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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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there is a consensus, and for good reason, the current ministers of the government of kiir starmer, that when they were ministers of the target government, they came to kyiv and voiced their positions on supporting ukraine, just as they are doing now in their new ministerial positions, so i think , that all this will really be the way it is, the only thing is that, of course, it must be understood that great britain can increase the level of support for ukraine there, but not significantly, because it has its own budget opportunities, and kerst. he got a country in a deep crisis, otherwise he would his victory in the parliamentary elections was not so triumphant. and to what extent can aid to ukraine be significantly increased? this is a rather difficult question for me, because i do not know what budgetary possibilities are still available in great britain. there are always political opportunities in great britain. these political opportunities are connected with the fact that, for example, volodymyr zelenskyy proposed when he told a joint meeting with the british government that he would like... that britain allowed to strike
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with its missiles on the entire territory of russia federation to become a pioneer here, to allow it to be done. we do not yet have a concrete answer to this question. and we see that, in principle, none of the western countries is ready to make such decisions independently. as, by the way, the decision to shoot down russian missiles over ukrainian territory. you know that during your stay in warsaw and the signing of the joint support agreement with the premium. polish minister donald tusk, the ukrainians also talked about the possibility of such an option as the destruction of russian missiles, by western air defense forces over ukrainian territory, however , as soon as this information appeared, other information immediately appeared that nato countries are against it, that it is not agreed, and here it is the same, why is it difficult to say, here we are , we have information that the west fears that russia... will
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supply long-range missiles to the houthis, and this is a serious element, i would say blackmail, that can be used by vladimir putin to get the west to be careful about striking russian territory , because here is putin already spoke about an asymmetric response if russia hands over long-range missiles to the houthis, who have already arrived in moscow according to the old street journal newspaper. then this will change the security situation in the far east, yesterday we saw a drone that flew from tel aviv to tel aviv, killed a person there, and he was from yemen, and you understand that it is even more difficult for israel to fight the houthis in yemen , than with hamas on the territory of gaza and with hezbollah on the territory of lebanon, that's one time. imagine that there will be long-range missiles okoshita, first, they paralyze all world shipping in... the united states and for
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great britain and for other western countries. second, it will change israel's security situation because these missiles will be more difficult to intercept, as we can see, than the missiles that even came from iran. that is, putin has additional options, and these politicians obviously know about these options. by the way, from the latest news. information from the local media appeared on our airwaves, that israel had struck yemen, more precisely, the houthis we are talking about, so on target fuel depots burned in the proto-myster city of hodeidah, which is controlled by the houthis, and there are already a huge number of videos on social networks where these fuel depots are actually burning, maybe... something else is burning, maybe
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some weapons, information, i think, will be added , and we will find out in time, but we saw that there was an israeli response, and maybe there was also information that israel struck together with the united states of america, this information needs further clarification, so really, if we are talking about great britain, if we are talking about permission would... high-precision missiles on the territory of russia, then we really observe that there will actually be an escalation, again in the middle east and again in the territory currently controlled by the yemeni houthis, so in the continuation of this, in the continuation of the visit of volodymyr zelensky to great britain , it should also be mentioned... and about the statement of the new
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minister of defense of this country, in particular, the minister of defense stated that china is a mortal threat. for great britain, this is also such a quite resonant and interesting statement, which confirms that, if not all, then at least some european states, and the great britain itself, are gradually beginning to understand that something must be done with china as well, so this statement of one of the representatives of the british government, how can it be... of the ukrainian delegation to great britain? well, great britain is somehow an ally of the united states. for the united states, interests in the asia-pacific region are now key. and, by the way, not
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only donald trump is talking about this. joseph biden too always considered these interests to be key and that is why he tried to agree with vladimir putin that putin did not start this big war against ukraine. because it's clear. that this big war is draining the resources, including the political resources of the united states , to be able to really contain china, that is absolutely clear to me, and that great britain is building its vision of challenges, if you will, in line with the american understanding of the challenges, this is also an important thing, on the other hand, we understand that the big... britain and the united states will have to negotiate with european countries, which look at china in a completely different way. these are just the last months. emmanuel macron, olaf scholz, and george melanie also visited china. sijin ping was in paris. that is
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, european countries continue to look at the people's republic of china, at communist china, as an important trade and economic partner. they are trying to build. it has a special nature of partnership, and they hope that china will realize that it is more profitable for them economic development than political confrontation. by the way, i would like to remind you that it is not only china when the americans speak, antony blinken said that china helps russia by 90% in the restoration of the military-industrial complex, and volodymyr zelenskyi replied that sidzimpinemo promised that china would not supply russian weapons. these are two different approaches to china, and the ukrainian approach is closer to the french and german than to the american and british. it should also be remembered that we still have the illusion of what china can be in some ways, it is beneficial to end the war in such a way that it is good for ukraine, as trump would like
