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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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by the end of the 24th year, that is, the 24th year will already be critical for them in this matter, and armored combat vehicles, similarly to the mbt, for about six months they may have compensation for hits, then all compensation for losses, they will go in the red, and they even sometimes go into the red depending on the monthly losses on the battlefield, and there are other positions, for example, the same artillery, artillery, they still have enough of it, about a year of monthly compensations, so in the 25th year , they will still be able to operate the artillery as fully removing combat units, and replacing barrels and so on, but there are some categories that are already critical for them, the critical category is special equipment, engineering equipment, they have big problems there, especially with evacuation transport and remote.
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demining and demining are not enough, and they have an air defense position, which is also already suffering, seriously suffering, that is, they do not have air defense compensation, either in plus or zero, it has been in the negative for a long time, and therefore after some time the same the situation itself will be with mbt and bbm tanks may or may not run out, but the tanks they ride on may run out. thank you very much for. this conversation, we talked with oleksandr kovalenko, with a military expert, and we talked about the situation at the front, we made some certain predictions, now we're going to take a short break, yes, and then we'll come back and talk about the united states of america, about the fact that joe biden drops out of the race in favor of kamala harris, what this means for us, all of you and for america, in particular, we will talk about all this later. more
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the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions. to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, and why get ready, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. see that tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are back on the air, we are selling. and now let's talk about the united states of america, about the fact that joseph biden has finished his election campaign, and now everyone is thinking, what will it be, yesterday he announced it, and yesterday in fact there was a special ether on the spresso tv channel, and this is what
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vitaly portnikov, the presenter, thinks about this espresso, and this is what he said, which is an absolutely unprecedented decision. in general, in american history, when a person who received about 90% of the vote in the primary 95 refuses to participate in the election of the president of the united states, the same unprecedented event is the debate of the candidates until the moment of their official approval by the conventions of their parties, that is, in this debate, the only, so now, presidential debates that had donald trump and...joseph biden, neither of them was an officially approved candidate from his party. this is an absolutely amazing thing. and in this situation, you need to understand others. and what would have happened if there had been no debate, i wonder. and trump agreed to this debate
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before biden confirmed him with the candidate, because he obviously also wanted to see the situation. absolutely, an unusual thing, it all looks unusual. well, this is really not unusual, not unusual, sudden turn, dramatic in this very dramatic election campaign, andriy vasylovskyi joins us exceptionally, ambassador, adviser to the director national institute of strategic studies, and let's talk, actually, what will this turn bring us, mr. andriy, congratulations, good morning, how did you take this news? took her with a certain relief, it was a pity to look at the clearly different physical capabilities of two people, and accordingly there was a certain feeling of pity for
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the representative of the democratic party, because how the cameras did not try not to record his weaknesses in this. it was impossible not to do this, ugh, and ee this physical external weakness, it also affects everyone in other actions, a person who feels his weakness does not risk thinking, does not risk saying, does not risk doing something that he would do if he, as his body completely obeyed him, so from this point of view it is a very good moment, and it's also very... good that, by taking such a risky step, the democratic party has shown that it is capable, that it is fresh, flexible, not rigid, it is capable of non-standard solutions, and perhaps this will seriously affect support, future
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candidate, we are talking about kamala garis as as a proposal, it has not yet been approved at the congress of democrats, but probably... it will be, sociology has already appeared, and what is interesting is that kamala harris is not inferior in ratings to biden now, although everyone said that she is not very popular among americans. how to explain this phenomenon? she cannot be popular or unpopular, because the position of the vice president in the united states is to always be in the shadow of the president, to stand next to him, to smile when he smiles and to be indignant. that's all, the only place where she can play a role is when in the senate ee 50 na 50, the two parties have votes, and then the vice president, as president of the senate, gives his vote to one side or the other, and kamala harris during the election campaign, when
