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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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let's see, let's see, let's see, yes, i'm sorry, the russians killed one resident of donetsk region and injured five more. during the day, the enemy shelled the region more than 3,500 times along the front line and the residential sector. 54 civilian objects were damaged. the occupiers did not attack lipivka with artillery on... konstantin was hit by two guided bombs. the enemy destroys toretsk with aerial bombs and artillery. in the northern two injured civilians, one more in grodivka. during the day, the enemy shelled 19 settlements in donetsk region. and he will get another 100,000 artillery shells ukraine until the end of this summer. deliveries will take place within the framework of the czech program. from
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the purchase of ammunition, the minister of foreign affairs of the country, yan lipavskyi, said. currently, 18 countries have joined the initiative, 15 of them have already contributed to the purchase of weapons. now the czech republic is looking for additional funds so that the initiative will continue to work next year. well, for the first time since the cold war, nato holds a record in a state of heightened combat readiness. number of military personnel, more than half a million. this is the most significant transformation of collective defense since 2014, said the press service of the alliance. earlier, the media reported that in early july, american military bases across europe were put on high alert for the first time in 10 years . well, since they do that, it means. they have some information that
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this is a serious matter and that something needs to be prepared somehow. well, investigators are conducting searches in the kyiv city state administration. it was the relevant services of the state body that agreed and gave permits for the attraction over the dnipro. let me remind you that yesterday afternoon , the cable car broke near the pedestrian bridge in kyiv road on the attraction. today, around 10 o'clock in the morning, the body of the deceased was discovered. 20-year-old boy. who was on the trolley at that time, fell into the water. i emphasize that the kyiv city prosecutor's office tried to stop the operation of this attraction back in 2021. in lviv , public figure, linguist and ex-people's deputy iryna farion was buried at the lychakiv cemetery. thousands of people came to see her on her last journey. hundreds of caring people laid flowers on the woman's grave. people do not diverge. ukrainian
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patriotic songs are still sung. let me remind you, july 19 an unknown person shot a linguist in the head near her home. the killer has not yet been found. i am very grateful that i still had the opportunity to get to know her. and i want to say that with this shameful murder they will make her immortal. she has already become immortal for ukrainians, the same as bandera, a konovalian. in 100 years, and the main thing for us today is to understand that we did not shoot at iryna farion, we shot at the ukrainian national idea, at the very essence of ukraine, which she is the embodiment of, i cannot talk to her in the past tense, because she, her ideas will live forever. well, may the soul of mrs. iryna rest in peace with god. well, the information that i ... read before the broadcast that our
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law enforcement agencies sent out information to anyone who can help with the search for the alleged criminal, the photo was seen by everyone, but apparently there is some other information that was sent out that can lead and to somehow speed up the search for this guys, well, we are moving on, a realistic enough term: the vice-prime minister for issues of... european and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna assessed the realism of ukraine's accession to of the european union until 2030. according to her , this term will be shorter for us, since ukraine is already part of the free trade zone and is involved in almost all the markets of the european union. much will depend on how quickly we integrate our legal system. in fact, we have already passed several
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rounds of general assessments, we have an actual negotiation process that started with the public procurement block and will be able to continue when... ukraine will provide road maps for public administration reform and rule of law reforms, without these fundamental strategic documents, we cannot start the process, so we are now focusing all our attention on these areas. well , i really want this 2030 to be a landmark year and that we approach it just in time , prepared so that in the 30th year we do become a full member. a member of the european union, i really want to hope for it. the russians are dismantling the last ukrainian church in the temporarily occupied crimea, metropolitan kliment of simferopol and crimea reported. according to him, it is about the orthodox church of the exaltation of the cross church of ukraine in yevpatoria.
