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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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lose the opportunity to get a majority, so is it short-sighted, or is it a political struggle, or is it that there are forces in the democratic party who would like to take the reins of political power now and advance their candidates, because the logic is , what's going on, from my point of view , there's practically no, but there's some logic in the... so there is, i think you and i have forgotten the time when the republican party and the democratic party were parties of lively debate, and in each of these parties there were serious internal party discussions, and party ones leaders had great authority and influence on the mood of activists, this was the case for many decades. the republican party that we're seeing today is a completely different party, it's a party that...
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around donald trump, we didn't know that kind of republican party, and of course, that's why this unity is amazing that exists in the republican party, it works that way to her advantage, because almost all the leading figures of the republican party, they support donald trump, if any person expresses his disagreement with those or by his other methods or actions, she simply flies out of the republican party and disappears like mike pence. "like les cheney, like john bolton, the list goes on, people who disagree with donald trump have no influence on the republican party, their influence is zero. mike pence didn't do anything that special, he just implemented the results of the presidential election in in the united states, when trump opposed this implementation, he actually ended his political career, although he is a man of conservative views.
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which are in line with the views of the majority of the republican party today, however this man disobeyed trump and that is enough to never support him again, this is a brand new republican party, i repeat, there has never been a republican party like this, and the democratic party remains what it is always has been and what the republican party used to be, it's a party of debate, it's a party in which joseph biden is the leader, but a person to whom you can give advice, and everyone ... with, let's say, democrats who are respected, nancy pelosi or barack obama or anyone else can give advice to joseph biden, but as you understand, donald pramt does not need advice from anyone, the people who meet with him from the ranks of the republicans, they meet with him only to report to him, they persuade him only until the moment when they are not threatened by it. and this must
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be clearly understood, in this situation, as you understand, andrew, the democratic party looks like a party of such discussions and the lack of joint actions in comparison with a consolidated, strong republican party, in this there is the essence of the problems. well, probably the last question that we will talk about in the united states of america, cnn and with reference to its sources, published information that... an assassination attempt on trump could be prepared in iran, of course, they do not claim that this is exactly this the person who shot trump, he was recruited by iran or trained by iran, but still, this information is there, and it is quite, quite interesting from the point of view of how iran has the ability to have in the united states of america ... prepare or commit assassination attempts
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on the presidential candidates, to what extent do you, mr. vitaliy, trust such sources, such information, or indeed the states that belong to, as we have already said, the axis of evil, well at least iran, yes, can really influence the election in this way campaign or even prepare assassination attempts on candidates, including donald trump. well, i believe that iran is a country with quite strong special services that have quite serious capabilities around the world. i already wanted to remind that the special services of the islamic republic of iran, they are the heirs of the special services services of the shah of iran, which had serious connections with western special services, the officers of these special services studied at the central intelligence agency of the united states, in other such organizations, they have a very good school, and this whole school became the school of special services of the new islamic republic, it must just remember too. that's
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the first point, the second point to say that donald trump is a legitimate target for all of these iranian e-e intelligence services from their point of view, because exactly. he gave the order to kill the general soleimani, the head of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, who in one way or another was a cult figure for the iranian clergy, the most influential figure in the power structures of the islamic republic, and i am sure that they will hunt for trump, that in the end they will try to kill him before once and not, uh, uh, even if he becomes president, maybe in the future, in the future. there may be a situation where they will kill him after he becomes president, but they will hunt him down and hunt for other people who are involved in the liquidation of general suleimani. i would like to remind you that once, a long time ago, back in the days of ayatollah khomeini, the first head
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of the islamic republic of iran, the ayatollah issued a fatwa, which actually sentenced the famous writer salman rushdie to death, for one of his novels, and this one. caught up with ruzhdy literally a few years ago, two years ago, or three, that is, several decades passed, and a person tried to kill him again, although ruzhdy had been hiding for decades, he had guards from the secret service of great britain, he never spent the night there in any specific places, it was almost impossible to find him, but three decades had passed there, it seemed that everything was over, the new head of the islamic republic of iran was clearly not there... he was talking about this fatwa and yet there was an assassination attempt, so i think trump can't get away from this, he needs to provide himself with security, he needs to think about his own security, because he is a target, he became a target the moment he gave the order to eliminate general suleimani, that i think was absolutely logical
