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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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yes, they tell me how distressed they are, and these ukrainians who came there temporarily have a shelter, they are also fleeing from there, because it is getting more expensive, a disaster, uh, horror, horror, horror, my friends who rented an apartment there, they are also somehow trying , or in the winter to still sign a contract for the next year, because they say that since june the prices are simply three or four times more expensive, in particular for transport, for example, they just raised it twice, during the olympics, just like that, they raised transport by two times instead of two there are... now there are four subways, well , just like that, let's not feel sorry for evgenia anyway rodenka, radio liberty's special correspondent in france, because life in france, even for 4 € in this, in the metro, is not so bad either, after all, living in paris is not so bad, and i'm not in paris, i live in lyon, so it's not so bad in lyon either, all is well, mrs. yevgenia, thank you very much, thank you very much. now
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there will be an eight-minute story about the most striking events of this week outside of ukraine, and then we will have another commercial, shorter in 12 minutes, maybe in 10, in 12, maybe in 14, well, somewhere in that interval we will meet again, his victory seems inevitable to many, a man who is destroying the foundations of american political culture. polarizes the country, frightens the western world. donald trump is now officially a candidate for the presidency of the united states. despite the official status of a criminal, because the court has already passed a verdict in one of the criminal cases and two impeachments behind him, the 45th president of the usa has every chance to become the 47th. and even the likely replacement of 81-year-old joe biden with another candidate is unlikely to stop trump on his way to the white.
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home, say sociologists during their in his one and a half hour speech at the republican party convention, trump did not say much about foreign policy and did not actually say anything new. i will end every international crisis created by the current administration, including the horrible war between russia and ukraine, which would never have happened if i were president, i can stop wars with just a phone call, i can stop... any war with a phone call. statements about the intention to stop the war within 24 hours are not new. how exactly he is going to do it, trump does not specify. politico edition earlier reported that his team seems to be seriously considering the option of the agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and its refusal to join nato. the fact that the existence of such a plan is quite possible is confirmed by a series of meetings of the republic.
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who is the candidate with hungarian prime minister orban, an ardent supporter of the so-called peace at the expense of ukraine. trump's grown sons regularly post anti-ukrainian tweets, but his choice of vice presidential candidate, senator j.d. vance, caused perhaps the greatest fear. a few days before the start full-scale invasion, he declared that he did not care what happens to ukraine, and then blocked the approval of aid packages. what is our goal in ukraine, what do we want to achieve there, how long will this last, until the us president can give clear answers, we should not give ukraine an unlimited check. the choice of the president of the united states, the business of the american people. our task is to establish a connection with the likely new old president, because in 2016 trump's victory was also called a disaster for ukraine. however, then the disaster... did not happen, moreover, trump,
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unlike obama, decided to supply kiev with javelin anti-tank systems, some world politicians are still confident that trump will not turn his back on ukraine. for example, former british prime minister boris johnson, who met with the presidential candidate on the sidelines of the republican convention. president zelenskyi also says that he is ready to work with trump, but he emphasizes that there is a problem in ukraine. we have to work with the usa, if a new team comes, we have to work with them, we need cooperation. i think it will not be easy to convince them, even difficult, but we are not afraid of hard work. if trump wants to stop the war within 24 hours, the easy way is to make us pay. it means to stop, to give everything, to forget about sanctions. putin will take the territories, declare victory for his people. we will never agree to this and there is
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no person in the world who can force us to do this. zelensky made this statement in an interview with the bbc during his visit to great britain for the ye skoi political community summit. unlike the usa, europe has not yet shown signs of weakening its support for ukraine. in particular, the new british prime minister kier starmer even promised to double aid. our security begins in ukraine. therefore, we once again promise president zelensky that we will support ukraine as long as necessary. this is a very important commitment. including support for ukraine's energy needs. on the eve of winter and taking tough measures to destroy ships that help russia evade sanctions. however, europe has all its red lines. starmer did not respond to zelensky's direct request to allow the beating british weapons on russian military
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airfields. german chancellor scholz categorically rejected the idea of ​​shooting down missiles over the territory of ukraine by nato countries. europe's fear of russia increases and... trump himself, because hardly anyone can predict his actions, in particular in the case of direct aggression against the alliance, not to mention the support of ukraine, so the allies played it safe at the recent nato summit in washington , a decision was made to allocation of 40 billion dollars in military aid to ukraine in 2025, and the big seven promised another 50 billion loan guaranteed by revenues from... frozen assets of the russian federation, in theory this should allow ukraine to hold on next year, even if the trump administration decides to block new aid packages. ukraine also maintains political support for the european union. this week, the new composition of the european parliament adopted the first resolution regarding
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ukraine. it calls for increased military aid, confiscation of frozen russian assets, and condemnation of orbán's so-called peacemaking initiatives. and the european people's party, namely its candidate ursula fonden was again approved as the president of the european commission. russia is betting that europe and the west will go soft, and some in europe are playing along. two weeks ago , the prime minister of the eu country went to moscow. this so-called peace mission was nothing but a peacemaking mission. that's all. two days later , putin's planes aimed their missiles at a children's hospital and maternity ward in kyiv. this shot was not a mistake. it was a message, a terrible message from the kremlin to all of us. so our answer should be just as clear.
