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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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hryvnia and there is now a qr code on your screens, and today you reminded me about the damage like this, but i should have reminded you and didn't do it, dear friends, so let's show you all the qr codes, all the necessary details, so that everyone our viewers, who are just now watching our air, were able to do it, qr codes on your screens, mono on top, private bank on the bottom, card numbers, respectively, are also indicated under them, if you can't scan it all, you can also see photos. what we are collecting for, it was a collection that we used to did, then there was a little pause in it, at least on our airwaves, because we were collecting for something else, collecting for the art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine on mavik, and finally this amount has already been collected, it was last week, and i am happy about it everything is very strong, dear friends, we are now collecting quad bikes , these quad bikes are helping to save the lives of our wounded, you can see for yourself how it all looks like this evacuation.
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takes place on atvs, because muscovites are literally hunting both our wounded and our military medics, so it is necessary to do everything to ensure that the evacuation takes place quickly and that the lives of our soldiers are spared, we need to collect 4 million hryvnias, so join us, again it is a considerable amount, but i believe in our viewers and i believe that you and i will succeed, meanwhile we let's continue our roll call, artem marvchuk, the deputy of the kharkiv municipality is already in touch with us, mr. artem, good morning, good morning, greetings from the studio, greetings from ukraine, mr. artem, some explosions were heard in kharkiv, what is the current situation , there was a ballistic threat, please tell me what these loud noises are, well, the loud noises are not directly in the place itself, but very close in the suburbs, in fact , there were such noises, even yesterday, and the day before yesterday, but yesterday they were shelled. alpak valley, near
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the memorial to the victims of the holodomor, it's almost, well, it's a ring road, it's almost almost kharkiv, but not yet kharkiv, they say that there was a hit from an rpg, it's two days in a row that there is a hit there, they hit the enterprise, which grows plants there, well, i don't know that they have already killed everything, they have already collected adults, yesterday actually there was an air alarm. yesterday she the air raid still began, which lasted for a day and a half, that is, has it already ended or is it still going on, it ended yesterday at 11 pm, but then at night there was still another attack, but this is a record for this entire full-scale war, and in principle for this war, probably a record for sure, a day and a half of air alert, how it affects the life of the city, how to react to it, in fact, in fact, well, kharkiv residents themselves will not leave.
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they pay a lot of attention to the air alert, because, well, unfortunately, it so happened that if, god forbid, there is a hit in the city, then, as a rule, first there is a hit, and then only the air alarm goes off, and the kharkiv resident is already like that, as they say, the reflex has developed, if the air alarm already sounds somewhere and the kharkiv resident hears it, then everything is fine with him, and this disaster is his fate passed, unfortunately, it happens, of course, which cannot be neglected. i’m worried about the air, but in principle, to live somewhere constantly in the basement there for a day and a half, it’s very difficult, and no one there will do it, because everyone understands, then it could have taken off, then it landed somewhere nearby, and well, everything is a plus -minus who has lived in kharkiv for a long time, who has never left anywhere, who has lived since the very beginning, they all understand, well, in fact, how it all happens, the military say that... russia may start new attempts
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to seize kharkiv, at least this is what the ex-commander of azov, deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade maksym zhorin, is saying, or is this what people are talking about among themselves in kharkiv, kharkiv oblast, mr. artem? of course, such conversations depress people a little, but in principle, i say those who are already here... well, there is no longer such a line as it was before the start of this offensive, anyway, everyone already understands that the front line is formed, that our troops are holding on, counterattacking, that the enemy will not be able to slip through like this , as it was, because until this second, let's say, the offensive on kharkiv, on kharkiv, people still accepted, i think, whether they endure or not, because everyone remembers very well, including me, how it was it was in 22... year, this is in principle, we
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met them already, i followed my brothers, met them already at the entrance to the city, and the columns were burning already at the entrance to the city, there to the center they were counted there... that against the background of all these conversations about a new offensive on kharkiv, they remember the 22nd year and they they thought that perhaps kharkiv had been surrendered or something else had been done, but then we showed, and now the armed forces have shown, that no amount of talk will affect the enemy coming to the city, that after all, no one will give up their native city to anyone, and precisely today there are a lot of brigades. kharkivskyi defends the place, 92 brigade, my native fifth the slobodzhan brigade of the national guard, charter kraken, well, many brigades are exactly where the kharkivites are, and the kharkivites showed on the first day of the invasion that they will not give up their native place and will fight here to the last
