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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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in ukraine, it's 7 a.m. and for your attention , a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the sky will become safer, another patriot anti-aircraft missile system has arrived in ukraine, which was promised by the german authorities. president volodymyr zelenskyi announced this in his evening address and thanked the allies for strengthening our air defense. i want to thank germany and the united states for this step. in heaven we will be able to do much more. of course, there is still a lot of work to be done, and this is... far from guaranteed
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protection, but nevertheless, more power to ukraine. the funeral ceremony of linguist and former people's deputy iryna farion will be held in lviv today. the ceremony in the garrison church will begin at 2 p.m., and she will be buried at the lychakiv cemetery. and the day before, thousands of people came to parastas to pay their last respects to the public figure. at first, it was planned that the farewell ceremony would continue. to 10 p.m., however, due to the large number of people, it was extended and barely made it to curfew. let me remind you, 19 in july, an unknown person shot a linguist in the head near her home. the politician was hospitalized in serious condition and died a few hours later. she was a professor, a person of ukraine, a person of science. and she is. devoted her whole life
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to building a ukrainian ukraine, this was her goal, she lived by it, everything that iryna dmitrievna said since 2010, because she believed in our information space, when she flew into the kindergarten and said that masha is mariyka adash sadarinka, and she implemented this policy for years, she did the same thing in the verkhovna rada, when she turned to azarov and said that if you do not know the russian language, then you are either politically biased or mentally retarded, she was killed with a shot in the head, not far from her house from the center of lviv in broad daylight it was still absolutely visible and this is a very cynical and cruel murder and we very much hope that the perpetrator and those who ordered this murder will definitely be found and they will suffer the appropriate punishment. meanwhile, the police made a new statement regarding the search killers the law enforcement officers released surveillance video in order to establish the identity and whereabouts of the man, who, i quote, may be a prisoner. before the murder of iryna farion, according to
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the information of the police of the lviv region , the wanted person is about 20 years old, 170-180 cm tall, thin build. if you have information that will help identify the person, call the hotline 102. and today in the capital. will continue to search for a 20-year-old boy who fell into the dnipro due to a broken rope of the attraction. i couldn't find him the day before succeeded the search operation was suspended for the night. according to the state emergency service, divers surveyed 8 km on the bottom of the river, as well as 12 km using echo sounder. let me remind you, the tragedy happened on sunday, the day the cable used by extreme fans to get to trukhaniv island broke. at that moment... a 20-year-old
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young man was on it. the law enforcement officers have already opened a criminal case under two articles. out of play. current us president joe biden has withdrawn his candidacy from the upcoming presidential election. he published the statement on his page in the x social network. the head of the white house noted that he is taking this step in the interests of his party and the state. at the same time, biden suggested that. vice president kamala harris became the democratic presidential candidate. now her candidacy has to be approved by the delegates of the democratic party at the convention to be held in august. at the same time, the us presidential candidate from the republican party , donald trump, has already reacted to changes in the state of the democrats. he called the current head of state, joe biden, the worst president.'
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at the same time, trump assured that it would be easier for him to defeat vice president kamala harris than biden. an alarming night passed in the krasnodar region of russia, loud explosions rang out in the city of tuabse. local residents claim in public that there were at least five of them. they also suggest that a local oil refinery could be under attack by drones. the first 3d house in ukraine for a new life near irpen was not built, it was printed. residential building, and it was created with the help of the first ukrainian construction 3d printer. they visited an unusual house and our correspondents. this house became a new home for the berezov family, who lost their
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home and the father of the family due to the war. in 2022 , natalia and her daughters experienced a double blow. during the occupation of irpen, their house was destroyed by a direct hit. a russian projectile, at the end of the year the head of the family , yaroslav berezov, was killed in the battles near bakhmut, we had a one-story house at this place, he built it with his own hands, well, it so happened that with the beginning of the war , there were hostilities here, our house was completely destroyed when the husband died, well... brothers began to appeal more that this family should be helped. according to natalia, when the house was destroyed, the husband said not to be upset, reassured that they would build a new house, but the previous house was not legally registered and the family could not apply for compensation from the state.