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decision for the american president, because general soumelimani was one of the main saboteurs in the middle east, his elimination was a signal to iran that you cannot destabilize the region, but when you are the president and you give such orders, you have to remember... that you leave the white house and you have to take care of your safety, then your whole next life, so i'm not surprised by this information, well, we'll also watch it, because actually really, including the american press very often talks about what can be done to donald trump more attempts to be made. another topic is important for ukraine, because the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi visited great britain, a strategic partner of our country, in particular, he met with the king of great britain, the prime minister and the ambassador
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of ukraine to great britain, valery zaluzhny, zelenskyi spoke, in fact before by the british parliament, provi'. talks with the current prime minister, more precisely with the new prime minister of great britain, starmer, is really important, really important, important visit, important meeting, actually the prime minister of great britain, starmer said that supporting ukraine is a priority for the new government, that great britain will... support ukraine as long as it is necessary, and here, of course, we must talk about this topic and also understand whether great britain really britain will now perhaps take on
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more obligations, will there be more aid to ukraine, and to the extent that the new british government, the new british majority will be more effective, time and time again. with the previous majority, compared to the previous government, in support of our country. well, i guess so there is a consensus on the support of ukraine to great britain. and it is not for nothing that the current ministers of the government of kir starmer, who when they were ministers of the target government, came to kyiv and voiced their positions on supporting ukraine, just as they are doing now, they are already in their new ministerial positions, so i think that all this will really be like. there is, the only thing that, of course, must be understood is that great britain can increase the level of support for ukraine there, but not significantly, because it has its own budget opportunities, and kerstal got the country in a deep crisis, otherwise, his victory in the parliamentary elections would not have been so triumphant, and
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to what extent the aid to ukraine can be significantly increased, this is a rather difficult question for me, because i do not know what budgetary possibilities are still available in great britain? there are always political opportunities in great britain. these political possibilities are connected with what, for example, volodymyr zelenskyi proposed when he told a joint meeting with the british government that he would like britain to allow... to hit the entire territory of the russian federation with its missiles so that it became a pioneer here to allow it to do this, while we still do not have a concrete answer to this question, and we see that, in principle, none of the western countries is ready to make such decisions on their own, such as, by the way, the decision to shoot down russian missiles over ukrainian territory, you know that during your stay in warsaw and the signing of a joint support agreement with the prime minister of poland, donald. the ukrainians also talked about the possibility of such an option as the destruction
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of russian missiles by western air defense forces over ukrainian territory, however, as soon as this information appeared, other information immediately appeared that the nato countries are against it, that it is not agreed, and the same here, why it is difficult to say, here we have information that the west is afraid that russia will supply ... long-range missiles to the houthis, and this is a serious element of, i would say, blackmail that can be used by vladimir putin to make the west be careful with strikes on russian territory, because putin already talked about an asymmetric response, if russia will hand over long-range missiles to the hussites, who have already arrived in moscow, according to the old street journal newspaper, then this will change security. the situation in the far east, yesterday we saw a drone that
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flew from tel aviv to tel aviv, killed a person there, and he was from yemen, and you understand that it is even more difficult for israel to fight the houthis in yemen than with hamas in the territory of gaza and with hezbollah in the territory of lebanon. this time. imagine that long-range missiles will bite. first, they paralyze all world shipping in the red sea and this. multibillion-dollar losses for the united states and great britain and other western countries. second, it will change israel's security situation because these missiles will be more difficult to intercept, as we can see, than the missiles that even came from iran. that is, putin has additional options, and these politicians obviously know about these options. by the way, from the latest news before ours. there was information from the local media that
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israel struck yemen, more precisely , the houthis we are talking about, so the fuel depots in the proto-me city became the target hodeidah, which is controlled by the houthis, and there are already a huge number of videos on social networks where these fuel depots are actually burning, maybe something else has burned. maybe some weapons, information, i think, will be added, and we will find out in time, but we saw that there was an israeli response, and maybe there was also information that israel struck together with the united states of america, this information needs more clarification, so indeed, if we are talking about great britain, if we are talking about the permission to hit... with high-precision missiles on the territory of russia, then we really observe that there will be
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an escalation, in fact, again in the middle east and again in the territory currently controlled by the yemeni houthis, so in the continuation of this, in the continuation of volodymyr zelenskyi's visit to great britain, we must also mention about the statement. of the new minister of defense of this country, in particular, the minister of defense declared that china is a mortal threat to great britain, this is also such a quite resonant and interesting statement that confirms that, if not all, then at least individual european states and great britain itself are gradually beginning to understand that something needs to be done with china, that is, this statement by one of the representatives
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of the british government, how it can be interpreted, including within the framework of the visit of volodymyr zelenskyi to the ukrainian delegation to great britain? well, great britain is an ally of the united states in one way or another. i the united states, interests in the asia-texas region are now key. and, by the way, he is not the only one talking about this. donald trump joseph biden too always considered these interests to be key and that is why he tried to agree with vladimir putin that putin did not start this big war against ukraine. because it's clear that this big war, it's draining resources , including the political resources of the united states , to be able to really contain china, that's absolutely clear to me, and that the united kingdom is building its vision of challenges, if you will, in accordance with the american
