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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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there is no consensus, even among the leadership of the democratic party, this is a rather complicated process, and there is not much time left before the congress, it is august 19, that is, now the democrats need to decide very quickly on the candidate, on the candidate for vice president , and in fact now reformat the election campaign. but if we are still talking about this technological process, you already mentioned it just now, that in fact biden was really elected at the primaries and there almost 100% voted for him, this is a huge number of people, how is it possible now to carry out technologically so that it has legitimacy, well, in the eyes of the democrats and in the eyes. in the eyes of independent voters, as well as
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in the eyes of american society in general, because if you hold primaries, it is a rather long process, if you nominate a candidate in some other way without involving the general public of the democratic party, then this, too, may call into question a certain social legitimacy of the candidate, candidate, what should the democrats do now and how can they do it... this is really a very difficult question, but i have been hearing for several days, i would say, even several weeks different opinions on this matter that were expressed, as i understand it, the question, well , it will definitely even be decided at the congress, in the regulations of the congress, although the primaries, well, this is the basis for nomination together with... however,
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the delegates have the opportunity to vote as they see fit, that is, there is a certain possibility, a loophole so that she is not bound by the decisions of the primaries, especially since biden himself refused to participate, most often lately the idea of ​​such mini primaries, some kind of large gatherings has been expressed e members. sorry, the democratic party, that is, i think i will now show political creativity, how to hold a mini-primary, it is difficult for me to say, for this you need to be a member of the leadership of the democratic party, but what i heard is to hold either mini -primaries or large gatherings, or both, meetings of members of the democratic party, but really. there is practically no time
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left for that, and it is quite interesting that just today there was an interview with the speaker of the house of representatives johnson, and he said that in principle, we republicans think that this is not very democratic, passed the sprinkler, nominated a candidate, and now that decision is going to be reversed, somehow it comes out sloppy, and because... for the republicans, biden would be the best candidate right now, because they know how to fight him, if there is a strong candidate, it will make it seriously difficult work for the republicans, especially the choice, speech and choice made, well, he was clear, and trump's speech at the convention.
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republicans just showed his weakness again, i.e. half was normal, i.e. he here we he with tried himself to show as a new person after the assassination attempt, that is , who has changed his mind a lot, advocates for unity, but most of this record- breaking speech in terms of duration was again devoted to his claims to the elections and to... to competitors and so on, that is, in in principle, he has an internal weakness, and i understand that the democrats expect to win, well, here is the latest information, 12 minutes ago, while we are talking, joe biden again published another post on the x social network, and he turned not to... .
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of all citizens of the united states, and appealed to the democrats. he wrote: my dear democrats, i decide not to run for office. for the post of president of the united states of america, but he writes that he actually supports kamala harris as a candidate for the post of president of the united states of america, that is, we are here, by the way, on the screens you can see this post on the social network x, and actually he says. that he thinks it is necessary to support her in the democratic party nomination this year. he wrote: "democrats, this is the time to unite and, relatively speaking,
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to beat, or beat, trump, so to speak, that was biden 's next statement. , so that he does not support harris, since she is his vice president, but i think that this is not the end and we will see who will make the choice, first of all, the leadership of the democratic party , which i read, at least, he's going to address next week.
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if we're talking about kamala harris, today there was also information in the american mass media that the headquarters of ... donald trump is currently developing a strategy on how to fight for the presidency in the presidential race with a potential candidate kamala harris, that is, they we we understand that they also most likely understand that this is a convenient candidate in principle, to some extent, for them, just like biden, but you, mr. oleg, said that biden was convenient for the republicans. candidate and and maybe they from this from this point of view as well think that kamala harris would be a convenient candidate for them because she also has some kind of legacy that goes back to the biden administration, so as the vice president she
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is responsible for everything that they accuse biden of, the second is quite understandable. her political weight and popularity is not the same as not the same as biden's political weight and popularity, and in general the treatment of harris by trump is quite so mocking, the last i heard from him, he called her simply crazy, well that in his style, so that in in principle, i think that if it is put forward, then they... will consider it right or wrong, we will see, it is also an acceptable option for us, well, we will actually see based on this situation, so i would like to talk to you again on one topic,
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it concerns, of course, mr. johnson, boris johnson, the former prime minister of great britain, the former. the leader of the conservatives, why is the whole country talking about him today, because he published in one of the mass media of great britain his column, and he allegedly voiced there, either his plan or trump's plan, it is interpreted differently, and people interpret it differently, both experts and the mass media, but here... actually, this peaceful the plan, it was made public, this opinion was made public, and it caused a rather large, violent reaction among ukrainian society, some support it, some do not support it, some support it in part, in short,
