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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 3:30pm-3:59pm EEST

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in fact, with quotes from iryna farion, show that in fact the people who came to say goodbye to her are united around this idea, the ukrainian national idea, they were not indifferent to the views that iryna professed farion, and actually today they lost for themselves yes, some authority, of course, and a person who reported to the people. such, you know, deep meanings, because she was very much in love with literature and very much in love with our history, she loved, simply indescribably loved taras shevchenko, she called him tarasyk very sweetly, and she, in fact, a lot of what she said, were not even her words, they were the words of our classics, she simply dug deeply, she tried to recognize, and what they told about our history, our culture, and she tried to convey it to the modern as much as possible. to modern people, so
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to you and me, and in fact i would like her, all her efforts, to make to convey this truth to the ukrainians, they were all in vain. now we will speak, we attach the call sign anvar, the temporary acting commander of the platoon of unmanned aviation complexes of the 225th separate assault brigade. glory to ukraine, dear anvar, congratulations. well, it's yar time and the operational situation around this city, we understand that the enemy is conducting both frontal offensive actions and trying to bypass the yar time, in particular from the north, and from the side of kalynyvka, i promise you, the enemy is constantly trying to break through to the very city of the times of fiar, after the way he destroyed the canal neighborhood, he's trying to... concentrate personnel in
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this, let's say, in these ruins, and further advance towards the city, er, if we're talking about the section that er, our battalion 225 controls, it is closer to ivanovskoye, we were standing in the forest and we continue to stand, the enemy is constantly trying to capture... this is this area, but for now it is unsuccessful, we would like to ask you what the current tactics of the enemy are in your direction, we know that the enemy is in other directions now he is trying to minimally use some kind of heavy armored vehicles, he is more involved in infantry, what are the tactics and specifics of his actions exactly in your direction, if you can share, the enemy uses combined tactics, they tried... also
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to storm us with equipment, but everything that went, everything was destroyed, so then they try to do it with infantry, they have a lot of infantry, they don't spare him if someone refuses, they, as they say, reset if, well, they have the means to get your infantry to go forward, then like this one the infantry is captured, they say that we didn't want to, they forced us, well, if this is a standard fable that they have been talking about since the beginning of the war, dear anvar, look at the refusals on the russian side, if... we are talking about this phenomenon , how widespread it is, you mentioned certain methods that the enemy uses in order to drive their fighters into battle, well, in those situations, if they hesitate and, for example, try to ignore the orders of russian interveners, senior officers, so to speak, if we say, well, we
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see and hear everything that happens before we, everything that the enemy is doing, we can see the relationship with... their infantry, if we capture them, then they try to do everything so that their soldiers do not reach our rear, well , you are doing everything there to destroy, so that give to prove or show that we have prisoners. ugh, i wanted to ask you what the current role of drones is, how much the enemy is trying to actively use them now, i mean fpv drones. and reconnaissance drones, and do we somehow manage to fight it now, because the enemy is always trying too, you know, somehow it's all improve, and we also try to improve in turn, you know, there is a constant battle between technologies and between the one who comes up with something faster and learns how to get around it faster, er, if we
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’re going to be honest, everything we come up with on a large scale account, we will invent everything, the enemy has a ee... a big resource that he watches what we do and simply multiplies it, so if we talk about something new, then it is more invented by us, so we have in this this is the advantage, if we say in terms of quantity, then of course the enemy is this prevails, but we have the means, we fight with their midrons, wings, we have already started to fight with eagles, halls, everything that flies high, we will figure out... we find how to fight with it further, look, we understand that the heat is insane, so under 40°, and we can only imagine in what conditions our guys have to hold the front, in general, how high temperatures, in particular summer ones, affect equipment and
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personnel, well, if you can’t help but talk about our soldiers, yes, well, at least describe how it looks from our side the enemy er, if we talk about the equipment, it usually overheats, we try to constantly change it, give it a rest, because if it simply overheats, then it is a loss, a loss of the drone, since we do not have many of them, we try to to store, so we constantly change, give it the opportunity to cool down, and if, to put it mildly, it is a rotation of equipment, it is carried out at our place, if we talk about the infantry, i can say: about our infantry, because i would talk to our guys , with our mouths, and i to you from i can honestly say that this is a titanic job, despite the fact that if we say that we have heat, it is very difficult, and if we say that
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we also have constant storms, then it is three times more difficult, so as if guys, titans, well that's... they're very, very cool guys, if we're talking about the enemy, technically i can't say how they fight it, but i think they do the same thing that we do, and infantry, i say, they have this endless resource, they look like they can't go, and the commander tells them, well, if you don't go, then we will simply reset you to zero and that's all, that's why there are cases. nihilation by the enemy of your defectors, you record them, well, i don’t know, in one or another visual way, or maybe through interceptions, yes, well, because we regularly saw videos of suicides among russian interventionists, we understand that this is not a matter
