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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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confrontation, because china knows for sure that if russia loses, that way it's their joint loss, and if they win, it's their joint gain, and it's such an absolutely, i would say, enchanted situation, but what do we all think about china, not only donald trump, ukrainians also think that , of course, they have a bad situation in the economy, and of course they will never take any desperate steps, because they... there will be a difficult situation, and they can be forced to stop cooperating with russia and help her. it also an illusion. well, when you tell me, to the members of the central committee of the communist party of china, economics was more important than ideology. when deng seoping, the de facto founder of modern china, said that we need this black gut, which doesn't matter what color it is, just to catch mice, he meant that... any means
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is good for the communist party to gain power party china, but who told us that this cat is only the economy, and sidzenpin is not currently operating on the economy, but on the unification of the motherland, the reunification of the motherland, he is already following the same path followed by his friend putin, his friend putin followed the path of economy until 2014, remember, we always told you, oh, russians have never lived so well. as under putin, it was true, if you look at the average salaries and pensions in russia at that time, they are not comparable to the incomes of ordinary russians in any historical era, and ukrainians were all delighted with how rich and successful a country russia had become , and vladimir putin was more unpopular among ukrainian politicians than abroad, and everyone said the same. heard, well, if
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putin is so interested in this preservation of the social standard of living of russians, he will no longer go to a confrontation with the west, he is not an idiot, but he has been caught on this economic hook, now russia will definitely not be able to, it may be a country of managed democracy, but it is not cannot take any steps that would completely destroy its relations with the civilized world, because it is important for putin to enter the lives of russians as successfully as possible. opinion, and it turned out that it is possible to grab the russians by another hook, the reunification of the lands, and that for many russians crimea, ours is more important than my pension, here's your answer, mr. vitaly, let's go back, actually, you already mentioned it, to the conversation between zelenskyi and trump. for the first time in a long time, such
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a conversation took place, they agreed to meet, to talk about peace, after the conversation with zelensky, trump announced that he promises to end the russian-ukrainian war, well, he has already said this many times, including in his speeches, during the election campaign campaign, this time he said it personally to volodymyr zelenskyi, and you already mentioned this one topic you have already talked about what is needed, including taking into account the position of vladimir putin here, trump promises something to zelensky, mr. vitaly, do you think that these are empty words of trump, or does trump really count on the fact that he is there some will make some concessions, but again, let's... talk about the fact that trump
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said that he would end the russian-ukrainian war on ukrainian terms. what can be the base of these words? or i repeat myself, these are just another words of donald trump that he can change through a month, two or three, or immediately, as theoretically he will assume the position of president, if he is elected, of course. i believe that the words of donald trump do not support the american president in any real way, but i think that donald trump will try to implement them. the fact that donald trump is talking to volodymyr zelensky at all does not mean that he does not care about the russian-ukrainian war. and the fact that he understands that a large number of americans support ukraine in this war. and on the eve of the presidential elections in of the united states, he doesn't want to ignore these people, because he understands that if he were to ignore these people, it would
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lead to, well, if you will, such a real, real, real loss of the electorate. who could vote for him, you and i were talking about senator vance, the vice president, now the candidate for vice president of the united states from the republicans, he is from the state of ohio, yes, and there is a large ukrainian diaspora living in this state, which as a rule , as you know, votes for republicans, why should donald trump to lose the votes of these people, he needs them to vote for trump and vance, vance is going to say if they are going to talk, you didn't want to support. ukraine, i didn't want to, i wanted to, i talked to president zelenskyi, i promised that the war would end on ukrainian terms, i promised that i would come to kyiv, what else do i have to do, so this is the simple logic of the pre-election struggle, i believe that, despite all the ambiguity
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of the current president's conversation with the former president, with the candidate for the position president, this conversation has its benefits, because it once again reminds of the need for bipartisan support of ukraine. during the russian-ukrainian war, this bipartisan support is a sign that, despite vladimir putin's many years of effort, he will not achieve his goals of liquidating the ukrainian state. but as for the fact that president trump will be able to end the war on the terms of ukraine, it is always important to me how he is. is going to influence not zelensky, as i already said, but putin. how will president putin listen to some of donald trump's demands. what can donald trump say and do now so that vladimir putin obediently agrees to end the war on
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ukrainian terms. and maybe, maybe vladimir putin now benefits from freezing the war, and relatively speaking... some period, at least a short one, so that the war is not in a hot phase, maybe donald trump is counting on that. of course, i believe that it is beneficial for vladimir putin to freeze the war on certain conditions, but on russian conditions. freezing the war must take place on russian terms. ukraine must recognize itself as a defeated state. ugh. to start. and this, by the way, is what former president dmytro medvyedov says. let even them admit their defeat, give up the territories. will agree to our terms of all this demilitarization, de-nazification of neutral status and all that, and then we'll come back and kill them in their beds, if you translate his statements from bureaucratic language to reality, and they 'll be ready for a freeze on war when it