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johnson's peace plan there assumes that in fact russia gains control over that part of ukraine. which was occupied until february 24, 2022 year johnson says that according to this plan, ukraine should be in nato, the armed forces of ukraine. can be stationed, more precisely 70,000 of our defenders or representatives of the armed forces of ukraine can be stationed in europe or in the european union instead of american troops, and johnson said such a very controversial thing, which probably resonated most in ukrainian society, that in ukraine it is necessary to carry out certain measures to... protect russian-speakers, we understand that there is a very big caution
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about this, well, there is a big caution in general regarding the implementation of this plan, less so, mr. oleg, in your opinion, do we need to react to this, to this plan, the way we react, or is it just some, well, private opinion, or could it really be trump's plan. is this some kind of political ping pong with russia and a pass to putin so that it is also possible to demonstrate the position of trump, what it was in general and do we need to worry about it? i think this is primarily the kind of pr move johnson is obviously looking for right now. uh, well, sorry, which one now is looking for a place for himself in this life,
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you need to treat him carefully, because it arose and was made public, at least after the meeting with trump, some of us wrote that this was even trump's plan, i don't think, but i do not rule out that he was spoken with trump that is, this plan does not look serious, so thorough, there are such very controversial provisions, on the one hand, he believes that trump will come from a position of strength, solve all issues and give appropriate permissions to ukraine and stop the delay with... providing military assistance of a certain type and and
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something else, and it will influence putin, and he will be forced to leave, by the way, it says at least until the borders of the year 22, this is a rather strange provision about 70,000 ukrainians who will replace the americans and thus... er- eh, american troops will be released and american spending will decrease, that is, it looks a bit like a certain vinegar, especially since you drew attention to the fact that there are such measures as protection, there are special additional points for the protection of russian speakers, in addition to this, i turned pay attention to what it actually says about the return. is with russia to business as usual to build
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normal relations with it again, although it is clear that the only chance to get out of this war on terms acceptable to ukraine and its partners is to deprive russia of the opportunity to intimidate and carry out aggression in relation to ukraine, and then in relation to the west and... because i'll emphasize again, obviously it was european countries as a whole, so i'll say, i'll say it again, it definitely needs to be looked at, talked to trump, but the way it looks, it really doesn't look like a plan, and it looks like a certain chili vinaigrette, whatever you want to call it, i don't think it was a plan, a plan for putin, or a pass in putin's direction. i think that this is primarily an attempt to make such a powerful pr move in
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favor of boris johnson himself. but it is really bad that some such thoughts that resonate, well, maybe with common sense, appear in the press and are seriously discussed, because we understand very well what it will look like for us if russia fully or even... inferior will return to j8, to some economic types of cooperation, well and in general, we understand that humanitarian policy... for ukraine, information policy, language policy, this is also the red line, i have no idea how it can be done in ukraine in general, and what a disturbance this is, what a disconnection in ukrainian society in general, that's why it's bad that such thoughts appear, i absolutely agree with you, that is , if you look at this plan, then its parts
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do not connect with each other, the puzzle does not even fit together, that is, there is... absolutely, i would say , parts that are mutually exclusive, this, i would say that this is very very very agree with you, it is very bad, something is appearing, and just now, when there have been talks again about the need for negotiations with russia, solving some problems through diplomatic means, at the same time, as for me, now a really critical situation, but... the way to resolve the situation on terms acceptable to us must be sought through increased aid to ukraine and the infliction of a deep military defeat on russia, the other, any other option is a path to nowhere, mr. oleg, thank you very much for your thoughts your analysis, for the fact that
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espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation on current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of yours. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people,
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espresso in the evening. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. you can work, go for a walk, or drink coffee now only with this one sound supr. turning off the lights for 12 hours makes a business run purely on fuel for such machines, do small entrepreneurs manage to make coffee? and leave at least zero. the summer of 2024 has certainly become more difficult for ukrainian businesses than the winter of 2023. abnormal heat and
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, as a result, even more severe power outages, turned the work of small establishments into survival. it is very difficult to work now, our lights are turned off for 7-9 hours. it happens that during the whole working day there is only one and a half to two hours of light. and we... have to run on the generator all the time. a generator is the must-have of any ukrainian entrepreneur, because nowadays it is literally like having no hands. at the same time, the maintenance of this miracle machine requires huge funds. the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel per day. this roughly costs uah 20,000 per month. it is very difficult to say now, because the days are different, and most of us work somewhere in zero. now we are working to keep our customers, all the products have increased in price because there is no delivery, that's it it spoils, you can’t buy groceries, but thank
