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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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and we urge you to bow your heads in a minute of silence, and also to pray so that there are fewer victims among ukrainians. let's honor with a moment of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that was... unleashed by russia.
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joe biden dropped out of the presidential race, instead he offers the current vice president , kamala harris, whether she can win against trump and in what position. these candidates are relative to ukraine. meanwhile, talks and plans about negotiations and a diplomatic settlement of the war more and more president zelensky told the bbc that the hot phase of the war can be ended by the end of this year. but how? we will discuss all this today. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha and we are starting. joe biden has withdrawn his candidacy for the presidential elections to be held in the united states in november. on the eve of he released
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a statement that he was withdrawing from the race, the american president promised to address the american people later in the week and explain his decision in more detail. although my intention was again to run for office, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and country, to step aside and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for this term. ukrainian president volodymyr reacted to joe biden's decision. zelensky thanked biden for the support that the states provided to ukraine during his presidency. in recent years, there have been many strong decisions that will be remembered as bold steps that president biden has taken in response to difficult times, and we respect his today's difficult, but strong decision. we will always be grateful for president biden's leadership. he supported our country at the most dramatic moment in history, helped us prevent the...occupation
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of our country, and continues to support us throughout this terrible war. moscow did not take too long to react, putin's spokesman dmytro piskov said that they will monitor the situation, because the elections are still four months away, and i quote: everything can change. piskov also stated that the war against ukraine is more important for the current russian authorities than the american elections. not only joe biden refused to participate in the race, but also supported the candidate. kamela garis, tunnoi vice president. on the same evening, she announced her intention to participate in the us presidential elections. and she called his decision to withdraw his candidacy a selfless and patriotic act. in a month, namely on august 21, it will be known whether she will get a nomination from the democratic party for the presidential elections. this will happen if the delegates of the congress of democrats, with a majority of votes, support the candidacy of kamela garis. joins our broadcast. what are the chances
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are you ready to defeat trump? she actually has about the same chance as biden, but there is a big but, all the polls that have been done there in the last month, tentatively, when the talk of a possible replacement for joe biden, or a possible exit of joe biden from the race, still ... one must understand that they were held when joe biden was the current president, and one must also understand that in the modern, that is, this new system of primaries, which is only 50 years old, that is, there were primaries before, but when states vote in turn, that is, there are several states can be held at the same time, but let's say there is a primaries calendar, then the current president is always bogged down, if he had such an opportunity, in fact.
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only jimmy carter, bush, sr., and trump in 2020 were not re-elected for a second term, but in general. i will remind you that we are talking with yes, vladyslav faraponov, something happened with the connection, and we are talking now in this part of the program about the candidacy of kamela garis, who joe biden proposed instead of himself for the presidential race, which will take place in the united states already in the fall, and about her candidacy, what is it means for ukraine and whether she is the most likely candidate from the democrats to... compete with trump in these presidential elections, in the comments you can write your thoughts and your reactions, firstly, did you expect that joseph biden , he will withdraw from this presidential race, given everything that has happened in the weeks
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since the trump-biden debate, where there has been a lot of talk that biden should probably withdraw from the presidential race, write, or you? surprised by this decision and what do you think what can a democratic candidate be like, who shares views on the russian-ukrainian war with official kyiv, on how it can happen. vladyslav returns to our broadcast. vladyslav, let's talk about kamela garis herself, we understand that she is not yet the official candidate of the democrats in these presidential elections, this is important, but speaking. about her views, you say that the rating is roughly the same as biden's, but her views, her pace, her vision of the russian-ukrainian war, she also shares with joseph biden, well, there is also such a big amendment here, because kamala harris was still quite limited in