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there will be an obvious humiliation of ukraine and the west, because this humiliation of ukraine and the west frees the hands of everyone, and russia, and china, and... other countries that are going to bring the west to its knees in the coming years, and they are going, and they will do this in order to change the world order, because, as i have already repeatedly said, this is not a war for ukraine, the ukrainian war is only one of the episodes of this struggle between democracies and dictatorships that is taking place now, in general it is a struggle for changing the world order, for the division of the world between spheres of influence, between democracies and dictatorships, and the west must make a clear commitment that it will not meddle in... a world controlled by dictators, just as it did not meddle in a world that was left to stalin after the yalta conference, but just watched soviet tanks kill hungarians and czechs and slovaks, right? this is the kind of
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world that vladimir putin and sidzempin need, they will work hard to build this world for the next ten years, that is why i say that these decades will be decades of crises, wars, tragedies, disappointments, catastrophes, if... the west will not gather and strike a real blow, but it must not be an economic strike, it must be a force strike against dictatorships, as long as the west is afraid, it will suffer one defeat after another, and eventually people with dictatorial desires will come to power in the west as well. and what role can the newly elected, or rather not yet elected, but chosen by trump, the potential vice president of the united states of america, jaydy vance, play here, that is. i think the vice president of the united states in general no serious role, especially trump will not be played, this is a beautiful figure to show there is an elderly presidential candidate, young, president, vice president, but trump chooses his team according to the principle of not preventing me
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from working, i will not prevent you from living, so i don't think j.d. vance will play any role in the political life of the united states as long as donald trump is in that political life. huh, i'd say on the republican ship. but their views are somehow correlated whether the views will be correlated or still, conditionally speaking. and these are the views of divens, and they should not be considered at all, as they say, should not even be paid some minimal attention to it? and i don't know, to be honest, whether there are any views on this, he has already changed his view so many times and adapted to the current situation so many times that i will not be surprised that his idea that he is completely indifferent to ukraine after three months will become views, we should only think about ukraine, because it is our main partner in the confrontation with the authoritarian world. from such and such people, who are essentially komsomol members, he is a typical komsomol member, only from the it industry, and not from
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the centers of the youth scientific and technical society, as in the soviet union, for from these people i expect everything, honestly saying, because i'm absolutely sure that the person who said the day before yesterday that he was against trump, that trump is an authoritarian personality both in his personal relationships and in his public sphere, and then changed... the point of view is exactly the opposite and now apologizes to trump for that, well i'm sorry, i'm not i expect some, if you will , ideological integrity from this person, i generally do not believe in people who fundamentally change their fundamental political views. we see that donald trump is really trying to squeeze as much out of his election campaign as possible. we see that donald trump is trying to play, so to speak, on this confrontation, that is, de facto, choosing. bens to show what you see,
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there are so-called young faces or new faces in my team, yes, so of course it's interesting and we 'll definitely be watching that, i hope that we will also talk about the election campaign, about biden, about trump, but i think we will do it after a short break, do not switch, and we will still have more than an hour to analyze the latest events, analyze the situation with vitaly portnikov, so stay tuned to the espresso tv channel for a few moments and we'll be back. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together with strongly. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent, taras
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berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! live air, saturday political club, we return and continue to analyze the latest events, analyze the most important for us. of our country and for the world with vitaly portnikov. so let's move on to another important topic that
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concerns the united states of america, which is , of course, the election and the upheavals that concern the president of the united states of america, joseph biden. we see that pressure continues, daily pressure on him regarding the possible withdrawal of his candidacy from the elections. we are already discussing this with mr. vitaly. the fourth week, and as they say, the fourth week, we are taking the temperature in the american electoral chamber, and so biden does not want to withdraw from the election, at least according to his words, i quote, he says: i am old, but from won't give up the fight, he said this week, at the same time, the washington post reports that democrats are convincing biden that... his candidacy is damaging to the party, and
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the candidacy of the current vice president of the united states, kamala harris, is also being actively promoted and discussed , and of course we are watching all this, that is , the pressure on biden and even, by the way, a few days ago there was information that this weekend he may withdraw from the pre- election race, so, mr. vitaly, the fourth week and your assessment of this temperature by american electoral chamber. what trends do you see now, has biden's situation really gotten worse? i believe that the situation has worsened not with biden, but with democracy. ugh. because the fact that they show such, i would say, incredible fluctuations, it certainly somewhat reduces their chances of winning the presidential elections. and, by the way, in the congressional elections, because at the time when
