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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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help understand the present and predict the future offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us project for those who care and think political club every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, and for your attention , a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the iryna koval studio, i greet all the viewers and... during
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the cable break on the downhill attraction across the dnipro in kyiv, a person fell into the water. the search for rescuers continues from 3 p.m. some telegram channels and media give information that they allegedly found the body of a man who fell in dnipro. the state emergency service does not confirm this information. my colleague, dmytro didora, is at the scene of the tragedy, and he is now with us live. dima, i congratulate you, so tell me how. is there any known information as of this time? i congratulate iro, i also congratulate our viewers, indeed, the information that the body was retrieved from under water has not been confirmed, neither the state emergency service nor the kyiv police have confirmed it. regarding the work of rescuers, let's hear straight away. at 13:42
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the rescue service 101 received a message that you can see that one of the cables of the crossing to turkhanniv island has broken, since then the rescue department of the state emergency service of ukraine in the city of kyiv has been visible on the spot and still does not stop its search and rescue work from rescuers. one, one boat, as well as five rescue water tankers were involved in the scene. so far, as of 16 years, 200 km of water area has been surveyed for bare information. what did you find, is it not true? currently, the rescuers raised the anchor and changed their place of deployment, moved to another point, so it's not true. currently, the rescuers are continuing their search and what they are writing now that they have found a body is not true. according to the kyiv police, this is probably a man, a boy born in 2004, that is, he is 20 years old. eyewitnesses say on the spot that confusion can happen. as for what exactly eyewitnesses saw at
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the moment when the rope of the attraction broke, let's hear it. i definitely did not see who it was, i just looked back at that moment because there was a loud splash. i saw that the rope went on the water, and where they were looking, it did not fall at all. it is necessary to look for him further along the river, so i cannot say whether it was a boy or a girl, because i saw when i was already in the water, as eyewitnesses say, that the boy was not wearing protective equipment, that is, no vest, which could save him from falling into the water as well. they say that there was a very loud splash from
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the break of the cable, and the rescuers of the state emergency service indicated that they will continue working until the moment they find the body, and i want to point out to you that there are several boats on the water at the moment, this is a police boat, an emergency boat emergency services, caring drivers also help, who also use their forces to help in the search and rescue operation, and it is still, let me remind you... ongoing as of this minute, that's all the information. iro, thank you, dima, and we will watch the search and rescue operation with you. it was dmytro didora, our correspondent from the capital, where they are currently looking for a person who ended up in the water, it is more likely that it is a young guy who ended up in the water due to a tragedy at the attraction. and we move on to the following news from different regions of our country. two residents of kherson were injured due to. a similar shelling
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of the dnipro district, the occupiers hit the city around 3:00 p.m., the mayor of the city, roman mrochko, said. both men have mine-explosive injuries and cut wounds. doctors assess their condition. as medium severity. two more civilians of the region were injured due to enemy shelling of bilozersk community. the invaders hit the village of kizomys. men aged 23 and 38 were injured. they have blast injuries, as well as shrapnel wounds chest, back and legs. both were hospitalized, the regional military administration reported. also in the morning, the russians attacked a 48-year-old resident of novoberyslav with a kabikadze drone. he'. the hospital is in serious condition. russian invaders shelled the marganets community the day before. one of the schools was seriously damaged, yevhen yevtushenko, the head of the nikopol district military administration, informed. he noted that this time the occupiers used flechette ammunition.
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these are artillery shells that contain up to 9 thousand small sharp arrows capable of killing and inflict serious injuries. to people yevtushenko emphasized that this proves once again. the goal of the russians is to inflict maximum damage on the civilian population. gave his life fighting for ukraine. 22-year-old polish volunteer tomasz senkala died at the front. this happened near the village of dibrova in the luhansk region on may 13. however, it became known only now. the day before, they said goodbye to the soldier of the international legion at a bike ride. higher in kyiv, will bury the hero in his homeland in the lublin voivodeship. meanwhile , volunteers who fought for ukraine. in particular, nadym
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khmaladze was summoned for questioning, as he reported on his facebook page. according to khmaladze, they are trying to intimidate the fighters in this way. he does not rule out that this is being done at the behest of the kremlin. another volunteer, lasha or gladza, was also interrogated in... formal interrogation was conducted in the case, which was initiated a year ago under the article on coup d'état and terrorism. however, the lawyers note that the investigators asked his client specifically about his stay in ukraine. poland can transfer its mig-29 aircraft ukraine no earlier than six months later. this was stated by the ex-minister. janusz onyszkiewicz of the national defense of poland. this will depend on the timing of their replacement with new american f-35s. he stated this in a comment to ukrinform. i would like to add that on july 19, the ambassador of ukraine to poland, vasyl zvarych, said that warsaw can hand over
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all mig-29 fighter jets it has to kyiv. shakespearean passions in ternopil. at night, in one of the city's hotels, a major of the military unit shot a 25-year-old border guard, who died on the spot. according to local media, the deceased allegedly had an affair with the officer's wife. information about the shooting was confirmed by the specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the western region. they noted that the previous conflict was due to jealousy. the shooter has now been detained. he almost died of hypothermia. in the morning, the border guards found a man from lviv in the carpathians, who tried to enter romania illegally, but was blocked. a 25-year-old man was found 700 m from the border. the wet and extremely exhausted violator was taken to the hospital.