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foreign policy, and in terms of foreign policy, she has actually been there for the last 3.5 years, when the biden administration is in power, she. .. in fact, there she made more regional visits to latin america there and so on, but for example, she was at the munich security conference three times in a row, it was there that she met with president zelensky and the ukrainian delegation and so on, so in in principle, it can be said that she has similar views as biden, but we also have to be aware of the fact that she does not and did not have... the opportunity to say something from herself, yes, that is , to offer some excellent things, so for now we can predict it is difficult, i think that if there will still be a debate between the candidates, already after the democratic party
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nominates, i am convinced kamala heris, then maybe we will hear more specifics, more positions on ukraine, on the russian-ukrainian wars and so on. further, but now we can say that, in principle, this general framework is similar to the understanding of biden's direct foreign policy team, and kamala harris, after all, when biden offered her the position of vice president, he hoped for her greater involvement in domestic policy issues, rather than external, and i will also add that kamala herself, she is the first female vice president in the history of the united states. and it should also be noted that she is a lawyer, a prosecutor, and what you said about international politics is indeed what many call challenges, internal problems are issues, the immigration issue that remains, reform, abortion rights, and these are such important domestic issues, look, she was endorsed by joe
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biden, how clear is the practice of american politics to have a nominee in this way and are the democrats now willing, what you see, to support this candidacy there by the majority of percent. because today it became known that former us president barack obama did not support the candidacy of garis, for example, and advocated an open process of the democratic party primaries at the convention, which will take place already next month, how likely is it that kamela harris will be the candidate from the democrats, or is it still a big question, well, in my opinion by 70%, in principle it is already clear that she will be the candidate from democrats, so maybe not everyone supports her. but there, for example, she was supported by the clintons, although they allegedly promoted her there, in fact, for several years, when she was just a senator, but in general she has an interesting enough reputation in the united states, that is in fact, as the attorney general of the state
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of california, before she was a senator from california, she is known there as quite tough, and i will say more, she even in the primaries... in 2020, she was arguing with biden himself at the debate and in fact, you can even say they scandalized very much, she, for example, then accused biden of supporting... the policy of the so-called, the so-called busin, that is, the separation of such school buses for african-american children and white children, and in fact it then it turned out so good scandal for biden, but still he nominated her for the post of vice president, because that's when biden wanted to show the unification of the democrats and so on, but again, i'll repeat that... it's one thing to be number two, it's another matter to be the number one, and now and there for the last week and a half, and at
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the republican convention, in particular , republicans are actively promoting the thesis, even when biden was in the race, accordingly, the same nikki haley, for example, who competed with trump until the last, and summary nevertheless, she supported him, for example, she said during her speech that even a vote for... for joe biden is a vote for president kamala harris, and that she was allegedly assigned, that is, to solve the issue with illegal migrants there , that is, with the southern border, but she did not cope with it, let's imagine what will happen if she is allowed to rule the entire country, that is, the republicans have actually already attacked her long enough to say that for them it is some kind of unexpected. events would also be an exaggeration, but i will repeat that it is one thing to still be the vice president and just to bog down as
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number two, because in democracy, in fact, when the current president biden was running, there was no special need for her as an important person in the campaign, now she can i think the situation will change, plus, after all , there is support, support for biden, and there is also... such a moment that, for example, some experts claim that the funds that were collected for biden's company, that supposedly only kamala harris can spend, i in in principle, i also partially agree with this, and it is also known that 50 million dollars have already been collected for the kamelis company, that is, there is also a movement in this direction, very briefly, if possible, zelensky recently spoke with trump, with the republican candidate, as the ukrainian authorities here to build relations, because any of the candidates can become the president, how to establish friendly relations,