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far-right and far-left parties, which strengthened their representation in the european parliament, did not vote for the resolution and even expressed their support for orbán. they are in the minority, but despite this... the diplomatic track is gaining momentum, in particular , president zelensky is talking more and more often about negotiations, but only putin, according to many signs, is ready exclusively for the surrender of ukraine, so the war will probably continue, no matter what plans the summit participants propose peace, orban, xi jinping or donald trump? the question is, how long? in an interview with the bbc this week , nato's still formal secretary general, jens stoldenberg, whose powers... expire in september, he did not rule out that for more than 10 years, the officials who leave their positions can afford to speak more openly, our task is to adequately perceive the reality, no matter how gloomy it may be. usual tasks become unreal, heavy
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worry you. a special complex of active substances of dolgit antineuro helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuro helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. dollyed antineuro capsules - help for your nervous system. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on non-trials of 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. exclusively on the air our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that are changing the country and... what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources
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of the lukashenka army allied with them? vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, read the entire condemnation, accept my singer, i thank you, it was difficult, i was just curious, but it was absolutely not, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think, policy. every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. your place is waiting for you. the light stays on, for dinner, what you love, a warm
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bed is made, there will be walks, swings, and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house you are dreamed of. you are always in front of my eyes, behind they cry for you, they pray for you. we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do. everything to hug you faster, so when you are home, when we
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are together, we are more than a family, we, a nation that has united around you, to take the wounded in time. from the battlefield - it means saving his life, giving a lift to bc, giving a lift to the boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to get involved with a donation to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodnyi yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. once again good health
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ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, our next guest is called oleg penzdin, a member of the economic discussion club, i wonder if we will have a discussion or not ? mr. oleg, good health, thank you for finding time for us, well, let 's pretend that we are discussing, although in reality i think that i will ask you, you will answer. how do you assess the state of affairs? financial and economic sector of ukraine in the third year of the war with russia, please. poor man, i think that there is no need for discussions here, we are opening, i will start discussing this right from this moment, okay, and we are opening the state budget with you, we are looking at it, the revenue part is 1.7 trillion, the expenditure part 3.3 triel, 1.6
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triel should be walking somewhere with an outstretched hand in the world to wish, this already... speaks of an extremely difficult situation with state finances, and if you look carefully at what has been approved by the government, and will get there in the near future to the verkhovna rada to increase the expenditure part of the state budget by another half a trillion, primarily due to the accumulation of funds on the domestic market from the economy, then it is necessary... remember that the situation is extremely difficult, and the proposals that are there are tax innovations, they are extremely difficult for people, really, well , so what, mr. olezhe, well, it’s just, somehow i never liked panicking, i feel it on
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social networks, not from you, of course, but it could have been different, during wars, maybe... there will be some such and such somewhere big money, there is some secret place where we can find it, i did not see good financial and economic conditions anywhere during the war, i always see big problems, but for a person who just walks the streets, for two years now i have been walking the streets of lviv, now i've been walking the streets of kyiv for three months, i would n't say that i see any such, you know, er... some such super-problems, people, people will always say bad things, no matter how much they are paid, now, tomorrow give 10 thousand dollars for all ukrainians, they ask why not 12 dollars, but it seems to me that this is doom, it's not because she is, but it could be different, that's how i would ask a question, yes there is a problem, look, i answered your