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according to inna furman, the organizer of the 3du2 project, she met about 30 families who lost their homes due to hostilities . all of them... except the berezov family had the opportunity to apply for compensation. girls were in such a deadlocked situation, when you seem to have a house, but as a matter of fact for the state, before the state, you do not have it, and accordingly you do not have the opportunity to apply for compensation. for me, that was a key signal that it was necessary, well, the heart, you know, responded and wanted to help them first. but don't forget, everything big starts small. the project was implemented for thanks to the initiative united for the victory of the embrace of the nation charity fund. the house with an area of ​​130 m2 was printed for 58 engine hours. 72 tons of a special quick-setting cement-sand mixture were used for construction. according to
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the organizer of the project, the house even has a safe room instead of an underground shelter. more than 100 partners joined the initiative and provided the material absolutely free of charge. and decoration for this home. someone provided the mixture, for example the hencle company, yes, who are with us, they provided the mixture for free. someone provided upholstered furniture, someone provided a kitchen. so the value of the project itself was to show how much a cool cool result can be when ukrainians unite. the main thing. and here is our result. thanks to such a synergy of interested companies, the berezovy family now has a new cozy home. to our question, are the distributions? the rooms are already between each other, mrs. natalya shared the plans with a smile, they have already been distributed, my bedroom is there with a dressing room with a separate sleeping table, the youngest daughter’s room is armored, the room is safe for the eldest daughter,
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the project organizers emphasize that this is only a pilot project, but they hope that in the future they will be able to create similar houses for others yulia of ukrainian families. and we invite you to join the project from zero to life: it is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders win every day without leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are irreplaceable assistants, and they also doz'. move as quickly as possible on the off-road, your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from him alive, so join the collection, our goal is 4 million hryvnias. look for espresso on youtube and
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be sure to subscribe, as there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also short. videos on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. well, that was the news for this one. time, more information, as always, find out on our website, in our social networks, and also, as i already said on youtube, we will see you at 8 o'clock, our team is working to ensure that you i was the first to know all the latest news, then my colleagues continue the ether, so meet them literally in a moment.
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greetings to everyone who watches the espresso tv channel, my name is andriy saichuk, today we start our new week and we already count the 890th day of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, from today, we will start today with a roll call, we will touch on the most important events, of course, and this weekend. the stunning news is that president biden has given up on continuing to run for the presidency and apparently that this vacant seat will be occupied by kamala garis, and this will be a continuation of our yesterday's special broadcast, we will also talk today, of course, about what awaits us, in particular the united states, whether kamala garis or another democratic candidate will be able to give trump a fight, and what does trump himself mean to ukrainians, have they grown? chances are, in the meantime, i'm already reading obama's twitter, in favor of biden's predecessor,
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er, trump, and barack obama, who wrote that joe biden was the best president of recent times, and he is very did a lot, and everyone says that the admirers, of course, of biden, say that he did what trump is unable to understand, put. the interests of the country before one's own interests, well, that's what they say about biden now, this decision did not stand still, we will talk about it today, well, but i also want to tell you that we have a new assembly, we closed the previous assembly with you, and this assembly, this one is called from zero to life, it is a prefabricated atv for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the carriage of a battle kit, 93 separate mechanized adventure kholodny yar, friends, well , you and i, as people who ... collect money well, throw it in this responsible direction, we helped the hundredth brigade, and
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today we have to help the 93rd, because the 93rd brigade is also absolutely legendary, mechanized, a cold ravine, and these atvs are needed, you see, what you see on yours, on these pictures, are actually wounded ukrainian fighters, and with the help of atvs , it is possible to take them from the battlefield, yesterday president zelenskyi... gave an interview yu and said that we have about six dashes even eight wounded for one dead soldier, this means that a lot of people can be saved, they can be saved precisely because we have such an attitude, we have everything aimed at getting a wounded soldier out of the battlefield, in russian 1 /3, approximately the indicators of the first world war, and such a blunder is lying here... it’s not a pity, but it’s theirs, it’s their style of war, and as long as they have more soldiers than we do, it
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somehow works , how long? this is question number two, we will also discuss it today, already with us is serhiy lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you, good morning, good, how is this morning for zaporizhia itself? well, in principle , the night was quiet, the shaheds were recorded on the territory of the zaporizhzhia district, but in general. everything was calm, no explosions were recorded, one of the anti-aircraft guns worked normally, and everything is fine, except for the line of demarcation, what is wrong with the line of demarcation? there are ongoing battles, and lately the enemy has intensified their offensive in the orichiv direction, let's say, they are trying everything cut those harder and harder. the positions that were captured last year, to restore the lost positions, and to develop prospects,