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including holding their positions, let's say, i would say, we need to talk about working relations, friendly, it's probably difficult to call it, but in general, it is necessary to talk with the republicans and with trump in particular, because regardless of the results of the presidential elections, trump remains the leader of the republican party, the congress of the republican party. it showed that everyone is simply delighted with, everyone is delighted with trump, i understand that, vladyslav wanted to say, unfortunately, we lost connection again, vladyslav faraponov, head of the institute of american studies and analyst of the internav of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok and we talked about the news from america, actually that joseph biden withdrew his candidacy from the presidential negotiations and recommended kamela garis instead of you, so how will the transition take place and... who is kamela, what are her views on the russian-ukrainian war, we talked about this, and you can in
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the comments write your thoughts on this matter, and be sure to subscribe to the radio liberty channel, it is important to spread the videos that my colleagues and i make for you every day, and it is possible to end the hot phase of the war by the end of this 2024, the president of ukraine said volodymyr zelenskyi said in in an interview with the british broadcaster bbc, he added that pressure on russia can be used not only with weapons, but also through diplomacy. about the fact that volodymyr zelenskyi hints at the readiness to conduct negotiations with russia - writes the american cnn. the peace plan, which ukraine is developing together with its allies before the second peace summit, will give a stronger position at the negotiating table, the publication writes. it is expected that the peace summit may take place already in november. cnn writes that hints of negotiations with the participation of russia also arise due to the fact that kyiv, except for the complicated one. the situation at the front may face uncertainty regarding the level of future support, primarily military support
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from allies, as former us president donald trump, who is currently running for president, has publicly spoken about reducing military aid to ukraine. instead , the ukrainian president called the phone conversation between zelenskyi and trump, which took place the day before, very good: he spoke with trump about ukraine, as well as the former prime minister of great britain, boris johnson, after... the conversation he presented the so-called peace plan, yes, one more: in his column in the british newspaper daily mail , johnson writes that trump can stop the war and added that under the conditions... that are right for ukraine and that these conditions are met. so, we will further discuss what boris johnson writes that first trump should allow ukraine to hit russian airfields with american missiles and other weapons, and after putin suffers a certain defeat, it is possible to offer a peace agreement. we discuss these aspects further with
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our guest mykhailo samus, director of new geopolitics research network, joined svoboda ranok. mykhailo, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. greetings, glad to see you. meanwhile, zelensky said in an interview with the bbc that the whole world should put pressure on russia to convince and sit down at the negotiating table and consider the possibility of ending the war. in your opinion, what can force russia to sit down at this table and negotiate? well, of course, the simple answer is defeat on the battlefield, but for this, conditions need to be met, which, unfortunately, ... we cannot create according to them, those troops that are in such a peculiar looking-glass cannot be beaten, if we talk about the next stage of development and the political situation in the united states, and accordingly the development of the global situation, because it is obvious that the elections in the united states exert a powerful influence on the global situation, then these on me, how on me are all
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the steps taken by president zelensky, all these negotiations. which begin already with the presidential candidate trump, all, especially if we are talking about the preparation of the summits, the second peace summit, all these steps are aimed at preparing a really strong diplomatic position of ukraine, as it happens, because if we say that in fact we offered russia all possible options, including inviting it to the peace forum, everyone says, let's even india said and... said especially that invite russia, okay, we are inviting russia, it is obvious that russia will not come, putin will refuse to even consider such a possibility, and when trump starts already after the election, for example, successful for him , to recruit, call putin and zelensky, zelensky will say: okay, i am ready for indirect negotiations in the format of a grain, grain agreement, and putin, of course, will not agree, because putin
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will issue ultimatums, and then trump will face the problem of how to fulfill... the promise, he promised to stop within 24 hours war, okay, but in these conditions he will be forced to help ukraine more and force putin to negotiate, in this situation we will finally have the opportunity to inflict a military defeat on russia. well, this is probably what johnson wrote about, that it is necessary to give permission to attack ukraine on russian territory, on military facilities, after russia has already withdrawn, perhaps. to the borders of the 22nd year, then it will already be possible to force her to sit down at the table by negotiating power, that is, is there logic in this? i have a completely different, different view from the point of view of the borders of the 22nd, there are no borders of the 22nd, these are just the minsk agreements - this is a terrible mistake, which we will still analyze, if we