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katsap. well, how, how does kharkiv live now with electricity cuts, is there any way? a little relaxation in the unlocking, i was watching a news feed somewhere, i don't remember whether it was in dnipropetrovsk region or in sumy region, the news that today they will not unlock the lights so often, i thought how abnormal it is, you know, there used to be news about the fact that our lights are turned on, and now the news that we will have electricity for a little more hours, and this is in the 21st century. to tell someone somewhere in another country, it will look, it will look strange, but nevertheless, these are our new realities, like in kharkiv now, are people coping, like the weather, look, glory, for the first time today , how much did this one catch up with a taco , clouds, as
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they say, somewhere there the clouds came in, hid the sun, and it will get lighter, that is, in principle, as they say, you can do it, well, it was incredibly hot, i think, it was all over it was like that in ukraine, well, it was very, very hot in kharkiv, but as for turning off the lights, well, in principle, people are more or less used to it, everyone understands what the schedule is, businesses already have their own generators, eh people, someone with generators, someone without generators simply plans his life according to the conditions that have developed, well, i wouldn't say, somehow there, of course, it's very inconvenient, but in principle you can live, in principle, i'm very worried about the heating season, how it will happen eh, when there will be very high minus temperatures, because well, now, come on pluses, well, in principle, no matter what it is, but
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still you won't freeze, it's hot - it's not when you can freeze, after all, i often think about winter and think that, well, the government, in principle... is not doing enough to overcome these challenges, which are, well, look, the first example, excise taxes, raised excise taxes on fuel, well, everyone knows that now a lot of people generate electricity with generators, what exactly is the generation with these small plants, it helps more comfortably people and businesses will somehow get through this difficult period endure, and what does the government do, the government takes excise taxes, just on the same level in... people will spend more, of course, this will have a negative effect on all prices, prices will rise 100%, as for further, further, what could be improved, it was possible to attract some european money for , let's say, the construction of
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an alternative solar generation system there, so why not make some kind of government program so that these people can take some interest-free loan and make it for themselves. this generation, thus help yourself and to the state, why is this not being done, that is, i think that on the part of the government, in principle , the policy that concerns precisely the economy of the component has completely failed, well , unfortunately, but we know that there is an initiative at the city level actual compensation, for example for condominiums that have purchased are going to purchase or have purchased some generators to provide simply. financing of these condominiums, apartment buildings, i do not know how this program works, how effectively it works, whether the money is already given out and how much compensation is, well, i am, i have not heard that it is massively introduced that at the last session we allocated a lot of funds for
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the decentralization of heating and thermal energy generation, and with regard to the direct generation of electricity, well, such initiatives, i think it should be... this is a state program, a real state program, so that the state can attract foreign funds and continue to make programs at the local level so that people get involved, i think that well... ukrainians have already shown everyone that they are so creative, i think that they would be happy with all the new technologies that helped them , better survive this one difficult period, they would do it all in their communities. well, mr. artem, thank you for the conversation, thank you for taking part in our broadcast, have a peaceful day in kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, we wish you, artem ravchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, was in touch with us, dear friends. now we are going for a short break, we will come back and continue and we will talk with serhiy zgurets about the situation at
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the front and not only that, we will also talk about these 75 destroyed drones, about which russia is talking about what they said this night, this morning managed to destroy, or so it is in fact, more on that later, there are discounts that represent the only discounts on the norm. voven 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price. only 149 hryvnias. durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price is only uah 149. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light. for only 149 hryvnias. take advantage of such a favorable offer. smart light bulb. works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging, the secret is in the built-in city
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russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat, tuesday, friday at 10 p.m. weekly saturday political club helps to understand processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yavtskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. dear friends, we are returning to ether, we are continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk
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are working until 12 o'clock, 600 hryvnias have been added since the moment when i reminded about our collection, i hope that more will be added, i know that our viewers can more, and will definitely, definitely share their hryvnias with our military who need atvs, these atvs will help save lives, will... help evacuate our soldiers from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar wounded, that's how it looks, so a wounded person is transported on a quad bike and the quad bike itself. ensures faster and safer evacuation from the front line, therefore, dear friends, on your screens there are qr codes, card numbers, qr code of monobank on top, private bank below it and card numbers, respectively, support our boys with your donation, who have already passed more than one test at zero and