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the republicans are showing absolute unity around donald trump, the democrats have a... not a complete lack of such unity, the republicans absolutely do not care that there is trump confusing? there, trump confused hungary with turkey, said that orbán is the president of turkey, no one was interested in it at all, even these liberal publications close to the democratic party were not interested. biden's conditions are discussed as a situation of full crisis. i am not talking now about the cognitive abilities of biden in his. the candidates running for the position of president of the united states raise serious questions about their age, and biden is no different from trump, and trump is no different from biden. but trump is different from biden only because republicans give him credit for everything he does. and trump once said that
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if he went out into manhattan and killed a man, the republicans would be delighted with his actions, and he is absolutely right. and if biden goes to manhattan and throws garbage on the street there, the new york times, washington post, economist journalists will write about it in the next minute, cnn will show a report, and they will all demand that biden withdraw his candidacy, the corpse of a person killed by trump they they won't even see it, because it's trump, of course he went out and killed a man that we wonder why we even have to talk about it, that's the point. election campaign in the united states, although why donald trump is still preserved in american political life, because the supporters of donald trump absolutely do not care what will happen to donald trump, what will be the verdicts against him, what he will do, they want donald trump to lead america, period, don't mess with us, don't tell us anything bad about donald trump, you and i know he's the perfect leader, and in a democrat
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in other situations, and here naturally the question arises, if josepha. really refuse to run, who will really be a candidate? kamala harris? well, this is a possible option, but we understand that her popularity is significantly inferior to the popularity of joseph biden. she is not popular with many democrats. and in this situation, people can simply avoid participating in the elections. that is, the democrats need a popular candidate, not just biden. how will they find this candidate, will it be enough? time on holding quick primaries now in these conditions, no, the democrats can choose anyone as their candidate, but they need independent voters to join the candidacy of this candidate in those states where the fate of america is decided. now, according to polls, the difference in
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votes between biden and trump in these states is 1.2%. in favor of trump, but this is a sociological fallacy, we do not know how it will look, as you know, before the 2016 election , everyone was sure that hillary clinton would win this trump election, precisely because that she won in these states according to sociology, but these states lost in the elections, and why these states lost, because donald trump conducted an aggressive election campaign in these states, and hillary clinton is sure that she did not hold these states in her pocket anyway , that's what you need to do. campaigning aggressively to stop trump, and they're instead campaigning to stop biden, and that's political short-sightedness, i would say, well , again, you and i have spoken on many occasions and we've also expressed wonder why democrats do this because they
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also understand that these are elections not only for the president, but also partly for the house of representatives. representatives, and in fact this, i would say, discord, this is the division of positions, the separation of positions in the democratic party, it also affects the possible results of the elections to the house of representatives, they may again lose the opportunity to get a majority, so is it short-sighted or is it... political infighting or is it that there are forces in the democratic party that would like to now to take over the reins of political power and advance their own. candidates, because there is practically no logic in what is happening from my point of view, but
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is there any logic in it? i think you and i have forgotten the time when the republican party and the democratic party were parties of lively debate, and each of those parties had serious intra-party debates, and party leaders had great authority and ... influence on the attitudes of activists, that was for many decades, the republican party we've been watching today, it's a completely different party, it's a party that's consolidated around donald trump, we haven't known a republican party like this, and of course, that's why this unity that exists in the republican party is amazing, it works in this way to its advantage, because almost all the leading republican party officials they... support donald trump, if any person expresses their disagreement with one or another of his methods or actions, they simply fly out of the republican party and disappear, like mike
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pence, like lee cheney, like john bolton, this the list goes on, people who disagree with donald trump have no influence on the republican party, their influence is zero. mike pence didn't do anything that special, he just implemented the results of the election. in the united states, when trump opposed this implementation, he effectively ended his political career, although he is a man of extremely conservative views, which correspond to the views of most members of the republican party today, but this man did not obey trump, and this is enough for his never support again. this is a completely new republican party, i repeat, there has never been such a republican party, and the democratic party remains what it always was. was and what the republican party used to be, it's a party of debate, it's a party in which, in which joseph biden is the leader, but a person to whom you can give advice,
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and every one of the, let's say, respected democrats, nancy pelosi or barack obama , or anyone else, can give advice to joseph biden, but as you understand, donald trump does not need anyone's advice, the people who are with him meet with... love republicans, they meet with him only to report to him, they convince him only until the moment when they are not in any danger, and this should be clearly understood in this situation, as you understand, andrii , the democratic party looks like a party of such discussions and lack of joint action compared to a consolidated, strong republican party, this is the essence of the problems. well, probably the last question that we will talk about in the united states of america, cnn and with reference to its sources, published information that an assassination attempt on trump could
