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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal, stop crime ua. 14 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the funeral of linguist and people's deputy of the seventh convocation iryna farion is taking place today in lviv. let me remind you that on july 19, an unknown person shot a linguist in the head near her home. farion will be buried at the lychakiv cemetery. ours will tell you more. correspondent emma
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stadnyk, she is with us live from the garrison church. my friend, i congratulate you, how is the farewell? christina's studio, i congratulate you. today , hundreds of people came here to the garrison church to see public figure and ukrainian linguist iryna farion on her last journey. yesterday, a funeral ceremony was held here in the garrison church. it was supposed to last from 19:00 to 22:00, but it lasted practically. before the start of the curfew, because hundreds of caring lviv residents did not leave the church until such an hour. prayers, the entire funeral procession will go to the market square, and from there to the lychakiv cemetery, and they will bury the ukrainian linguist, i will note that the murderer of iryna farion has not been found yet. the ministry of internal affairs noted that they qualified the attempt. as premeditated murder, and the perpetrator
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faces up to 15 years in prison. currently, all available video surveillance cameras are being tested, witness interviews are ongoing , and several districts of lviv are being surveyed. i would like to note that the scale of people who came here today to honor the memory of irina forion really impressive. it is worth noting that the lviv city council organized a special trip from the ivano-frankivsk and ternopil regions for all those people who... wanted to come here today to the garrison church of the church in lviv to honor the memory of iryna farion. i will add that the ukrainian confessor will be buried at the lychakiv cemetery next to the ukrainian composer and performer volodymyr ivasyuk. khrystyna, as for the studio, i have everything for now, i give you the floor. thank you emo, our correspondent emma stadnyk told about funeral of linguist iryna farion. she will be buried today at the lychakiv cemetery in lviv. and to the news from the regions. two residents
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of bilozerka in kherson oblast were injured by russian shelling. an enemy shell hit the house. the elderly couple were injured, they had contusions and blast injuries, the regional military administration reported. and two women were injured as a result of russian shelling in the kharkiv region. in the morning, the enemy attacked the village of podole. a local resident was injured. private houses and a garage were damaged, the regional prosecutor's office reported. also, at dawn, russian aircraft struck the village of senkove, a private residential building caught fire, and a woman was injured. the russians killed one resident of donetsk region and injured five others. during the day, the enemy shelled the region more than 3,500 times along the front line and the residential sector. 54 civilian objects were damaged. the occupiers attacked nelipivka with artillery, two guided bombs hit kostyantynivka. air bombs and enemy artillery.
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two wounded civilians in the northern region, one more in grodivka. during the day, the russians shelled 19 settlements of donetsk region. our people are being converted into donats due to enemy shelling. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized army with a donation. cold ravine. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable helpers, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of the cold spring not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is
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uah 4 million, remember, your help is very important, you can see all the details on the screen. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro koleba will go. to china on an official visit at the invitation of his colleague vani - the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine reports. the main topic of discussion is the search for ways to stop russian aggression and china's possible role in achieving sustainable peace. today the council of ministers of the eu will communicate online with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro koleba. they will consider the problem of restoration of destroyed energy facilities of ukraine. and strengthening anti-aircraft defense - said eu high representative josep borel. ukraine will receive another 100,000 art shells by the end of the summer. the deliveries will take place within the framework of the czech program for the purchase of ammunition, the minister of foreign
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affairs of the country jan lipavskyi said. so far , 18 countries have joined the initiative. 15 of them have already contributed to the purchase of weapons. now. the czech republic is looking for additional funds, and the initiative worked next year as well. the campaign of kamala harris collected a record 55 million dollars in less than a day. this is evidenced by the data of the american fund-raising platform. they noted that such a trend shows a positive perception of the new democratic candidate by voters. let me remind you that in the event that garis is elected as the official candidate from the democratic party. party, it will also gain access to nearly $96 million that democratic donors previously gave to joe biden. for the first time, since the cold war, nato maintains a record number of troops,
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more than half a million, on high alert. this is the most significant transformation of collective defense since 2014, the press service of the alliance said. earlier, the media reported that at the beginning. american military bases across europe have been put on high alert for the first time in 10 years . the default is cancelled. ukraine agreed with international creditors on the postponement of foreign debt payments, prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal said. according to him, this will allow the country save nearly $11.5 billion by 2027 and beyond. 23 billion by 2033. in this way, the government will be able to free up resources for urgent needs, i.e. defense, social protection and reconstruction. from august, the old-style 500 uah banknotes will begin