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biden was elected and she was number two, she showed enough, yes so to speak, fresh looks, sharp movements. and sometimes even, well, not quite appropriate, because she did not have nationwide experience, and this was possibly one of the reasons why she... biden's team said to be quiet and sit in that shade, but she is a person, firstly , she is creative, secondly, she has a complex biography, and that means she can take risks, and she has a fresh eye, president biden, when he came into office, he had been preparing for this office for the previous 40 years, and so many of the... including with regard to ukraine, they
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were dictated, perhaps, not by the present time, but by those past possessions that he had, starting with the mighty ussr, the times of the ussr, that is , kamala haris has a completely different view, a completely different life experience and a completely different environment. so it will be interesting, kamala garis regarding ukraine, as it is, its settings, which are good for us, i will say this, pragmatically, we do not know this, she was at the peace summit in switzerland, and before that she was at, if i am not mistaken, in davos, and therefore, she is on the topic of ukraine, she spoke then, she is familiar with the topic of ukraine, she understands
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the unprincipledness, inadmissibility, savagery, well , everything that can be added in this series, of the actions taken by the russian federation, another question, er, whether she soberly assesses the capabilities of the united states of america, and president biden he did not evaluate them soberly, maybe because... what was going on was the influence of his closest circle, his various assistants, i do not include anthony blinken here, because blinken actually traveled around the world and expressed what president biden told him, well , having our sympathies, we don't know who is telling her in her ear what international events are important now with kamala harris. and what decisions have to be made, there's a group that has secured her as vice president, but
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it will be interesting to see if she takes someone from biden's team, now, today, to guide her, how to answer journalists' questions, and how to behave when these questions are asked internationally during pre-election rallies, because now she will travel around the country, showing herself. and tell why she can defeat biden trump and why it is important? mr. andrew, i understand or guess that the main vote will be wrong, maybe for kamala garis, supporters of the democrats, as against trump, and so on, but nevertheless, the bet on dark skin, a woman, the future president, it's two in one that , which has never happened before. history of the united states states, perhaps not too risky a bet, because we remember that biden defeated trump precisely
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thanks to the votes of more conservative voters who did not like trump among republicans. she is not completely dark, she is, let 's say, well, well tanned, forgive me for this term, but... the question here is a little different, she is a dynamic person, she is not a tank that, you know, like trump, this is a tank that goes, dumb, hard, powerful, will smash everyone, but, but, but, but dulls, er, she, a person, let's say, a broad profile, plus a prosecutor, and a prosecutor always has special qualities. and trump has bad results with prosecutors, for the most part, mr. andriy,
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an incredible fact in conclusion, it turns out that in 2011 trump acted as one of the fund sponsors of the program to re-elect kamala harris to the position of attorney general, there is even proof of all this, he listed then on her company 500 dollars, that's right... because she prosecuted cases related to illegal migration and other violations there so to speak, and they wrote about it, by the way. democrats criticized trump's choice biden of his time, because who do you take as assistants. i have high hopes that the campaign will not be a campaign for democrats, democratic voters, but a campaign for kamala harris, only in this case she will be able to defeat trump. a person must defeat
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a person, a party cannot defeat a person. mr. andriy, thank you. andriy vesilovskyi, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. advisor to the director of the national institute for strategic studies was with us, we continue to talk about joe's decision yesterday biden to withdraw from the election race, and in fact yesterday on the espresso tv channel there was a special etr dedicated to this, here is what the spokesman of the ukrainian committee of america andriy dobryanskyi said about the things that americans will face in the election process after such a statement by biden. we are listening. first of all, it all has to do with the money in the american election and although the vice president here is united together with president biden, as biden hares the company, she has, she is the only one who has the right to use the money that people have given or firms have given to the charity fund supported by baiden harris. the second
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technical problem already at the beginning of august is... er, the final dates, the deadline here in america, when we have to start printing the ballots, by then we have to decide on the candidacy, and then in the third place, how do we get to, how do we get there , well, who will choose a candidate, well, friends, let's continue talking about this topic, we are including maksym nasvitaylov, a political scientist, an international, while we are talking with him, you can donate to ours. the army in america has its collections, we have ours, mr. maxim, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, heroes of the word, and what, and how, what are your impressions of all that, do you think trump is celebrating there, well, i think he is not celebrating that much, of course, because biden
