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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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by polish truckers and polish farmers to the roads to ukraine from ukraine, then it cannot be such a serious moment, but they will wait, they will wait for such a possible blockade, they can wait for some problems with the border, and when problems appear, i assure you, they will definitely invent something like that, so simple without economic consequences for ukraine, they will not leave it, we have to understand who we are dealing with, right? but in any case, it actually ends at the end of this year the agreement on the transit of russian oil and gas through the territory of ukraine, and there the question of possible transit of, for example, azerbaijani oil or gas is discussed, that is, there is also the question of how to act in this case to ukraine, indeed, how to act to ukraine, to continue supplying. actually go to
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russian and hungarian conditions and supply oil and gas through our pipeline facilities, or in general freeze any pumping of anything through our gas transportation system, or even really look for some alternative supply, such an option possible and which option will be acceptable for us. country, in particular in the current economic conditions in which we are. well, this is a good question, because it is absolutely obvious that you and i need to preserve the ukrainian gas transportation system. in a situation where the ukrainian economy and the life of the country are almost completely dependent on western subsidies, these millions of dollars are of course an unnecessary moment. at the same time, it is clear that we cannot afford any new transit agreements with the russian federation now, but if we look closely. and the russian federation
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are you at all interested in maintaining ukraine's status as a transit state? i think not, if we say that if the ukrainian gas transportation system stops working, if nothing goes through it, and this will lead to new losses, because we will not only not receive money, but also spend money on maintaining this system in some working condition. this is the problem, very serious. in this situation, there is no doubt that you and i will be in such a situation. difficult situations, this is also such a real thing, about which it is necessary to say, yes, i would say that if you are talking about azerbaijani resources, through the territory of which country they have to go down to get into the ukrainian system, well, it is logical that russia, of course, means something else, even if you take a physical map , then it is impossible, at least for now. any raw material passing through
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ukrainian territory is raw material of russian origin. we had a time with us when we bought exclusively turkmen gas, but it was not turkmen gas, russia received turkmen gas, and we received russian gas offset. if we transport azerbaijani oil and gas, it will be russian oil and gas, and russia will simply take the appropriate amount of azerbaijani energy carriers, that's all. so, without an agreement with moscow, it's still... the problem is not solved, we can reassure ourselves that this is not russian, but still, this is a process of negotiations with moscow, not with anyone else. that is, that is, it is one of the options for getting out of this situation, well, because they really talked about it the ukrainian authorities, that is, we observe the situation, whenever possible , they try to present to the society... you, er
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, this situation as if we are really buying azerbaijani oil there or azerbaijani gas, but in fact it will be russian, and here the question arises, how to conclude this agreement, we cannot directly conclude an agreement with russia, can it be any third-party companies, intermediaries, yes, of course, azerbaijan can do this, and this work can be done with the country through intermediaries, azerbaijan can conclude with... ukraine and russia agree on the transit of their energy carriers. that's all. but again, the question is, why russia? in principle, russia should be interested in the complete destruction of the ukrainian gas transportation system. the fact that ukraine has ceased to be a transit state. ukraine absolutely does not need azerbaijan to supply its own gas and oil to europe. ukraine needs europe to buy not pipeline gas, but tanked gas, so that it is more expensive, so that it is economical in europe. problems, because europe helps