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to be withdrawn from circulation. banknotes of 2003-2007 will be replaced by modern banknotes of the model of 2014 and subsequent years of issue. reported in the national bank. the main goal of such a step is to improve the quality of cash, because the old banknotes are quite worn. bills will remain valid and people without restrictions will be able to continue paying with them, but from the new month , banks will not issue old banknotes, they will be handed over for recycling. the shortage of personnel in ukraine lacks 4.5 million workers to provide. annual gdp growth by 7% until 2030, the ministry of economy reported. in 2021, the official labor market counted 11.5 million workers, already that year this figure decreased to 9 million officially employed. such
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a shortage of personnel arose due to the war, departure of ukrainians abroad and internal migration, - noted in the government. in order to change the situation, the state offers to master new professions for... themselves and necessary for the market. in the capital , the search operation on the dnipro was suspended. yesterday afternoon , the cable car at the attraction broke off near the pedestrian bridge in kyiv. a 20-year-old boy, who was on the trolley at that time, fell into the water. yesterday, they searched the bottom of the reservoir for more than 6 hours, but the young man was not found. this morning, the search was resumed and around 10 o'clock a body was discovered 30 meters from the shore at a depth of about 9 m. yesterday, the places were examined. for a very long time, where probably according to the testimony of the witnesses he could be, he was not found there, but today we can say that another diving department also analyzed
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the work and began to look a little in another place and found him. this is the end of the issue, read more news on our site, also on our... social networks , join in, put your favorites, next day , say hello to my colleagues, marta oliyarnyk and antin porkovsky, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, in lviv the funeral ceremony of the famous linguist iryna farion, who was killed by an unknown terrorist, continues in the largest lviv church, the garrison church named after peter and... in the former cathedral of the jesuit fathers, the farewell to the linguist
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professor of the lviv national university lviv polytechnic continues. the funeral will continue at the lychakiv cemetery. we will track and inform you. tens of thousands of people, tens of thousands of people came to spend the last journey. iryna farion, famous politicians, ordinary citizens, work colleagues. tens of thousands of people now pay their last respects to irina farion, and by the way, if you want to see all of this literally from beginning to end, you can now go to the live section on our youtube and there is a broadcast, the actual farewell to irena farion, but we will to continue working for you, we understand that there are many events today, in particular, we are talking about the loud, let's say, news from the minister of foreign affairs, he is flying to china for... three days, what will he talk about, this is important, because we understand that the pre-election
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swings in the united states have begun, so biden withdrew from the presidential race, and all this is now developing so briskly that we need to follow all this and most importantly understand what it will mean specifically for us, and for this we will include guests on our air, with whom we will deal with everything these topics, and now we will have the opportunity to talk with dmytro zhmail, the founder and executive director of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation. mr. dmitry, congratulations. i congratulate you. well, the deployment of the enemy in the pokrov direction, that's how we understand it new york, and it is iron and noises. that is, there is a rather threatening situation there, because the enemy has advanced in the direction of new york, yes, and there is a certain danger that the enemy can take the positions of our fighters under fire control. so. and can block the prospects for the removal of equipment, to say the least. you have a word. mr. dmitry,
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can you hear us? sorry, i didn't hear the second half of what you said, yes, there is a threat in that, given that the enemy is advancing in the direction of new york, that's yurievka new york, and he's trying to get into positions in the area from the north. iron, this is the direction noises, yes, there is a certain threat that the enemy can take under fire control our fighters stationed in that direction and prevent them, for example, from withdrawing equipment. yes, all, all these threats remain, the russians, they continue to press, they have somewhat lost the pace of their offensive actions, as evidenced by the fact that they have less losses, because they have a little less personnel to fight, but the pressure, he remains on... well, strong, the pokrovsky direction is the hottest, more than a third, even more than a third of the main
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the russians will concentrate their efforts in this direction, it is critically important to them, they are already partially covering the pokrovsk-kostiantynivka highway with fire in order to prevent the use of this important artery by the defense forces of ukraine, and in the future they are trying to block it. our units have also been strengthened in this direction, in particular , the commander-in-chief worked in the east. oleksandr syrskyi, in order to promptly make all the necessary decisions and advance precisely to the russian track, it is partially localized. if we talk about the yar times, the russians are also trying to advance in the kalynyvka areas, they are stopped somewhere by the fire of our defense forces, that the defense forces are also actively using drones to mine the approaches, and the russians are also not giving up, well, efforts to advance everything in this direction. direction on the turkish direction , the situation is just as difficult, the russians constantly try
