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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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per liter, such calculations are provided by the director of the a95 consulting group, serhii kuyun. the expert predicts that autogas will also increase in price, and the most, it is about uah 5 per liter. the increase is also due to the fact that the day before the verkhovna rada passed a draft law on increasing excise taxes on fuel. the document provides for an increase in excise duties to the minimum level established in the european union. fuel will become more expensive in stages until january 1, 2020 , the eighth year, so the excise tax will reach the level of the european union with the price of gasoline at €359 per 100 liters. for diesel fuel €330 per 1,000 liters, for liquefied gas - €70 per thousand liters. the bill is supposed to come into effect on september 1, but first it must be signed by the president. however, the parliament is already trying to block this document. two resolutions were submitted to the verkhovna rada to block it. people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak reported this, but he is skeptical about the possibility of their
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adoption. meanwhile, ukrainian agrarians are worried about the increase in excise duty - the committee on agrarian and land affairs notes politicians, and there they say that the increased excise tax on fuel will cost farmers up to uah 14 billion in additional costs every year. according to farmers, fuel accounts for up to 10% of the cost of goods, so the cost of production and sale of this year's products may increase by several percent due to the fuel factor alone. rfe/rl's correspondents asked ukrainians whether they are ready for fuel prices to rise. they say that along with fuel, both products and services are becoming more expensive. these polls that you will see now are not representative, it is only the personal opinion of individual people. let's listen. excises will be expensive now, and diesel fuel and gasoline will be expensive, as they will rise, we will certainly ride bicycles on average , about 300 uah per tank per week.
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we travel a lot, yes, ugh, how much is 15% for us ? 15%, that's how much 4,000 will be, but where will such people earn money, how to drive less, if it is necessary to drive somewhere throughout the region, how to work, and what kind of work do you have, are we building solar stations, have you already had a raise , no, there have been no promotions yet, but i i think that it will increase most likely, because you drive around the districts, across the region, our region is not small, and you can cover 200 kilometers in one direction, you know. i drove for a buck in two days, and this is 300 uah, and it will be 400 uah, and that’s it, 100, 100 bucks once and it’s gone, you can work, but it’s also gasoline, which also costs money, and because of this , the prices of goods have also risen , that on average how much did they rise, on average by 10 hryvnias, well , this is plus 10%, probably delivery, if fuel prices rise, it is clear that they will rise. give prices for everything and for travel
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also, because it is all interconnected, it will go up by 10 percent, if you say that by 2 hryvnias, so it can go up, everything will pull, everything will pull, everything, and electricity, all of it, everything will go up, pension on place, the increase in excise duty will cost me 2.5 uah plus additional expenses. per week, that is, and the salary remains the same, before the increase in the price of fuel, the cost of 1 kilowatt produced by a generator was 40 hryvnias on average. in fact, a large amount in the cost price of a kilowatt produced is actually the fuel that is refueled, so an increase in the cost of fuel will automatically lead to an increase in the cost of electricity production, and this is us as end consumers, if we buy a barn or. ice cream or anything,
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this will lead to the fact that the business will include this kilowatt, the cost of this kilowatt in the cost of the final product, that is, oleksandr kovalchuk, deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on finance, tax and customs policy, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good day, i greet you. mr. oleksandr, why in parliament decided to increase excise duties on fuel, what is the purpose, what are the goals and why now? you know, i listened to the broadcast before... learning and talking with you, and you touched on a lot of important topics, and those people with whom you spoke with ukrainians also gave many answers to questions and actually asked questions, so let's start with that this is a decision or a proposal to the parliament, to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and was introduced by the government of ukraine by the prime minister back in may of this year, and the government represented by the ministry of finance.