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weapons to ukraine, and thus the european economy must be destroyed, like the economy of enemy countries, and not improved its energy conditions, the less money there is in the pockets of european governments, the less weapons ukraine receives and the sooner russia will finish its so-called special operation on ukrainian land. this is simple logic. therefore, all the time when we talk about our interests, we must remember what russia's interests should be, and russia's interests are the destruction of ukraine and the impoverishment of europe. azerbaijan, if it has the opportunity to supply its gas and oil through turkey, let's say, to european countries, in some other way, russia cannot prevent it. it just can't. when they could interfere, they tried. in the 90s, even coup d'états were organized in azerbaijan to prevent this, but to give your gas transportation system in order to make life easier for those who need to be destroyed, you have to be complete idiots for that, i don't believe that russia will go for it , that is, russia should receive something much more important in return, and
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again, what we can offer it, that is, the interests of hungary and slovakia, which receive russian gas, oil, this... can really be such an argument for pumping azerbaijani gas, but if we stop this transit now and hungary will look for some other ways of obtaining russian energy, then we will be left without this last argument in our likely search for compromises with russia, specifically with russia regarding the work of the ukrainian gas transportation system. the premium sponsor of the national team represents, united by football, together stronger, congratulations,
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i must apologize to the audience, i... just hastened to say that russian propagandists they will not be ashamed and tell about the ukrainian trail in the attempt on trump, and they really held their tongues for several days courageously, somehow, so as not to look so completely stupid, but this is unbearable, and for someone who is fussy about what, and that's why in the studio in skabiev this desperate cry was finally heard, how come... why isn't anyone talking about the ukrainian trail. trump is a person who causes hatred in the ruling circles of ukraine. we just said that the head of
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ukrainian military intelligence, kyrylo budanov, is a terrorist. i think president trump should demand that the fbi, the secret service... we know that there is a huge ukrainian diaspora in the us. chicago, remember the movie brother 2? you will answer me for sevastopol, and in connection with this, i assume that there are those who, in addition to dipstate, could have been the initiator or pulled one or another of the strings in order to initiate this attempt. repeated attempts on trump really exist. various formats developed, in particular, by the ukrainian special services, can be used. attack with the help of quadcopters. here's a question for the us secret service, if they can hear me, so that she does not later portray herself as this
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woman director, such a confused woman, and are the means of countering quadcopters used at trump's campaign meetings? well, there is a stupid movie, and that is why the ukrainian, be it the special service, or the diaspora, attempted to assassinate trump, or maybe kyrylo budanov killed president kennedy, maybe with a quadcopter, well, anything is possible, you know, especially in such in some disturbed cities , russian propagandists, well, they continue, they do not have them. another topic, they continue to talk non-stop about how elections are taking place in the united states, and in the meantime, russia itself, you know, was covered by energy karma, and the light disappeared in the south of russia, and it disappeared quite
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well, and it didn't quite appear, and now it's somehow not so good there yes, but it's a momentary kind of shutdown. several areas, it was really quite magical. energy workers all night and last evening eliminated the consequences of a large-scale blackout in the south of russia. in big cities, first the light went out, then the water, the streets stopped in traffic jams, i don’t know when i will arrive today, because i have never seen anything like this before, in general, that everything is standing so much, it is a nightmare, there is no end and no end, unprecedented traffic jams in krasnodar, traffic lights turned off or worked with interruptions, trams stopped , the city hall reported, more than 100 transformer substations failed, there was no electricity in many shopping centers and stores, fire extinguishing systems failed somewhere, the fire department was activated when the store was closed and completely flooded the entire store. according to feedback on social networks, electricity was gradually restored