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of their low moral spirit, well, but this is a wound and maybe there are some mental distortions in general, but what about all that, we record it, it is always there, but... we try not to make much light of it, because these are not quite the kind of pictures that we would like would show to people, we show more how we destroy people's technology. the assaulting infantry, what they are doing with themselves there, well, that's how we look at it, but we don't show it, i understand, thank you, and i would like to clarify, dear anvar, look, so to speak, well if this is information, uh, thank you, call sign anvar, acting platoon commander of unmanned aircraft systems of the 225th separate assault brigade, fighters are now in the direction of yar times, well ... anvar very clearly characterized the current situation. well, marta, let's go pause? yes, there's a break now, just a few
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want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to ensure that before... ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. information day of the tv channel in rozpol. funeral rites are underway in lviv. i know the language. professor of the national university of lviv polytechnic, iryna forion. iryny forion,
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will bury the native speaker at the lychakiv cemetery in lviv. well, now we will talk about the international situation. yaroslav voydko, diplomat, expert, internationalist. glory to ukraine, mr. yaroslav, we welcome you. i congratulate you, glory to the heroes. well, we understand that very serious changes have taken place in the united states. yes, president joseph biden decided to support kem. in the position, so to speak, of the united candidate from the democratic party, this decision is voluntary, perhaps it will be followed by quite unexpected political ones. solution plan, because camela harris is the vice president of the united states, and so is she, her position is created, so to speak, as a backup airfield to which the american political system during certain unexpected situations. in any case, what should we expect from her now, to what extent she is
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pro-ukrainian, to what extent she will profess joseph biden's strategy in relation to. full-scale, large-scale support of ukraine. well, it must be said, first of all, that the decision to withdraw from the pre-election race could be made personally only by biden, because in the last time, when the primaries took place, that is, the primary elections in the united states, all 50 states supported it, the democrats and these states , supported his candidacy, therefore, if he had not withdrawn this candidacy, he would continue at the congress, which will be in a month, they should vote for him, if he made such a decision and recommended kamaluris for the local, it means that this decision was also made only by him alone, and by his advisers who gathered yesterday, although he is on fire for covid, but the closest advisers , his wife and his family
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got together and made this decision, as far as kamela harris is concerned, i think... that was the only possible candidate as of today, because if not the vice president, and not such a candidate as kamala, who is of afro origin, or rather, black, father from jamaica, and her mother from india, and also a woman, if such a candidate was missed and someone else was nominated, then i think that . .. would be incomprehensible to many american voters, especially blacks and women. as for her position regarding ukraine, she now knows about ukraine, she is, if at the beginning she did not have such knowledge, which was, say, the same vice president biden, who
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was barack's vice president from 2008 to 16 obama, then now... kamela garis knows ukraine well, she took part in the global summit that was recently held in switzerland, in addition, she was in ukraine, met with the ukrainian leadership, she knows this situation, her strengths are, of course, legal legal training, because she once worked as a prosecutor in her hometown of oakland and in san francisco, general. the prosecutor of california and was a senator, but she had less contact with international politics, now she has more, for these four 3 and a half years, in fact, that she accompanies the second number of president biden, already knows more about ukraine and we can hope that she will continue this line, and this line consists in
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the aid that ukraine received under president biden. was extended and to work, of course, it will need to be with the congress, which we very much hope that if it will be the democrats, although it is the americans, let them decide, of course, then it would be necessary for the two houses of the congress to be democratic as well, because we remember more than once such situations, say, bill clinton in 1994, he was re-elected for the second time, but he was the president then for the first time, but the republican congress was re-elected, which began to put sticks in the wheels, and this particular candidacy, which kamala has now put forward, is designed not only to replace his own president biden, and so that when the full composition
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of the house of representatives will be reshuffled, 538, 438 people and a third. the 100-member senate will be reshuffled, that is, if we continue the line that has been started now, then the support of the congress is also needed, the same, of course, the situation and trump, who also needs congressional support in order to carry out his policy, mr. yaroslav, please allow me to interrupt you, because we are already talking as if she will definitely run, i want just to add a remark that still has to come from... the national convention of the democratic party, which will take place from august 19 to 22, and only after that we can speak affirmatively about it, well, at the moment it looks like it is possible and not at all . harris will run as a democrat, maybe yes, but look, this is important the moment when biden himself announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy, and donald
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trump and the speaker of the house of representatives, a republican, they began to talk about the fact that in this case, if biden feels, well, if he is not very healthy and not very able to continue the election campaign and take part in the next presidential elections, it means that maybe he... is already incapacitated and he needs to hand over the powers of the president, actually to his vice president, because he still has six months left this position, like you do you think what could be going on around this now and could it really happen that joe biden, he's going to end his term of office prematurely, i don't think that's going to happen, that's what he said he's going to carry out until the end of his term. presidential powers, the only thing really for the next four years, it won't be him because he has withdrawn his candidacy, so it will be whoever, who