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read the minsk agreements, there is no word russia at all, but this is another matter, there are no borders of the 22nd year, from a military point of view, from a geopolitical point of view, we cannot agree to any possibility of leaving crimea to russia, that is, if we are talking about donbas, and some negotiations there, about an international peacekeeping mission and so on, it is possible to say that, and president zelenskyy said, we we can discuss everything, except territorial, any territorial concessions of russia, that is, we can say that it is possible to introduce a peacekeeping mission in donbas. and so on, there is a period of peaceful settlement, that's all you can say, crimea is a key point, crimea from a geopolitical point of view point of view means if we give crimea to russia, and the only thing that i don’t like very much in this article by johnson is that there seems to be a phrase about crimea, and it is written that without crimea, that is, we are talking to russia, crimea is
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, as it were, given to russia , this is a huge mistake that cannot be made, crimea should be the first thing that ukraine should take away. and without appeal, without compromise, and precisely by military means. crimea must be taken by military means. how to do it? even now it is possible to create, and this is happening, a blockade of crimea. blockade of crimea could result in russia losing effective control over crimea, and effective control means occupation. in other words, we can create conditions without even carrying out the land phase, when they will not effectively control crimea, and this will lead to a general reversal of the situation. including at possible potential negotiations. mykhailo, but for this, again, we need weapons and the support of partners in the amount in which it is necessary, in the amount in which the time requires. that is, yours, what you say is responds, it is clear that every ukrainian would like that, but the military capability, it can be taking into account what
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trump previously stated, for example, and, taking into account the fact that the usa can really stop supplying hypothetically, theoretically, certain weapons, and you say about the borders of the year 22 that they do not exist, but the de facto advance of russian forces, this is meant, as i understand it, from a full-scale invasion, that is, whether ... and what is required in order to push back russia in such a way as to compel her after all to sit down at the negotiating table, isn’t military influence necessary for what zelensky is talking about, that the world should force russia to sit down at this negotiating table, these are sanctions, which someone is already saying: well, they have exhausted themselves, and it is unclear how to influence russia , what can it be and why should russia sit down at this transition table, on the other hand? look, yes, if we are talking about a diplomatic track, we can and must create. such a situation, when under certain conditions, conditions russia will be forced to sit down at the negotiating table, but i will emphasize once again that, in my opinion,
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simulate situations, any situations, only the loss of crimea will force russia to sit down at the negotiating table, why do i say that there are no borders of the 22nd year, because putin in principle will not agree to any borders of the 22nd year, that is, these borders will be determined by the military situation, as it is on the battlefield now or in... 3 months in 5 months, or in february of the 25th year, when trump starts, for example, to organize these negotiations, maybe even earlier, because he said before entering in the oval office, it means that it is possible even in december, after the elections, he will begin to form some matrix of negotiations, i will repeat myself once again, and in order to create a situation with the blockade of crimea, i am not talking about the deoccupation of crimea, i am saying once again that the blockade of crimea can create a situation when. .. russia will lose control, effective control over crimea, this can be achieved even with the set of tools we have now, plus, of course, the f-16, plus more long-range missiles
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, and plus a better, better intelligence situation, that is, we should be given after all, the drones that the americans have already promised us several years to hand over, which still carry out more qualitative, qualitative development, that's why and moreover i... maybe it will be a surprise for someone, i still believe that the blockade of crimea must be established by november 24th year, in any case , try, if we do it, then the negotiations will be in a completely different status, putin will be driven into a corner, and trump can already then say: "we will bring peace now by force." this is what is written in his pre-election program: peace by force, and when ukraine establishes a blockade. it will really be peace by force, if putin manages to keep the situation as it is now, then he will dictate the conditions, unfortunately, and then both trump and
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zelensky will have problems, including with compromises, and these compromises can always and always lead to we are in very difficult and very bad conditions from the point of view of prospects. cnn writes that zelensky hopes to end the hot phase of the war before the end of it. year is it a freeze or what could it be and how realistic is this plan in your opinion? again, i can't say what the president is planning zelenskyi, commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief syrskyi. from the point of view of our center, if we model the situation, the hot phase may end if we create the conditions for the blockade of crimea, and trump will announce in december that he offers zelensky and putin to sit down at the negotiating table. in these conditions, putin really... sit down or go to the ceasefire, because let's look again at the battlefield, you just quoted western journalists, they