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are repulsing the enemy, and we must join in saving their lives. we have to collect 4 million hryvnias, it sounds scary, but i think that firstly, it is more scary on the front line, and secondly, well, we have to be together with our army, and if we are not at the front, then we will support our army is donats, join in, dear friends, small donats, but the main thing is that there are many of you, and we will definitely reach it, the main thing is to take small steps at a time, little by little, but not standing still, but moving. meanwhile, we are already waiting for the appearance of our father serhiy zgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, a military expert, he is already with us. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. let's start with the current news: the russians say that
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they shot down 75 ukrainian drones. this night, during this night, on the territory of russia and in the waters of the black and azov seas, is the russian anti-aircraft really so powerful, and why did it massacre 70-75 ukrainian drones well, i think we need to wait for the results, the consequences of these strikes, because we know that now for strikes on the enemy’s territory in the depth of its length on... first of all, our unmanned systems are used, and not the american atakams, we saw these russian reports, too we know that there was an attack on toapse , krasnodar territory, where the oil refinery is located, that is, now i think that these approaches with the use of a significant number of drones, they are primarily targeted
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at the oil refinery in order to blow up economic capacity of russia. to use the export of hydrocarbons to strengthen its economy or to preserve its economy, and actually strikes on russian defense enterprises, because there are just as many examples when our drones strike on military defense enterprises, which also undermines russia's ability to produce certain samples. in any case, we are talking about the fact that russia is a large country in terms of length, and the enemy does not have enough air defenses... putin's palaces or there are other areas of the front or the encirclement, all these means are not enough, it is the royal united services institute, i correctly translate it somehow as the royal united services institute, and that's how we
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know it in british writing. that they are actually analyzing the reasons not for the failure of the offensive, the failed offensive, the counteroffensive of the 23rd year, and they say that it was possible to predict in advance that it would be a failed offensive, because, since the russians had well prepared for this offensive and knew well, where this offensive will be, and here is another interesting thing, that they believe that if in a few months the russians will soon lose... the initiative and will no longer be able to attack along the entire front line, then the ukrainians may be tempted to try to implement a counteroffensive again, and their conclusion is that when i quote, when the 14th division of the army still lacks weapons, and another counteroffensive by the armed forces of ukraine would be an unsuccessful double, they say
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that in the fourth year of the 20th ukraine it is better not to carry out. no offensive operations, because it will be an adventure. indeed, when we talk about this report, er, of the british institute of russia, where ukrainian experts also participated, there are fifty pages of interesting text, i advise everyone to read this document, and there is an assessment, another one, of last year's offensive and conclusions that affect the current order. that is, in fact , it is said that the requirements of the nato doctrines were really ignored at the operational level, at the tactical level, starting from lack of a real superiority of means on the wax section of the front air support, the use of untrained brigades for actions in the most responsible
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directions, the loss of engineering equipment that was supposed to ensure the advance to the edge of sensitive minefields, and actually political pressure, when political demands regarding the need to carry out offensive actions despite the real readiness... or other parts and even the hope that we will start an offensive and the russians will run, this factor was also included in the fact that it will accompany our victorious advances, where , relatively speaking, in a week 12 of our brigades there, in three waves, they were supposed to reach the tokmak and then cut the russian communication, and all these factors, plus excessive information and the public and actually... the fact that the enemy understood where the main direction of the attack would come, all this influenced the fact that the offensive was not quite successful, regarding the conclusions, there are many conclusions related
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to the training of new units and increasing the efficiency of management, and the training of reserves, and taking into account the limitations of our air defense system, the superiority of the enemy in the air, all these factors now there are those that, even at the current stage , affect the nature of hostilities, now about the occasion. offensive actions this year, i think, to put it mildly, earlier our military leadership spoke about the fact that we should conduct a mobile defense strategy, the main task at the current stage is to exhaust the enemy as much as possible and create prerequisites for offensive actions, the president of ukraine also mentioned this, but the question of the timing of offensive actions, or we see that this year is such for us... that we do not have a sufficient number of reserves at the current stage, even remembering these 14 brigades that need