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in general, border guards are in the mountains during the day detained almost two dozen men of military age who tried to escape to romania. and we invite you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders fight for victory every day, leaving no wounded or dead on the battlefield. so, quad bikes are indispensable helpers for evacuation, and they also allow for the fastest possible evacuation. move off-road. your support makes a big difference chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from it alive. our goal is uah 4 million. we invite you to join the gathering.
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such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website spreso tv. also follow us on social media and watch our content on youtube. we will see you at eight o'clock. greetings to our viewers, i am iryna koval with you, and this is the "experience of war" program, and i want to introduce you to my guest today, this is anastasia pustovit, a volunteer and ukrainian actress. nastya, i congratulate you, have a good day, not for nothing, i started with the fact that you are first of all a volunteer, that's why i introduced you exactly like that, at first, because i think that this is... your new experience that you got, and it was about this and many other experiences of yours that i invited
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talk to you today the experience of war, it is not always pleasant, of course, we gain something, lose something, but today i want you to share it with our viewers and tell about it. let's start from february 24, 2022. do you remember this day, where were you, what did you do and did you think what will be exactly as it was? er, yes, on february 24, i was in kyiv, at that time i lived in lukyanivka, yes, i expected war, er, i, well, of course, er, how to say it correctly, conditionally, er, i i didn't want to, but i knew what would happen, and even two days before the start. was not warned to leave kyiv, i tried to prepare as i imagined it, because,
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if it is unpleasant to actually voice it, the war when it began in the 14th year for the majority of the population, and i, unfortunately, was the majority for which it lasted the first two years, yes, and then it went into some shadow history, like, it exists somewhere nearby, but what kind of problems are directly faced by the military and the people in the occupied territories? , i think, is responsible for this, and i am also with them, i tried to prepare, i was supposed to have medical training courses on february 26. i was considering how to get into the tro, at the
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moment when i started to be interested in it so super detailed, it turned out that it would be necessary to collect a huge number of documents, and i understood that i would not have time there conditionally, well, it takes time, i don’t have it, then it was funny when i looked at the weapon on vbc and she wasn't there and then i watched knives. well, actually, if it was there, i am already making fun of my own behavior, but it was super serious for me, i didn't sleep for almost two days, i slept for three to four hours, i watched military films, i, well, i have rose super there some kind of anxiety, i was preparing physically, i tried somehow to bring myself to a better physical state, in my opinion, it seemed to me then... and i packed an anxious suitcase, i warned everyone in the theater, i said: friends, pack up, this it doesn't cost you anything,
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because you collected it yourself, it's standing, nothing will happen, you will take it apart, well, it's not a problem really, most people are skeptical, and what are you, everything will be fine, parents are generally the same, and this actually one of the huge problems, because we got then into occupation, because they were in the kyiv region, i think one of the problems is that people believed in our leadership and the president that there would be no war, my parents were not preparing for an invasion, no way. your parents live in kyiv region, have you been to kyiv? how did you end up in kyiv region? when the war started, er, in the morning i heard explosions, i decided to sleep, to sleep, because i understood that it would be worse. i overslept, my application was accepted in... the ukrainian volunteer service, because i applied, that is, i was looking for ways out there, as possible
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to help, well, it was one of these ways out, my parents called, we talked for a long time, they said come to us, i went to them, in fact, everything is very simple, that is, it was also probably my mistake, because in gostomyla already the fighting was going on at that time, but i went to my parents and also from the point of view of just in case... with them, if something happens, well, for example, now thinking about whether i did the right thing or not, i think that right, because if i had been in kyiv at that moment, i would have simply lost my mind, not... just knowing there was no connection nothing happened 5 days i was without contact and i would just go crazy if they were there alone. you said that you watched war movies, yes, war movies, let's say that, and probably, even in the worst scenario, you couldn't imagine that this could happen to you, that you
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could also end up under occupation with your parents? no, but before that i read the experience of the occupation. and it was terrible, and i was there a couple of days before i got into the occupation, and that experience actually gave me a little bit, well, i happened to i came across it, i just read it, it gave me a little understanding of what could await us, what awaited you and what actually happened then, well, we got partially into those. occupation, i will explain why, because our village is not mixed, it is located between borodyanka and bucha, that is , there were no active hostilities there, we were not particularly bombed by airplanes, they dismantled borodyanka, bucha, irpin, gostomel there, and we were just these small villages through which the army most often simply passes, that is, it leaves some part of the army there, but in general it
