when the migrants , yes, we, this is an international big... projects were, what is wrong with me, when we worked with the polishchuks, who were evicted in this 30-kilometer zone, and they were there near kyiv, they were given good plots there, they had houses there, and when they said there, how can i not live here, i they gave you such a house, it’s such a miracle, yes, i am the grandmother, look how black the earth is here, so i... they will put me here, i can’t, that is, that is, you can imagine, she is afraid, this, this the whole
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psychology of a person who has grown up, the police, where is the sand, where is just sand, it seemed like black earth, on the contrary, you should be happy, and you you say, be happy, everything is fine here, there is no need here, but what kind of gardens, everything is fine, and she is afraid that there is such a land, and we should not underestimate this, i think that... a very large number of people who in the first moment they will leave, as soon as the war ends, they are just really worried about the children, they are leaving, a real story, i was a witness, i was riding in a train and i heard the conversation of a young woman who was returning from abroad with small children and said: i can’t, in everything has been destroyed for me in kherson oblast, i have no home, my husband is in the armed forces, i’m just going to my friends and there i will decide something with two children, she wants to go home. many, many people cannot live without their homeland, i tell you, that is why, frankly,
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i hope that 50% will still return, and what about us, that our situation will be better, looking as far as i think, the war will continue and how difficult it will be in reconstruction, in socio-economic policy, all this will increase or decrease this percentage of return, well, this is also every year, well, we monitor it, every year. the percentage of those who plan to return after the war is decreasing, that's obvious, and i wanted to add here, in relation the attraction of labor... grants from abroad for the reconstruction of ukraine, to what extent are we intimidated or not intimidated by the research of experts regarding the fact that there will already be such a mixture, many will come to us from asian countries, they will work here, live on the land, well, what nothing , if with, well, i know the situation very well, i will say there in america, migration from asian countries, from this south
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asia, no problems, these are hardworking people. what is the truth, they are not in conflict, that is, if i go from there, i will say, there is some cambodia, vietnam, and so on, and so on, and so on, then for us it will be big, and if there are any calculations from another place, then you say that if they leave from there, these are not conflict people, they are absolutely non-conflict and very hardworking people, i think that we should focus on such migration , if not, it’s mine, because on... african migration, it’s completely different, and europe has already made sure, well, it’s forced, because well, like refugees, that’s how it accepted, that is, refugees won’t come to us, we there is nothing to pay, and we have nothing to support them, but they will go to work, because if a businessman needs them labor force, then they will go to work,
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you see, there really are many problems with work suppression in south asia. and people will go, here too, these are real stories, even before the war, for many years, i come from dnipropetrovsk region, koreans rented land here, and the landlords are the same, koreans, i say, and koreans, the same, yes, that exactly, that, there, in general, work ethic is very developed there, and not conflict, as a principle, well, really, you tell interesting stories, interesting observers. as a sociologist, but how difficult it is to do them now measurement research, because now there are many ukrainians abroad, men and women are fighting in the armed forces, who, who are you relying on, what is the research audience, and here is the main thing for us was to decide what is a general
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national sample, and we have reached i mean, we need to have that sample. of the existing population, that is, those who live in ukraine, in its unoccupied territories, this is the so -called existing population, and there is also a real population, these are all citizens of ukraine who are abroad and even under occupation, we have different ones, but we make a sample on the available population, and here we are have already learned to make a sample with a little more hesitation. than it was before, but still one that can allow us to draw well-founded conclusions, in time, if it is not a secret, announce possible research that may soon be made public, what is in time now, what, what initiatives your institute is engaged in, well, our institute carries out
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monitoring, we complete such an annual monitoring. this work and i think that soon we will be able to make it public, that is, this is an annual survey, which has already been going on since the beginning, regardless of the main survey questions, and there are a lot of them, it’s all about ukrainian society, no, it’s the same in all spheres of life, politics, economy, morality, er, trust, er, further, everyday life, free time, and so on, and so on, there... this is such a solid portrait of society, and we are already drawing it to our institution without fail, i can even tell you such an interesting thing that the results are really very interesting, well, our employees will soon be able to make it public, that's how i remember that
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the situation with religiosity is very difficult in ukraine. very complex and there will be interesting data, how it has changed compared to pre-war times, i'm sure there will be interesting data in all your parameters that are included in the research, because really now is the time of change, if you don't change, you have no future, i'm sure of that too , so ukraine changed more in a few weeks of the 22nd year than it did 30 years before, according to some indicators that are important for society. what, for example, well, i can say, well, first of all , language, language, of course, yes, er, then, political orientation, eh. primarily political, of course, but also political in in general, and even hopes for development, that is
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, the ukrainians of the 22nd year, on the 21st were still pessimistic about the prospects, and on the 22nd they already looked optimistically, that is, they, and then in general a very interesting result, the ukrainians assessed their state as a value and like, you know, well, such a... it seemed, well, something is so passable, that you don't need to think about it so much, in fact, they appreciated what a wonderful country they lived in before they saw the russians, that's an amazing effect, and they, they thought that our country is not a little weak, yes, yes, it was always considered so some kind of harem, so to speak, hohlyatka, here are symbols, but they did not reveal, otherwise the whole world is looking at us, the world’s self-respect is the same as the 22nd year, but you say that it has changed, the level of self-respect of ukrainians towards themselves and
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their country . not like it was before the war, the inferiority complex was overcome, the inferiority complex was completely overcome, that's why respect itself is essential, it's very important, we had him, because here we are, well, we're the younger brother, no, yes, no, that's not even the point, well, there's nothing we don't do, but here we go not like that, not like the neighbor's, so why, no, why does he succeed, and this was still the case until the 14th year, not everyone, but in... but thank you for visiting the studio , on this optimistic note, i will remind the audience that yevhen holovakha was a guest
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of the espresso tv channel, director of the institute of sociology of the national academy of sciences of ukraine, professor, doctor of philosophy. stay tuned and watch us. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the light bulb is smart. works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and also, the smart light bulb is not afraid
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our society, this is a matter of victory trump, what is it, an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them? vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read the entire solitude, accept my song, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but it was absolutely not, they help to understand the present and predict the future offered. the united states will enter into a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday fr 20.0 for espresso. new week on espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts. forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity
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to ask your own questions. and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 20:00 at espresso. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine in ethere espresso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. weekend with lights from the 12th to the 15th ukrenergo canceled the shutdown schedules across the country. this was reported by the company. in other hours, two queues of shutdowns will operate. and to the consequences of the russian attacks: eight wounded in one day in donetsk region. two people were injured in chasovoy yar and turetsk. at last
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the russians. dropped 13 manned aircraft in a day.


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