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the bathhouse was removed from it and the upper part was disassembled. metropolitan klyment appealed to the verkhovna rada of ukraine and the international community to respond immediately. and i would really like them to react to this somehow, but when you think about such things that these inhumans do, even destroy this church, why, why remove the baths from it, if you don't like something ukrainian, you constantly say about how religious you are, how orthodox you are, who are almost the most orthodox of... all orthodox people in the world to remove a bathhouse, well, it’s some kind of thing, i don’t know, i don’t want to say words because of which the national council for television and radio broadcasting can write a fine on us, i don’t want to do that, yes, well, let’s go
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yes, yes, guests from the vatican , the state secretary of the holy see came to kyiv, where he had already visited and with whom he managed to meet, our correspondent kateryna galko knows. katya, congratulations, where did you manage to meet the cardinal? i congratulate yuria, i congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. so today the state secretary of the holy see and the vatican visited ukraine. we know that he already had time to meet with the prime minister and other officials. and in particular, in the evening, he could not help but visit the church of st. nicholas, which has been trying to return the roman catholic church to the religious community for several years, today the cardinal talked with the faithful and the clergy, what they talked about, what they prayed for, let's hear more . and he
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not only thinks, not only prays about you, for you, but also with concrete actions, as he sends me. they are also trying to be in ukraine with you, this is a very important step closer to dialogue, to cooperation between the holy see, between our state. we know that the holy see, pope francis, despite the fact that every week at the prayer of the angel of the lord, he also at the general audience, since i translate it, i can testify, every week he mentions ukraine. in general, he said that in the prayers in the vatican, they always remember ukraine, peace, and those who are suffering today. they also talked about handing over the church to a religious community. we know that the abbot of the temple had already received the letter before
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from the state secretariat of the holy see, regarding the long-awaited return of this temple. and well, in general, let me remind you that kostal of st. nicholas signed. memorandum with the ministry of culture and information policy regarding his return, however, the conditions of such a memorandum have not yet been fulfilled, this is the information as of now, yuri, i am passing on ether to you. thank you katerina for this information, well, we're moving on. free training for informatics teachers has started in lviv. almost 50 people came to the ukrainian catholic university teachers from more than 20 schools of lviv, ivano-frankivsk and polish regions. the practical course will last until the end of january. the charitable educational project to leave no one behind is implemented with the support of the government of taiwan and people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi. we received 143 applications, from
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which 40 schools were initially selected. next, interviews of ucu teachers were conducted with those teams from 40 schools. and already after... half interviews, we received the finalists, that is 24 schools with two teachers each. we want to make a better country, for this we want our children knew computers the best in the world, so that they... and artificial intelligence, and new programming languages, they should be given these computers, we found such an opportunity to provide them with computers, it will be more than a thousand computers for 100 schools under various programs, well, great news, it's good that there are people who help, it's good that there are countries that help, it's good that there are those who allow these computers to get to ukrainian schools, well, that's all with... news and further your my favorite column, i hope
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yours too, international, the world about ukraine, in particular, today i will talk about the following: a pre-election thriller in the united states of america, the czech republic is looking for money for new shells for ukraine, well, the fire was burning again in russia. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. and i'll start with this, so. he left and did not promise to return. the current president of the united states of america, joe biden, has withdrawn his candidacy from the race for the seat of the president of the united states. he announced this the day before in a statement published on the x microblogging network, which is the former twitter. in this in a statement, the 46th owner of the white house, in particular, said the following. quote: it has been an honor to serve you as president, and while i intend to seek re-election, i am confident that the party and... the country will be better served if i withdraw from the race and concentrate on
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serving as president until the end of the term, this is the end of the quote, and joe biden also announced his support for vice president kamela harris as a candidate from the democratic party in the presidential election. well, it is also interesting that immediately after the announcement of this statement, publication on joe biden's page on the microblogging network. immediately from all over the world, heads of state began to comment on this decision, and everyone agreed that they thanked joe biden for his service as president of the united states, and said that it was a difficult decision for him, but an important one, for example, donald tusk wrote wrote that joe biden made the most difficult decision in his life, prime minister of great britain. keir starmer said he respects joe biden's decision to withdraw his candidacy
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, and quote: "i i respect president biden's decision and look forward to working with him during his remaining term in office. the prime minister of the czech republic, for example, petr fiala called president joe biden's decision. and a personally difficult and valuable step, well, indeed, it was a difficult decision for joe biden, i'm sure, because there was information that he had not yet made this decision on saturday, but somewhere between saturday and sunday, on sunday morning he already had this decision, that is , he could not make this decision until the end, because for him it was difficult, he wanted to go further and he knew what he was going to do, but still he was convinced. i guess he also realized that it would be better if he gave in, and he would give in to kamala harris. the federal