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passes there to more difficult places, but this does not mean that it passed without a trace. difficult experience really, like, i don't wish it on anyone, and i imagine that i understand very well those people who are under occupation, but really, i can't imagine when they are under occupation for so long, because my experience was all after all, it was there for about two weeks, but we saw everything in two weeks, the dead, the wounded, and the very seriously wounded, and... but eh, let's say this, we had hope, well, because then everyone still had hope, people who are in occupation here for more than two years now, it seems to me that the difficulty lies in the fact that they are cut off from us informationally, and they experience this feeling of what is happening, yes, and that's why it seems to me that it's much harder there, really for them
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it's like a prison in fact , and we managed to... create a volunteer headquarters there, er, we helped people, with humanitarian aid, unfortunately, we couldn’t break through, we wanted to break into the wartland, take some medicine there, food for the doctors there, exactly what were there, we did not succeed, because it was very we quickly found ourselves in this very quiet occupation, well, how quiet it is, you can't say, but compared to the cities that were nearby, i think that we were very lucky. look, when i listen to the stories about bucha, i understand, for example, that there people could not go outside at all, they were afraid of it, some hid there in basements and in other cities and villages as well, you even managed to create a volunteer headquarters, like eh, well, we did it right at the very beginning, that is, everything is right there gosnomyl is conditionally 10 km from us, we still have somehow
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life was in full swing, it was there on the 25th, we had already opened... and, that is, it was very fast, and we had a message in the chat of the volunteer service there that sports clothes and some food for the military, which got to the hospital, and that's why it somehow happened super quickly in our place, and we immediately started preparing for the worst, we were looking for - suture material, we were looking for a small surgical kit, well, that is, we understood that what is happening in buchiv at... in principle , we will soon have it, when we heard about it bearded woman, we understood that it would come to us soon, so we tried to prepare immediately, well, that is, we made decisions quickly, there was no such thing as that we and that, somehow it will happen, no, we immediately understood that what would be difficult, us it was complicated by the fact that nemishaeva is such a sleeping town, and like a tern, bucha,
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in general, is like a suburb, that is, people go to nemishaeva to sleep, yes there. the children are small, after all, there are parks, nature, to work in kyiv, and we had a huge bunch of mothers with children, and many have either disappeared milk, or someone did not have time to buy baby formula, some of the children were lactose intolerant, that is, even if we tried to get milk from the cow there, so that we could at least start feeding them with milk, it was more difficult with some children, and for us, for example, one of the urgent needs was baby formula. then acute needs appeared in the form of drugs, well, insulin for diabetics, drugs for epileptics, well... there were hormones already when you were under occupation, so someone helped, somehow managed to convey all this, which it was necessary, but how did we get out of this situation,
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we had, well, pharmacies, we bought it in pharmacies, but the entrance to nemishaev was closed completely before the deoccupation, we could only get to klavdievo, no, but how did you manage the first time they worked, we bought, and then we just came. and they asked to open pharmacies, was there any such story during the occupation during these two weeks that you are talking about, which really impressed you, and you remember it even now, but there are many of them, in fact, they are very sad stories, there are a lot of them , this is mr. serhiy, the reign of heaven, which we sent, well , when already there, the equipment went right through our headquarters, because the main route was blocked. we were near the railroad, too, i think it was just because we didn't quite understand where exactly to set up the headquarters, we did it in the cultural center, uh, and it was near the railroad, and that's
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understandable, type, it is absolutely working, that is, it will be an important point for the russians, and they ended up there very quickly, and we had to make an urgent decision to disband it, and somehow somewhere there were crowds, the largest crowd of people, we sent water and food there, which we managed to get there during that time. to also collect some medicines and clothes at the headquarters, well, that is, to try to place them in other points that may be safer, conditionally, and mr. serhiy, we had a school in which there were a lot of people and children inside in the basement, we shipped food and a lot of water were loaded into the car for him, and when the convoy of vehicles passed, well, he drove in, we unloaded it in the back... yard and he went to school to go to school and he was shot in front of his wife, that was it, we talked
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half an hour later, well, that is, half an hour ago we went with him, took the keys from the drugstore to take them there, we already had wounded people at that time, we needed some narcotics substances to inject them, because they were heavy, very injured, and half an hour ago we were driving with him in a car with... we took the keys, after half an hour serhii was gone, one moment was so difficult, the second moment was when we the wounded left and she came and was brought to us a man who actually had everything on his skin, i'm sorry for such details, but that's how it happened, he just opened a gate, an iron one, to let people in across the street, because... the equipment was moving, they saw it the russians fired from a tank and he just arrived, half a wicket got stuck in his body and he just survived the night,