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idea of ​​challenges, this is also an important thing. on the other hand, we understand that in velika britain to the united states. will have to negotiate with european countries that look at china in a completely different way. these are just the last months. emmanuel macron, olaf scholz, and george meleni also visited china. sidzin pinen was in paris. that is , european countries continue to look at the people's republic of china, at communist china, as an important trade and economic partner. they are trying to build a special relationship with him. the nature of the partnership, and they hope that china will realize that it is better for them economic development than political confrontation. by the way, i want to remind you that it is not only china when the americans speak . anthony blinkin said that china helps russia by 90% in the restoration of the military-industrial complex, and volodymyr
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zelenskyi replied that he promised sydzimpinemu that china would not supply russia weapons, these are two different approaches. to china, and the ukrainian approach is closer to the french and german than to the american and british, it must also be remembered that we still have the illusion that china can be in some ways, it is advantageous to end the war in such a way that it is good for ukraine, as trump would like on ukrainian terms, but it is clear that china would just like the war to end on russian terms, because russia is for him and a proxy army in the fight against the west and an important ally in the values ​​of the modern world. that is , after all, the position of great britain is different from the position of the european union, and britain is ready, even to some extent, to go to a confrontation with china, to go
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to a confrontation with this news not only, but only by china, and that too. states supported by china, yes, and in this case we can have more significant support from britain, yes, than, for example, from a number of european states, i do not, i do not argue, but again, we can have support if we let's look at china like this, and not look for any opportunities to involve china in our peace-making efforts, the question arises as to who should support whom, but again... it should be understood that in this situation a lot depends precisely on the possibility of economic and political containment of china. great britain is not as economically dependent on china as european countries, but it cannot influence china in the same way as many other countries that are consumers of chinese products, and this is also clear, so the british
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can calmly talk about china like this as the europeans do not say, because their level of their economic integration with china. after all, it is difficult to compare with the pan-european one, and if we recall another issue that concerns great britain, actually the ex-prime minister, boris johnson met with donald trump, well , again we come back and to trump, again we talk about him, but as they say, we have to, because trump is now the number one on the lips. most, including european politicians, and there was a really interesting meeting, did trump meet with johnson or vice versa, and johnson stated that donald trump will strongly support ukraine, how do you comment on this statement and this meeting,
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is it not by the efforts of politically bankrupt politicians, perhaps. great britain to pull itself out of some certain oblivion and and demonstrate that they can still play a certain role on the actual world political or geopolitical map. well, i wanted to remind you that donald trump is absolutely not interested in who is bankrupt or who is not . he supports people of the same views and values ​​as him. and when there were elections in great britain, he generally welcomed nigel farage. whose party received only 4%, four seats, sorry, in the house of commons, well , according to the number of people who voted for it, it is the third party in the country, but nevertheless, himself the result is not very significant, and nigel farage is a friend of trump, and he welcomed him. the same applies to boris johnson. between trump and johnson, despite certain
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conflicts that existed between them, there have always been, there was some kind of understanding, this is also true, it must be clearly stated, and the fact that the politicians on the right of the conservative camp are now fighting for the ears of donald trump is absolutely logical . some sing to him one thing in these ears, others something else. and boris johnson, whose position. significantly differs in the russian-ukrainian war from the position of, say, viktor orbán, who recently met with donald trump and tried to discuss with him precisely his vision , which is completely opposite to orbán's. and by the way, why don't you think that the very possibility of a conversation between zelensky and trump could somehow be related to the conversation between johnson and trump. maybe boris johnson could be the one who finally convinced donald trump to talk to the president of ukraine and say what trump said. this is after the meeting with trump. johnson talked about the fact that trump will resolutely support ukraine, and now we heard similar words from trump, he continues to talk about negotiations, but already about ukrainian conditions
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for negotiations, not his own conditions for negotiations, and this may be the result of his meeting with boris johnson, trump is quite an impulsive politician like that, and johnson, and johnson can really influence trump's position, or at least his words, so to speak, if that position... is in line with the views of the electorate that might vote for trump, yes, when you talk to those by people like trump, me i think johnson understands this perfectly, no worse than you and me, you have to talk about their interests, and if their interests coincide with your point of view, without a doubt they can go to meet you, not from their point of view, with theirs, with their vision of the situation, your explanation and their interest, that's how it is, that is... in this situation, in the situation that trump can become the president of the united states of america, it is worth looking for some mediators, some people who can be