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is responsible for a balanced budget of ukraine, i.e. for expenditures and revenues of the budget, understanding the current state of affairs, the catastrophic lack of funds for finance. primarily the defense budget, and also fulfilling the duties assumed before joining the european union, the parliament supported the draft law, the initiative proposed by the government, in fact, the increase in excise taxes applies not only to fuel, but also tobacco and alcoholic beverages will be increased from from the point of view of excise duty, and this is the fulfillment of the conditions that our state... signed with the european union in the past year, today the excise tax rate in ukraine is still less than in europe, by about 40%. therefore, the government once again proposed this initiative, the minister of finance personally came to the parliament, addressed the people's
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deputies, addressed the people of ukraine and clearly explained why the funds are needed and why this step should be taken. so, first, fulfillment of conditions. before joining the european union, this is a european directive, and the second is the financing of the revolving budget, for what purpose, and here the purpose is quite obvious, and the words that were spoken by the minister of finance who said that all these funds that will come to the budget, additional funds will be sent to finance the defense budget, and as for the rates themselves, it was heard from you in the studio, from the ukrainians, that the prices will increase. increase by 10-15%, but uah 1.5 from uah 60 per liter of fuel, which is today, and the price is not 10%, it is only 2.5%, so i frankly do not understand why prices should rise by 10 %, at the time, if a liter
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of fuel becomes more expensive by only 1.5 hryvnias, and there are calculations, then how it will affect ukrainians, on prices, because when the excise tax rises to is there alcohol products or for tobacco, we understand that this applies to the part that is ready to pay for it, and this, everything else is still for products, but we hear farmers also declare about health care, that is, it will really affect everyone a ukrainian, even one who does not have his own car, and we understand this, and what calculations are there in the cabinet of ministers and in the parliament about how prices will rise? and look, once again everything is very simple, if the cost of the products is fuel. is 10%, and it will increase in turn fuel by 2.5%, i see no reason why the cost of any product should increase by more than 2%, to be honest, and that many can use this as a factor
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to simply raise prices , in order to earn more, well, it is possible, but there are no objective reasons for this, because it is simple mathematics and it is very easy to calculate how much should grow. regarding agricultural products, you are very correct in saying that food products can increase in price, and in fact precisely in order to avoid an increase in price for ukrainians, i personally, on the same day when the bill was voted, a working group was registered, which i headed on the basis of the financial committee, whose task is to develop a bill that will provide an opportunity. to reduce the excise tax specifically for farmers, but only after the war, that is , literally from september , a working group will start working, to which i, as the head of the working group, invited the ministry of finance, agrarian policy, the ministry of economy and the state tax service, as well as
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colleagues of people's deputies, representatives public organizations, we will invite everyone and we will discuss the norms that we will use to reduce the excise tax. for use by farmers. frankly speaking, those vehicles that drive in the fields, i.e. tractors, combine harvesters, loaders, which do not use public roads , should have a cheaper price, that is, a lower excise tax. we will definitely do it, within three months regulatory documents and by- laws will be developed, and they, i sincerely believe, will be supported by all people's deputies in verkhovna rada. we will definitely do it. knowing as you rightly said that those who don't use cars and don't have to pay more for food so it will be done. mr. oleksandr, here i thank you for your answer, but as you know, conversations are really growing among ukrainians and utility companies, and here now it is, prices are constantly rising, so the last question, very short for you,
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if possible, will the next step in the state be raising taxes to fill the budget? very briefly, see, in we are in a difficult situation. with the budget precisely because we're at war, we need to fund the military, we can't not, we can't let us not have money for the salaries of the military or all the things that need to be... on the battlefield, it's firstly, secondly, will taxes increase, you need to listen carefully to what the government says in the form of the ministry of finance, once again, the ministry of finance is responsible for the balanced budget of the country, and thirdly, lastly, there are only three sources of filling the budget, firstly, money can be printed, and that inflation, everyone knows that this is bad, money can be borrowed, and today the president of ukraine is doing a lightning-fast job on the international arena, attracting all possible resources and countries to... replenish the budget and provide weapons, and the third - money can
