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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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they would like to help the displaced people, someone should do this too. in a word, ukraine is not just a territory, it is each of us. the blessed patriarch of the ukrainian greek catholic church lubomyr huzar once said that loving ukraine does not mean simply loving the territory, it means loving every ukrainian, which is much more difficult, and the state must demonstrate its ability to love every ukrainian. therefore, i will initiate the creation of this ministry of demography. who will take care of these matters in order to each of you had one place where he could go and get all the services, get all the explanations, get help from our state, so that we all felt like one whole. the worst thing that exists in our country is an attempt to oppose, to oppose east and west, to oppose those who left ukraine and those who remained here. this is a wrong path, it not only divides us, it leads us to catastrophe. the right way is to unite,
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it is to love every ukrainian, we will all love our homeland, and all of us must together we will win. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and just now to the most important events. two residents of kherson were injured due to enemy shelling in the dnipro district. the occupiers struck.
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said the mayor roman mrochko. both men suffered explosive injuries and cut wounds. doctors assess their condition as moderate. also today , a 58-year-old man was sent to the hospital, who was wounded by the russians during the attack on the naval area on july 18. he is in a moderate condition, him an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound with an open fracture in front of the shoulder were diagnosed. meanwhile, in the capital, the search for a man who fell into the river due to a broken rope on the attraction is still ongoing. law enforcement officers have already opened criminal proceedings in connection with the death of a person. my colleague dmytro didora is at the scene of the tragedy. dimo, i congratulate you and tell me, please, what is known at this time. iro, i congratulate you, and
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i also congratulate our viewers. now we are directly where people get on this ride, you you can see this building behind me, exactly where people are already attaching people to this trolley and they are crossing the dnipro. according to the information available to the police, at the time of the tragic incident, a 20-year-old boy, an officer, was on the attraction. information from the kyiv police, and based on the fact of the specified event, investigators opened criminal proceedings under two articles of the criminal code of ukraine, in particular, it is about violation of safety rules, as well as by a person who is obliged to comply with them, if the violation was threat of human death, this is article 272 of the criminal code of ukraine, part two and official negligence, part three of the article.
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367 of the criminal code of ukraine. investigators continue to work here at the site near this attraction, they collect evidence, and conduct a conversation with employees of this attraction, searches are already underway directly on the water. a search and rescue operation, and let's hear more about it in the comments. at 1:42 p.m., the service, well, rescue 11. received a message that you can see one of the crossing cables on the push in the island broke off, from that time the rescue department of the state emergency service of ukraine in the city of kyiv advanced on the spot and still does not stop its search and rescue work from the rescuers, one boat was involved on the spot, as well as five rescuers' water tankers. currently, as of 16 years, 200 km of the water area of ​​the seabed have been surveyed, there is a lot of information about what was found, is this not true? at the moment, the rescuers raised the anchor and... changed their location,
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moved to another point, so this is not true. currently, the rescuers are continuing their search, what they are writing now is what they found the body is false. the state emergency service also noted that the search and rescue operation will continue until the body is found, and also, as reported by the public, the kyiv city prosecutor's office in 2021 already tried to stop the operation of the attraction over the dnipro river, where the troll broke off today. the prosecutors asked to declare illegal and cancel the decision of the kmda that the winner of the investment competition was recognized as a company without experience in the operation of attractions of this type. given their potential danger to life and health, so the search and rescue operation continues, workers and rescuers are working on the dnieper, the police are also working on the dnieper and on the spot, near the attraction, iro, i will pass it on to you, thank you, dimo, it was our
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correspondent dmytro didora from the capital , and in the capital, every sunday , the prisoner kills silently action, hundreds of relatives, relatives, acquaintances, defend the prisoners. this time, ukrainians gathered on stepan bandera avenue. they choose a different location every sunday so that more kyivans and city guests can hear their call and join the liberation movement. today, similar actions are held in other cities of ukraine. gave his life fighting for ukraine. 22-year-old polish volunteer tomasz senkala died at the front. it happened near the village of dibrova. in luhansk region on may 13, but it became known only now. the day before , they said goodbye to the soldier of the international legion at the baiko cemetery in kyiv, the hero will be buried in his homeland in the lublin voivodeship.