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on ukrainian terms, but it is clear that china would like the war to end on russian terms, because russia is for him and the proxy army in the struggle with the west and an important ally in... the modern world, that is , after all, the position of great britain is different from the position of the european union, and britain is ready, even to some extent, to go to a confrontation with china, to go to a confrontation with this news is not only, not only. and those states supported by china, yes, and in this case, we can have more significant support from britain, yes, than, for example, from a number of european countries, i do not argue, but again, we can
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have support if we look at china in this way, but not to look for any opportunities to involve china in our peacekeeping efforts, the question here is who should support whom? but once again it is necessary to understand that in this situation a lot depends precisely on the possibility of economic and political containment of china. great britain is not as economically dependent on china as european countries country, but it cannot influence china in the same way as many other countries that are consumers of chinese products, and this is also clear, so the british can safely talk about china in a way that europeans do not, because their level of their.. economic with china, it is still difficult to compare it with the european one, and if we recall another issue that concerns great britain, actually ex-prime minister boris
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johnson met with donald trump, well , again we come back to trump, again we talk about him, but as they say it has to be because trump is now number one. on the lips of the majority, including european politicians, and here was a really interesting meeting, trump met with johnson or vice versa, and johnson for... stated that donald trump will resolutely support ukraine, how do you comment on this statement and this meeting, isn't this an attempt by politically bankrupt politicians, perhaps great britain, to pull themselves out of some kind of oblivion and demonstrate that they can still play some role. role in the actual world political or geopolitical role
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the map well, i wanted to remind you that donald trump is absolutely not interested in who is bankrupt or who is not. he supports people who share his views and values. and when there were elections in great britain, he generally welcomed nigel farage, whose party got only 4%, four seats, sorry, in the house of commons, well, in terms of the number of people who voted for it, it is the third party in the country, but that... however, the result itself is not very significant, and nigel farage is a friend of trump, and he welcomed him. the same applies to boris johnson. between trump and johnson, despite certain conflicts that existed between them, have always existed, there was a certain understanding. it is also true, it must be said clearly, and it is absolutely logical that politicians from the right-conservative camp are now fighting for donald trump's ears. some sing to him one thing in these ears, others another. and johnson, whose position on the russian-ukrainian war is significantly different from the position of, say, viktor orbán, who
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recently met with donald trump, tried to discuss his a vision completely opposite to that of orbanovsky, and by the way, why don't you think that the very possibility of a conversation between zelenskyi and trump could somehow be related to the conversation between johnson and trump. maybe boris johnson could be the one who finally convinced donald trump to talk to the president of ukraine and say what trump said. here is after. meeting with trump, johnson said that trump will resolutely support ukraine, and now we heard similar words from trump, he continues to talk about negotiations, but already about ukrainian conditions negotiations, not his conditions for negotiations, and this may be the result of his meeting with boris johnson, trump is quite an impulsive politician, and johnson, johnson can really influence trump's position or at least his words, so to speak. if that position resonates with the electorate that might vote for trump, yes? when you talk
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to people like trumpy, i think johnson understands this perfectly, no worse than you and i, you have to talk about their interests, and if their interests align with your point point of view, without a doubt they can come to your meeting, not with their point of view, with their, with their vision of the situation, yours, your explanation and their interest, so to speak. then ukraine in this situation, in the situation that trump can become the president of the united states of america, should look for some mediators, some people who can be a bridge to the position of donald trump, in order to, perhaps, change his opinion, perhaps it is possible to adjust to change the mind of donald trump, i say again, now we see what interest donald trump has, what this one is interest. will be after the presidential elections, we do not know, this interest of trump is very often of a virtual nature, this is also a huge
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problem, and precisely because it is an interest of a virtual nature, they did not really understand how to really influence it, so of course you need to look for opportunities to talk in in both political camps in the united states, both among the republicans and among the democrats, because given the configuration of the congress and the fact that presidential decisions in one way or another depend on the congress of the united states, this is also a very important point. another topic, and more one, one more block is important, this is the situation in the european parliament, in the european union, not so much time has passed, and we see that the european parliament has actually been formed, the main officials of the authorities in the european commission, in the european parliament have been elected, this is how the first session of the new european parliament. and the warnings that we talked about on our broadcasts, and that many