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the guys somehow got him to the hut, although he was already starting to wheeze, we already thought that this would be the first casualty in our country, well, i mean right at our headquarters, and just a moment, this is mr roman, also the kingdom of heaven for him, they did not find his relatives, unfortunately, he is so nameless. well , like an unearthly grave, but there is no one to take care of it, there is no one, yes, he, he and the boys, when the evacuation from the village began , the green corridor was already open, they traveled to places where there were messages of some kind, please take us away, there is a small a child, or a stroller, or a choir, there is a woman, lying down, well, that’s what they did, they took people, and she, they fell into the hands of the russians, and a month after... before the occupation, he was found in the forest, his body was mined, well, such stories, unfortunately,
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having experienced all this, seeing this horror, how could you say, it is possible to turn to people who are in and live in such regions, which today or tomorrow, we understand that the war continues , and there are certain regions that are very close to the contact line, yes to the ... front line, maybe it's better not to pay attention to the fact that you leave your house there, yes, you leave all your possessions there, and it's the possessions that you worry about , maybe it is better to leave on time, yes, i am convinced that the life of every ukrainian, it much more important than, place, part, well there, i understand, i understand very well those people who have, who lose this house, they do not want. it's theirs, it's a part of their life, it's a part of their heart, it's a part of their history, but we don't have that luxury right now to throw people around.
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we need our people, wherever they are and wherever they are, i understand that a large number of people have remained, and for certain reasons they have remained there, and perhaps i would also like to advise especially, well, to do everything quietly, be careful and watch out for yourself and those people you trust, don't put yourself in danger once again, don't try to be heroic. for the same reason, we do not have the right and such a luxury to scatter people, especially people who have certain principles, who want to fight, in independence, in what conditions they find themselves, people who find themselves without any information, who lose hope, don't lose hope, well, the whole country is fighting for
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everyone... a piece of ukraine has returned, and no matter what, i and i can't imagine what they feel, but to keep this hope within yourself, and even if you have to learn to live in those conditions now, it's better to do it, if people have made a decision not to leave, learn to live in the conditions that you have now because you have to protect yourself, is it true that you had such an experience when you communicated with the russian military? yes, we ran over when the headquarters was disbanded, we ran over to our bomb shelter, because we ran from the bomb shelter to the headquarters, our relatives also stayed there, the next day we got conditionally and as hostages, well, you can
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call it that for sure. and they were quartered in ours above us, well, that is, we were in a storage, a five-story building, and they were quartered above us, they put the equipment directly under the clamp where there were people, thereby directly exposing us to danger, and they know that the ukrainian military will not shoot at the civilian population, because it could simply cost almost 300 people their lives, they are simply from us in fact. other cities, bucha, irpin, were dismantled there from us, well, as usual using a live pincher, well, like, yes, nothing changes, they were as they were, inhumane in principle, so they remain, what was this communication like, do you remember, eh, i tried not to communicate, why, because i am one of the organizers headquarters, and i had to stay silent, well, because... i perfectly
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understood if they found my phone, how many contacts were there, what messages i wrote, who i helped, in the beginning , before we formed the headquarters, i helped military, i understood that i might simply not survive, well, that's understandable, like, even if you you don't know how the russian army works and you didn't have this experience, you perfectly understand that if the enemy army comes, it will clean up those who work with their own. i tried to avoid all kinds of communication, but i spoke ukrainian and i was not ashamed of it, and they asked you something when you spoke ukrainian, and the only thing they asked me was, no, they almost did not communicate with me, but i, too, somehow tried, my mother tried to talk to them, but as she explained to me, there was such a group of people, women, gathered to talk to these military, they behaved adequately, the truth
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is. comparatively, well, if you can call it adequate, what they do in general, but conditionally, thank god, we were allowed outside there under supervision, the children could go out to breathe fresh air, they did not try to kill anyone there while they were with us , well, i mean exactly this one day, they literally stayed with us for one day, then my mother said that the communication is very strange, because it feels like they are communicating with you or some kind of their political trick. or something like that, and he, like, probing the soil, ugh, and who are you for, ah what do you want, but we came to save you, you understand, that is, it was not some idea that a person really believes in this, well, yes, it was part of what he believes in this, but it was more for to understand what exactly the population is thinking about and who is ready to resist, that's why mom is very careful, there women are more...


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