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etc. in order to capture more and more territory in the future, but the defense is holding, what news is there from the temporarily occupied territories, also traditionally, of course i will ask, well a certain, let's say, demoralization is recorded in the occupied territories today. people who were tangential to the sphere of recreation, business, related there and so on and the like, many of those who remained, these are people who did not want to lose in berdyanska or kyrylivka or melitopol people, who respectively had business in kyrylivka, what they had in the field of recreation to leave their recreation centers or their businesses there, which they used for recreation, but today they cannot use them, there are no tourists, and the volume of tourists is ten times less
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compared to the period when the territory was not occupied, and even today, well, these people just... stayed to save their business , and now i can't sell it they can leave, and the financial resources have already been divided, that is, for people it is a real tragedy, because people tried to somehow survive, but now they have even more and more problems, in fact, again power outages in the occupied part of the territory of the zaporizhzhia region they write about the fact that - there are constant outages, and it is interesting that the people who complain in those public places, even there z public places, will say that there is not even a warning, that is, there are no outage schedules, the light is just that, then no, and why they can't set up at least such banal things as planned shutdowns, i
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don't know how to explain it, especially since the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is currently working for the occupiers. well, it doesn’t work to the full extent , it doesn’t give electricity the way it used to work, it’s firstly, secondly, and well, if they treat the dead like that, why should they treat the living better, they don’t give a damn about people in principle, and they have schedules, it's just that they don't show them to people, but because it must be followed, and so when necessary, then excluded, but people got used to it, what? mr. serhiy, i will also ask what is in berdyansk, what in melitopol, if we talk about these cities, maybe there is some news from there, you know, some special news, nothing like that has been heard there in the last day or two, but weekend processes stop, especially summer, i think that the enemy will repeatedly
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surprise us with something in these territories, and i will also ask you about important events, of course from this... iryna farion defiantly planned this weekend in lviv in broad daylight , known ukrainian, known ukrainian a philologist, a philologist, and also a member of the people's deputy of the previous convocation, she had quite controversial political views, some believed that she divided ukrainians, east and west, however, this is noticeable in zaporizhzhia, or in zaporizhzhia. and the news, are people discussing it? well , in fact, in zaporizhzhia, the more noticeable news is the stabilization of the power outage, because if on friday i had no light for 16 hours, then yesterday i had no light for 5 hours, and this is, accordingly, what people paid attention to what is for them
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more important, and this is discussed more, the same applies to... second processes, the approach of the front line, it actually distracts a little from the all-ukrainian processes, general trends, people live more with their problems, their day, and this is also more important for them , than the events in lviv, unfortunately, yes, uh, yes, i understand, thank you for this conversation, serhiy lyshenko was with us, a volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, thank you for this conversation. listen, he said a lot, i think, about iryna ferion actually, rather about this, about this assassination, about her murder, there is no doubt that the muscovites are involved in this one way or another, eh, whoever was the ultimate executor there, whatever the plans and motives for her murder,
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a brazen murder in broad daylight in the center of lviv. very well written by ostapinsky, a member of the pen club of ukrainian, a poet, a translator, and himself an excellent philologist and connoisseur of the ukrainian language, who was not a great admirer, is not a great admirer of iryna farion, as, for sure, as, for sure, politics, moreover, his opinion seems to me very important, because it is objective, i will allow myself to quote, if those who... shot at iryna farion wanted to divide us, they achieved the opposite, now this tape is proof of this, when they kill one of our during the genocidal war. it is no longer about ideological differences or party affiliation, one of us was killed. no matter what it was, no mistakes were made. this is enough not to
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think whose side i am on, we must take the best from our dead, then their life and death will not be in vain. in iryna farion was something we can take with us and be stronger. she was a patriot of ukraine and knew the price of language, perhaps knew the price of its loss. light memory, we're going on a short break, stay with us, there are discounts , the only discounts are on estazifin, 20% in pharmacies for travelers and savings, national you on megogo - there are many channels, well , many channels, and also movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn on mego on various devices, without unnecessary wires and antennas, and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on psilo balm 15% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an interview with
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sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verkhovna rada regularly. approves new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda.