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in the homes of residents of the rostov region, krasnodar region, stavropol and the republics of the north caucasus. at the same time , local accidents occurred due to voltage drops and overloading of networks. here, for example, is the burning transformer in the village of vityazevo near anapa. well, we will talk about how it gradually returned there, but the reason was, of course, also to a certain extent. well, so amazing and a little magical, the fact is that the entire power unit, well, the largest nuclear power plant in the region, was turned off. from the beginning, it was assumed that the power system is not withstood peak loads due to abnormal heat, but, as it turned out, the main reason is rostov as, which supplies the southern federal district. rosenergoatom reported that in the first power unit , the protection of the generator tripped and the automation disconnected it from the network. the first power unit was installed at the rostov as. the protection system worked. well, here i can't help but remind you
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how the russians are constantly trying to destroy ukrainian as, how they are constantly shouting about it. my cherished desire, honestly, forgive me, i can't do anything about it, to be in ukraine had no electricity at all. to do this , you need to destroy the open ones. the electric power systems of two nuclear power plants, yuzhnoye and khmelnytskyi, will be split, after which they will stop producing electric current, after which there will simply be no electricity in ukraine, and what is interesting, apparently, it was not only us who heard it, the locals also heard it, because after that, how did all this shutdown happen, they started writing that apparently these very transformers, ukrainian drones, damaged something there, and because of that everything happened. well, since they say there how the light was restored, but what if
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listen to them talk about this recovery, you know, it's not really clear if it's recovered after all. electricity has been restored in the south of russia, the ministry of energy reports, but a number of cities are once again introducing temporary blackouts, the fault of which is the excessive load on the networks, 40°c heat at the height of the tourist season, air conditioners and fans do not turn off, power supply. restored, but temporary power outages have already been warned in mineral waters in a number of cities of the rostov region, in the kuban, and also in sevastopol. this is necessary to avoid new emergency situations. the supply of energy was carried out in stages, and it returned to tuapse, krasnodar, sochi, dagestan. fan outages continue in the crimea, rostov region, as was the case before the situation at the as. well, that is, it somehow recovered, but there will be no cities, they will still be without electricity. in general, it was like that, they told the russians that it was normal, and on the one hand, in social networks they say that it
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was hit somewhere, somewhere, and this is the consequence of the arrival of ukrainian drones, and let's let's say something honestly about it, but you see, the official propaganda does not say anything about it, tries to tell about it again, that it is probably overload, heat, the fans suddenly started working, but they worked before and nothing turned off, here they took it and it worked and turned off. and all of this would have been nothing, if right after this switch-on, with an increasingly fieric explanation, and why the light turns off at all, president putin himself did not officially speak, and he said that there are not just some fans there, no, everything is happening because what some dishonest russians are engaged in cryptocurrency mining. the factors of this, the factors of such growth are generally understandable, these are relatively
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low electricity prices in our country, the mobility of cryptocurrency mining equipment, and so on, but what is attractive here should attract our attention, and what should be alarming, the uncontrolled growth of electricity consumption for cryptocurrency mining can lead to a shortage of capacity in some regions, and this is already noticeable in... kukut region of buryatia in the trans-baikal region. the question is actually is acute and threatens serious consequences for the enterprises of the housing and communal services system, specific cities and towns. well, that is, not only in the south , the lights went out, but there could also be something in buryat and in the trans-baikal region, well, that is, you know, an announcement, wait for some shutdowns there, and literally all the propagandists immediately started talking about the terrible consequences of mining for the entire power system, so
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after this shutdown, you know, it kind of hints that maybe the ac crashed because of that... the so-called mining or release cryptocurrency requires a lot of energy. vladimir putin said: according to the estimate of the ministry of energy in russia , 16 billion kgd are spent annually on mining, which is 1.5% of the total consumption in the country. it is already clear that there will be more. due to the wild mining, when private individuals filled with very voracious video cards, decoders, entire hangars and empty factory buildings, overloads have already occurred in... electricity generated in russia, these are colossal volumes, both in money and physically.