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be prepared in iran. of course, they're not saying that this particular person who shot trump was recruited by iran or trained by iran, but the information is there, and it's, well, pretty interesting from that point of view. that in what way iran has the ability to prepare or carry out assassinations against presidential candidates in the united states of america. to what extent do you, mr. vitaly, trust such sources, such information, or indeed the states that belong to, as we have already they said, the axes of evil? well, at least iran, yes, can really influence the election campaign in this way or even prepare assassination attempts on candidates, in particular on donald trump. well, i
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think iran is a country with pretty strong special services that have pretty serious capabilities around the world. i already wanted to remind you that the special services of the islamic republic of iran, they are the heirs of the special services of the shah of iran, which had serious connections with the western special services, the officers of the special services were trained in the central intelligence agency of the united states in the states, in other such organizations, they have a very good school, and this whole school has become a school for the special services of the newest islamic republic, this must also be remembered, this is the first moment, the second moment, about which it is necessary to say that donald trump is a legitimate a target for all these iranian intelligence services from their point of view, because he was the one who gave the order to kill general tsolimani. the head of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, who in one way or another was a cult figure for the iranian clergy, the most influential figure in
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power structures of the islamic republic. and i 'm sure they're going to hunt trump down, that eventually they're going to try to kill him more than once or twice, uh, uh, even if he becomes president, maybe in the future, in the future, there might be a situation where they will kill him after he becomes president, but they will hunt him and other people who are involved in the elimination of general suleimani. i would like to remind you that once upon a time, back in the days of ayatollah khomeini, the head of the islamic of the republic of iran, the ayatollah issued a fatwa that actually sentenced the famous writer salman rushdie to death, for one of his novels, and this fatwa caught up with rushdie literally a few years ago, two years ago, or three, that is, several decades passed, and the man again tried to to kill, although ruzhdi had been hiding for decades, he had guards from the secret service of great britain,
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he never spent the night there in any specific places, it was almost impossible to find him, but three decades had passed there, it seemed that everything was over, a new leader the islamic republic of iran was clearly not interested in this fatwa there, and yet there was an assassination attempt, so i think trump is not going to get away with it, he needs to protect himself, he needs to think about his own security, because he is a target, he has become by her at the moment when she gave the order to eliminate general sulimani, i think it was an absolutely logical decision. for the american president, because general simolimani was one of the main saboteurs in the middle east, his elimination was a miran signal that you are not you can destabilize the region, but when you're the president and you give orders like that, you have to remember that you're leaving the white house, and you have to take care of your safety, then your whole next life, so i'm not surprised by this information, what , we will also monitor this, because in fact,
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including the american... the press very often says that there may be more attempts on donald trump. another topic is important for ukraine, because the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi visited velika britain, a strategic partner of our country. in particular, he met with the king of great britain, the prime minister, and the ambassador. of ukraine in great britain valery zaluzhny, zelensky actually spoke in front of the british parliament, held talks with the current prime minister, or rather with the new prime minister of great britain starmer. really important, really important, important visit, important meeting, in fact the prime minister
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of great britain. starmer said that supporting ukraine is a priority for of the new government, that great britain will support ukraine as much as necessary, and here, of course, we have to talk about this topic and also have to understand whether great britain is really going to, perhaps, take on more. commitments, whether there will be more aid to ukraine and how effective the new british government, the new british majority will be, compared to the previous majority, compared to the previous government in supporting our country. well, i think that there is a consensus regarding the support of ukraine and great britain, and for good reason, the current ministers government of kiir starmer, who were once ministers
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of target. came to kyiv and voiced their positions in support of ukraine, just as they are doing now in their exchange ministerial positions, so i think that all this will really be as it is, the only thing, of course, you need to understand that great britain can increase the level of support for ukraine there, but not significantly, because it has its own budgetary possibilities, and kehr starmün got the country in a deep crisis, otherwise his victory in the parliamentary elections would not have been so triumphant, and as much as possible... aid to ukraine may be significantly increased, this is a rather difficult question for me, because i do not know what budget possibilities are still available in great britain. there are always political opportunities in great britain. these political possibilities are connected with the fact that, for example, volodymyr zelenskyi proposed when he told a joint meeting with the british government that he would like britain to allow its missiles to be fired throughout the territory of the russian federation.


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