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western aid for full staffing, i think that this year is not associated with large-scale counteroffensive actions, but mobile defense in individual tactical areas, connected to the enemy, it will be implemented in this year, i think that we have a chance in... first of all, using long-range systems, drones, other approaches, first of all , to block crimea and make crimea itself one of the elements of a certain bargain with the russian federation to the extent that it affects negotiating position, changes on the front line at the expense of our offensive actions this year are hardly possible and expedient, i think that our military leadership understands this, on the other hand, our partners must understand that... maintaining the front line, destroying the enemy the maximum amount depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of european and american aid, and this is also in one of the conclusions of this british
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institute, which i think other experts will also read, and one of these days, by the way, there will be a conference in britain, where useful at the meeting of the russian institute, where past lessons and possible actions for the next period of time will be discussed, uh, the speaker of the american mike johnson said that trump can simply make threats and demands by the enemy all over the world by phone, which they pay attention because they fear him, in a sense, and that's exactly how he can end the war if he shows strength. this, by the way, has already been commented on by john bolton, the former adviser to president trump at the time on defense security issues, he said it was... madness, and said, well , actually, the idea itself is madness. well, indeed, now there is a lot of publication in the foreign media, even when we interpret
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various statements, even when, er, sometimes distorting, but in any case, i repeat, now there is a lot of informational noise, which has a rather indirect relation to the real situation on the front line. now we have tasks to prepare. reserves, restore new brigades, provide personnel for combat operations of those brigades that hold the front line, strengthen air defense, to change, to increase the effectiveness of command at many levels, to get european american military aid, so that this aid becomes regular, and this is precisely what affects the front line in the first place, and in the statement that it is possible to stop the war in a short period of time time, the question arises under which conditions and this is the idea of ​​ending the war in view of what will happen to our territories, where the borders will pass, under what conditions russia
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will... indemnify the damage, will it to compensate, that is, many such questions, which in fact no one knows how it will be solved, especially against the background of the approaches of the trump administration, if suddenly they win the elections, so now is such a period of uncertainty, where a lot depends on the front line, we have to get and create the prerequisites for e further effective actions, primarily aimed at depriving russia of the hope that the forces... it can advance further, well, i also ask, some new mysterious drone attacked kyiv on the night of july 20, does this mean that the russians may also be looking for any new, don't know game changers, can they find them? actually really information that russia used a new drone there in an attack on the 20th, we found...
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a photo of this sample, it's on our website, in fact, this is how the research on this drone is going now, it's about the size 4 m, wings, pushing propeller, very reminiscent of hall 421, this is such a russian reconnaissance drone that was shown at exhibitions a few years ago, and then even ... there was no mention of this drone, but hall 421 is, i repeat, reconnaissance sample, it seems to be talking about an attack drone that flew at a low altitude, and i think that this is just another attempt by the enemy to test these or that products in order to influence our air defense, or just to check the performance of these or that of russian companies, i am not... ready
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to claim that this production is mass production, because we have seen other samples of russian drones that at different times, new ones that appeared in the airspace of our country, they went astray, but just this one process the creation of new models, it is characteristic of our defense and industrial capabilities, it is also characteristic of the enemy, because the dynamics in the needs of drones is growing, and each side is trying to determine which models can be the most effective and the cheapest to implement. of certain military functions, what is this technological struggle, this is a battle of technologies, it seems to me, after all, we hope that western technologies will win here, literally from, i don’t know, from rifles to anti-personnel mines, i don’t know, and the longer there are different planes and so on, all western systems are better, better, we just need to give them to us in sufficient quantity, let's hope for that, an absolutely correct conclusion,
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we hope that it will be so. mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation. serhiy zgures was with us, the director of the defense express information and consulting company. we talked about the situation in vienna. dear friends, we are approaching 9 in the morning, and i want to remind everyone who is watching us now that at 9 in the morning all of ukraine observes a minute of silence in memory of those ukrainians who, on alas, they died because of russian aggression, so stop and think about those who... you have already lost acquaintances, relatives, relatives, if you already have such losses, and those who have not lost, also think about your compatriots, we'll be back on the air at 9:45 and continue with andrii saichuk, this is marathon nayscres, olesya vakulyuk, andrii saichuk, we're working in this studio for you until 12 o'clock, and we're asking you to bow your heads right now in
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a moment of silence. and also donate money so that there were fewer victims among ukrainians. let's honor the memory with a moment of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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