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it's quite funny that later it turned out that there was something wrong with that mining is growing, because the same mardan had the imprudence to invite such an expert to him, who told him that , in general, you all talk about the entire estate , including putin, the electricity produced in russia is a lot, as far as i understand, it a lot, but there is other demand... there is no, it is at the lowest cost of the generated spectrum, this means that a kilowatt costs 6 rubles in the moscow region, but this power that is bought costs 2 rubles or one and a half per kilowatt, that is, if it was not bought miners, no one would buy it, well, then he said that in general they buy it in such areas where there is overproduction of energy,
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where there is no place for it at all for children, well somehow there is no problem there at all. none, well, but mardan, you know, somehow he didn’t lose this line, and he began to tell, and you know, that’s all in general, because it turns out that this big otak russia, which keeps getting up from its knees, can’t get up in any way , all this time she simply used soviet energy, she did not add anything new to it, i didn’t repair anything there, and i didn’t do anything at all, because what to do there when... you have to fight in one place, then in syria, then in ukraine, then somewhere else, well, that is , constantly, you know, other expenses , there is no time to engage, there is no time to engage in energy, and therefore, apparently, there will be more and more outages, judging by this. after 1991 , no large generating facilities were built in russia, we are almost completely relying on what was done by
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our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, all these facilities were built precisely so that the descendants would not generate. and this, you know, all these conversations, they are beautiful, because this is how they were with povinya, when they told that maybe she is not so good, and somehow no one is to blame, what happened there, then it turned out, who are still so guilty, because they built something wrong there, well , and then they just forgot it flooded and flooded, and let it be the problem of those who flooded there, there are whole regions. well, that's fine, now they won't have electricity, maybe, you know, in some regions, well, let them say that it's mining, let them say that the fans turned off, and you know, i think, maybe this is the creation of a sanitary zone that puchin talked about, well, in the end, this is what a sanitary zone should look like, and in the end, karma
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covered it, as it has already happened more than once, blew up our hydro. the power plant, they blew up the dam, they covered it with floods, now they are trying to somehow blow up our electricity, they started, you know, turning off, well, great, we are moving in such a way that, whatever they do, in the end it covers russia itself, i hopefully will cover even more, so what's up, see you. to work going for a walk or drinking coffee is now only possible with such sound accompaniment. turning off the lights for... 12 hours forces the business to run purely on fuel for such machines, whether small entrepreneurs manage to make coffee and break even. the summer of 2024 has
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certainly become more difficult for ukrainian businesses than the winter of 2023. abnormal heat and, as a result, even harsher power outages. in sumy , the work of small establishments has been turned into survival. it's very difficult now. to work, they turn off the lights for 7-9 hours, it happens that during the entire working day, there is only one and a half to two hours of light, and we have to work on the generator all the time. a generator is the must-have of any ukrainian entrepreneur, because nowadays without it it is literally like having no hands, at the same time , huge funds are needed to maintain this miracle machine. per day, the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel. i'll figure it out in a month. costs uah 2,000. and it is very difficult to say now, because the days are different, and most of us work somewhere at zero, now we
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are working to keep our customers. all products have become more expensive because there are no deliveries, everything spoils, you can't buy food, but thank god everything works here, our generator is pulling, we prepare food, coffee and cold drinks, refrigerators work, everything is fine. such small businesses become a real oasis for the residents of nearby houses, because when there is no light at home, it will probably be in the cafe, and there will also be hot food, internet and maybe even air conditioning. many people come to work, charge their devices, and also come for hot water, cook food, store their products, our freezer works, they bring meat. this summer will show. it was important that ukrainians should not be frightened not only by frost, but also by heat. children and adults all over the country are coming up with creative ideas to deal with the scorching sun and the lack
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of electricity, and they are sincerely and more than ever happy about the downpour, and although sometimes they are indignant and understand that such inconveniences are definitely not the biggest problem. no, i somehow control this process, like, i recharge before i do to see evil, well, like everything is good in this sense, well, like. ok, we are surviving, well, we are trying to live, not survive, so what saves me the most now is silpo, which has an area where the cafe is, accordingly, crowded, but you can also use a charger, and wi-fi is stable, that is, for example, yesterday there was no light, i was working from there, no, i don’t want to charge my phone, nothing, i have two hours, i charge power banks, then i charge phones and... other things, but that ’s enough for me, i don’t need because it's the 22nd year i've already gotten used to it, and that's why there's a power bank that keeps it, it's bad that there's no connection, it's not mine, it's difficult