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god everything works here, we run our generator, we cook food, prepare coffee and cold drinks, the refrigerators work, everything is fine, such small businesses become a real oasis for the residents of nearby houses, because when there is no electricity at home , it... will probably be in a coffee shop, and there will also be hot food, internet and maybe even air conditioning. a lot of people come to work, charge their devices, also come to get hot water, cook food, store, also come their products, our freezer works, they bring meat. this summer demonstrated that ukrainians should not be frightened not only by frost, but also by heat. children and adults all over the country come up with creative ideas. struggle with the scorching sun and the lack of electricity, and they sincerely and more than ever rejoice in the rain, and although sometimes they are indignant and understand that such inconveniences are definitely not
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the biggest problem. no, i somehow control this process, well, like, i charge before the lights come on, well, everything is fine in that sense, well, like, okay, we squeeze it, well we are trying to live, not survive, so what saves me the most now is silpo, which has... a cafe area, accordingly, it is crowded, but you can also use a charger, and the wi-fi is stable, that is, for example, there was no yesterday of light, i worked from there, no, i don’t want to charge my phone, nothing, two hours is enough for me, i charge power banks, then i charge phones and everything else, and that’s enough for me, i don’t need it, because it’s already the 22nd year got used to it and that's why i have a powerbank that keeps it, it's bad, there is no connection, it's not mine, it's difficult calculate with a map, and everything is relative, the main thing is that it does not happen, as in my native
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city of bakhmut, but despite the positive perception of today's challenges, it is also rational to think about winter, encouraging forecasts are given, except that fortune-tellers, specialized experts, officials and people's deputies are quite are skeptical and are already hinting that it is not worth waiting for a miracle, and you need to prepare... everyone independently, we think about it every day, but we will hope for the best, we thought about putting panels, batteries, but the heart tells us that everything will be fine. in verkhovna in this week's council, people's deputies adopted at least two important laws that affect business. the first is positive: duties and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation. canceled, but the excise tax on fuel , on the contrary, was increased. we assume that the increase in the excise tax on gasoline will take place somewhere
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within the range of 1.2 hryvnias for gasoline and diesel. and this is the contribution that you and i will make to the financing of the army. supporting defenders is definitely the single most important task every ukrainian. but time will tell how entrepreneurs will manage to balance on the verge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the good of the country. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk, espresso tv channel. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. my congratulations, now we will talk about the girl nastya, who went missing in the luhansk region in the temporarily occupied
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severodonetsk the connection with the girl ended on september 1, 2023, and nothing is known about her since then. and now i am primarily addressing the residents of severodonetsk, who can see this program on the internet. please look carefully at nastya's photo. she is 16 years old, has long hair, straight eyebrows and dark eyes. if you know any information about nastya chernozhukova, please let us know immediately on... the free hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 116/30. if you are in occupation, or from those or others reasons you can't call, write to us on facebook, instagram or learn about the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important for searching. at the same time, there is a very high probability that nastya
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is already not all. donetsk, perhaps the girl and her parents managed to move to another region or even abroad. so i ask everyone who is currently living in europe and sees this video to also look at nastya's face. if you know anything about her or if you suddenly saw her, report to the short number 11630. 11630 is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries. also , i am asking for your help in searching for this eight-year-old boy, whose name is vlad hristosenko. he also went missing in the luhansk region, and i really hope that with your help we will be able to find him or learn at least some information about him. and this photo was taken two years ago on his birthday. here, vlad is still in the family circle. he is happy and smiling. the boy is very cheerful and...
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sociable, but at the same time prudent and independent, and he also loves the animals he protects at home. vladyk is a kind and caring child, and like most children, he is very happy when he is given toys, and above all, he adores legos. unfortunately, this carefree happy childhood came to an end on february 24, 2022 , when a full-scale invasion began. already on february 25 , the russian military entered the village of petropavlivka, where the boy lived, and since february 25 , almost nothing is known about the authorities, so let's do everything possible together to find boy, i sincerely believe that we can do it. it is possible that vlad is in a territory not under the control of ukraine, and at the same time it may be that he was taken to
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russia. it is clear that... neither in the occupied territories, nor even more so in russia , ukrainian tv is broadcast. so i appeal first of all to those who can see this program on the internet. please look at the face of vlad khristosenko, he is 8 years old, he has brown eyes and dark blond hair, due to special features, there is a small scar on his forehead. i am asking you to contact the tracing service children of magnolia, if you recognized the authorities. indeed, even the smallest. information about the boy can help or become decisive in the search. you can inform us about vlad hristosenko by dialing the short number 11630. calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. you also have the opportunity to write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. let's not be indifferent, let's all try together to help find the government. we 've created a resource where you can.
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report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, simply go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime. it's the 14th on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. the funeral of linguist and people's deputy of the seventh convocation iryna farion is taking place today in lviv. let me remind you that on july 19, an unknown person shot a linguist in the head near her.


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