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a bridge to the position of donald trump, for that it is possible to change his opinion, it is possible to impose, it is possible to change the opinion of donald trump, i say again, now we see what interest donald trump has, what this interest will be after the presidential elections. we don't know about the elections, trump's interest is very often of a virtual nature, this is also a huge problem, and precisely because this interest is of a virtual nature, it is not very clear how to really influence it, so of course you need to look for opportunities to talk in both political camps in the united states, both among republicans and among democrats, because given the configuration of the congress and the fact that presidential decisions one way or another depends on the congress of the united states, this is also a very important point. one more topic, and one more, one more block is important, this is the situation in the european parliament, in the european
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union, not so much time has passed, and we see that the european parliament has actually been formed, the main officials of the authorities, the european commission have been elected in the european parliament, this is how the first session of the new european parliament took place and... i those warnings, which we talked about on our broadcasts, and which many ukrainian politicians and experts also talked about, fortunately, they have not come true yet. actually, two far-right groups, or right-wing groups, they did not get any important positions in the european parliament, and actually we also saw that this is what the far-right is like. the german party alternative for germany also did not actually receive any positions, at least influential ones, so it seems to me that
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it did not receive any positions at all. so, if we are talking about the first session of the european parliament, which she showed her strengths or weaknesses, how much she showed her commitment to ukraine and... still, here are these two right-wing or right-wing groups to a certain extent, can they influence the next sessions of the european parliament and increase their influence, including within negative trends for our state. well, first of all , i wanted to remind you that these two far-right groups are a heterogeneous, some kind of far-right formation in the european parliament, what is it? an ultra-right group led by a representative of the brothers of italy party, a group that orients itself to italian prime minister george melena, this group is generally absolutely loyal to ukraine,
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its representatives will always support it. ukraine, so there are no problems here, there is another group that focuses on the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán and the head of the national association of france marine le pen, well, the situation is not very clear either, because of course this group is more cautious to the russian-ukrainian war, however, marin lipen has recently changed her rhetoric and calls russia's actions aggression, so she speaks against french troops being sent to ukraine, it's true, she opposes...against the permission to use western weapons for strikes on ukrainian territory, that's also true, but at the same time she is absolutely obviously in favor of supporting ukraine, so what can i say , that this is some kind of cemented anti-ukrainian union, you can't say that either, here is an alternative for germany, so the representatives of this party, together with the representatives of the left-radical alliance sukhneh, even left the bundestag meeting hall when the ukrainian president was speaking there, but
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this formation will leave... out of both far-right associations, neither george meleni nor marine le pen want to see it in their ranks, and this is also a lot to talk about, so in this regard we can talk about the fact that the majority of the members of the european parliament are sympathetic to ukraine and our struggle for the preservation of sovereignty, and it cannot be said here that automatic membership in far-right political forces is a marker of the fact that you do not support ukraine. no, it is not like that. no, we clearly see that some of them are political parties that are, including, even in these two factions, they cannot be counted as anti-ukrainian, indeed there are separate parties that are ready, at least in the information space, to voice some russian narratives, but again, we must emphasize , that not all of them, and i think
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that the majority... even under certain media pressure, are ready to weaken their position, are ready to move towards a more liberal position in relation to ukraine, and here is another topic in the same context, and another group, more precisely, one of these two groups, as we called it, orbán's group, and about orbán, we will actually talk now. in a letter to the european... council, orban actually suggested that the european union restore diplomatic relations with russia, if not now, then in some future. also , one of the heads of the european union, mr. michel, responded to these statements and letters, stating that this is not orbán's role, that orbán de facto
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does not have one. the right to speak on behalf of the european union, and in general, as we see, there is a certain position of certain people members of the european parliament, certain political forces, which say that hungary in general should now be removed from the leadership in the european union, which it accepted from july 1 of this year and will actually continue until december 31. again this year. mr. vitaly, orban continues to promote russian narratives, he writes letters, one, two, three, he says that it is necessary to somehow end the war there, that there is no need to quarrel with russia, that it is still necessary to establish diplomatic relations with the state, the occupier, that is, orbán does not stop, criticism of him, accordingly,
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does not stop either. and all this can clearly even lead to a discussion about hungary's removal from leadership in the european union. why is orbán doing this, why is he approaching certain red lines that can harm, including his positions, the positions, the positions of his country in the european union. well, i think because he wants to be a leading european politician. the only person who can travel to kyiv, moscow, beijing and meet at the same time with donald trump. and by the way, we see that many people are following his path, that volodymyr zelenskyi also appears to want to talk to donald trump, and he wanted to talk to xijin pina, he made an effort to do so, and viktor orban does it without much effort. i think that is why orban has such an idea that he can act in such a role completely calmly.


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