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will be elected at the convention, as we are correct, you said, there will be 4,700 democratic candidates in august , which, or rather delegates who will participate in it, are of course, there are other candidates that are being considered, now there is more talk about who... will be kamela harris' number two, it could be the governor of pennsylvania, the governor of michigan, other candidates, there are only seven so far who can become the vice- she will be the number two president if she is really nominated for the presidency, that is, there is no reason for mr. biden to resign now, even though they probably want to. and the republicans and they're already talking about it clearly, and you've already mentioned it, speaker johnson said that, but look, anyway,
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this is the situation, it's a little bit, only to a certain extent, repeating what happened in, say , 1968, when president lyndon johnson could have gone for another term, but decided to withdraw his candidacy due to health problems and because of... the aggravation of the situation in vietnam, but he did not even announce it for 180 days, as biden did, but for 300 days and he normally obtained his presidential paraslav, well, we understand that in the united states is not a classical stable situation, but yes, and very often, i think, similar things will be determined by sociologists who will inform about the growth or non-growth of the level of support for one or another candidate, that the democrats have nowhere to retreat, that the republicans. well, we are not talking about the world community, and here i am not saying it because of one or another sympathy for joseph biden, the story is so key that one and the other political
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environment cannot afford to lose, so much is at stake. and so, based, so to speak, on trump's promises, we understand what trump will use the russian-ukrainian war in the domestic political american debates, and... in addition, donald trump will try to use it to strengthen his international image, right? well, as they say, boris johnson is here to help. well , president trump promised before the recent previous term that he could stop the war with one phone call. yes, we understand that, well, pre-election slogans, well, there is nowhere else to go, well, but i threw it away, then i will throw it away. in your opinion, how would he try to implement one or another of his strategies through mediation, coercion, any more? well, while he is not in power,
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he has little leverage to implement this strategy, although he will have supporters all over the world, not only in the united states, the world has, you already mentioned boris johnson, we will mention orbán , the minister of hungary and others, in fact, provides support, he cannot say it, and president putin will not say it, but it is more profitable for him to have trump as the next president, because he is counting on the fact that such people will play in putin's favor suggestions that the councilors put forward trump and boris johnson. and there it is said that putin really wants to stop, at least for the moment on the frontline, its military operations, and it is about the fact that... some
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territories that he has seized and even written into the russian constitution, then they will just pass to him, it goes on to say that it is possible that in such a situation ukraine may not want to become, may not become a member of the eu and nato, although on the contrary it is said that it is possible that the territory that will remain unoccupied, all continue the euro-atlantic course, now i don't i see levers trump has while he is out of power, he will push these things when he, if he really hopes for it, will have a majority on his side, or at least in one chamber of congress, which will make decisions, we have seen how, say, aid to ukraine was delayed for six months precisely because trump pressured speaker johnson and his
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supporters. in the congress from the maga group, and this may happen again, now he does not have such leverage, on the contrary, there is this funding, which until the end of september 2025, i have on referring to the 61 billion dollars allocated for military aid to ukraine, they are being implemented gradually, how will it go on, and i don't think that even if... on the second day, and he said that i will start the war on the second day after that , how i will be elected, it is so far only boastful to declare. ugh, thank you. yaroslav voydko, diplomat, international expert, was on our air. by the way, i want to add to the topic of international affairs that our minister of foreign affairs kuleba is going to china. the main topic of discussion is the cessation of aggression of the russian federation, it is about v according to the ministry of foreign affairs,
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this visit. will last several days from july 23 to 25, the invitation was sent to him by the minister of foreign affairs of the people 's republic of china wangyi, his colleague, and it is known that during the negotiation meetings, the parties will exchange views on the current state and prospects for the development of bilateral relations. yes, this is, without a doubt, an extremely important visit, we understand that china has kept relations with ukraine in a certain refrigerator or freezer mode for a long time, and it understands that. which was a key partner for china the russian federation, because the question of resources and the question of a certain strategy of what is happening in the territories on which china and the russian federation have influence, well , was extremely important, but we can see that the chinese also sense difficult times for themselves, and that is why they have become more lenient , it's already
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4 p.m., and this... indicates that news time has already passed on the spressa tv channel, so we'll pass the floor to our colleague khrystyna parobiy, who from the news department has prepared a fresh issue for us. christ, we give you the word. thank you, colleagues, when ukraine will be able to join the eu, i will tell about it in the issue, and we will also have an inclusion of the funeral of linguist irena farion. we'll tell you more about what's going on there in a moment, so don't miss it. no voilà.


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