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ukrainian politicians and experts talked about, fortunately , they have not come true yet. actually, two far-right groups or right-wing groups, they are not did not receive any important positions in the european parliament, and actually we also saw that here... such an ultra-right german party alternative for germany also did not actually receive any positions, at least influential ones, so it seems to me that no positions at all in... it is not received, so if we talk about the first session of the european parliament, what strengths or weaknesses did it show, how much did it show commitment to ukraine, and yet here are these two right-wing or right-wing radical, to a certain extent, groups, or
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can they influence the next... sessions of the european parliament and increase their influence, including within the framework of negative trends for our state. well, first of all, i wanted to remind you that these two far-right groups are not a homogenous far-right formation in the european parliament, which is the far-right group led by a representative of the brothers of italy party, a group that is oriented towards the italian premiership of george meleni, in general, this group is absolutely loyal to ukraine, its representatives. always support ukraine, so there are no problems here, there is another group that focuses on the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, and the leader of the national association of france, marine le pen, well, the situation is also not very clear-cut, because of course this group is more cautious about of the russian-ukrainian war, however, marine lippen has recently changed her rhetoric and calls russia's actions aggression, so she
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opposes french troops being sent to ukraine, is that true? she opposes the permission to use the western one weapons for attacks on ukrainian territory, this is also true, but at the same time it is absolutely clearly in favor of supporting ukraine, so to say that this is some kind of cemented anti-ukrainian union, you cannot say that either, here is an alternative for germany, so the representatives of this party together with representatives of the left-wing radical alliancesukhneh, even left the bundestag meeting hall when the ukrainian president was speaking there, but... this formation remained outside both far-right associations, they do not want to see it in their neither george melanie nor marine le pen, and this also says a lot, so in this regard we can say that the overwhelming majority of the members of the european parliament have a favorable attitude towards ukraine and our struggle for the preservation of sovereignty, and that it cannot be here to say that
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automatic membership in far-right political forces is a marker that you do not support. the country, no, it is not, no, unequivocally, we see that some of the political parties that are, including even in these two factions, they, they cannot to be counted as anti-ukrainian, there are indeed some parties that are ready, at least in the information space, to voice some russian narratives, but again, we must emphasize that it is not all of them, and i... think that the majority, even under a certain media pressure, are ready to weaken their position, are ready to move to a more liberal position regarding ukraine, and here is another topic in the same context, and another group, or rather one of these two groups, as we called it,
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the orban group, and about orban we will actually talk now, orban in the letter. and till of the european council actually offered the european union to restore diplomatic relations with russia, if not now, then in some future. also , one of the leaders of the european union, mr. michel, responded to these statements and letters. he stated that this is not orbán's role, that orbán de facto... has no right to speak on behalf of the european union, and in general, as we see, there is a certain position of certain members of the european parliament, certain political forces that say that hungary in general should now be excluded from the leadership in the european union, which
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it accepted from july 1 this year and will actually continue until december 31, again , this year. mr. vitaly, orban continues to promote russian narratives, he writes letters, one, two, three, he says that the war must be ended somehow, that there is no need to quarrel with russia, that it is still necessary to establish diplomatic relations with the state, the occupier , that is, orbán does not stop, criticism of him, respectively. also does not stop, and all this can clearly, even lead to a discussion regarding hungary's removal from leadership in the european union. why is orbán doing this, why is he approaching certain red lines that can harm, including his positions, positions, positions
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of his country in the european union. well, i think because he wants to be a leading european politician, the only person who can go to kyiv, moscow, beijing and meet donald trump at the same time. and, by the way, we see that many people are following his path, that... volodymyr zelenskyi also appears to want to talk to donald trump, and he wanted to talk to sidney ping, he made an effort to do so, and viktor orbán does it without much effort. i think that this is why orbán has such an idea that he can completely calmly act in such a role and show how it is possible. and the fact that his possibilities, as the prime minister of hungary , do not correspond to the real possibilities of a peaceful settlement, i think he is not at all confused, because he is photographed next to the president. politicians of our time, it happens in large states, well, russia, the united states states, china, yes, in a few days, not every one
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of the hungarian prime ministers, or indeed of the european prime ministers, could afford such a tour, here is all the strength of orbán, he shows his weight in the international arena, even at the cost of such a cynical policy. then, let's face it, we ourselves gave orbán the opportunity to legitimize such a thing, such a tour of his. this is when viktor orban was going to kyiv. and many people said, you can see the success of ukrainian diplomacy, with orban at the head of the european union, after his country began to preside over european union, he is forced to fly to kyiv to show that he remains in the fairway of european politics. if orban wants to be a european leader, then as the head of the country that presides over the european union, he just needs to go to kyiv. drechi, i wrote it myself. such a text, he himself urged viktor orbán to go to kyiv for the first time since his presidency of the european union, but orbán listened to all such advice that