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increase the flow of money at the expense of internal resource, which is the effective use of funds, the fight against corruption and tax increases. with these last items will be actively worked in the state in order to fill the budget, again? and it is absolutely true, now we are working on it customs reform. customs will never be the same again, uh, sorry for the leaky taftology. and we will not be ashamed of what we are doing now, together with international partners, we are developing a package of bills, some of them have already been voted on, customs will work more efficiently, and i will say it as better as the tax department, the tax department is showing good results today results, but the customs must work better, the customs reform 2.0 is already in the works and will be completed by the end of the year, and from next year it will be completely new results, regarding fight against corruption, it is necessary to communicate with... prospects have been drawn until
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the end of this year. thank you, oleksandr kovalchuk, deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on finance, tax and customs policy, was a guest of svoboda ranok. the police continue the search for the killer of iryna farion, and according to volodymyr zelenskyi , more information about the perpetrators of this crime is emerging, this was a quote on... yesterday , law enforcement officers published video recordings from surveillance cameras, the case was reclassified from attempted murder. also the police gave guidance on a young man who may be involved in the murder of iryna farion, the man depicted in the footage was pointed out by neighbors of linguists. according to them, for several weeks he visited the yard where iryna farion was shot on the evening of july 19. today in lviv, the funeral ceremony will take place in the garrison church of saints peter and paul. iryna farion will be buried at the lychakiv cemetery. the day before, colleagues,
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relatives, former students and supporters of the public figure came to say goodbye. there were queues to the temple so large that the political standoff even had to be extended until late in the evening, there were several thousand people on the square and on the street next to the church, people carried flowers and candles to the place where irina farion was shot. scary for herself, scary for her loved ones, it's not normal, well, it's actually a terrible crime and the fact that a woman, a good, respected woman, can die in broad daylight in lviv, it's really terrible, it reflects her political position in the end, she was very strong and very uncompromising, and because of exactly... she died, and it's a pity, it can happen to each of us, and my
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condolences to all relatives, to all relatives, especially to irina dmitrivna. we live a little further down there, and a year ago we lived in that driveway, and to be honest, i can't even imagine my child coming out, seeing that, i think they can treat her differently, but no one has the right to spare another person's life, that's why it's terrible, it's very, like in... some have returned, this should be finished, this is really a question of the safety of the city, it's just that, the city should be camera on camera on camera, crazy, we live in such a time now, let us remind you that on july 19, at 7:30 p.m., the police received a report that an unknown man shot a pedestrian on masaryk street in lviv, she turned out to be iryna farion, a linguist lived there, she was hospitalized with a gunshot wound head injury, but they could not save her... she died after 230, according to the doctors, her heart could not stand it. irina farion was 60 years old, she was
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a deputy of the verkhovna rada of the seventh convocation in 2012-14 from the vo svoboda party, she had radical views on the functioning of the ukrainian language, some of her statements caused loud discussions in society. that was the edition of svoboda ranok, join us this morning. broadcasts every weekday from 9:00 a.m. on youtube on the radio svoboda channel, also on tv channels, write comments, share your observations, your thoughts, my name is kateryna nekrecha, me and the whole team. and freedom of the morning, we wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow, attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special
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's up, dear friends, we're coming back, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we work for you until 12 o'clock, thank you for being with us. thank you for donating, and by the way, 13,000 hryvnias for this morning, at least from my announcement, and you did not follow, but i started from some mark, did not follow, so i always have to follow all 13, hryvnias have been added since my first announcement, i don't know how much was added from andrievoi, i hope that this amount is more as of this morning, but it will definitely become more if you join our collection, especially since we are collecting for atvs, which should help evacuate our wounded. soldiers, why atvs, because they do it quickly, because the muscovites hunt both our military medics and our wounded, with the help of drones, they want to take any life, even the life of a wounded soldier, who no longer cares for them there is no threat, so, dear friends, please join in , all the necessary details are now on your screens, the qr code of the monobank is on top, the card number