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volunteers who fought for ukraine began to be interrogated in georgia. in particular , nadym khmaladze was summoned for questioning, about what he announced on his facebook page. according. they are trying to intimidate young fighters in this way. he does not rule out that this is being done at the behest of the kremlin. another volunteer, lasha chigladze, has also been interrogated. formal interrogation was conducted in the case, which was initiated a year ago under the article on coup d'état and terrorism. however, the lawyers note that the investigators asked his client specifically about his stay in ukraine. and in the kherson region they got a modern one. mvi4 mechanized demining machine. it is produced in croatia. the machine is able to efficiently and safely demining large areas, taking into account the vast areas under clearance of enemy iron. such a machine will significantly speed up the demining process,
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and most importantly - save the sapper's life. poland can transfer its mig-29 aircraft to to the country no earlier than in six months, ex-minister of national defense of poland janusz oniszkiewicz said. it will depend on the timing of their replacement with new american f-35s. he stated this in a comment to ukrinform. i will add that on july 19 , the ambassador of ukraine to poland vasyl zvarych said, that warsaw can transfer all mig-39 fighter jets it has to kyiv. two people died, two more were injured due to a massive car wreck in ternopil. according to the local police, four cars collided there at once. rescuers had to use special tools to retrieve the bodies of the dead passengers of one of the cars. the driver and another passenger
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were taken to intensive care with serious injuries. other participants in the accident also sought medical help. and shakespeare's passions in ternopil at night in one of the city's hotels the major of the military unit shot a 25-year-old border guard, who died on the spot. according to local media, the deceased allegedly had an affair with the officer's wife. information about the shooting was confirmed by the specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the western region. they noted that the previous conflict was due to jealousy. the shooter has now been detained. decommunization in zvinigorodsk in the suburbs of moscow, an unknown man used a sledgehammer to remove the head from the bust of stalin and damaged lenin's chest. the rioter was detained. at the same time local the authorities claim that they did not give permission for
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the installation of these monuments. and that was the news at that time. as always, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe. follow us on social media and watch our content on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and see you tomorrow, i wish you a quiet and peaceful evening. good health, july 21, sunday, 18 hours, 10 minutes and 30 seconds, and we begin our two-hour broadcast, my name is mykola veresin. good health to all. let's start with how always from the fronts. oleksandr kovalenko, military and political columnist of
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the information resistance group. now he will appear before us, he has appeared. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for finding time for us on sunday. look, i have the following first question for you. the enemy captured the village of progress under the threat of the pokrovsk-kostyantynivka highway. well, it seems that the pokrovsk-kostiantynka route is under threat for about six months. and maybe even more, i just don't really pay attention to how much this capture of the village of progress worsens the tactical situation, or the operationally tactical one at the front? well, precisely the tactical situation, the fact is that progress is a village that closes between itself the left bank of the vovchi river, the karlov reservoir with access to karlivka, not tylov. that is, what kind of section is this, this is the line, this is the axis along which the russians tried after
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the capture of avdiyvka to create a security buffer completely south of route 0511. 0511 is the route that goes from avdiivka through ocheretona and actually to pokrovsk. and by creating just such a security buffer, the southern flank, the southern face, let's call it that, they... have the opportunity first of all, to maintain defense at the expense of natural resources, this is the vovcha river and the karliv reservoir, and secondly, they can concentrate their forces and resources directly either on the turkish direction, or on the same route 05-04 from pokrovsk to kostiantynka, but for now that as of now until 05:04 the russians have about... the problem is uzdvizhenka, this is a village that is quite well fortified, and behind the village itself there are about
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4 km of our borders, that is, to say that this is a threat in principle, it is like was 2 months ago, 3 months, six months ago, it exists because cut 0.5 0.4 for the russians, this is one of the main combat tasks, but when they do it, it will not be a short-term perspective in... clarifying question. when the ukrainian command, the general staff, knows what you are telling me now, the offensive can spread here and there. it is obvious that there are more accurate maps, accurate data, they also see and know everything, and they have intelligence and so on and so on. how high is the probability of some unexpected breakthroughs, encirclements, in short. how much danger from the russians, when the ukrainians actually know everything