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to regroup at great expense, constantly go on assault attacks, they begin to use their equipment a little less, despite the fact that its losses are high, more it is used for shooting from closed firing positions and more switched to the tactics of small infantry groups, which try to advance from landing to landing and capture house after house, despite the fact that the tension is quite high, it has been going on like this for many weeks , the communication, the fact that there the representatives of our center communicated with the military, who hold positions in all these directions, it is not possible to talk about any serious successes and... serious breakthroughs on the part of the russians, in the same village of new york, there are some positions that our defenders and defense forces manage to win back, that is, it cannot be said that the russians have already established a reinforced concrete position there, that is, the situation remains difficult, and it is critically important for the russians to achieve at least some success in the pokrovsk direction, if they cannot suddenly take
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some large population center, then at least the cutting of our logistical losses is necessary for their propaganda, to present as a huge victory, because the casualties of the russians along the entire front line are extremely high, and the successes there are no big ones, those captured villages that they completely destroyed before with artillery fire and guided air bombs, everyone understands that these are clearly not the sacrifices and not the successes that the russians are currently paying. about kharkiv oblast, we would like to clarify with you, the institute for the study of war says that now the enemy is trying to activate there, what do you think, for what purpose is this, again , the continuation of this operation to...disperse our forces, can the enemy there to really try to somehow break through to the regional center, because the situation there is quite difficult. the russians, in particular, the 810th brigade from the south, which was stationed, by the way, in the direction of krynok, were transferred to the north, they are also strengthening this direction, it is important for them to further at least somehow
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develop this bridgehead in order to show the world and their population that everything is there, that the kharkiv operation is already... not such a failure, the situation there is currently localized, the russians are also thinking about strengthening their units, but still it is impossible to say that this will be a priority direction, because the russians have not yet reached of our blocking fortifications, which are located from the border at a distance of 17 to 32 km, that is, the russians will still try to become more active in the kharkiv region, but all this in order to disrupt and distract our forces, the pokrovsky direction is currently for... the russians still remain a priority and the plan for a full the occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions, which has been facing them since 2022, and the first deadlines for them, by the way, were set for the summer of 22, it remains unchanged for moscow. mr. dmytro, in your opinion, why exactly did the russians choose the pokrovsky direction, and why did they are not counted as losses in manpower now,
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not to mention equipment, they move and move, it seems that they are moving according to a certain calendar plan. i would not say that they are moving according to a certain calendar plan, because all the plans and all the deadlines they set are constantly violated, even the same village of krynka, which was heroically held by the defense forces of ukraine, well, that is for the russians was such a huge challenge, and they concentrated quite a lot of effort there, why exactly this direction, the avdiiv a fortified area that the russians stormed for many months, even before the new year, there it was officially, officially, well, from various ... it was stated that they lost 13,000 of their troops, but when they failed, they really overwhelmed the line with their cannon fodder of defense, they entered certain operational spaces and are now trying to develop this success since the end of last year, to move in a more open area, it is very difficult for us to gain a foothold there, the artillery of the defense forces of ukraine is actively working there, which somewhat
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slows down their offensives, but to hold them there some line to our military very, very much. and now they have set themselves the first goal of cutting this important artery, it will not block our logistics in this direction, but as it is, it will really complicate it, and for this, for the sake of cutting this artery , they have concentrated all their efforts in order to show some a significant success for their propaganda, because the demands of propaganda are higher than the military goals of the russians, they need to somehow mobilize their population, because the losses are extremely high, which we they are inflicted, forced... before the russians to think about carrying out a new wave of powerful mobilization in order to once again recruit somewhere around 350 thousand recruits and put them in the ranks, so that from next year they will operate with new and new fresh forces, therefore , for this, they are very and very, very, very important, and they don't give up on their plans. mr. dmitry, well, to be honest, i don't
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really believe that the russians won't be able to collect another portion of meat, and 300 00, and a million and... 2 million and 5 million, you see, that's not the question here that they don't want them will be forced to do this, and putin has a specific plan, he does not abandon it and it will be very indicative of what will happen not even this year, but in the next one, because yesterday's news that joseph biden withdraws his candidacy from the pre-election race, it actually shows that now there is no motivation for some joseph biden to plan ahead strategically, yes, and we, accordingly, as a country that has a key aid precisely ... the united states, we are now tense about it, because well we don't know who will win, yes, whether it will be a representative of the democrats or the republicans, but next year by current standards. it looks like a big question mark for us, because the aid was voted in the congress this year , okay, it will be, yes, we can count on it, and what will happen next year,
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that is now a very, very open question, and i wonder how you now you perceive this whole story in the context of long-term warfare and what could happen next year, if we don't even have guarantees now that next year they will give us something, well, we can say that everyone will. the years of the full-scale invasion and in general all the years of the russian invasion were very, very difficult, the american elections and the complexity of this process are not news for us, that is why the ukrainian military-political leadership is trying to maintain contact with both parties, in particular, president zelenskyi had a conversation with trump , during which trump, in particular, stated that it was very, that it was a fake, that the russians would benefit from his victory, and i would not demonize the same of this candidate from the republican party, then... let's recall his previous election campaign, during which he called crimea russian at all, because, they say, the majority of crimeans living on the territory of the peninsula