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questions, you asked me a question, i 'm not, i'm not criticizing, i'm just speaking. and you asked me a question, and what is being done with the economy in the third year of the war, i explained to you what is being done with the economy, and i explained to you with specific figures of the state budget, when we talk with you about the perception of people, well, could it be - otherwise, well, we have examples with you in the second world war of great democracies, the united states of america, great britain, how was the situation with the standard of living and with social standards, well, definitely everything was poor, well, really, and you are absolutely right that there is no situation when during the war people's social standards are increased, well, except for ukraine, of course , for us in the 24th year, the state increased social standards, at the expense
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of funds that we borrowed from our partners, well, that is, yes, that is, it is necessary to understand the main source, see, unlike those democracies that i am talking about, under the time of the second after world war i, you and i borrowed a lot, well, neither the united states of america nor great britain had the opportunity to borrow a sufficiently large amount of funds from the outside, so they used only their own reserves, they actively pursued austerity policies, actively sought. the opportunity to save resources, they transferred the economy to military rails in such a strict method, ukraine lives a little in a different paradigm, if we were to stretch our legs exclusively on our own incomes, then we would have to operate only with the sum of 1.7 trillion, we operate sumo in
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they give us 3.3, that is, 1.6 trillen, and it fundamentally changes. in fact, the situation with those issues that you actually just mentioned, walking around the city of kyiv, the city of lviv, what we see with you is actually the result of those borrowings, we essentially borrow and eat it, this year, we doubled the minimum wage, we doubled, sorry, we increased the living wage, indexed pensions, that is, we are on the count... in the third year of the war, we indexed social standards, so there is no doubt that people lost a lot in 22 year 25% of real incomes, but in the 24th. they did this to us at the expense of borrowing improvements, that is, they made us a couple of examples for the audience, mr. olezh, the first example
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is from the letter of the president of the united states to marshal stalin, that we began to feel the war in america, we now have a card system for gasoline and ... chocolate, this is roosevelt writing to stalin, in ukraine there is no card system for gasoline and chocolate, and in the huge united states there was a short system in the second world war. second, gaitpark, a huge park in the middle of london, was sown, with potatoes, tomatoes, all, well, because something had to be eaten. and the third, the most impressive, is the letter of the king of britain to his friend in america, you are going to go to
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us in england, i am begging you very much, grab some toilet paper for me there in america and bring it to buckingham palace for me, because we don’t have toilet paper paper, even, that is, the king lived as a briton, and not as a king, there is no pa'. toilet paper for no one, including the king, go to kyiv and buy yourself an unlimited amount of toilet paper anywhere, so here i agree with you, but is it an important question, my friends, economists and financiers say that even this billion, as many as you say there are 700, if it is well administered, then it is impossible not to increase it. this military levy, taxation of citizens, gasoline, taxes and so on, it is possible to get by, well, at least not so badly
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increase all these taxes and all these excises and so on and the like, what do you say about the administration of this money? yes, let's clearly separate two things right away: our entire social block is financed by the account loan. what you and i collect in the form of taxes and fees goes to the war, that is , these 1.7 trillion hryvnias, after the expected increase in taxes, it will be another half a trillion plus, it will be 2.2, all of it will go to the war, and the entire social block is the 1.6 trillion that we receive there in the form of macro-financial assistance, i.e.... the first moment, it is impossible to withdraw, for example, some funds from the salary of a civil servant or a teacher of a doctor and transfer it to the war, because
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it is direct direct prohibition of partners that us they give macro-financial assistance, that is, the main condition of macro-financial assistance is the prohibition to use it for the needs of defense security, that is, if you want social expenses , take them. if you want to go to war, by no means, that is, i want to say right away that this block, it is impossible to transfer it to the security of the defense. now, as for the administration of these 1.7 trills, roughly somewhere around, and this figure is in the information space, one mobilized state budget costs about 1.3 million hryvnias, 1,300 thousand per year. the lion's share is monetary maintenance, and then everything that is purchased, including weapons, and it must be clearly understood that