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was then in the world press and in the hungarian press, no matter what, no matter what, and came to kyiv, such a victory, even orban is forced to go to kyiv, you remember that he was not in kyiv for many years in a row, and here suddenly it turns out that he only needed this trip. in order to legitimize the trip to moscow, imagine if borban had not been accepted in kyiv, had refused to talk to him here, he would not have gone to moscow, because what is the point of him going to moscow or beijing when they don't talk to him in kyiv, but everything is perfect, he is the only western politician who can allow it such a tour for himself, and we gave him this tour with our own efforts, that's all, mr. vitaly, but... how will the european leaders actually react? i have already said that there are thoughts about the suspension of hungary, well
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, again, if hungary continues to escalate this situation, if hungary continues , orbán to be more precise, continues to pursue such an extremely independent policy, which is contrary to the principles of the european union and.. . at least according to the postulates voiced by european leaders, we can technically, legally, and politically expect that this the country will be excluded, by the way, it will be one of such unprecedented cases, if it happens, in the history of the existence of the european union, and i honestly do not understand how, even if you imagine that one country is excluded from something... and in some ways they fundamentally limit some rules that exist in the european union, this also requires the unanimity of other countries, and you and i understand that at least the prime minister
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of slovakia, robert fitzo , will never vote for this in his life, huh , so they can be threats, they can be important, but i don't understand how to implement them from an institutional point of view, i don't see such opportunities yet, you can make any statements, but if you don't have institutional opportunities, these statements will remain simple ... statements are signals, and orban can also understand this very well. and you remember that robert fico supported his tour, says that he himself would like to be in such a place, why is it that he will suddenly condemn orbán and vote for the exclusion of hungary from the presidency of the european union, when orbán is doing everything right from his point of view. but you mentioned fitso, whether he can join orban, well, we understand that fitso is not in a very good mood now. form, that he still needs time to recover, we understand that it may be months, but purely theoretically,
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after these statements that you are talking about. said, could fico join orbán in possible future tours, for example, to moscow or china or some other such authoritarian, semi-authoritarian leaders? i think that orban does not need a fice in this situation. ugh. orbán is a man with a very big ego, personally. and he is unlikely to want to go with someone else. this is firstly, secondly, again, for this it is necessary that... the person who will participate in such trips has visited kyiv, orban has already visited kyiv, but fizo has not, so his participation in all these travels, it doesn't make much sense. orban can behave like a person who spoke with zelenskyi and with putin, and continue all these trips, i don't know how much more there is in his plans one trip to kyiv, not sure about that, but nevertheless, i don't see any need now for fitson to join orbán and orbán to do it with someone else. by the way,
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when we talk about hungary, another scandal is actually going on right now: hungary, in particular the minister of foreign affairs, mr. szijjártó , announced that ukraine blocked the transit of russian oil to hungary and slovakia. this, by the way, is very interesting, because in fact there is a lot of fire in hungarian society, they talk about what, in general, can hungary to be, including the poles. crisis, they are trying to somehow discuss this issue with ukraine now, here is this news and this situation, which, perhaps, in the information space of our country, given the whole other array of events, got lost somewhere, but i think it is worth attention, because this statements, and indeed, if it is true that ukraine
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has blocked the transit of russian to hungary and slovakia, this may also affect to some extent the position of these two countries, in particular, and we remember these demands of hungary, yes, the last ones there on the 11th or 13th requirements, regarding unblocking, ukraine's movement towards the european union, whether it can affect hungary and slovakia, and whether ukraine is really ready... to completely block the transit of russian oil to these two countries, which are still on russian gas and oil needles. well, i already said that i believe that by inviting viktor orban to the ukrainian capital, we helped him legitimize this amazing tour through kyiv, to moscow, beijing and then to maralag to trump. and that , too, let's not dwell on the fact that there was a meeting
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with... bad washington, also an important thing, so by and large, i think that volodymyr zelenskyi also understands that orban simply used him. and this is the answer that if we do not behave honestly in politics, then we can also stop lukoil, which re-supplies oil through our territory, and you will solve your own problems. how will this affect the situation with the actions of hungary and slovakia? i think that they will look for some ... alternative ways of obtaining russian oil, but they can organize it after a certain time some sort of performance by truckers on the ukrainian-hungarian border, worsen our economic situation, they can also do it, and so can the hungarian prime minister and the slovak prime minister, they will not just watch their oil being cut off, they will try to cut off some cargo for us roads, but since now there is no blockade of polish...
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polish businessmen and polish farmers to the roads to ukraine from ukraine, it cannot be such a serious moment, but they will wait, they will wait for such a possible blockade, they can expect some problems with the border, and when problems appear, i assure you, they will definitely invent something like that, so simple without economic consequences for ukraine, they will not screw it up, we have to understand who we are with we're dealing, right? but in any case... in fact, at the end of this year , the agreement on the transit of russian oil and gas through the territory of ukraine expires, there the issue of the possible transit of, for example, azerbaijani oil or gas is being discussed, that is, there is also the question of how to act in this case to ukraine, really, how to act to ukraine, to continue supplying.


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