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say, the situation at the front is very difficult, the situation at the front is difficult for the armed forces ukraine, but look how difficult it is for the armed forces of the russian federation, they have been on the offensive since october last year, and now let's see what they achieved at the cost of huge losses, in fact, from an operational point of view, they did not achieve anything, so they took ovdia. and they broke through the front in several areas by 5-10 km, maybe not in some, that is, in fact, from a tactical point of view, it is just a change, a change of the front line, but from an operational point of view, they did not enter a new space, they did not create conditions for really breaking the front and creating new conditions for already strategic defeat of ukraine, but if it is a war of attrition, then in... there are advantages, and the advantages are much more than in ukraine, and they can afford it, again, it is an illusion, because you can find now literally, over the past week , several studies by various
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analysts have appeared. and western and ukrainian, which analyzed storage bases, equipment, various types: artillery, tanks, mtlb, bmp, and so on. in the 25th year, some species will actually disappear by the middle of the 25th year, as in the red book, you understand, that is, on bases storage. if we talk about whether they will disappear from the armed forces of russia, no, because they are constantly restored, repaired and so on. but, for example, if we take how many tanks russia can produce per year, it's about 100. you know, 100 tanks, well, 150 tanks, and they've spent several thousand already, several thousand during the period when they started a large-scale offensive , that is, they have never already, never in the history of russia, well, never in the next 30 years, it is impossible to predict further, they will not be able to they will build several thousand tanks, it is obvious, and therefore when someone says that russia has endless resources, it is not true, it is not true, and moreover, let's look at the program of trump,
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who can win the elections. the first thing he will do is the first point of his program, this is drill, babyby drill, they will open all the oil reserves and pour it out into the world, that is , the main task is cheap energy for america, cheap energy means the oil market will collapse, who do we have russia's main sponsor now is oil, which is bought by china and india, that is, if you look linearly, really it seems that russia is just some kind of colossus, and not on clay feet, actually... the situation is very, very difficult for the russians, they tried just before the elections in the united states to break through the front and show: "look, we are advancing, we have the strategic initiative, accept the ultimatum put forward by putin before the first peace summit and everything will be fine, and what we have now is a completely different situation, so in fact we are now in the most important period of the war, just until december of this year, and this is obvious , and here, of course, we may not be able to
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to say what he plans." the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, but i think they absolutely understand it. i thank you, we went through the main such hot statements, as of this morning mykhailo samus, director of the new geopolitics research network, was a guest of svoboda ranok in the comments write what you think, maybe you have something to object to, mykhailo, we will be glad to read your arguments and comments under this video. thank you again for subscribing to our channel, and i will also remind you that svoboda is a show with you every weekday from 9:00 here on youtube at on the radio liberty channel, also on tv channels, support us, spread this video, write comments, share your thoughts, this is important for our communication with you, then we will talk about the following topic, which concerns every ukrainian, without exception, because already with in september, gasoline may add about 1.5 g to the price, and diesel 2 hryvnias. such calculations are provided by
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the director. serhiy kuyun of the a95 consulting group. the expert predicts that autogas will also increase in price, and the most, it is about uah 5 per liter. also, the price increase is due the fact that the day before the verkhovna rada passed a draft law on increasing excise taxes on fuel. the document provides for an increase in excise duties to the minimum level established in the european union. fuel prices will be gradually increased until january 1, 2028. so at the level of eurosoy. the excise tax will result in a price for gasoline of €359 per 100 liters, for diesel fuel at €330 per 100 liters, and for liquefied gas at €70 per thousand liters. the draft law should enter into force on september 1, but first it must be signed by the president, however, the parliament is already trying to block this document, in people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak reported that two resolutions were submitted to the verkhovna rada to block it, but he became skeptical.


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