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to pay with a card, and everything is relative, the main thing is that it's not like in my native place of bahmud, however, despite the positive perception of today's challenges, it is rational to also think about winter, encouraging forecasts are given, except by fortune tellers, profile... experts, officials and people's deputies are quite skeptical and are already hinting that it is not worth waiting for a miracle, and everyone needs to prepare on their own. we think about it every day, but let's hope for the best, we thought about putting panels, batteries, but my heart tells me that everything will be fine. in the verkhovna rada this week, people's deputies adopted at least two important laws affecting and business, the first is positive: duties and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation were canceled, but the excise
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tax on fuel, on the contrary, was increased. we predict that the increase in the excise tax on gasoline will take place somewhere within the range of 1.2 hryvnias for gasoline and diesel, and this is the contribution that all of you and i will make to the financing of the army. supporting defenders is clearly the single and most important task of every ukrainian. but time will tell how long the entrepreneurs will be able to balance on the verge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the benefit of the country. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk, espresso tv channel. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always we. we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what are they saying? about ukraine in the eu, how we should perceive the statements of european politicians and what our
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accession to the eu will look like. the project is about to fly. around the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sisters. the premium sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, stronger together. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. candidates for the vrp according to the president's quota. how to save up for luxury property while eating rations from the state? i am a person who knows how to save, and what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty have been discovered grd the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was made that there are no questions. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform
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currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. however, we will talk today about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards. higher qualification the commission of judges continues to cleanse the judicial system of unscrupulous servants of themis. recently , pavlo gorbasenko, judge and head of the economic court of the kyiv region, once again conducted an interview regarding eligibility for my position. consideration of this issue takes place after it was postponed for the previous time to find out additional information. last year, the commission postponed the final decision on gorbasenko and expected additional explanations and documents from him. therefore, at this meeting , the question of whether he will remain in judges' chairs during this time, the public council of virtue discovered new facts
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of dishonesty. basenka drew up a new conclusion so that the members of the commission could study it, veronika kreydenkova, a member of the grd, filed a motion to postpone the meeting. actually, there was supposed to be a review and conclusion of the review of his suitability for the position, but the public integrity council proposed to postpone the meeting, because we voted on a new decision yesterday. the new conclusion of the state administrative court states that the father of judge volodymyr gorbasenko is in the heat of the moment full-scale war launched by russia against ukraine. conducts business in the temporarily occupied crimea. he lives in the territory captured by the russians and is a co-founder of two limited liability companies. sevele setup and yuginvest. accordingly, he pays taxes to the country of the aggressor. what's more, the judge's father turned out to be a member of the peacekeeping base. as it turned out, in february -march of 2022, volodymyr gorbasenko's mobile number was recorded in roaming on the territory of the kyiv region temporarily occupied at that time, which may indicate his
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participation in russian aggression. after the russian seizure of crimea, gorbasenko's wife gave his father-in-law a power of attorney to dispose of his property on the peninsula. while volodymyr gorbasenko granted similar rights to his son, a judge. everything points to the fact that the head of the economic court of the kyiv region maintains close ties with his father, who may turn out to be a collaborator. we also see that there is information that he most likely maintains ties with his father, which can be a definite criterion for his being recognized as unscrupulous. public. council integrity drew attention to the likely second fictitious divorce of judge gorbasenko and his wife, kyiv city council member hanna svyredenko. they allegedly broke up for the first time at the end of 2014, but remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together five days after the divorce. in february 2017 , the former couple had their first child, joint trips abroad became more frequent. in 2022, the couple got married again,
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and gave birth to a second child within a year. and divorced again, filing two identical lawsuits for this purpose divorce, allegedly for manipulation of the distribution system, one claim was returned, another was accepted and considered with anomalous speed in a matter of days, with violations of all procedural terms. the divorce took place just before the opening of the register of declarations, so there is every reason to believe that the purpose of the spouses was to hide part of the income and property. horoposenko first submitted a clarifying declaration for 2022. year, and secondly, we still have to check some of his declarations, and we see that his wife sverdenko is mentioned again as a wife, and he had another daughter, and we would also like to pay a little more attention to this fact. a lot of questions and benefits of the judge arise. most of the property owned by gorbasenko allegedly came to him from his mother. she donated two apartments in the capital of 116 and 136 m2 in the summer area on obolonskaya embankment.


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