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does the russian federation want to do? minimal, in fact minimal, if we talk about such a factor as encirclement, then in fact, after mariupol , there were no large encirclements of the ukrainian defense forces, units of the ukrainian defense forces, that is, it still speaks of the level of what... what we try in every case so that it does not happen, but if we are talking about breakthroughs, then here the question is really relevant in the case that some representatives of the command, in some cases already former, who are no longer in their positions, but they made , to put it mildly, unprofessional decisions, for example, when an experienced brigade, an experienced... section was sent on rotation, and perhaps even two and three such units or formations were sent on rotation, but at
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the same time the replacement happened slowly enough by inexperienced units that did not know the terrain, did not know all the nuances, and in this case, russian units have an advantage in the possibilities of breaking through such defense lines or boundaries. now the question, it seems to me... you interpreted it somewhere, i didn't i remember somewhere i read that these new uavs, which are attacking ukraine and the kyiv region and kyiv, are using new ones. ukrainians are currently studying this drone, what kind of danger is it, is it really a danger, it seems like the fifth attempt by the authorities to attack the capital with these drones that fly at an altitude of 20-30 m, well, obviously it is difficult to somehow see them, it is difficult to destroy them and so on further, how much, how much we should be nervous
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and afraid of this, it all depends on what function... these drones perform, the fact is that the height of 20-30 m is problematic altitudes for rls radar stations to fix and track such objects, and what are these drones used for, if it is a reconnaissance uav, well, the altitude for a reconnaissance uav is low, a reconnaissance uav is several kilometers, 4, 5, 6 km, that is , so that it was possible to carry out reconnaissance activities at long... distances , taking into account the height, and therefore it could be an attack uav, but there was no information that it had a combat unit, ah, well, like in the case of shahet- 136, and therefore there is the option is that it can be a uav, which in the future can be used as a kind of air mini-rap radio electronic
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warfare complex in order to suppress our support systems. and a swarm of shachet-136 and to suggest systems during the approach of these swarms to, for example, the placement of our anti-aircraft defense means, that is , in fact, there may be different variations, and the ukrainians can also raise somewhere there at a distance of 3-5 km there and accordingly to see much further than the earth and and... if to transmit information, i say absolutely, how i’m completely ignorant, i’m nothing, i’m not a military person, but so simple logic tells me that to raise ours high, they can see the russians from a very long distance, pass them down, and ours already then somehow neutralize them there with fire or something, that is against their uav, you can have your own uav, too, which
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will perform these reconnaissance and preventive functions, right? in theory yes, but in this case we are primarily talking about visual contact, unless visual contact is established, especially over long distances and terrain, on which it is very difficult to identify such an extremely low-altitude object, in principle, in such a case, the efficiency will be almost zero, and the best case is, after all , fixation with the help of means. air defense directly radar systems. one more question, maybe it is a little more extensive than the previous ones, so the washington post, the washington post writes about the fact that men massively avoid the draft for money in ukraine. i think this story is already over in the sense that
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the last nine months, 2/3 of the information, everything it's not going well, nobody is anywhere. no one registers, everyone avoids, everyone runs away, and one third or one quarter that everything is going fine, i belong to this quarter, by the way, because when i see that there are 4 million people who have updated their data, then i i'm starting to get lost here, but where are the problems then, if 4 million people have updated their data, and this means, if i could say so, this is the first step to the army, if i were to show them. loyalty to the state, well then what's next, what's the problem, why does the washington post write that men en masse, en masse - it's 20 people, or it's 40 people, or it's 150 people, but if you take 4 million, then it's 0.0 some one percent, please, mr. alexander, well
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, washington post, i think journalists know better what they had on in mind when this article was published, but still it is necessary ... to tell the truth as it is, and the truth is that there is indeed a percentage who continue to try to avoid, if not updating the data in the tsc, then passing the vlk commission, in fact and not only, that is, the element of corruption, it is present, it was, is and , unfortunately, will be, it must be recognized, and in many in most cases, it exists according to the tsc, which... there is, so it seems that what was meant was precisely such cases when someone tries, either partially or completely, to avoid fulfilling his... constitutional duty, see, one more question so tricky, i'm going to avoid a direct question, and i think you're going