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we receive a very large amount of weapons in the form of military and technical assistance, we pay for something, what the americans give us , we don't pay, in most cases, was introduced by the idea of ​​lendlease, but we still got it through the grant programs, so... uh, it's a definite discount on a fairly large number of, let's say, proposals that we would have to pay for with these unit 1.7 trill, that is, when you and i talk about the administration of military aid, in general , this security of defense, it is necessary to clearly understand that it does not go to the full amount for weapons, there is a fairly large block that is given to us by partners. , we have to finance something if... we are talking about the military-industrial complex of ukraine, we have to finance it from the budget, although you and i have very interesting examples when
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the scandinavian countries. when the netherlands allocates funds in order to buy the equipment made by them from the ukrainian military industry and supply to the armed forces of ukraine. why? because the budget of the ministry of defense does not have enough funds for the purchase of products produced by ukrainian manufacturers. there is even such a thing. but the fact remains the fact. that is, we have 1.3 million. that is, 1,300 from each... now additional mobilization is underway, that is, we need to calculate how much additional funds will definitely be drawn, well, we are mobilizing 100,000, we need an additional 130 billion in the budget per year, if we want to mobilize more , count once. in addition, one more point at the beginning of this year, we had problems with military and technical assistance from the americans, everyone knows, everyone heard about it, for about two months
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we... had to withdraw funds from december, from november and finance the purchase of ammunition and weapons in order to support soldiers on the front lines, that is , those funds were additionally overspent, instead of receiving in the form of grants from the americans, which actually i mentioned about military and technical assistance, so that when we talk with you about improving the administration, i am absolutely sure that there are commercials. is corrupt things that can be detected there, it is possible to reduce expenses there to some extent, but it will not be trillions, it will not even be hundreds of billions, yes, for sure some funds can definitely be saved, but it is not the money that will significantly change the need in the budgetary financing of security and defense until the end of this year, mr. olezh, see
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if i understood correctly that... on average , it cannot be better, but now the government, the president, the verkhovna rada, well, the legislation and the works of the ministry have the best option of finance, the work of the ministry of economy, and the work of the ministry of defense, and the general staff, well, it works approximately as it is, it is much better, it is impossible to organize work, god forbid that it should not be worse. i understood you correctly, well, you and i are ukrainians, the truth is, well, more or less, yes, we are ukrainians, and to expect some fundamentally different ukrainians, better than they were before, well , let's not fool ourselves , we are what we are, and it is unlikely that we will fundamentally change anything, that is, what is today
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there is a moment, it has formed. within the limits of the balance that exists in the state, we have a certain political power, we have a certain verkhovna rada, which was elected by the majority of the ukrainian people, we have a president who was elected, that is, all this is built including and first of all, based on from the will of the ukrainian people, well, there will be no other, well, it is unlikely that we will be able to find it at the moment. some such purely conditional eisenhower or anyone else who will come to ukraine and suddenly improve everything there urgently in the shortest period of time. let's get out of what we are. let's start with what we have. what is definitely a huge plus and what our enemies were definitely not ready for is that the world will really start helping ukraine with a lot of money, really. and tell me
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, please, and this default, which they say is approaching, is it such a default-default, or is it some kind of misunderstanding, because look, look, look, what is the point, let me explain, ukraine has several types of borrowing, one type of borrowing is ukraine as a sovereign the program there is the ukrainian facility with the european union, according to the program with... the international monetary fund, which signed the memorandum, according to the programs, direct, receiving money from our partner countries, that is , ukraine receives money there as a sovereign, as a rule in that situation, issuing this money is accompanied by certain political commitments, well, the ukrainian facility program is a list of reforms, the international monetary fund signs a memorandum with us, there is
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a list of reforms. they generally say that this program.


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