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was still the most convenient opponent for him now, the distance from him was increasing. by measurements, biden was already behind trump by four points, and it is unlikely that he would have managed to turn the tide of this campaign, there are already some unexpected factors here, i mean, look, trump shows that he is absolutely sure that it will be even easier for him to defeat kamala harris than biden, he talks about this and so on, but also, as these polls show, even kamala harris is one point... higher than joe biden, she is still behind trump, but nevertheless already closer to him, so they are definitely calculating options there as well , now not only the democrats are sitting and thinking about what to do with all this and who to actually appoint as a candidate, trump's staff is also thinking about this,
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i am convinced of everyone, this very step of biden, what is he talking about? testifies that what, we know that, for example, now gathered near the white home, were there many americans in washington who came to thank biden, something, something reminds me of this, but by no means with purple posters, thank you, standing, i'm just waiting for biden to come out with a camera from the balcony of the white house and start filming it all , but in general, well, jovchen is the only one... but for himself and for the democratic party, he was a really good president, he did a lot for the states, it became obvious that he does not charge this company and it would be very sad if he in history was remembered by this terrible campaign and the defeat of trump, because that would most likely have happened and few people
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would have mentioned his achievements in the economy, in health care, in other areas, if everything had been... in this way, the main thing for a politician to understand in time , when to stop, and here he is, he felt it, despite the fact that, i'm sure, part of the environment tried to push him to continue the struggle, to convince him that it was worth doing, he still made this difficult decision, of course, because this presidency , that's what he's been going for his whole life, and obviously he wanted a second one as well deadline, but... he was able to make this strong decision, a difficult decision, and he can only be praised for that, and he also gave the democrats a chance to turn the tide of this campaign, because... what with the new candidate from starting the campaign from scratch, well , it will be possible to invent something, it will be difficult, but it will definitely be possible to invent, well
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, let's talk about the vice president, the candidates for vice president vance, what kind of person is he and what can we say in comparison with the vice president who elected whom in the past once trump, who then turned away from him, and. and also not to be confused, you know, because trump looked at his colleague, realized how easy it is to confuse the name of his vice president and decided not to risk it, pence is really different from vance, who was, well, pence was so very moderate, such, you know, a traditional republican. calm, balanced, like a vance wall, he, he is more radical, charismatic, er,
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er, many people talk about his anti-ukrainian position, i would strongly did not focus, because once vance, he is the politician who keeps his nose under the covenant, he is a populist, he has a political science education, that is why he is so technologically approach to building his political e. career, he was once one of the harshest critics of trump, called him an idiot, compared him to hitler, insulted all his constituents, and then when he needed support in the senate election in '22, he realized that he needed trump's support, and trump even talked about the fact that this the guy is so much wants, i like that leden will not kiss the ass, this is a quote, this is a quote, so here it is from a song. you won't mince words, i'm sure that whatever his statements were when he was a senator, now that he's already the vice president,
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his position will be completely subordinate to this position that donald trump has, he will not act contrary to it and is there any way to spoil the strategy for the campaign that exists now, the very main school of it is loyalty, yes, yes. well, politicians of this type, like donald trump, first of all it is loyalty that is valued, and this is just like a certain victory for him as a badge that he turned his hater into his loyal fan, he shows that he is ready to forgive, you see, i have changed a person completely, i have accepted him, now he's my my vp, it's also a really smart enough move for trump in this campaign, plus let's not forget that lenscream... otherwise, he's also a veteran, which is also a big plus in this story for donald trump, so, well, to a greater extent, if we talk about the fact that
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there is one of the candidates in the vice presidents were, oh my goodness, such a journalist, takar carlson, then this is still a normal option, so be it, mr. maksym, thank you very much for this conversation, maksym svitalo, political scientist of international knowledge. was in touch, listen, who would have thought that this is how we begin to understand deeply in american politics, well, not that deeply, well, but we already distinguish kamala harris from vance, and vance from pence, well, that's cool, well you see, somehow the events and all these circumstances make ukrainians a little interested in international politics, and not only in the fact that happening in ukraine, and to understand that all processes in the world are interconnected. dear friends, we still have a long way to go. 1 hour of our participation in the marathon, so stay with us, alesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you, it will be interesting from now on. attention, a profitable
10:55 am
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settlements in the region, he informed. oleksandr regional military administration.


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