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to avoid a direct answer too, because everyone everywhere is shouting so loudly that the f-16s still haven't entered ukraine, and i'm amazed that they have been here for a long time simply and military-political command and military command. and the political side is engaged in eyeballing for the russians and they say where are these f16s, well, russia thinks, really, probably we don’t have them in the 16th, or maybe we already have them, what are your thoughts on this matter, mr. oleksandr, well, i’ll tell you yes, i didn't see them, to be honest, i'm in odessa now and i definitely didn't see them in the air in odessa, but there's a moment, the point is that we... can keep a secret as long as we want, we can to keep it, if it is necessary for a year, we can keep it for two years, yes to do the end of the war, in fact, but
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the russians will not keep this secret when , for example, an agm 158 jas subsonic cruise missile of the aviation type, which is used by the f-16, or if the russian su-34 is shot down by an aim-120 diamram missile will fly at them from nenadsk , which is used including the f-16 directly, so they will immediately say: look, these are elements, this is an acceleration unit, this is an engine, and so on and so forth, from all missiles. so where did they come from? no, you can think that hgm 120'i or jesm 158 were integrated into the ukrainian su-27 or su-24 front-line bomber, it is quite possible, but in principle it seems to me that if there is such a level of secrecy. of this secrecy regarding the transfer of the f-16 to ukraine, then for the first time we will hear about the use of the f-16 precisely from the russians in the format of their natural
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whining. but as i understand it, again, i emphasize with two red lines, i am not a military expert, but i think that for this, for desperation, the ukrainians must, the ukrainian team must make some very serious attack, first of all, well, as soon as . f-16s will appear, something must be done on that day, well not on that day, but at the same time to create a great tension for the russians, if they will find out anyway, then they should find out after encountering a lot of trouble on the battlefield, maybe not only on the battlefield, maybe it will be some kind of deep rear location or semi- semi-silt, which is talked about a lot and which provides one or the other. the direction of logistics, it does not necessarily have to be a battlefield, and in principle i think that the f-16, they will not be used so often specifically for
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lines of combat, how much for more precise jewelry operations, striking at the rear zone, medium or deep rear zone, so in principle we have to watch, and what will really start to explode so intensively in the near future and the wards in... the russian occupiers. thank you very much, oleksandr kovalenko, the military-political columnist of the information resistance group was with us. now the advertisement is for 7 minutes, and then we will return to international events. so, now the advertisement. ukrainian history and culture is a source inspiration for ethnic producers. clothes dieva is a brand of women's business clothes that has its own highlight. designers of the brand recreated the lacing seams that our ancestors used to connect parts of clothing hundreds of years ago. they
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admit that they wanted to create not just a brand of modern clothing, but to revive those traditions that existed before the arrival of the soviet union and sherovarshchyna. that is, it is a kind of, you know, reproduction of ukrainian identity. this is about it. ago. i wanted to shout at such a time that we are much deeper, we are much more longer, and wearing this amulet with you, and the effective one gets more self-confidence. ukrainian women are a force, - notes dinara, the owner of the brand. during the full-scale invasion , hundreds of thousands of women demonstrated their power, so they wanted to sew clothes that would underline... the effectiveness of ukrainian young women in such difficult times, the name of the brand is effective, it clearly outlines the modern ukrainian woman, a woman
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who... fights for herself, for her family, for her independence, a woman who, despite everything, puts on her suit, goes, continues to work, to do useful things, that is, the brand is effective - this is about every ukrainian woman, suits, dresses, corsets and other business clothes for women, everything is made of natural fabrics, the ornament and lacing seams on each product are embroidered by hand. as the designer anastasia admits, she has her own rituals for working on ancient sewing techniques. ukrainian embroidery is not only some separate elements that are important, it is also the state of mind of the person who does it, so in ancient times it was done while singing and lit with a candle, it was through the thread and through the needle that energy was transmitted, so before i embroider, i light a candle and embroider just like that.
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according to the tradition of ukrainian culture. the girls note that the brand is only 8 months old, but they have many plans for the future. one of the main ideas is to reach the world level. to show that ukrainian brands broadcast that our culture is much deeper than you can imagine. yulia zubchenko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. more in the joints it is so piercing, it does not allow to move, i bought a yellow cream at the pharmacy dolgit, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism, dolgit is the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, there are discounts , the only discounts on edem are 20% in the pharmacies plantain, bam and oshkad. in the latest edition of ukraine magazine, an interview with eustratius
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