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russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into that turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday-thursday at 5:15 p.m. repeat, tuesday-friday. at 10:00 p.m. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we are calling on everyone to join nato in raising from scratch to life atvs for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv. well, we are coming back, we will now talk about what is happening in dnipropetrovsk region, that is
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what this area and this region are called for now, although we successfully changed the city to dnipro in the order of de-russification, decommunization, as you remember, so what is happening, so far in dnipropetrovsk, well, in the dnipro region , you can probably say that unofficially, because who cares in principle. what is important is what is official, when in fact there is also, you know, there is a letter, and there is a spirit, let's say, names, well and and and this, and this is important, well, we don’t have, for example, we don’t have, for example, beech trees, bukovynia, as such or the bukovyna region, but everyone knows what bukovyna, bukovyna, then such bukovynias are, and this, and this is, this is some, some community, and it is some historical one. historical, you know, the layer is whole, and because in chernivtsi, it’s not for nothing, it’s true, i ’m going to talk a little patriotically about chernivtsi now, because we actually have a lot of traditions
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that... i want to draw on from chernivtsi, starting with pavly tselyan himself, the great austrian poet, who lived and worked in chernivtsi, for example, and concluding, for example, with schumpeter, the great economist, who in fact completely changed the views and imagination of what a free market is, with his theory of this creative destruction, i.e. competition, how very... perhaps the stream, including the democratic processes of the liberal ones, which i wanted to say is already with us khrystyna kalyushik poltek, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, mrs. krystyna, i congratulate you, good morning, i know that there were very brutal shelling nikopol and among them, they used some kind of specific shrapnel in the shells, which is intended to hit people in particular, the consequences of which were... hailstorms and shrapnel
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looked like small, pointed cloves and they pierce the body of the wall and lead to very, let's say, tragic consequences precisely for humans and for all living things, because they are like little needles that pierce it. of course, their number is huge, and it's all for all living things that remain on the street, the fatal consequences, it's a very, very terrible death, let's say this that's what actually happened this weekend, nikopol and the meglyaniv
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community were shelled, actually. and who is nearby, near kokhovsky, near the shore of the kokhovsky reservoir, a person died, houses were damaged, power poles were damaged, and also their own property. yes, i know what you are talking about, bucha was shelled at the beginning of a large-scale war, and also with such shells, they are actually quite old, they have been there almost since the first world war, it is symptomatic that they are russians. they got them again, here, well, but really, the old, but terrible one wants an ugly weapon, which is used to intimidate people, first of all, what other news specifically in dnipro, in the region, what else, what else can you share, by the way, i read that in kryvorizhstal, or should i say, arcelor mital, there were some very large-scale audits, in the accounting... of which so that it
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even paralyzed the work of the enterprise, or has it already resumed one of its work? yes, it has recovered a little bit, because after all, the crooked horn is still being shelled, i can't say if more or less, because it is also such a red dot for russians, large factories that are interesting. which benefit ukraine, and actually in the military sense, and a very interesting account, and sivguk was fired upon, and that is its name, and arsental was also fired upon, a lot of people were already mobilized and...
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very large checks, even at this stage after, in the third year, a full-scale invasion, they can lead to the shutdown of any enterprise, and the spawn is less and less, and we see now the statistics that we have on the labor market, that there are jobs, but not so much people and a lot there are no people, and this is not yet a crisis, let’s say so, but it is gradually gaining such characteristic signs of a crisis situation, uh, we are working, kryvyi rih is working, dnipro is working, it has finally rained in dnipro, it is not +60 anymore, and very much so.


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