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really wanted to join the russian federation, which is a completely kremlin narrative, but at the same time, after his election to the presidency of the united states of america, he provided the same javelin systems that were very important, especially in the early days of a full-scale invasion, which we used to stop convoys of russian armored vehicles. therefore, one cannot say that we will lose support, one cannot say that washington's policy will not change, that is why we are trying to maintain contact. in addition, it is precisely for this purpose that official kyiv concludes bilateral agreements with all allies, which undertake specific obligations, in particular in matters of financial support. in addition, there was a summit in washington, there were many nato meetings, just so that we could diversify all the sources of support, or any change. politics, especially domestic politics the situation of our main ally will be reflected in ukraine, it will be reflected like this, can we say with confidence that it
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will be a disaster for us? no, you can't, that's why we are in a situation where we will work with all the allies, with all the presidents, because not a single state in the world, except the usa and china, of course, is globally capable of confronting russia on its own. well, of course, we can voice our readiness to cooperate with all countries, yes. the key story is how the countries we want to work with will actually work with us, and what as for the allocation for the javelins, yes, we understand, history is important, but then the situation on the battlefield was different, yes, that is , we understand that there was no full-scale invasion at that time, and it was also an important, symbolic, but rather palliative aid, because it was not about the volume of arms supply, well, at the moment. equal, well , but, as they say, let's wait and see, although the situation may indeed be extremely difficult next year, and if, for example, we talk about additional risks, the murder of irina
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farion in lviv, friday evening, near her house, we understand that this is evidence of extremely, well, threatening future scenarios. mr. dmitry, what other threats do you see, yes, whether it will be the deployment of one or the other. terrorist war inside the country, we understand that the enemy can work remotely, so the cars of the military came under fire, this is precisely with the evidence that they can, so to speak, in an anonymous mode with the help of crypto wallets and so on, implement a lot of things and the performers are very often they may not even to guess, although this does not relieve them of criminal responsibility. the russian intelligence network, it is always active, a large percentage of it as well... just as our ukrainian air defenses shoot down a large percentage of launched russian missiles, so our security forces detect a huge number of saboteurs, and
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many calls do not get into the public space. accordingly, of course, the investigation must provide answers to everything related to the murder of iryna farion, but we can say that the russians were directly interested in carrying out such an assassination and rather that's all, well, in my opinion, the question of the russian trace will be confirmed. russians globally, they are now activating all their networks, not only in ukraine, but all over the world, they will destabilize the situation, we are in a state of full-scale war, so nothing changes for us, this is a huge loss for ukraine, but the struggle continues and for every victim we we will definitely take revenge. thank you, dmytro zhmailo, co-founder and executive director of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, was with us live, we also broadcast live literally what footage of the farewell to iryna farion in the peter and paul garrison church in the center of lviv, in fact , the farewell is taking place in the church itself, after
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that there will be a procession to... to the market square, and from there to the lechakiv cemetery, where the linguist iryna farion will be buried. we 're going on a break now, but after that we'll continue with the espresso information day, stay tuned, there's a lot of information ahead that you definitely need to know. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on magnesium, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. again these outages and you don't managed to charge. phones, sitting in the dark is not an option either. unpack tv has a solution for even the toughest blackouts. solar batteries energia plus. energy plus is an innovative development. many uses in one. a portable solar station, a reliable flashlight, a source of full-fledged light and, of course, a power bank. order now. while special prices are valid. energia
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with serhiy rudenko, from now on... in a two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion of abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22 an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin did this, he would go to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from head, and for her borders, then who is china, me, my heart hurts, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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the funeral rites of the famous linguist iryna farion are in progress. she will be buried at the lychakiv center in lviv, and now the funeral rites are in progress at the lviv garrison church of peter and paul. meanwhile, the american branch of vo svoboda is ready to pay a reward of 10,000 dollars for any information that will help the police find the killer of iryna farion. she reported about it natalia. on the facebook social network, as well as this information is confirmed on the official page of the all-ukrainian freedom association. vo svoboda cell in the usa announces a reward of 10,000 dollars for information that will help arrest the killer of iryna farion. yes, let's remind you that on friday, this friday , july 19.


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