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election commission of the united states received a notification about the nomination of the vice president of the country, kamela garis, for the position of the president of the united states of america. the document, in particular, states. quote: vice president harris is now a candidate for president of the united states in the 2024 election and will be campaigning in within the campaign. only to aspire to this position, this statement states. also, according to the document, ms. garis is ceasing to be a candidate for vice president, and said on sunday that she intends to win the nomination as the democratic candidate and thanked joe biden for supporting her candidacy. here is another short quote from her. i am honored to have the president's endorsement, and i intend to earn it and win it. nomination, well, i read a lot of
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information from abroad and in particular in the american mass media, yes they say with reference to sources that on august 1, it is possible that she will officially be nominated for a position, not for a position, but nominated as a candidate from the democratic party in the presidential election, which will be held on november 5. this year, well , it will be interesting to see what happens, it seems to me that this is starting a kind of trailer, and we won't know the end of this thriller until the very end, until the very ... last episode, if it is a series, well reacted, of course, and the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump. the current president of the united states, joe biden, left the presidential re-election campaign in complete disgrace. race. this is what the 45th owner of the white house, donald trump, who has every chance to visit the main
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estate of the country for another four years, said in the comments of the cnn channel. according to him , washington and the... zmi who hate america and the corrupt deep state, i love how trump says that, did everything they could to protect biden, but he just dropped out of the race in total disgrace, that's the end of the quote, well and at the same time he already habitually called the current american leader the worst president of the united states in the country's history and added that it would be much easier to defeat the vice president of the united states, kamela garis, than himself. joe biden, well , it is also known that more than half of the republican senators and republican congressmen supported kamela harris herself as the democratic candidate for the post of president of the united states, and that she collected
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55 million dollars for her election campaign literally in a day. that is , it indicates that... sacrificers, especially those who have a lot of money to give to the campaign, and the campaign in the us is a very expensive thing, they believed in it and they will support it, well, i will keep an eye on it and you will be the first to to know how everything will develop further, well, we are going further: the desire of the us presidential candidate from the republican party to stop the russian war in ukraine will lead to devastating consequences for ukraine. donald trump's former adviser on national security, john bolton, said this in broadcast by the american tv channel cnn. the councilor specifically stated, quote. he does not know how to negotiate an end to this war. the only thing, i think, is that his closeness to vladimir putin will lead to concessions to the russian side that will be devastating for
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ukraine. at the same time, mr. bolton emphasized that the united states of america continues to help ukraine not out of mercy or a desire to support democracy, but, further his quote: we helped ukraine because it corresponds to the basis of our national security. well, of course, i want trump already somehow he came out to people and at least revealed his plan a little, but how exactly is he going to seat vladimir zelensky and vladimir putin at the table as prime minister, what exactly will he do? to say one thing to another, but for now only these words: i know how to do it, i will do it, and if i were the president, this would never happen, you need at least a little concreteness to believe him. yes, we are moving a little closer to us, to europe. despite withdrawing from the presidential race, joe biden resonates most with me with donald trump. sort of
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he will end the war in ukraine even before taking office as president of the united states of america. i believe... this, because the usa has total influence over ukraine. the prime minister of slovakia, who is still undergoing rehabilitation after the assassination attempt on him, robert fico, wrote about this on his facebook page. and then another quote. however, the official position of the usa that they have practically nothing to do with the war in ukraine and with ukraine itself appears in a very strange light, they simply help it. mr. so they just help her and that not at all a strange light, this is what we thank the leadership of the united states for , and in particular the current president, donald, i'm sorry, joe biden. yes, and someone constantly only talks, someone does. prague is seeking funding to continue an initiative
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to send ammunition to kyiv until 2025 . i am the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic. lipavsky said this morning before a meeting with colleagues from the european union in brussels. he added that by the end of the summer, the czech republic will hand over 100,000 ammunition to ukraine, and request, the delivery process will speed up from september. according to minister poplav lipavsky, the czech republic could supply ukraine with up to 800,000 ammunition units in 2023, if ukraine had them. money for this, and he clarified that now the supplies for 34, a little more than million euros have been financed. great initiative, about her. you remember, the president of the czech republic, petr pavel, was the first to report , and then the czech leadership tried with all its might to find, firstly, money to pay for ammunition, and secondly, to find this
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ammunition all over the world, and a lot they found such ammunition in those countries that have had them in their warehouses since the old days, when the soviet union supplied them with this ammunition, but how do we know that such art shells are suitable for... ours, our old weapons, our old guns, and therefore they are very useful for us, and we have them. western countries are currently actively preparing to enter into a direct conflict with russia, the president of serbia, aleksandar vučić, said on the pink tv channel. according to him, the measure is not ready now to such a war, that is why it is fighting with russia through the ukrainians, but will they be ready for this in the future? i think there will be, - sums up the serbian leader. at the same time, alexander vučić once again emphasized that his country will not introduce anti-russian sanctions,