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is indicated below it, and the private bank and the card number are also on the bottom, this is how the evacuation takes place, as you can see in the photos, we are collecting atvs for the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine and we hope to collect the amount of uah 4 million quickly, i understand that it will not be very fast in a few days, but weeks may pass, but i understand how many viewers espresso is responsible, and i see it as we move little by little with small steps, as it were... uah 10, uah 30, uah 100, uah 200 is added, every donation is important, thank you for joining us while we , by the way, talk to our next guest, you will also be able to donate, because the qr code, it appears throughout our broadcast, all the time, it is visible in the lower left corner, if you are facing the screen. listen, oleg posternak,
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a political technologist, is joining us, and we will talk with him about the high-profile interview of president zelensky. bc to the british, mr. oleg, congratulations, good afternoon, in fact, president zelenskyi gave an interview to the bbc, and there were several interesting theses and questions, in particular, the bbc correspondent asked him zelenskyi that if the war drags on for 10 years, or president zelenskyi for 10 years will remain president without elections, for what? zelensky replied that, firstly, he would not allow the war to last so long, and secondly, he said that if the war drags on, he will look for a solution. to hold elections, but said there would be no elections yet there is a war going on. here is such a story, mr. olezh, let's try to explain what
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president zelensky said, did he come across some military cabinet, government of national unity or some other forms of union, unity of society? well, i don't really see any hints here, of any joint coalition governments, and in... i think it's worth starting from the situation in which the president was speaking and who he was interviewing, he was interviewing the bbc , that is, it will be multiplied by all the world's media, which use, including the verified one according to bbc information, and aa here the aspect, which message is to show that ukraine, well, in this communication with... remains faithful to the democratic essence, uh, yes, because the essence of democracy lies in the change of power, in the need for elections, in conducting campaigns,
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which will indicate the re-election or the replacement of the president or the replacement of the parliament, etc., and in such conditions for the western observer, for the western public opinion. this valuable component is very important, that is why president zelensky, speaking about the search for an option for elections under martial law, he is talking about this said, most likely it makes it clear to the western observer and journalists that ukraine remains faithful to democratic traditions, ugh, but again, as a political technologist, i want to tell you, i'm even afraid to imagine, ugh, i repeat. i am afraid to imagine traditional election procedures in the current conditions that ukraine is currently experiencing, at least three groups of the population will definitely not be able to be involved in the election process, these are
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military personnel at the front, and even in the tuu, and these are internally displaced persons, because the list of voters is not ready, the central electoral the commission, well, it will be a nightmare for it, and of course these are refugees, migrants abroad, ugh. the only option that is theoretically possible, i repeat, theoretically possible, and for this the consensus of the ukrainian society is needed in case the war drags on, is internet voting, i know that there are great reservations about it, there are a lot of superstitions, prejudices, but believe me, if the war continues for, say, two more years, a process of change will emerge. authorities or the formation of additional legitimacy for many authorities, then electronic voice, internet voting is no
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longer such, you know, some kind of scary option, maybe it is the only possible and reasonable option, although it is true, although of course it will require a colossal change in the electoral legislation, uh, well, here , of course, you must pay attention to... the opinion, in particular, of the public network, the civil network opor, which has been engaged in the organization and monitoring of elections in ukraine for decades, and it seems to me that they have a comprehensive opinion here, which should probably be listened to, you know, you you know, here the opinion of the ukrainian people must be taken into account, because public organizations are public organizations, they have their own activity profile, they. a constructive important role, but nevertheless, they are sometimes involved, but here is the opinion, the opinion of the ukrainians now there is no consensus regarding the elections, more precisely, there is a consensus regarding