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as it does not see the need to do so now. well, mr. president also said an interesting thing about why putin has not talked to him for a long time. quote from oleksandr vuchich. he takes into account the position of serbia and from this point of view, president putin does not want to ask for such a conversation, although it sounds funny that the president. of powerful russia is asking to talk to someone like me in this way, he would have asked if he didn't think it would put me in danger, and if he didn't understand the pressure we're under, well, it's some kind of megalomania, putin wants to talk to me, but he just doesn't want to frame me, because he knows how brussels is putting pressure on us now, he knows what they want from us, he knows how brussels is constantly telling us to introduce sanctions against russia. and we do not want to introduce these sanctions, well, because why introduce them, well, russia attacked ukraine, well, this is not a reason to introduce sanctions, we have
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good relations with russia, so no, putin wants to talk to me, we will not introduce sanctions, a smart position, well, smart in public, of course , let's move on, the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, plans to convene a closed meeting of the country's foreign ministers. members of the european union, during which they should give an assessment of the foreign trips of the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán. this was said by the chief european diplomat before the meeting with eu colleagues. according to him, such actions of the head of the hungarian government are absolutely unacceptable. well, answering the question about whether he intends to block the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the european union in budapest at the end of august, mr. emphasized that the decision to hold the meeting will be taken by him himself, but only after consultations with the eu countries. well, before
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going on the air, i tried to find, but i haven’t seen yet whether there is any updated information about this, maybe there is already, maybe in verdit, i’m sorry, in the new week in the program that will be broadcast after the big broadcast, you will already know about it, well, no, tomorrow... in the morning, but what is interesting is that in the european union, the leadership of the european community is so determined to put orbán in his place, they even think about how to take the presidency away from her, from hungary, in order to show orbán that you cannot do whatever you want to do when you preside over such a representative body, it is not representative, in such a body as the european union, there are its own rules and must comply with these rules. must live according to by these rules, and if no one gave you an order to go to russia, to china and talk to everyone about how you want to end
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the war in ukraine, if you were not given this order, then you should not have gone there, especially considering that , that you are currently goaltending for six months in the european union, so it will be very interesting to wait for the decision, at least today's closed session. if it will be in the new week, maybe you will hear, no, tomorrow on espresso. and finally, to the krasnodar region, still russian and still federation, a flock of drones flew in. the explosions began to be reported in the resort town of tuapse at night, and continued until the morning. local authorities have traditionally reported that all the drones were shot down by crooked russian air defense, as you can see in the video, not all of them, but at least one. the hit was on the territory of the tuapsyn oil refinery, a fire started there, the smoke from it could be seen for many kilometers, what exactly was burning is currently
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unknown. well, but definitely at the oil refinery, and the uav was also hit military airfield in morozovsky, this is the rostov region, well, also not far from the krasnodar region, a fire started there, but at the moment there are no other details, as soon as these details appear, serhiy zgurets will tell you for sure about it, and we will also tell you on the air tv channel, well, for today in... not everything is in the world about ukraine column, as i always say, everything is only for today, tomorrow there will be more, because the international week is just beginning and there will be more in our further broadcast, so no switch those discounts represent the only discounts on
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norwend express forte. you can buy plantain in pharmacies. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and duhi litera publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the charitable foundation. in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings. national tv on megogo - too many channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows, turn on megogo on various devices, without extra wires and antennas, and all this from uah 49 per month, there are discounts, the only discounts are on gliciset and gliciset max, 20% in pharmacies plantain,
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new week project with khrystyna. yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 20:00 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts, based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club: what? works on espresso. well, at this time , oleksandr morchevka, who will always tell us in detail about the most important things in the world of money, looks a little ugly on the air of the great air. congratulations oleksandr, glory to you. i congratulate yuria, i congratulate the audience, the next few minutes are about the most important thing,
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there is a lot to talk about. in particular , illyana skhodovskyi will join the conversation, who will explain what agreements did the ministry of finance and the international holders of eurobonds manage to get, what about our debt, and i will also inform you about the situation in the energy sector and what about unemployment, the ministry of economy also says, all the details in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money. during the war and i have important information from ukrenergo, so the head of ukrenergo announced the improvement of the light situation in a couple of weeks, that is, somewhere in august. according to volodymyr kudrytskyi , the production volume of kilowatts will increase, some generators will come out of repairs capacity and units at the power stations, so the deficit will decrease a little, it will decrease from august to october, of course
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, subject to new ... large-scale shelling, if there are any,


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