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no elections yet in the conditions, the terrible conditions of martial law, and there is a certain repulsion of fear about the internet voting, that is, that is, in this case, the opinion of the ukrainian people is extremely important, and you have to understand what not just one election... it may be possible, because if we are talking about a compromise with the russian federation, which will be materialized within the framework of some document, paper, some paper, then it may have to be adopted in an all-ukrainian referendum, klitschko said, but we heard this story, i also have a hard time imagining how such an all-ukrainian referendum can be held, also with what kind of vote, but less so, let's talk a little about another story, the monomajority. left two people's deputies, these are deputies of the servants of the people, yatsyk and bezugla, mm, that bezugla has already left something somewhere and that they have finally left? i don't know,
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but if she really left the servant of the people faction, can she, for example, remain in a leadership position in the specialized security committee? good, good question, she can definitely remain a people's deputy, because she is elected in a majority electoral district, seems to be on the defensive, if i'm not mistaken, in the city of kyiv. as for the committee, she is the deputy chairman of the defense committee, so this issue should be decided by the parliament. there by substitution in accordance with the resolution of the verkhovna rada, i.e. by a simple majority of 226 votes, well, there may be different options, because to be honest, at the last session of the parliament in the presence of deputies, sorry, mr. oleksiy goncharenko seems to have noticed this and said , that there are a maximum of 30 or so deputies present in the hall, then
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if... it continues like this, during the voting of such issues, it is possible that the verkhovna rada simply will not be able to make a decision on rotation in the committee, and as for what comes out of factions, well, this is not news, remember i told araham that many deputies active in the servants of the people factions have long been planning to leave the parliament, in general, some from the faction, some do not want to engage in politics at all due to objective circumstances. but this so -called long parliament, as i call it, well, it has not yet fulfilled all its functions, there is a huge number of votes on european integration laws ahead, who will pass them, well, if there is no possibility to re-elect the parliament, just because of that convocation, i think that even if the monomajority ceases to be a monomajority, and by the way, such rumors are already circulating in the ukrainian political community later, then
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ah... all the same, the president will not dissolve the verkhovna rada, first of all, this is, well, impossible, more precisely, there will be certain legal obstacles to this, and secondly, it does not make any sense, because the parliament cannot be re-elected anyway. we have literally a minute left, rumors about the change of shmyhal, about restarting the government, or will they remain rumors? and it is not so easy to change of the prime minister, given the martial law. here, by the way, fyodor... stanislavskyi, a deputy from the servant of the people, he quite correctly noticed the conflict between the norms of the law on martial law and, for example, the law on the cabinet of ministers of ukraine and other legislation, really changing the authorities, and the resignation of the prime minister - minister calls for the resignation of the entire cabinet of ministers, so here the issue is purely legal, and secondly, purely political, well, shmykhal is quite convenient for zelensky, because he is a person.
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has absolutely no political ambitions, no plans his own political strategies, the only thing is that someone shmygul simply may not be comfortable in the presidential entourage, which is why such conversations and rumors are periodically generated. well, thank you very much for these clarifications, oleg posternyak, a political technologist, was with us, we talked a little about the high-profile interview of zelenskyi, not all topics were raised, we will continue in the next hours, we are now on... this is the end of this hour of our information and let's remind you that we are working until 12, andriy saichuk and lesya vakulyuk, well, let's just join the air now iryna koval, our news anchor, and she already knows what happened there in ukraine and the world and will tell us all. thank you, lesya, well, in this issue i will tell you about the situation in different regions of our country, there will also be information about the losses of the occupiers and about the reward for the person who
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will help detain in... iryna farion, so wait, i will tell you more about everything in the issue. in ukraine, it's 10 o'clock, news time, on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. let's start with the situation in different regions of our country: nine people suffered as a result of enemy shelling in the kherson region, during the day the occupiers set fire to more than a dozen settlements in the region , - informed the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the russian invaders targeted residential areas, damaged two high-rise buildings and four private houses. in addition, an object of critical infrastructure, an educational institution,
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a printing house came under the enemy's crosshairs. shop, cafe and service station.


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